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The technologies of sonar and laser scanning are commonly used for obtaining spatial information about underwater and over ground environments in the form of point clouds. Since this data model has known disadvantages, a more practical solution of visualising such data involves the creation of solid three-dimensional meshes composed of edges and facets. In this paper, several methods for 3D shape reconstruction of data obtained by multibeam and LiDAR measurements are presented, based on the application of various pre-processing algorithms. The results, obtained by combining the proposed data processing methods with several different surface reconstruction algorithms, are presented and the advantages of each method are highlighted.
Technologie sondowania akustycznego oraz skaningu laserowego stanowią powszechnie wykorzystywane źródło danych przestrzennych dotyczących środowiska podwodnego oraz lądowego, dostępnych w postaci chmur punktów. Ten model danych ma znane wady z punktu widzenia wielu zastosowań, dlatego w przypadku ich wizualizacji bardziej praktycznym rozwiązaniem jest wykorzystanie trójwymiarowych modeli składających się z płaskich powierzchni, np. z trójkątów. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono kilka metod rekonstrukcji kształtu trójwymiarowych danych przestrzennych pozyskanych za pomocą sonarów wielowiązkowych oraz skanerów LiDAR, opartych na zastosowaniu różnych algorytmów wstępnego przetwarzania. Wyniki badań, otrzymane poprzez połączenie proponowanych metod przetwarzania danych z kilkoma algorytmami odtwarzania kształtu, zostały przedstawione wraz z podkreśleniem zalet poszczególnych rozwiązań.
The technologies of sonar and laser scanning are an efficient and widely used source of spatial information with regards to underwater and over ground environment respectively. The measurement data are usually available in the form of groups of separate points located irregularly in three-dimensional space, known as point clouds. This data model has known disadvantages, therefore in many applications a different form of representation, i.e. 3D surfaces composed of edges and facets, is preferred with respect to the terrain or seabed surface relief as well as various objects shape. In the paper, the authors propose a new approach to 3D shape reconstruction from both multibeam and LiDAR measurements. It is based on a multiple-step and to some extent adaptive process, in which the chosen set and sequence of particular stages may depend on a current type and characteristic features of the processed data. The processing scheme includes: 1) pre-processing which may include noise reduction, rasterization and pre-classification, 2) detection and separation of objects for dedicated processing (e.g. steep walls, masts), and 3) surface reconstruction in 3D by point cloud triangulation and with the aid of several dedicated procedures. The benefits of using the proposed methods, including algorithms for detecting various features and improving the regularity of the data structure, are presented and discussed. Several different shape reconstruction algorithms were tested in combination with the proposed data processing methods and the strengths and weaknesses of each algorithm were highlighted.
Bluetooth beacons are becoming increasingly popular for various applications such as marketing or indoor navigation. However, designing a proper beacon installation requires knowledge of the possible sources of interference in the target environment. While theoretically beacon signal strength should decay linearly with log distance, on-site measurements usually reveal that noise from objects such as Wi-Fi networks operating in the vicinity significantly alters the expected signal range. The paper presents a novel mobile Geographic Information System for measurement, mapping and local as well as online storage of Bluetooth beacon signal strength in semireal time. For the purpose of on-site geovisual analysis of the signal, the application integrates a dedicated interpolation algorithm optimized for low-power devices. The paper discusses the performance and quality of the mapping algorithms in several different test environments.
The technology of hydroacoustic scanning offers an efficient and widely-used source of geospatial information regarding underwater environments, providing measurement data which usually have the structure of irregular groups of points known as point clouds. Since this data model has known disadvantages, a different form of representation based on representing surfaces with simple geometric structures, such as edges and facets, is preferred for data featuring seabed surface relief and various underwater objects. In this paper, the authors propose a multiple-step approach to three-dimensional surface reconstruction from multibeam sonar measurements, relying on the proper application of various algorithms for noise reduction, data rasterization and classification. The results obtained by combining several different surface reconstruction algorithms with the proposed data processing technique were tested, and the strengths and weaknesses of each method were highlighted.
Estimation of surface temperature using multispectral imagery retrieved from satellite sensors constitutes several problems in terms of accuracy, accessibility, quality and evaluation. In order to obtain accurate results, currently utilized methods rely on removing atmospheric fluctuations in separate spectral windows, applying atmospheric corrections or utilizing additional information related to atmosphere or surface characteristics like atmospheric water vapour content, surface effective emissivity correction or transmittance correction. Obtaining accurate results of estimation is particularly critical for regions with fairly non-uniform distribution of surface effective emissivity and surface characteristics such as coastal zone areas. The paper presents the relationship between retrieved land surface temperature, air temperature, sea surface temperature and vegetation indices (VI) calculated based on remote observations in the coastal zone area. An indirect comparison method between remotely estimated surface temperature and air temperature using LST/VI feature space characteristics in an operational Geographic Information System is also presented.
The continuous detailed surveys of the various water bodies, over time, produce a large and ever-increasing volume and density of underwater sounding data. Threedimensional data, such as that obtained by multibeam sonar systems, are quite complex to manage; and thus, their growing numbers increase the pressure on the development of new solutions dedicated to processing them. This paper presents a concept system for a web-based dissemination of multibeam data in a geographic context. In order to maintain an easily accessible user interface, processing and distribution of such datasets in the web environment requires the data to be converted into a file format which is fit for processing via a web browser. Because of this, the presented system uses the emerging 3D Tiles open standard for serving multibeam point clouds alongside reconstructed three-dimensional models of shipwrecks, to remote users in a web environment, by means of Cesium, an open source WebGIS library for 3D visualization of geospatial data.
Point cloud dataset is the transitional data model used in several marine and land remote-sensing applications. During further steps of processing, the transformation of point cloud spatial data to more complex models containing higher order geometric structures like edges and facets may be possible, if an appropriate quality level of input data is provided. Point cloud datasets usually contain a considerable amount of undesirable irregularities, such as strong variability of local point density, missing data, overlapping points and noise caused by scattering characteristics of the environment. For these reasons, processing such data can be quite problematic, especially in the field of object detection and threedimensional surface reconstruction. This paper is focused on applying the proposed methods for reducing the mentioned irregularities from several datasets containing 3D point clouds acquired by multibeam sonars and LiDAR scanners. The article also presents the results obtained by each method, and discusses their advantages.
Existing methods for visualizing underwater objects in three dimensions are usually based on displaying the imaged objects either as unorganised point sets or in the form of edges connecting the points in a trivial way. To allow the researcher to recognise more details and characteristic features of an investigated object, the visualization quality may be improved by transforming the unordered point clouds into higher order structures. There are many algorithms for constructing meshes from point clouds, some of which are more suited to processing data obtained from particular sources. This article presents the application of several methods for generating 3D models from point clouds for the purpose of reconstructing underwater objects, such as shipwrecks. The article presents the results obtained with each method and discusses possible ways of improving the quality of produced meshes.
One of the main applications of multi-beam sonars is high-resolution bathymetry measurement, as well as the detecting and imaging of underwater objects, such as shipwrecks. In order to ensure that the visual quality is good enough for the researcher to investigate the object in more detail, an approach relying on the construction of the threedimensional model of an imaged object – e.g. consisting of nodes, edges and plane elements (facets) – is needed. Preceded by the short State-of-the-Art review, the applications of selected algorithms for three-dimensional seafloor-surface and underwater-object shape reconstruction have been presented. Two types of algorithms were investigated in the context of real-time application possibility; namely, raster height map, as well as 2D Delaunay triangulation. The presented preliminary results are promising both with respect to reconstructed 3D shape quality and to algorithm computational complexity, allowing for realtime mode applications.
Over the past few years considerable advances in sonar technology, spatial positioning capabilities and computer processing power have lead to significant improvements in mapping, imaging and technologies of seafloor exploration. Recently, modern multibeam echosounder systems (MBES) capable of recording backscatter data for the whole water column, not just for the seabed, have become available thus providing data allowing for visualization and analysis of objects other than the seabed such as single fish, fish schools or pollution. Unlike bathymetric sonars, which only capture the seafloor, multibeam systems produce very large amounts of data during surveys. Because of this, storing the data collected during hydrographic or scientific cruises becomes a crucial problem. In this context, the paper proposes a new approach for efficient reduction and storage of MBES records. The results of a sample implementation of the algorithm being tested on several different sets of MBES data are also discussed.
Presenting geographic data in a web environment has been a long standing problem. For many years the low performance of web browsers has limited the visualization of spatial data to only two dimensions. More recently, the introduction of open standards for 3D acceleration of web applications sparked the emergence of new methods of presenting threedimensional data in a web browser without using third-party extensions. However, these solutions are relatively young and not yet fit for use in a production environment. This work presents a method of three-dimensional representation of geospatial data in the context of two-dimensional map. The presented system uses the well-proven OpenLayers library as well as HTML5 and WebGL technologies to display three-dimensional geospatial data in the web without the need for additional web browser plug-ins. The presented application may thus constitute a viable solution until the more robust solutions mature.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are an excellent tool for integrating various types of spatial information. They provide functionalities which allow for quick analysis and correlation of various types of data in a geographical context. The paper presents a Webbased GIS dedicated for integration and analysis of marine data from satellite imagery. The system operates with the use of automatic image processing procedures, which allow for detection of several different characteristics such as surface temperature or the existence and location of blooming algae. The system correlates the processing results with information from other sources, including vessel movement acquired from the Automatic Identification System, as well as results of oil spill simulation. The paper presents the architecture of the system as well as sample layers produced by the employed algorithms.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have always been a useful tool for visualization and processing of geospatial data. However, their capabilities of analysis non-standard information such as hydroacoustic soundings has thus far been very limited. This paper proposes a general-purpose GIS which uses techniques such as OLAP, WCS and WCPS for processing of multidimensional spatio-temporal data. The versatility of the GIS is exemplified by performing a set of analysis operations on a time series of soundings collected via a multibeam echosounder.
Artykuł omawia wyniki badań nad metodami przestrzennych analiz zagrożeń terrorystycznych na terenie miasta Gdańska, przeprowadzonych w ramach współpracy pomiędzy Katedrą Systemów Geoinformatycznych wydziału ETI PG z Wydziałem Zarządzania Kryzysowego i Ochrony Ludności Urzędu Miejskiego w Gdańsku. W artykule przedstawione zostały wyniki zastosowania algorytmów modelowania zagrożeń atakiem bombowym i chemicznym, będących częścią standardów NATO, dla celów badania wpływu predefiniowanego zestawu zagrożeń infrastruktur krytycznych na ich otoczenie. W połączeniu z innowacyjnymi modelami analizy przestrzennej, opartymi między innymi na własnych algorytmach filtracji i interpolacji danych dotyczących podatności infrastruktury na dany typ ataku, pozwalają one na utworzenie między innymi kompleksowych map przestrzennej propagacji zagrożeń. Wyniki przeprowadzonych analiz zostały przedstawione w postaci tematycznych warstw przy pomocy dedykowanego Systemu Informacji Przestrzennej, zbudowanego w toku powyższych badań.
The paper presents the results of research on methods of spatial analysis of terrorist threats in the city of Gdansk, carried out in cooperation with the Department of Crisis Management and Civil Protection of the Gdansk City Hall by the Gdansk University of Technology Department of Geoinformatics. The results of the application of known algorithms for modelling a bomb and chemical attacks, in compliance with NATO standards, for testing the impact of threats directed towards a predefined set of critical infrastructures on their environment are presented. In conjunction with innovative models for spatial analysis, based inter alia on novel algorithms for filtering and interpolation of data regarding the infrastructure's vulnerabilities to different types of attack, they enable, for example, the creation comprehensive maps of spatial propagation of various threats. The results of this analysis are presented in the form of thematic layers with the help of a dedicated Spatial Information System, developed during the course of the presented study.
The paper presents Software as a Service approach to the real-time satellite imagery dissemination. Proposed system architecture comprises 4 logical units, namely the data acquisition, management, coverage server and client modules which are organized in an linear layout. Web Coverage Service (WCS) query protocol is extensively utilized as an interface for exchange of data between the modules. The proposed system is designed for serving nearly real time pre-processed satellite imagery to remote users in the form of WCS tiles. A software solution for serving time-varying images through the WCS protocol is proposed. The paper discusses several prospective applications of the system.
W artykule zaproponowano system upowszechniania obrazów satelitarnych w czasie niemal rzeczywistym realizujący ideę oprogramowania jako usługi. System jest złożony z 4 logicznych modułów - modułu akwizycji danych, zarządzania, serwera Web oraz klienta. Protokół zapytań WCS jest wykorzystywany jako interfejs pomiędzy większością modułów. System tworzony jest z myślą o udostępnianiu danych dla zdalnych użytkowników w formie usługi WCS/CSW. Proponowany system zapewni szerokie możliwość udostępniania danych przestrzennych zarejestrowanych w różnym czasie i przez różne systemy satelitarne dla tego samego terenu. W artykule omówiono charakterystykę potencjalnych zastosowań dla proponowanego systemu.
The paper proposes several algorithms for interpolation and spatial filtering of discrete sets of Critical Infrastructure (CI) hazard data. The effectiveness of the algorithms has been exemplified on sample CI criticality results computed using the CARVER2™ vulnerability assessment tool for several infrastructures in the City of Gdansk. The results of this analysis are produced in the form of thematic layers designed for integration with the Web-Based Geographic Information System (Web-GIS) for Assessment and Visualization of Critical Infrastructure and its Hazards, built for the City of Gdansk by the Gdansk University of Technology. The presented algorithms further enhance the spatial analysis capabilities of the Web-GIS, offering an integrated solution for visual analysis of CI data as well as a team-enabled environment for examination and sharing such information among geographically distributed decision makers.
Nowo opracowane zaawansowane narzędzia technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych (TIK) wielokrotnie udowodniły swoją przydatność do przewidywania różnego rodzaju zagrożeń oraz minimalizowania związanego z nimi potencjalnego ryzyka. Jednakże większość tych narzędzi operuje jedynie na niektórych typach infrastruktury i zaniedbuje ich przestrzenne interakcje z otoczeniem oraz innymi strukturami. Niniejszy artykuł zawiera propozycje kilku algorytmów interpolacji oraz przestrzennej filtracji dyskretnych zbiorów danych dotyczących zagrożeń Infrastruktur Krytycznych (IK). Jako dane wejściowe wykorzystane zostały wyniki analizy IK uzyskane za pomocą narzędzia CARVER2 ™ dla kilku infrastruktur na terenie miasta Gdańska. Wyniki badań zostały przedstawione w postaci warstw tematycznych zintegrowanych ze zbudowanym na Politechnice Gdańskiej Sieciowym Systemem Informacji Przestrzennej (Web-GIS) do analizy i wizualizacji infrastruktur krytycznych i ich zagrożeń. Przedstawione algorytmy przyczyniły się do poprawy zdolności przeprowadzania analiz przestrzennych przez system, w efekcie tworząc zintegrowane narzędzie do zespołowej graficznej analizy IK w ramach aktywnego środowiska pozwalającego na wzajemną wymianę tego rodzaju informacji przez rozproszonych geograficznie decydentów.
W chwili obecnej faktem jest występowanie zarówno coraz liczniejszych zdarzeń katastroficznych powodowanych przez siły przyrody, jak też nieustanny wzrost intensywności ataków terrorystycznych na obiekty publiczne i przemysłowe. Zagrożenia tego rodzaju stają się coraz poważniejsze w odniesieniu do wielu, także tych uważanych do tej pory za bezpieczne rejonów świata, w tym Europy i Polski. Sytuacja taka wymaga podejmowania zdecydowanych i skutecznych działań, tak w skali międzynarodowej, jak i regionalnej, w celu zabezpieczenia ludności oraz majątku państwa przed tego typu zagrożeniami oraz ich skutkami. W tym kontekście, należy podkreślić istotną rolę nowatorskich narzędzi z zakresu technologii informacyjnych w przewidywaniu i ocenie zagrożeń oraz wspomaganiu minimalizacji ewentualnych strat. W artykule przedstawiono sieciowy system informacji przestrzennej do analizy i wizualizacji infrastruktur krytycznych (IK) oraz ich zagrożeń. System ten umożliwia gromadzenie, integrację, przetwarzanie, wykonywanie różnorakich analiz oraz wizualizację danych przestrzennych, w szczególności dotyczących IK miasta z różnych sektorów. System dla autoryzowanego użytkownika jest dostępny zdalnie, za pośrednictwem sieci Web z poziomu zwykłej przeglądarki internetowej. Narzędziem do wprowadzania danych na temat IK do systemu jest moduł analiz oparty na technologii CARVER2™. Zakłada ona porównywanie odmiennych typów infrastruktur przy zastosowaniu tych samych, wielorakich kryteriów oceny IK, takich jak ważność obiektu, dostępność dla ataku, odtwarzalność, wrażliwość na poszczególne rodzaje ataków. Wprowadzone do systemu dane przetwarzane są przez szereg procedur analiz przestrzennych w odniesieniu do różnych rodzajów zagrożeń, jak np. określanie strefy zagrożenia dla ataku bombowego czy chemicznego, czy granic obszaru zalanego w wyniku wycieku lub powodzi na podstawie danych o lokalizacji, rozmiarze i szybkości wycieku, numerycznego modelu terenu oraz modelu przemieszczania się i absorpcji materiału przez podłoże. System oferuje także inne narzędzia przetwarzania i analiz danych przestrzennych, jak np. narzędzia do interpolacji przestrzennej za pomocą metody odwrotnej odległości bądź funkcji sklejanych. Przedstawiono także koncepcję rozbudowy systemu o jego integrację z sensorami satelitarnej obserwacji Ziemi (Earth Observation - EO) oraz automatyczne przetwarzanie obrazów satelitarnych w celu detekcji i analizy zagrożeń. Omówiono źródła danych satelitarnych użytecznych w tym zastosowaniu oraz planowane do wykorzystania opracowane przez Europejską Agencję Kosmiczną techniki przetwarzania i udostępniania obrazów, takie jak Service Support Environment - SSE. Przedstawiony system jest aktualnie wdrażany do użytkowania przez Wydział Zarządzania Kryzysowego i OchronyLudności Urzędu Miejskiego w Gdańsku, gdzie stanowić będzie cenne narzędzie wspomagające ochronę infrastruktur krytycznych przed zagrożeniami różnego rodzaju.
At present, the increase in catastrophic natural disasters as well as events of terrorist attacks against public and industrial objects is observed. Threats of this kind become more realistic and serious with respect to many regions and places in the world considered relatively safe previously, including Europe and Poland. This situation requires determined and effective actions, both in international and regional scale, for protection of people and critical infrastructures against such threats and their consequences. Within this context, in prediction of hazards and to support the activities for minimizing their results, the sort of new Information Technology achievements and solutions may be a useful aid. In the paper, the Web-Based Geographic Information System for assessment and visualization of CIs and its hazards is presented. The system allows storing, integration, processing, analysis and visualisation of spatial data on Gdańsk city area, including different CI sectors. The system is accessible remotely for an authorised user, from the Web browser level. The tool for entering the CI data to the system is implemented as the analysis module based on the CARVER2™ technology. It assumes comparison of different CI types using the same set of criteria, like criticality, accessibility, recoverability or susceptibility for different threats. Spatial data entered to the system may be processed by a set of spatial analysis procedures with respect to various threats, for instance, detection of hazard zone for a blast or chemical attack, or localisation the area affected or threaten by flood or leak, using the data on localisation, amount and speed of the leak, digital elevation model (DEM) as well as the liquid mass absorption and movement model. System offers also other tools for processing and analysis of spatial data, like spatial interpolation by inverse distance or spline methods. Presented GIS can be integrated with satellite imagery data. The main source of satellite imagery will be 1.5-m L-Band Metop-HRTP Satellite Ground Station and the EUMETCast system. It is very important to obtain the data from different satellite platforms, as different threats can be detected by different sensors. Some processing techniques and data delivery mechanisms, developed by European Space Agency, like Service Support Environment are discussed, since SSE can be very useful in obtaining satellite data from other satellites sources. Examples of threats which can be detected, by processing satellite imagery, are presented along with information about potential types of satellites, which may be practical in detecting particular threats. The system is used by the Crisis Management Department of Gdańsk City Hall as a useful tool supporting CI protection against different types of threats.
Katedra Systemów Geoinformatycznych prowadzi badania naukowe związane z zastosowaniem nowych technologii implementacji Systemów Informacji Przestrzennej (GIS) w różnych zastosowaniach, a szczególnie w aplikacjach związanych z obszarami morskimi. Prowadzone są też prace badawcze związane z analizą i przetwarzaniem danych dla systemów GIS, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem danych otrzymywanych z sonarów wielowiązkowych. Niniejszy artykuł stanowi ogólny opis prac badawczych związanych z telemonitoringiem morskim prowadzonych w Katedrze Systemów Geoinformatycznych Politechniki Gdańskiej.
Research carried out by The Department of Geoinformatics of Gdansk University of Technology focuses on processing, analysis and visualization of information related to marine and land environment. In particular, the research activities include: Web-based interactive Geographical Information Systems (GIS), 3D imaging of underwater objects using intelligent methods of recognition and mapping of seafloor, acoustic monitoring and population assessment of marine living resources. This paper describes the most important directions of the Department's research activity in the context of marine habitat monitoring.
Maritime and port areas throughout the world are exposed to many different hazards, like pollution, terrorism and natural disasters. Early detection, identification and preparation of appropriate response strategies is especially important in the case of semi-enclosed basins like the Baltic Sea, mainly due to the marine ecosystems' continuous absorption of pollutants including oil, heavy metals and chemicals. Many of those agents are characterised by great toxicity and cause devastation of the natural environment. The huge development in the information technology provides the means and possibilities for much faster and more efficient access to survey data, allowing their remote, nearly real-time management, processing and visualisation. Several approaches and techniques of measurements are available in marine environment monitoring. These consist of direct sampling, airborne and satellite imagery, hydrological measurements using CTD probes, remote sensing with the use of electromagnetic waves, acoustic methods based on the data acquired by multibeam systems, side-scan sonars and singlebeam echosounders.
W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję oraz prototyp morskiego systemu GIS do zdalnego monitorowania w czasie rzeczywistym zanieczyszczeń środowiska morskiego. System pozwala na gromadzenie i integrowanie danych dotyczących zanieczyszczeń, pozyskiwanych za pomocą różnego rodzaju sensorów (echosondy jednowiązkowe, sonary boczne, echosondy wielowiązkowe), jak również zdjęć satelitarnych i lotniczych. Zadaniem systemu jest wizualizacja, także trójwymiarowa, oraz mapowanie zanieczyszczeń, takich jak plamy ropy naftowej, oraz wieloaspektowe przetwarzanie i analiza tych danych. Prezentowany system wykorzystuje technologię ArcSDE do przesyłania i przechowywania danych o charakterze wektorowym i rastrowym oraz komponenty GlobeControl i Map-Control z platformy ArcGIS Engine do prezentacji obiektów na wielowarstwowych mapach dwu- i trójwymiarowych.
Pollution detection, environment sensing and appropriate response strategies are important due to the marine ecosystems' continuous absorption of pollutants of various origins. Several approaches and techniques of measurements are available for marine environment monitoring including direct sampling, airborne and satellite imagery and underwater acoustics. The huge development in the information technology has provided the possibilities for much faster and more efficient access to survey data, allowing their remote, nearly real-time management, processing and visualization. The proposed GIS is able to integrate many different types of marine pollution survey data, especially those acquired by various acoustic sensors like Multibeam Sonar Systems (MBSS), echosounder and Side Scan Sonars (SSS). It also supports instantaneous 2D and 3D visualization in the form of thematic layers that can be overlaid. The system utilises the ArcSDE application server that facilitates storing and managing spatial data (raster, vector, and survey) in a database and ArcGIS Engine GlobeControl and MapControl components for georeferenced presentation of various objects. The set of geoprocessing and spatial analysis methods can be used in order to retrieve relevant information and analysis results.
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