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In view of global climate changes, the study of the ecological feasibility of hydromelioration systems and their impact on the natural environment is extremely relevant. Evaluation of the ecological effectiveness of water regulation of drained land for current and forecasted climatic conditions was performed by determining the environmental reliability coefficient, which characterizes the ecological reliability of a reclamation project. The environmental reliability coefficient was determined on the basis of a certain set of physical indicators. The set of physical indicators reflects the extremely complex nature of the formation of water and general natural and ameliorative regimes of reclaimed land as a whole in changing natural, climatic and agro-ameliorative conditions of real objects. Their determining is based on the implementation of a machine experiment based on a complex of predictive and simulation models for water regulation of drained land on a long-term basis. The obtained results showed that ecologically optimal natural, ameliorative and soil regimes of the drained land, subject to compliance with the restrictions 0.5 < kn ≤ 1.0, are ensured by the application of humidifying sluicing. At the same time, the environmental reliability coefficients are 0.59 and 0.58, respectively, for current and forecast climatic conditions, and the level of ecological reliability of applying humidification to drained land is sufficiently high. The carried out evaluation of ecological reliability of water regulation of drained land confirms the need to increase the role of humidification as a component of effective adaptive measures on drained land in modern and forecasted climatic conditions. Humidifying measures have a decisive influence on the ecological effect and the ecological and amelioration state of drained land.
The article discusses the option for the application of the methodology for the solution of boundary value problems on the conformal mapping for the calculation of filtration process in the horizontal systematic drainage, provided that the drain is installed at a different depth. In particular, the case of methods combining fictitious areas and quasiconformal mappings for solving nonlinear boundary conditions problems for calculating filtration regimes in soils with free sections of boundaries (depression curves) and intervals of the “drainage” type. As an example, the authors designed a hydrodynamic flow grid, determined the values of the flows to the drain, established a section line and elicited other process characteristics. The algorithm for the numerical solution of model nonlinear boundary conditions problems of quasiconformal reflection in areas bounded by two equipotential lines and two flow lines, when for one of the sections, the boundary is an unknown (free) curve with fixed and free ends. The conducted numerical calculations prove that the problems and algorithms of their numerical solution, with a relatively small iterations number (k = 141) suggested in the paper, can be applied in the simulation of nonlinear filtration processes that arise in horizontal drainage systems. Total filtration flow obtained Q = 0.9 dm3∙s–1; flow for drains Q1 = 0.55 dm3∙s–1 and Q2 = 0.35 dm3∙s–1 are quite consistent with practically determined values.
The article considers issues of ensuring sustainable agricultural production by increasing reliability of an irrigation system and water security. The article describes results of hydraulic tests performed at the water outlet with a vertical movement valve member. Resistance coefficients and hydrodynamic effects at the water outlet were determined experimentally. The study developed a method for calculating hydromechanical transient processes in the water outlet at the stop and start of the pump. The paper substantiates the new construction of a water outlet facility with a vertical displacement of the breakdown valve. Such a design better corresponds to peculiarities of the operation of pumping stations and, if there are water pipes of considerable diameter, it has a positive effect on transition hydrodynamic processes by reducing the number of failures and downtime by up to 10%.
Monitoring of surface waters within the transboundary section of the Western Bug River showed, that during 2014–2018, a significant excess of the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) was observed for some substances for fish ponds. As a result of this, the water in the river for these substances was rated as “dirty” in terms of purity and corresponded to water quality class IV, namely: phosphorus was observed to exceed the MPC at the observation point Ambukіv village in 2015 (9.7 times), for manganese – an excess of the MPC at the observation point Ambukіv village in 2018 (9.7 times) and in point Zabuzhzhia village in 2014 (7.9 times), 2015 (8.0 times), 2017 (7.1 times), 2018 (8.3 times); for the total iron – the exceeding of MPC at the observation point Ambukіv village in 2016 (5.95 times) and 2017 (6.13 times); at the observation point Ustilug town in 2016 (5.23 times); in the observation point Zabuzhzhia village in 2016 (9.44 times) and 2017 (5.27 times). The assessment of the surface waters based on the determination of the pollution factor showed that during the study period their quality did not deteriorate but did not meet the norms. In general, surface waters of the river correspond to the second class of quality and are characterized as “poorly polluted” waters by the level of pollution.
The use of low-temperature heat of industrial and natural origin for heating the soil in greenhouses allows practitioners to get very early vegetable and berry crops. The paper suggests a mathematical model of greenhouse heat exchange with a system of soil surface heating for substantiating the system structure and its efficiency in different conditions. The solution of the mathematical model was performed using the method of least squares in COMSOL Multiphysics software. The comparison of the results of experimental studies with the results of mathematical modelling revealed that the proposed mathematical model with a high degree of reliability allows predicting the thermal regime in greenhouses with surface soil heating using cover sleeves.
In modern conditions, there are cardinal climate changes on the Earth as at the planetary scale, as at the regional level. According to numerous hydrometeorological characteristics and indicators, climatologists specialists concluded that Ukraine also take place significant climatic changes in the last 10–25 years. In complicated natural-technical systems, which include irrigation and drainage systems (IDS) on drained lands, the selection of regime-technological and technical solutions on different levels of the decision including the time, should be based on the appropriate meteorological information for selecting climatologically optimal management strategies for such systems in the long-term and annual periods. The decisive influence on the formation of water and the overall natural reclamation modes of reclaimed land and harvest crops in many cases depends exactly from climate or weather conditions. Thus, it is necessary to have available data about their implementation to the relevant object as for number of previous years retrospective observations and the forecast period of functioning of the object. Therefore, forecasting of weather and climate conditions become an indispensable condition for implementation of assessing the overall effectiveness of IDS operation. To solve this problem we performed large-scale computer experiment for multi-year retrospective and current data observations in the area of Zhytomyr Polissya. Were planned and implemented the following variants of studies - «Base», «Transitional», «Recent», «CCCM», «UKMO». The forecast was done for five years of typical groups of vegetation periods regarding conditions of heat and moisture provision (very wet - 10%, wet - 30%, average - 50%, dry - 70%, very dry - 90%) on such basic meteorological characteristics: air temperature; precipitation; relative air humidity; deficit of air humidity; photosynthetically active radiation (PAR); coefficient of moisture provision (the ratio of precipitation to evapotranspiration). Obtained results of comparative assessment of climatic conditions in Zhytomyr Polissya zone, suggests that for most of the basic meteorological parameters, already there are changes that in the short term may exceed 10% of the critical ecological threshold, which will lead to relevant irreversible changes in the state of the environment in the region.
In the context of climate change, it is important to minimize the changes that are introduced in the territory adjacent to the object of human economic activity. In some cases, this can be done with the help of drainage-screened modules – an anti-filtration screen that redistributes the zone of influence of the drain placed near it. As a result, the drain regulates to a greater extent the zone of human economic activity (drainage system, tailing dump, populated area, etc.) and to a lesser extent lowers the level of groundwater in the adjacent territory. The use of drainage-screened modules in tailing farms, for the organized storage of mineral waste of enterprises makes it possible to increase the filtration stability of dike, ensuring the uniform operation of the tailing dams, as well as reliable removal of intercepted groundwater. This is achieved because in the tailing farm the dikes are intensified by drainage-screened modules. Water, filtered through the body of the dike and under it, is intercepted by a drain. A part of the filtration flow, which is not intercepted by the drain, is stopped by the antifiltration screen.
W obliczu zmian klimatu ważne jest minimalizowanie zmian wprowadzanych na obszarach sąsiadujących z obiektami gospodarczej działalności człowieka. W niektórych przypadkach można to osiągnąć za pomocą modułów ekranów drenarskich – ekranów zapobiegających filtracji, które przekształcają strefę wpływu drenów w sąsiedztwie. W wyniku ich działania dren w większym stopniu reguluje strefę gospodarczej działalności człowieka (systemy drenarskie, odcieki z hałd, tereny zamieszkałe itp.), a w mniejszym zakresie obniża poziom wód gruntowych w okolicy. Zastosowanie modułów w przedsiębiorstwach zajmujących się zagospodarowaniem mineralnych odpadów przemysłowych umożliwia zwiększenie stabilności filtracyjnej grobli zapewniając wyrównane działanie zbiorników odciekowych oraz kontrolowane usuwanie przejętej wody gruntowej. Taki efekt osiąga się, ponieważ w omawianych zbiornikach groble są wzmacniane przez moduł ekranowy. Woda filtrująca przez groblę lub pod nią jest przejmowana przez dreny. Część filtrującej wody, której nie przejęły dreny, zatrzymuje się na ekranach zapobiegających filtracji.
In the article we developed the design principles and implementation of a complex model and optimized the design parameters of drainage. The study was based on the implementation of interconnected structural and technological forecasting simulation and optimization model blocks, which in turn allowed to justify the optimal design parameters and drainage considering multiple natural and agronomic conditions and reclamation facilities. Example of evaluating the performance of drainage on drained lands was made for the conditions of a real project, implemented on lands of agricultural holding “May Day” located within of drainage system “Ikva” in the Rivne region. For the object conditions (average decade formation conditions of the drainage flow module for growing perennial grasses, winter cereals and potatoes) the estimated duration of the growing season was 214 days (100%), of which the total duration of drainage was 60% and included different levels of efficiency: 39% – ecological, 15.5% – technological and 5.5% – economic. The duration of its critical operations (forming module drainage flow exceeds the design of its value) does not exceed 5%. Thus, this approach enables the assessment of drainage with predetermined or specified parameters in the construction or renovation of drainage systems on different levels of effectiveness. It can be effectively used in the overall complex predictive and optimization calculations to substantiate the design and parameters of agricultural drainage, taking into account the variability of natural agrotechnical and reclamation conditions of a real object.
W pracy rozwinięto zasady projektowania i wdrażania złożonego modelu oraz zoptymalizowano parametry projektowe drenażu. Badania oparto na wdrożeniu wzajemnie powiązanych symulacji strukturalnych i technologicznych oraz na optymalizacji bloków modelowych, co pozwoliło uzasadnić optymalne parametry projektowe z uwzględnieniem wielu czynników przyrodniczych, rolniczych i urządzeń melioracyjnych. Jako przykład oceny działania systemu drenarskiego przyjęto rzeczywisty projekt wdrażany na ziemiach przedsiębiorstwa rolniczego „May Day” usytuowanego w systemie drenarskim „Ikva” regionu Równe. W warunkach panujących na badanym obiekcie (dekadowe średnie warunki przepływu wód w uprawie wieloletnich traw, zbóż ozimych i ziemniaków) oszacowana długość sezonu wegetacyjnego wynosiła 214 dni (100%), przy czym przez 60% tego czasu woda była drenowana. Efektywność zależała w 39% od czynników ekologicznych, 15,5% – technologicznych i 5,5% – ekonomicznych. Długość operacji krytycznych (przekraczających wartość planowaną) była mniejsza niż 5%. Prezentowane podejście umożliwia ocenę drenażu ze wstępnie ustalonymi szczegółowymi parametrami w warunkach budowy lub renowacji systemów odwadniających o różnym stopniu wydajności. Może być zatem wykorzystane w złożonych obliczeniach prognostycznych i optymalizacyjnych jako wsparcie projektów rolniczego drenażu z uwzględnieniem zmienności naturalnych warunków agrotechnicznych i melioracyjnych konkretnego obiektu.
The environmental assessment of the surface water quality of the Western Bug River has been made using the system of classification quality of land surface water of Ukraine in accordance with the approved methodology, which allows comparing water quality of separate areas of water objects of different regions. The calculation of the environmental assessment of water quality has been carried according to three blocks: block of salt composition, block of trophic and saprobic (ecological and sanitary) indicators and block of indicators of content of specific toxic substances. The results are presented in the form of a combined environmental assessment, based on the final conclusions of the three blocks and consists in calculating the integral ecological index. Comprehensive studies of changes in the water quality of the Western Bug River have been conducted within the territory of Ukraine for a long-term period. The water quality of the river on the final values of the integral indicators of the ecological condition corresponded mainly to 4nd category of the 3rd class – the water is “satisfactory” by condition and “little polluted” by degree of purity (except for points of observation that located within the Volyn region, where the water quality corresponded to 3rd category and the 2nd class. It is “good” by condition and “fairly clean” by the degree of purity). Visualization and part of the analysis are performed using GIS technologies in the software of the ArcGIS 10.3.
Środowiskową ocenę jakości wód powierzchniowych Bugu prowadzono z zastosowaniem systemu klasyfikacji wód powierzchniowych Ukrainy w zgodzie z przyjętą metodologią, która umożliwia porównywanie jakości wód odrębnych obszarów z różnych regionów. Obliczenia prowadzące do oceny jakości wody prowadzono w trzech blokach: blok składu mineralnego wód, blok wskaźników troficznych i saprobowych (ekologicznych i sanitarnych) oraz blok wskaźników substancji szczególnie toksycznych. Obliczono zintegrowane wskaźniki ekologiczne i przedstawiono je w formie zbiorczej oceny środowiskowej opartej na wnioskach z trzech wymienionych bloków. Całościowe badania zmian jakości wody w Bugu są prowadzone na terytorium Ukrainy od wielu lat. Zintegrowane wskaźniki odpowiadają w większości 4. kategorii i 3. klasie – woda ma stan „zadowalający” i jest „nieznacznie zanieczyszczona” (z wyjątkiem stanowisk w regionie Wołynia, gdzie jakość wody odpowiada 3. kategorii i 2. klasie. Jej stan jest „dobry” a woda jest „dość czysta”). Wizualizację i część analiz wykonano z zastosowaniem technologii GIS i programu ArcGIS 10.3.
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