W artykule przedstawiono założenia i realizację dużego projektu kulturalno-edukacyjnego „Dni Architektury Maksa Berga”, który Centrum Poznawcze Hali Stulecia we współpracy z Wydziałem Architektury Politechniki Wrocławskiej przeprowadziło od marca do czerwca 2016 r. W ramach projektu działało tzw. Laboratorium Architektury Maksa Berga – specjalna pracownia, gdzie zespół sześćdziesięciu studentów architektury oraz architektury krajobrazu wraz z pracownikami Centrum Poznawczego oraz wykładowcami Wydziału Architektury pracowali nad organizacją głównego wydarzenia. 4 czerwca 2016 r. w Hali Stulecia we Wrocławiu odbyło się duże wydarzenie kulturalne – akcja konstrukcyjno-plastyczna pod hasłem „Zbuduj z nami miasto!”. Wydarzenie miało charakter gry opartej na scenariuszu włączającym elementy wiedzy o architekturze oraz mieście. W dniu imprezy mierząca ponad 2000 m2 płyta Hali Stulecia zamieniła się w gigantyczny plan miasta, inspirowany projektami Maksa Berga i opracowany przez studentów architektury. Projekt realizował ideę Maksa Berga, by Hala Stulecia pełniła funkcję „katedry demokracji” jednoczącej pod swoim dachem ludzi w różnym wieku, którzy wspólnie zaangażowali się w tworzenie gigantycznej makiety miasta marzeń. Projekt miał dużą wartość edukacyjną, zarówno dla uczestników gry, jak i dla pracującej przy jej organizacji grupy studentów.
The article presents assumptions and realization of a large educational and cultural project the “Max Berg’s Days of Architecture”, conducted by the Discovery Center of Centennial Hall in cooperation with the Faculty of Architecture of Wrocław University of Science and Technology from March to June 2016. The project included the so-called Max Berg’s Architecture Laboratory – a special workshop, where a team of 60 students of architecture and landscaping, together with staff of the Discovery Center and lecturers from the Faculty of Architecture, worked on organization of the main event. On June 4th 2016, the Centennial Hall in Wrocław saw the main cultural event – the construction and artistic action of “Rise the city of our dreams!”. The event was based on the idea of a scenario-based game, which incorporated elements of architectural and urbanistic knowledge. On the day of the event, over 2000 m2 of the Centennial Hall floor turned into a gigantic city plan inspired with Max Berg’s designs and developed by the students of architecture. The project embodied Max Berg’s idea, to turn the Centennial Hall into a “cathedral of democracy”, housing people of various ages, who worked together to create a gigantic model of the ideal town. The project was highly educational both for the participants of the game, and for the students-organizers.
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z zastosowaniem perspektywicznej biomieszaniny składającej się z mineralnego oleju napędowego oraz syntetycznego oleju napędowego, jako nowego składnika paliw silnikowych. Ponadto omówiono uwarunkowania geograficzne Wrocławia na powstawanie smogu. Zilustrowano wpływ zastosowania nowego rodzaju paliwa na poprawę jakości powietrza w aglomeracji wrocławskiej. Wyniki przedstawione w niniejszym artykule wykazały, że zastosowanie paliwa z dodatkiem syntetycznym do zasilania silników spalinowych o zapłonie samoczynnym powoduje mniejszą degradację środowiska (redukcja stężenia NOx, CO i SOx) niż przy stosowaniu konwencjonalnych paliw.
Article presents issues concerning the use of forward-looking bio mixture consisting of mineral diesel and synthetic diesel as a new component of motor fuel. Furthermore it shows the geographical determinants of Wroclaw conducive to the formation of smog. In this description it illustrates the effect of using a new type of fuel to improve air quality in the Wroclaw. The results presented in this paper show that addition of synthetic fuel has less deterioration of the environment (reduction of NOx, CO and SOx) than with conventional fuels.
W latach 1927–1929 powstał w Miliczu gmach szkolny dla nowo utworzonego Reformowanego Gimnazjum Realnego. Placówka ta była odpowiedzią na duże zapotrzebowanie społeczeństwa milickiego na szkołę średnią kończącą się maturą. Popularnie nazwana „Ostlandschule”, z założenia miała być wzorem dobrej szkoły niemieckiej. Okazały, monumentalny budynek w willowej dzielnicy, poza staromiejskim centrum stanowił doskonałą bazę lokalową, umożliwiającą wszechstronne kształcenie i rozwój młodzieży. Dzięki narożnikowemu ustawieniu oraz rozrzeźbieniu bryły doskonale wpisuje się w sąsiadującą zabudowę mieszkaniową. Jednocześnie swoją prostą, modernistyczną formą, rytmem dłuższych prostokątnych okien oraz odpowiednim podkreśleniem wejść, wyróżnia się z otoczenia. Architekt Hans Spitzner dokładnie przemyślał układ funkcjonalny. Poszczególne strefy: sportowo-rekreacyjną, szkolną i mieszkalną oddzielono od siebie. W części głównej znajdowały się zespoły pomieszczeń do nauk przyrodniczych, w skrzydle bocznym administracja oraz inne sale lekcyjne. Kompleks sali gimnastycznej oraz auli stanowił samowystarczalny człon, dostępny dla mieszkańców także po lekcjach. Osobnym elementem był dom dyrektora otoczony ogrodem. Reformowane Gimnazjum Realne w Miliczu było szkołą wyjątkową. A sam budynek szkolny do dziś jest perełką architektoniczną nie tylko Milicza, ale i całego regionu.
A new school building came into existence in the years 1927–1929 for the newly created Real Reformed Gymnasium. This facility was the response to the high demand of the Milicz community for a high school ending with school leaving exams. Popularly called “Ostlandschule”, it was supposed to be a model German school. The carefully designed building was to enable comprehensive education and development of youth, supporting the idea through its architecture as well. The magnifi cent monumental building came into being in a residential area away from the old town centre. Due to its corner setting and interesting mass it perfectly fi ts the adjacent residential development. At the same time its simple modernist form, long rectangular windows and appropriate highlighting of the entrances make it outstanding. The architect Hans Spitzner thoroughly visualized the functional layout. Each area: sports and recreation, school and residential were separated one from another. The main building housed facilities for the Sciences, the side wing contained other classrooms and the administration. The gymnasium and assembly hall constitutes a self-suffi cient segment open to residents after classes. The head teacher’s house, surrounded by a garden was another separate element. The Reformed Real Gymnasium in Milicz was an exceptional school and the building itself has been a precious architectural gem not only of Milicz but of the entire region.
This article describes an exemplary model of process and investment cost presentation. On the basis of this model, a practical system of quality cost registry has been implemented in a company, which focuses on the construction of gas installations. The registry model works in accordance with the company's accounting policy, and fulfills all the requirements for acquiring reliable management accounting and controlling data. The characterized example presents a practical, simple and very effective tool for quality control management in a company.
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The paper presents an algorithm JCURVE for compression of binary images with linear or curvilinear features, which is a kind of generalization of the JBEAM coder. The proposed algorithm is based on second order beamlet representation, where second order beamlets are defined as hierarchically organized segments of conic curves. The algorithm can compress images in both a lossy and losless way, and it is also progressive. The experiments performed on benchmark images have shown that the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms the known JBIG2 standard and the base JBEAM algorithm both in losless and lossy compression. It is characterized, additionally, by the same time complexity as JBEAM, namely O(N² log₂ N) for image of size N × N pixels.
W pracy zaprezentowane zostaną dwie oleśnickie szkoły: gimnazjum męskie oraz szkoła elementarna dla chłopców. Obie neorenesansowe szkoły powstały na początku XX wieku. Budynki szkół doskonale wpisały się w zastany krajobraz, swą architekturą oraz detalem nawiązują do zamku książąt oleśnickich, miasta Oleśnicy i regionu. W referacie omówiona zostanie architektura obiektów, znaczenie poszczególnych rozwiązań, symbolika detalu oraz ich powiązania z zastanym miejscem.
The subject of this research is a presentation of two schools in Oleśnica: a male gymnasium and an elementary school for boys. Both Neo-Renaissance schools originate from the early 20th century. The buildings correspond with their surroundings and their design and details refer to Zamek Książąt Oleśnickich, the city of Oleśnica and the region. This research covers the architecture of the objects, the significance of particular solutions, the symbolism of details and their interrelation with the surroundings.
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W latach 1911-13 wybudowano w Oleśnicy nowoczesny obiekt szkolny mający pomieścić około 1000 uczniów. Neorenesansowy budynek nawiązywać miał do tradycji książęcego zamku. Szkoła spełniała ówczesne wymogi nauczania, posiadała salę sportowo-bankietową, nowocześnie urządzone sale lekcyjne, takie jak do fizyki czy rysunku. Budynek był bardzo dobrze doświetlony dzięki dużym oknom. Na dziecińcu szkolnym oprócz boiska do gimnastyki znalazł się również ogródek do lekcji botaniki. Duży gmach posiadał bogaty detal o symbolice związanej bezpośrednio z funkcją obiektu, jak również podkreślający związki szkoły z miastem (herby). W 1930 roku oddano do użytku nową część dobudowaną do obiektu. Przeznaczona ona była na szkołę średnią mającą kształcić pracowników administracji, handlu i przemysłu. Część ta została doskonale zharmonizowana z istniejącą bryłą.
The modern school building in Oleśnica, holding approximately 100 pupils, was built in 1911-13. The shape of the neo-renaissance building was intended to refer to the tradition of a prince's castle. The school fulfilled the educational requirements of that time, has a sport-banquet room, and physics and drawing classrooms with modern equipment. The building was very well lit thanks to large windows. The school courtyard, as well as an athletic field, also hosted a garden for botanical classes. The large edifice had a rich detail of symbols related to the building's function, and also emphasising the relationship of the school and the city (coats of arms). The new extension to the building was completed in 1930. It was dedicated to a high school intended to educate employees of administration, trade and industry. This part was harmonised with the existing building.
At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century experts underlined the vital meaning of light, greenery and kind of materials in equipping new school buildings. School buildings were surrounded by greenery which gave them shade and protected them from wind. Together with introducing nature as a subject into the teaching program small botanical gardens were designed near buildings. Gym classes were also very important. Sports grounds an playgrounds for smaller children became an inseparable element of schools. A well with drinking water was usually placed next to them.
In the paper we present quite new approach to the problem of human emotion recognition with use of face images. We assume that basic emotions such as anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise are expressed by face mimic. Face images with the well defined emotions may be performed using the method based on geometrical wavelets (beamlets) in order to extract intrinsically two dimensional features, the most important ones from the Human Visual System point of view. Such an approach can be successfully applied in extraction process of the most important features that are responsible for recognition of basic elements of face (eyes, nose, lips, etc.). The listed elements of face have a little different location that depends on emotion expressed. It has been proved experimentally that it is possible using very small amount of information extracted from a face image, by the so-called beamlet extractor, to recognize emotion with high accuracy. Very promising results of experiments suggest that the method should be further investigated and improved.
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The theory of geometrical wavelets is new and has found already many applications in different fields of digital image processing, though finding many others is still possible and justified. Although images are two dimensional objects they include areas which have different intrinsic (local) dimensionality. Ones of them are more important in the visual perception while the others are less important. The main problem lies in constructing good extractors, which can efficiently extract intrinsic two dimensional areas hidden in images (that is the more important ones). There are some well known nonlinear techniques which can do it relatively effectively. For example the one based on spectral methods, or especially on Volterra series or the one basing on tensors. In this paper there is presented the very novel approach of extracting of intrinsic two dimensional areas based on the theory of geometrical wavelets, especially beamlets. Basing on them the new intrinsic dimensional selective operator has been defined. As performed experiments have shown, giving quite satisfactory results, this approach may constitute serious competition for the well known methods used so far in the theory of intrinsic dimensional operators.
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Image processing and analysis based on continuous or discrete image transforms are classic techniques. The image transforms are widely used in image filtering, data description, etc. Nowadays, wavelet theorems make up very popular methods of image processing, denoising and compression. Considering that Haar functions are the simplest wavelets, these forms are used in many methods of discrete image transforms and processing. The image transform theory is a well known area characterized by a precise mathematical background, but in many cases some transforms have particular properties which have not been investigated yet. This paper presents graphic dependences between parts of Haar and wavelets spectra for the first time. It also presents a method of image analysis by means of the wavelet-Haar spectrum. Some properties of the Haar and wavelet spectrum are investigated. Extraction of image features directly from spectral coefficients distribution is presented. The paper shows that two-dimensional products of both Haar and wavelet functions can be treated as exstractors of particular image features. Furthermore, it is also shown that some coefficients from both the spectra are proportional, which simplifies computations and analyses to some degree.
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In the modern world, image coding, and especially image compression, plays a very important role. There are well known and recognized theories concerning this topic, such as, for example, Fourier and wavelets theories. Both of these theories allow for representation of images in a sparse way. Unfortunately wavelets, though very good in catching point discontinuities, cannot properly catch line discontinuities often present in images, that is, edges. As a remedy for this problem, the new theory of geometrical wavelets has arisen. In the paper we present a new and fashionable, hence well known, theory of geometrical wavelets called wedgelets, which allows us to code images with edges in a very efficient way. Moreover, we present the new improvement in the wedgelets theory. This improvement - the theory of extended wedgelets - allows us to represent images in a more sparse and efficient way than in the case of the known wedgelets. Such representation allows us to get a higher compression ratio, together with better visual effects. Furthermore, the application to image coding is also presented. The performance of the improvement has been confirmed both theoretically and experimentally.
Recent investigations in neuropsychology and psychology of vision have proven that human eye does not get all the information from the surrounding world in the same degree. There are three classes of signals received by human brain. The more important one is the information about features such as corners, junctions, ends of lines, etc. Straight lines and edges are the second in the hierarchy of importance. And the last ones are textures they support the less important information about objects. Basing on these results, in image processing, theory of intrinsic dimensionality and related to it theory of feature extractors have been established. In the paper a survey of approaches that are used for construction of feature extractors based on intrinsic dimensionality have been presented. To carry out experiments the approach based on geometrical wavelets has been chosen and the software prepared by the first author has been used. Experiments presented in the paper have been performed on relatively complex images that had been faces' images. They confirmed that the information about the basic elements of faces (eyes, nose, lips, etc.) might be properly extracted from the face with the usage of the feature extractor. Moreover, the experiments have shown that in this way one could obtain the smallest possible amount of information, which was enough that human eyes yet have seen the face. Very promising results of experiments suggest that it is possible to use the proposed approach to face identification and recognition. Also some possible medical applications have been suggested.
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The image processing and analysis bused on the continuous or discrete image transforms ate classic processing techniques. The image transforms are widely used in image filtering, data description, etc. Nowadays the wavelet theorems are modern methods of image processing and particularly compression. Considering that the Haar functions are the simplest wavelets, these forms are often used in many methods of discrete image transforms and processing. The image transform theory is a well known area characterized by a precise mathematical background, but in many cases some transforms have particular properties which are not still investigated. This paper presents the new method of image analysis by means of the wavelet-Haar spectrum. Presented method allows us to calculate wavelet-Haar spectral coefficients faster than the classical fast wavelets approach. Some properties of the Haar and wavelets spectrum have been investigated. The extraction of image features immediatelv from spectral coefficients distribution has been shown. In this paper it has been presented that two-dimensional, both the Haar and wavelets functions, products can he treated as extractors of particular image features.
For many years Linux environment has been evaluated from the only server system to desktop computer system. Thanks to this Linux has became serious competition for systems from the very popular Microsoft Windows family. Unfortunately sightless users of computer do not have wide choice of software speech synthesisers that may help them during working on computer in the Linux environment. The "Speakup" application is the one of the better ones designed for Linux. But, nevertheless, it does not support the maintenance in the same degree as popular applications for the Microsoft Windows. So in this paper the significant improvement of the "Speakup" is presented. This improvement allows blind users to quite comfortable work with the Linux system in the console text mode with the maintenance of Polish fonts, too. The application has become the user-friendly one with wide spectrum of possibilities, what many blind users confirm. The one of them is the co-author of this paper.
There are many ways to describe and recognize the human face. The paper shows one of them - the feature based method. It also considers usefulness of the face geometrical measurements in recognition and also the geometrical dependence on the features. The paper treats on the feature points detection and takes into consideration six of them, which are: two eyes, two eyebrows, nose and lips. It shows a detailed algorithm of the proposed method and describes its advantages and disadvantages. It also describes a filtering, feature points extraction and gives formulas for calculation of a face likeness coordinates. At the very end it concludes with experiments and examples of the proposed method.
The aim of this paper is to propose a new quality index which measures the distance between a reference (source) image and its corrupted copy in the way as Human Visual System (HVS) does. The new quality index called the Mean Weighted Quality Index (MW) is defined with the help of the well known easy calculated indexes. The experiments performed on a number of medical images confirmed usefulness of the new index.
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