A selected case of a frontal, eccentric and oblique road vehicle-to-truck collision has been analyzed here as an example of the potential resultant motion by the motor vehicle with the truck performing a planar motion. This case is a pure problem of collision mechanics, so the main aim of the case presented here was to identify the selected parameters of such a collision with the three components of the collision impulse of only one vehicle taking part in it. The problem was analyzed with the use of a computer simulation performed in a software called V-SIM which is quite popular as a tool for accident reconstruction by e.g., forensic experts and others associated with road safety, especially in Poland. The results of all simulations were important in providing the basics of mathematical modeling regarding collision mechanics. The obtained observations may further be used for a dedicated software, should such be created. Not only a normal and a tangential but also a bi-normal direction versus the adopted plane of collision was considered.
In this paper the results of a simulation of a sports vehicle’s braking maneuver in the adopted road conditions has been presented. The aim of this paper was to analyze the results and compare them with the ones obtained in the previous paper by the author, also prepared for the acceleration maneuver. At the same time considerations on the damaging effect of the road irregularities have been presented as this time no straightforward steering was included, so the vehicle could move freely. The simulated braking of the vehicle’s model started at the speed of 100 km/h and its duration was 10 s. As in the previous paper the random road irregularities had three different amplitudes which enabled analysis of vehicle’s deceleration on a different road conditions each time. Almost different profiles were also assumed for the left and the right wheels of the vehicle’s model which moved on the dry and the icy road surface.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki symulacji manewru hamowania pojazdu sportowego w przyjętych warunkach drogowych. Celem pracy była analiza wyników i porównanie ich z wynikami uzyskanymi w poprzedniej pracy autora, również przygotowanymi dla manewru przyspieszania. Jednocześnie przedstawiono rozważania na temat szkodliwego wpływu nierówności drogowych, gdyż tym razem nie uwzględniono sterowania prostoliniowego, tak aby pojazd mógł się swobodnie poruszać. Symulowane hamowanie modelu pojazdu rozpoczęło się przy prędkości 100 km/h i trwało 10 s. Podobnie jak w poprzedniej pracy, losowe nierówności drogi miały trzy różne amplitudy, co umożliwiło analizę hamowania pojazdu w każdorazowo innych warunkach drogowych. Założono także niemal różne profile lewego i prawego koła modelu pojazdu poruszającego się po suchej oraz oblodzonej nawierzchni.
In this paper a continuation of the previous research has been presented. A simulation of a vehicle’s acceleration in various road conditions but without a driver’s control has been taken into account. The main aim of this paper was to answer the question whether the random road conditions could affect the vehicle while accelerating while a driver cannot control the direction of its motion. The three various maximum amplitudes of the irregularities for both the dry and the icy road surface were used. Almost different road profiles were also adopted for the analyzed maneuver, which defines a specific coefficient. Apart from no control of the vehicle the initial speed was set to 5 km/h and after 1 s the vehicle started to accelerate. The time of reaching the full throttle (100%) was only 0.25 s which provided a rapid acceleration. The simulation time was 10 s.
W artykule przedstawiono kontynuację wcześniejszych badań. Uwzględniono symulację przyspieszenia pojazdu w różnych warunkach drogowych, ale bez kontroli pojazdu przez kierowcę. Głównym celem pracy była odpowiedź na pytanie, czy losowe warunki drogowe mogą oddziaływać na pojazd podczas przyspieszania podczas gdy kierowca nie może kontrolować kierunku jego ruchu. Użyto trzech różnych maksymalnych amplitud nierówności dla nawierzchni suchej i oblodzonej. Dla analizowanego manewru uwzględniono również prawie różne profile nawierzchni, co sprecyzowano przy użyciu określonego współczynnika. Oprócz braku kierowania pojazdem prędkość początkową ustawiono na 5 km/h i po 1 s pojazd zaczął przyspieszać. Czas dojścia do pełnego otwarcia przepustnicy (100%) wynosił zaledwie 0,25 s, co zapewniało gwałtowne przyspieszenie. Czas symulacji wyniósł 10 s.
In this paper a potential use of the tangential coefficient of restitution has been analyzed on the basis of a computer simulation of a side oblique collision between two motor vehicles. The simulation was carried out in PC-Crash 8.0. The results obtained for a side impact collision have been considered along with the tangential phenomena occurring between the colliding vehicles. The simulation was repeated three times for the adopted values of the coefficient of restitution. Then the coefficient of restitution was divided into two components (normal and tangential) which has been described in further parts of the paper. The obtained results were compared with the certain analytical calculations basing on the vehicle crash model for a vehicles performing a planar motion but with the phenomena between their bodies included. Also a theory of collision between the rough surfaces was used. The aim of this analysis was to examine whether the coefficient of restitution divided into two perpendicular components will alter the results obtained from the analytical calculations and if it is worthy considering such division in analyzing the real accidents in road traffic. Also it has been considered whether such complication of a vehicle crash model is useful and necessary.
In this paper a simulation of a vehicle’s braking maneuver in various adopted road conditions has been presented. The aim of this paper was to answer the question whether the random irregularities of a road surface could limit the distance covered by the braking vehicle. At the same time it seems necessary to consider the damaging effect of the road irregularities along with the lack of comfort for both the driver and the passengers. The adopted maneuver of braking started at the initial speed of 100 km/h each time and lasted 10 s. The irregularities adopted for the simulation had three different amplitudes which enabled analysis of vehicle’s deceleration on variously uneven road. Almost different profiles were assumed for the left and the right wheels of the vehicle’s model as well as both the dry and the icy surface on the road.
W artykule przedstawiono symulację manewru hamowania pojazdu w różnych przyjętych warunkach drogowych. Celem artykułu była odpowiedź na pytanie, czy losowe nierówności nawierzchni drogi mogą skrócić drogę proces hamowania pojazdu. Jednocześnie konieczne wydaje się uwzględnienie szkodliwego wpływu nierówności drogowych oraz braku komfortu zarówno dla kierowcy, jak i pasażerów. Przyjęty manewr hamowania rozpoczynał się każdorazowo przy prędkości początkowej 100 km/h i trwał 10 s. Przyjęte do symulacji nierówności drogi miały trzy różne amplitudy, co pozwoliło na analizę wytracania prędkości pojazdu na drogach o różnym stopniu nierówności. Założono prawie różne profile dla lewego i prawego koła modelu pojazdu oraz zarówno suchą, jak i oblodzoną nawierzchnię jezdni.
In this paper some selected conclusions have been drawn from the simulated maneuver of a vehicle’s momentary acceleration in various road conditions. The aim of this paper was to answer the question whether the random irregularities of the road could decrease the final speed of the vehicle and cause it to deviate from the straight line motion and to what extent. These irregularities had three different maximum amplitudes which enabled analysis of vehicle’s acceleration on the less and the more uneven road. Also, almost the same and almost different profiles were assumed for the left and the right wheels of the vehicle’s model. Some additional phenomena such as the ice on the road have been taken into account. The initial speed was 20 km/h and after 2 s the vehicle started to accelerate. Then, after 8 s the simulation stopped, which gave the whole simulation time equal to 10 s.
W artykule wyciągnięto wybrane wnioski z symulacji manewru chwilowego przyspieszenia pojazdu w różnych warunkach drogowych. Celem artykułu była odpowiedź na pytanie, czy przypadkowe nierówności drogi mogą wpływać na zmniejszenie prędkości końcowej pojazdu, a także spowodować jego zboczenie z prostoliniowego toru jazdy oraz w jakim stopniu. Nierówności te miały trzy różne maksymalne amplitudy, co pozwoliło na analizę przyspieszenia pojazdu na mniej i bardziej nierównej drodze. Przyjęto również prawie takie same i prawie różne profile dla lewego i prawego koła modelu pojazdu. Uwzględniono dodatkowe zjawiska, takie jak oblodzenie drogi. Początkowa prędkość wynosiła 20 km/h i po 2 s pojazd zaczął przyspieszać. Następnie po 8 s symulacja została zatrzymana, co dało czas całej symulacji równy 10 s.
In this paper some selected results related to motor vehicle dynamics have been presented basing on the computer simulations of a sports two-seater performing a power-off straight line maneuver with different road conditions and the lack of a straightline motion control having been included. All simulations have been performed in the MSC Adams/Car environment and the adopted maneuver was performed at the instant speed of 100km/h-1. The selected phenomena have therefore been observed along the road long enough to relate them to different aspects of vehicle dynamics and the road traffic safety research. The adopted vehicle’s model moved along the flat and the randomly uneven road with the almost similar and the almost different profiles for the left and the right wheels. Additionally, two values of the coefficient determining the maxi-mum amplitude of road irregularities have been selected, i.e., 0.3 for the lower and 0.9 for the higher irregularities. This meant that the road conditions have been considered as one of the main factors possibly affecting disturbances of the motor vehicle’s motion. Such research seems valuable from the point of view of the road safety and the vehicles’ maintenance. A power-off straight maneuver is not very often performed during the normal road traffic and might seem useless. However, in this case it seemed essential to test the response of a vehicle’s model to such factors as, e.g., the uneven loading, suspension characteristics, etc. This in turn might prove valuable when considering, e.g., the additional concentration of a driver to overcome the external disturbances acting on a moving vehicle. The presented research is the second part of the paper (Kisilowski, 2019) where the power-off maneuver was considered but with the straightforward motion control. Here, the straight-line control has been switched off to examine an untypical situation where, for example a driver loses consciousness, and the vehicle moves freely along the road.
In this paper, the selected phenomena related to a motor vehicle's motion have been considered based on a computer simulation in MSC Adams/Car. The vehicle's model performed a turning maneuver with the steering wheel release under different road conditions. All simulations have been performed based on the sports two-seater vehicle's model, at the initial speed of 70 km/h on the flat and randomly uneven road. This enabled us to observe the selected phenomena along the road long enough to relate them to different aspects of road traffic safety in unusual situations. For uneven road, the same profiles were assumed for the left and the right wheel of the vehicle, with two coefficient values determining the maximum height of these irregularities.
W artykule rozważono wybrane zjawiska związane z ruchem samochodu na podstawie symulacji komputerowej w programie MSC Adams/Car. Model pojazdu wykonał manewr skrętu ze zwolnieniem koła kierownicy przy różnych warunkach drogowych. Wszystkie symulacje wykonano w oparciu o model pojazdu sportowego, przy prędkości początkowej równej 70 km/h na płaskiej i losowo nierównej drodze. Umożliwiło to obserwację wybranych zjawisk na drodze na tyle długiej, aby odnieść je do różnych aspektów bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego w sytuacjach nietypowych. Dla drogi nierównej przyjęto podobne profile dla lewego i prawego koła pojazdu z dwiema wartościami współczynnika określającego maksymalną wysokość tych nierówności.
In this paper selected phenomena during vehicle curvilinear motion have been presented in different road conditions as an attempt to consider the certain attitude towards the aspects of traffic safety related to motor vehicles. As an attempt to analyze the vehicle response to the external disturbances in different road conditions and maneuvers this work is one of several ideas of analysis of motor vehicle dynamics. In general, research was based on simulations in the MSC Adams/Car software, version 2005r2. The following results may also serve e.g. as a basis of motor vehicle stability examination. The curvilinear motion of a vehicle seems important from the point of view of the maneuvers concerning the change in the direction of motion.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane zjawiska podczas ruchu krzywoliniowego pojazdu w różnych warunkach drogowych jako próbę podejścia do wybranych aspektów bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego związanych z pojazdami silnikowymi. Jako próba analizy reakcji pojazdu na zakłócenia zewnętrzne spowodowane głównie warunkami drogowymi i manewrami praca ta jest jedną z wielu koncepcji analizy dynamiki pojazdów silnikowych. Badania opierały się na symulacjach w oprogramowaniu MSC Adams/Car, wersja 2005r2. Poniższe wyniki mogą również służyć np. jako podstawa badania stateczności pojazdu silnikowego. Krzywoliniowy ruch pojazdu wydaje się ważny z punktu widzenia manewrów dotyczących zmiany kierunku ruchu.
In this paper the selected phenomena related to motor vehicle’s motion have been considered basing on a computer simulation. The vehicle performed a power-off straight line maneuver with different road conditions being included. All simulations have been performed in the MSC Adams/Car environment based on the available sports two-seater vehicle model, realizing the adopted maneuver at the instant speed of 100km/h. This enabled observation of the selected phenomena along the road long enough to relate them to different aspects of vehicle dynamics research. As for the randomly uneven road, almost similar and almost different profiles have been assumed for the left and right wheels of the vehicle. Additionally, two values of the coefficient determining the maximum amplitude of road irregularities have been selected: 0.3 for lower and 0.9 for higher irregularities, so the road surface conditions along with the flat road have been considered as one of the factors causing disturbances of the motor vehicle motion. Such research seems valuable from the point of view of road traffic safety and vehicle maintenance. This specific example is a presentation of the possible research on vehicle dynamics as well as a potential background for further considerations including different types of vehicles along with almost different road profiles for the left and right wheels of the given vehicle model. A power-off straight maneuver is not performed very often in normal road traffic. However, such test could be valuable when analyzing influence of the selected motor vehicle parameters, such as uneven loading, suspension characteristics, etc. on such maintenance features as stability, steerability and the influence of external disturbances acting on the moving vehicle. Further research provides different maneuvers and different simulation conditions.
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