The article consists of three integral parts. It characterises the essence of the functioning of creative clusters, the concept of open innovation and crowdsourcing strategic dimension. Considerations presented in the article are focused on the importance of crowdsourcing in the development of creative clusters. The problem of using crowdsourcing to solve complex problems can be evaluated with multiple levels and multiple perspectives. The authors emphasise that this model of communication between cluster members and external stakeholders allows the use of internal and external resources of creativity in the process of co-creation of positive changes, including innovations (e.g. entrepreneurial solutions to local and global new challenges). They indicate that the implementation of the crowdsourcing in creative clusters can have both, a commercial dimension, where new business projects are the result of the transfer of knowledge, and a non-commercial one, for instance, a wider use of this concept in the development of creative spaces. It was stressed that innovativeness is one of the attributes of entrepreneurial orientation of clusters. Moreover, the key barriers to development of open innovation within a cluster environment are different problems related to intellectual property. The article is based on theoretical research (literature review) and on desk research. Considerations contained herein are conceptual and provide a starting point for further research on the impact of crowdsourcing on the open innovation process within creative clusters.
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Proces globalizacji, intensywna konkurencja na rynkach krajowych i zagranicznych powodują, że funkcjonowanie podmiotów branży TSL w strukturze klastra logistycznego zapewnia im korzystne warunki rozwoju, przyczyniając się do ograniczania ryzyka prowadzonej działalności biznesowej i systematycznej poprawy ich konkurencyjności. Klastry logistyczne, stanowiąc zintegrowany system logistyczny, platformę wymiany informacji i wiedzy, zorientowane są na doskonalenie produktu logistycznego oraz swych łańcuchów dostaw. Tym samym w artykule wskazano, że członkowie tego typu klastrów mogą usprawnić proces zarządzania łańcuchem dostaw na przykład poprzez wdrożenie technologii RFID. Autor prezentując kluczowe korzyści jakie mogą powstać w związku z wdrożeniem technologii RFID, podkreśla, że jednym z czynników stymulujących decyzję o jej zastosowaniu jest sprawny transfer wiedzy między partnerami klastrowego łańcucha dostaw.
The process of globalisation and intense competition in national and foreign markets cause that the functioning of the entities of TSL sector within the structure of a logistics cluster provides them favourable development conditions, contributing, inter alia, to the reduction in risk to the conducted business activity and gradual improvement of their competitiveness. Logistics clusters, constituting an integrated logistics system, a platform of information and knowledge exchange, are orientated to the improvement of a logistics product and their supply chains. Thus, the article indicates that the members of this type of clusters can rationalise the process of managing a supply chain, inter alia, through the implementation of RFID technology. Presenting the key benefits that can accrue as a result of RFID technology implementation, the author emphasises that one of the factors stimulating the decision on its application is the efficient knowledge transfer between the partners of a cluster supply chain.
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