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Stwierdzono ilościowe wytrącanie szczawianów kobaltu(II) i manganu(II) (stężenia metali poniżej LOD: Co < 0,35 ppm, Mn < 0,27 ppm) w stężonym roztworze kwasu octowego (90% mas.), powszechnie stosowanym jako rozpuszczalnik w przemysłowych procesach utleniania p-ksylenu do kwasu tereftalowego. Obecność zanieczyszczeń typowych dla procesu utleniania p-ksylenu, czyli kwasu benzoesowego, kwasu bromowodorowego oraz jonów sodu nie miała negatywnego wpływu na powstawanie osadów. Obecność stałego kwasu tereftalowego w mieszaninie reakcyjnej miała pozytywny wpływ na proces odzyskiwania katalizatora. Zaobserwowano, że szczawiany tworzą aglomeraty na powierzchni stałego kwasu tereftalowego, co ułatwia oddzielenie osadu od cieczy macierzystej. Ponadto potwierdzono wysoką efektywność wytrącania w szerokim zakresie stężeń metali (50-1600 ppm). Wyniki pokazują, że strącanie kwasem szczawiowym jest skuteczną metodą odzyskiwania katalizatorów homogenicznych zawierających związki kobaltu(II) i manganu(II).
A 1% soln. of (COOH)₂ in 90% MeCOOH was added to a 90% MeCOOH soln. contg. Co and Mn ions at concns. of 500 and 300 ppm, resp., and impurities typical of the oxidn. of p-xylene to C₆H₄(COOH)₂ (BzOH, HBr and Na ions) in amts. simulating the mother liquor compn. of a real industrial process. After mixing, the Co and Mn contents of the decanted liq. were detd. by AAS. Presence of impurities had no neg. impact on the ppt. formation. The presence of solid C₆H₄(COOH)₂ in the reaction mixt. had a pos. impact on the catalyst recovery process. Oxalates formed agglomerates on the surface of the solid C₆H₄(COOH)₂ which facilitated the sepn. of the ppt. from the mother liquor. The pptn. with (COOH)₂ is an efficient recovery method of spend Co(II) and Mn(II) homogeneous catalysts.
Quantum computing and related quantum technologies are cur rently at the forefront of research and development activities in many aspects of today’s high-technology industry, from advan ced quantum algorithms and fundamentals of quantum com putation and communication through the physical realisation of quantum computers and cryptography to quantum sensing and dedicated electronics. Warsaw University of Technology intends to lead in several aspects of this revolution. This article will report the overview of several ongoing activities at WUT related to quantum technologies. In particular, the Research University - Excellence Initiative program’s strategic activities and the physical quantum computer infrastructure creation will be introduced.
Obliczenia kwantowe i związane z nimi technologie kwantowe znajdują się obecnie w czołówce działań badawczo-rozwojowych w wielu aspektach dzisiejszego przemysłu zaawansowanych tech nologii, od zaawansowanych algorytmów kwantowych i podstaw kwantowych obliczeń i komunikacji, poprzez fizyczną realizację komputerów kwantowych i kryptografii kwantowej, aż po sensory kwantowe i dedykowaną elektronikę. Politechnika Warszawska zamierza odgrywać wiodącą rolę w kilku aspektach tej rewolucji. W artykule zostanie przedstawiony przegląd wybranych aktual nie prowadzonych na PW działań związanych z technologiami kwantowymi. W szczególności przedstawione zostaną działania strategiczne w ramach programu Uczelnia Badawcza - Inicjatywa Doskonałości, a także tworzenie fizycznej infrastruktury komputera kwantowego.
CEZAMAT, the Centre for Advanced Materials and Technologies of the Warsaw University of Technology located in Warsaw, Poland, focuses on interdisciplinary research in advanced materials and technologies, collaborating with domestic and international part ners. CEZAMAT’s research spans a broad spectrum of advanced materials and technologies, including nanomaterials, advanced composites, functional, energy, environmental, and biomedical materials, and a quantum computing laboratory to facilitate qu antum computer technology development. CEZAMAT’s Quantum Technology Hub initiative seeks to create a hub for quantum computer infrastructure development. This endeavour involves collaboration, organisation, and coordination among research te ams and industrial partners, focusing on innovative technologies and strategic solutions. The centre thrives on interdisciplinary collaboration, working closely with scientists from other Polish institutions and publishing in esteemed academic journals.
CEZAMAT, Centrum Zaawansowanych Materiałów i Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej zlokalizowane w Warszawie, koncentruje się na interdyscyplinarnych badaniach w zakresie zaawansowanych materiałów i technologii, współpracując z partnerami krajowymi i mię dzynarodowymi. Badania CEZAMAT obejmują szerokie spektrum zaawansowanych materiałów i technologii, w tym nanomateriały, zaawansowane kompozyty, materiały funkcjonalne, energetyczne, śro dowiskowe i biomedyczne, a także laboratorium obliczeń kwantowych wspierające rozwój technologii komputerów kwantowych. Inicjatywa Quantum Technology Hub CEZAMAT ma na celu stworzenie centrum rozwoju infrastruktury komputerów kwantowych. Przedsięwzięcie to obejmuje współpracę, organizację i koordynację między zespołami badawczymi i partnerami przemysłowymi, koncentrując się na inno wacyjnych technologiach i rozwiązaniach strategicznych. Centrum stawia na współpracę interdyscyplinarną, ściśle współpracując z naukowcami z innych polskich instytucji i publikując w cenionych czasopismach akademickich.
Content available remote Technologia wytwarzania sub-mikrometrowych diod tunelowych typu MIM
Rozwój układów scalonych wymaga od współczesnej mikroelektroniki opracowania, wytwarzania oraz weryfikacji przyrządów półprzewodnikowych o coraz lepszych parametrach. Rozwój można podzielić na wiele współczesnych trendów takich jak: (i) zwiększenie częstotliwości pracy, (ii) miniaturyzacja, (iii) obniżenie zużycia energii oraz (iv) redukcja ceny. Dla każdego z prezentowanych trendów mikroelektronika wykonała bezprecedensowy postęp, dzięki któremu możliwe było osiągnięcie poziomu rozwoju charakterystycznego dla aktualnego stanu Przemysłu 4.0. Wraz z pojawieniem się nowych urządzeń dla Internetu Rzeczy (IoT) czy komunikacji terahercowej (THz), pracujących na bardzo wysokich częstotliwościach, powstała naturalna potrzeba konstrukcji (i)tanich, (ii)kompatybilnych z masową produkcją oraz (iii) w pełni zintegrowanych urządzeń na ultra-wysokie częstotliwości. W tym kontekście diody MIM (ang. Metal-Insulator-Metal) budżą coraz większe zainteresowanie. W pracy zaprezentowano poszczególne etapy wytwarzania struktur MIM na potrzeby diod tunelowych. Proces jest w pełni kompatybilny z technologią CMOS i składa się z wielu procesów m.in: wytwarzania warstw dielektrycznych, osadzania warstw metalicznych, odwzorowania kształtów, trawienia warstw oraz proces typu lift-off. Otrzymane struktury MIM zostały scharakteryzowane elektrycznie.
Development of integrated circuits put modern microelectronics in position of constantly providing devices with better performances. This development is manifested by multiple indicators and trends including: (i) operational frequency, (ii) miniaturization, (iii) minimization of losses, (iv) falling price, etc. In each of the aforementioned trends the microelectronics marked unprecedented progress, making the 3rd and 4th industrial revolution possible. With emerging new markets e.g. Internet of Things (IoT) or Terahertz communication (THz), both operating at very high frequencies, enormous need of (i) cheap; (ii) industrially compatible; (iii) operating at high frequencies and (iii) fully integrated devices appeared. In this context MIM (Metal Insulator Metal) diodes are gaining more and more interest. In this work we demonstrate the fabrication process flow of MIM structure acting as tunneling diodes. Presented fabrication technology is fully CMOS-compatible and consists sequence of processes including: dielectric layer deposition, metal layer sputtering, electron beam lithography, etching and metal lift-off. Subsequently after fabrication the MIM diodes were electrically characterized.
Content available remote Modeling of InAs/Si electron-hole bilayer tunnel field effect transistor
In this work, we present the results of modeling of InAs/Si Electron-Hole Bilayer Tunnel Field Effect Transistor. For this purpose, we used a developed numerical device simulator based on a self-consistent solution of Poisson and Schrödinger equations. We present the analysis of the impact of the channel layer thickness on the current-voltage characteristics. We show that using heterostructure in the device channel can give additional freedom in constructing the EHB TFET.
W niniejszej pracy przedstawiamy wyniki modelowania polowego tranzystora tunelowego Si/InAs z biwarstwą elektronowo-dziurową. W tym celu wykorzystaliśmy opracowany numeryczny symulator przyrządów bazujący na samouzgodnionym rozwiązaniu równań Poissona i Schrödingera. Prezentujemy analizę wpływu grubości kanału na charakterystyki prądowo-napięciowe. Pokazujemy, iż wykorzystanie heterostruktury w obszarze kanału przyrządu może dać dodatkową swobodę w konstruowaniu tranzystora tunelowego EHB TFET.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks constitute a major threat in the current Internet. These cyber-attacks aim to flood the target system with tailored malicious network traffic overwhelming its service capacity and consequently severely limiting legitimate users from using the service. This paper builds on the state-of-the-art AATAC algorithm (Autonomous Algorithm for Traffic Anomaly Detection) and provides a concept of a dedicated inline DDoS detector capable of real-time monitoring of network traffic and near-real-time anomaly detection. The inline DDoS detector consists of two main elements: 1) inline probe(s) responsible for link-rate real-time processing and monitoring of network traffic with custom-built packet feature counters, and 2) an analyser that performs the near-real-time statistical analysis of these counters for anomaly detection. These elements communicate asynchronously via the Redis database, facilitating a wide range of deployment scenarios. The inline probes are based on COTS servers and utilise the DPDK framework (Data Plane Development Kit) and parallel packet processing on multiple CPU cores to achieve link rate traffic analysis, including tailored DPI analysis.
Information about the existence of periodic patterns in a database workload can play a big part in the process of database tuning. However, full analysis of audit trails can be cumbersome and time-consuming. This paper discusses a heuristic algorithm that focuses on workload reconstruction based on pattern discovery in a simplified workload notation. This notation is based on multisets representing database actions (such as user queries) requiring access to specific persistent objects, but without the access cost analysis. Each action in this notation is a multiset of accessed objects, which can be tables, system files, views, etc. The theoretical model for such an approach has been discussed in detail in the authors' previous work.This work is mostly proof-of-a-concept for the theoretical approach. Additionally, in order to test the performance of the proposed algorithm, a test-data generator has been constructed. Both the previous and the current papers are parts of a research project dealing with the application of periodic pattern theory to the field of database optimization and tuning.
In this paper, we present a case study research on designing the system interface for handling organizational processes implemented in the editorial office of the AGH-UST Students Information Bulletin, which was developed based on the analysis of identified business processes. The basis for the design work is the analysis of the editorial work and system solutions that ensure its service. A study of the basic formal and legal sources, such as regulations and statutes of the organization, was also carried out for the proper identification of goals, responsibilities, and organizational structure. To deepen this knowledge, social research was carried out, which examined how the users use the current solutions and what their needs are related to the designed system. On the basis of the research results and the formulated conclusions, the diagrams of business processes carried out in the organization were created, and the information architecture of the system, followed by a medium-fidelity interface were designed.
Jakość otaczającego nas powietrza staje się obiektem powszechnego zainteresowania. W ciągu ostatnich dziesięcioleci oczyszczanie powietrza stało się integralną częścią systemów HVAC, inżynierii procesowej, motoryzacji i ochrony dróg oddechowych. Skuteczna separacja mikroi nanocząstek jest powiązana z opracowywaniem nowych, wyrafinowanych materiałów filtrujących, a także tworzeniem i weryfikacją modeli matematycznych opisujących zachodzące w nich zjawiska. Artykuł dotyczy numerycznego modelowania przepływu powietrza wewnątrz różnych filtrów. Autorzy proponują innowacyjne podejście, w którym bezpośrednio modelowana jest reprezentatywna objętość wewnętrznej struktury materiału filtrującego, a następnie wyniki są uśredniane na podstawie geometrii całego filtra. Prezentowana praca ma na celu walidację czterech modeli materiałów filtrujących, tj. filtra HEPA z włókna szklanego, filtra papierowego stosowanego w motoryzacji, metalowego filtra tkanego oraz pianki poliuretanowej. W artykule zbadano spadek ciśnienia uzyskany dla badanych filtrów. Wyniki analizy numerycznej wskazują dobrą zgodność z danymi eksperymentalnymi, co uzasadnia wykorzystanie proponowanego podejścia w celu dalszych badań.
The quality of the air around us becomes an object of general interest. Over the past decades, air purification has become an integral part of HVAC, process engineering, automotive and respiratory protection systems. Effective separation of micro- and nanoparticles is related with the development of new, sophisticated filtering materials, as well as the generation and verification of mathematical models describing the phenomena occurring in them. The article deals with numerical modeling of air flow inside various filters. The authors propose an innovative approach in which a representative volume of the internal structure of the filter material is directly modeled, and then the results are averaged based on the geometry of the entire filter. The presented work aims to validate four models of filtering materials, i.e. a glass fiber HEPA filter, a paper filter used in the automotive industry, a metal woven filter and polyurethane foam. The article examines the pressure drop obtained for the tested filters. The results of numerical analysis show good agreement with the experimental data, which justifies the use of the proposed approach for further research.
Besides centrifugal pumps, centrifugal fans are the most common turbomachines used in technical applications. They are commonly used in power engineering systems, such as heat engines and chillers, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, supply and exhaust air systems. They are also used as machines consuming final energy (electricity). Therefore, any improvement in their efficiency affects the efficiency of energy generation and the level of electricity consumption. Many efforts have been made so far to find the most efficient numerical method of modelling flows in fans. However, only a few publications focus on the unsteadiness that may have an impact on device efficiency and noise generation. This paper presents an attempt to identify unsteadiness in the flow through a centrifugal fan by means of computational fluid dynamics and computational aeroacoustics methods. The works were performed using the Ansys CFX commercial software and the results of numerical studies are compared with experimental data.
We describe, characterize and compare three selected modeling notations of business processes: Unified Modeling Language, Business Process Model and Notation, as well as Event-Driven Process Chain. Using processes implemented in a~training company, the selected notations were discussed in detail. We compare various aspects, such as modeling notation origin, the number of graphical elements included. Moreover, notations were analyzed using the 4+1 architectural view model. Justified results of the survey conducted among employees of above-mentioned organization let us conclude that there exist notation differences. Both BPMN and EPC allow the process architects to prepare more precise and legible models than UML.
Content available remote Business Process Recomposition as a Way to Redesign Workflows Effectively
Business process models are subject to changing requirements. The purpose of this paper is to present methods that enable computer-aided recomposition of process models, understood as using existing processes to design new ones. This procedure involves dividing existing BPMN diagrams into smaller components, from which new models can be created. This kind of model generation can be performed manually by the user or run automatically, based on the Constraint Programming technique. The presented algorithms can improve the process of model redesign and allow users to avoid typical anomalies that may occur in the modeling phase.
The quality of ambient air attracts considerable, widespread interest. Over the last decades, air purification has become an integral part of HVAC systems, process engineering, automotive and respiratory protection. Efficient separation of micro- and nano- particles is solidly linked with the development of new, sophisticated filtrating materials, as well as generating and validating mathematical models of such porous structures. The paper regards the numerical modeling of various filters. The presented work aims to validate four virtual filtrating materials – the fiberglass HEPA filter, the paper filter used in the automotive industry, knitted wire mesh and polyurethane foam. The pressure drop obtained for the filters under investigation was examined. The CFD results were validated against the data available in the literature. The agreement of the results of numerical and experimental studies proves the suitability of the proposed methods. At the same time, the simplifications employed in the simulations leave room for further improvement in future works.
The article covers the issue of land reclamation of two degraded urban areas: Silesia Park (Chorzów city, Southern Poland) and Górka Rogowska Park (Łódź city, Central Poland). The research raises the subject of vegetation condition, plant succession, and the usage of a given area in terms of recreational functions. The first example of Silesia Park (case study 1) indicates a successful nature and landscape reclamation. The intention of park’s designers was to create a permanent and self-regulating natural system in accordance with the principle that the wider the area of the park and the longer it exists, the more it is ecologically sustainable and the more it affects its surroundings. The second example of Górka Rogowska Park (case study 2) shows that despite numerous sensible design ideas for satisfactory development, the area has not been properly reclaimed. In this location, the conducted works have degraded landscape values and recreational opportunities. Nevertheless, the research showed that this park is an area with high natural potential, and with properly designed decisions and contribution of city’ authorities might become a popular year-round and multi-functional public space offering a various range of recreational activities similar to the Silesia Park. The research led to the conclusion that constant monitoring is necessary to counteract the negative effects of the anthropopression through appropriate care (plant control, elimination of invasive plants) and design (rational development of leisure activities of a given place) decisions on reclaimed urban areas.
High complexity of business processes in real-life organizations is a constantly rising issue. In consequence, modeling a workflow is a challenge for process stakeholders. Yet, to facilitate this task, new methods can be implemented to automate the phase of process design. As a main contribution of this paper, we propose an approach to generate process models based on activities performed by the participants, where the exact order of execution does not need to be specified. Nevertheless, the goal of our method is to generate artificial workflow traces of a process using Constraint Programming and a set of predefined rules. As a final step, the approach was implemented as a dedicated tool and evaluated on a set of test examples that prove that our method is capable of creating correct process models.
Content available remote Overview of verification tools for business process models
Formal verification of process models is an important issue in Business Process Management. Such a verification provides the information about the correctness of a process model, can be also used for checking business compliance or as a preliminary step to simulation. In this paper, we provide an overview of the existing tools for such a verification.
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