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The shipping industry's significant contribution to global air pollution, estimated at 13% of man-made carbon dioxide emissions, has spurred shipping companies to embrace green fuels like LNG and biofuels. However, their higher costs pose a challenge to their adoption. This study presents a
statistical model that demonstrates the relationship between green fuel use by ships visiting Saudi ports and port profitability. Leveraging data from the Saudi Ports Authority and the International Maritime Organization, the model establishes a positive correlation between green fuel usage and port profitability. This correlation stems from green fuel's environmental benefits, which translate into lower operating costs and increased revenues for ports. The model empowers port authorities in making informed decisions to attract vessels utilizing green fuels. By promoting the adoption of sustainable practices, ports can not only enhance their environmental standing but also improve their financial resilience.
This paper investigates the potential impact of green fuel adoption on the Saudi Arabian maritime industry using fuzzy set theory. We will examine the cost-profitability of green fuel adoption and its implications for the Saudi Arabian economy. By employing fuzzy set theory, we can more
accurately predict and analyze the potential impacts of green shipping. This paper will present case studies from the shipping industry that have successfully used fuzzy set theory to optimize green fuel usage and profitability. Moreover, this paper will focus on the use of green fuels as a way of reducing the environmental impacts of the shipping industry in Saudi Arabia. This paper will explore the impact of fueling ships with green fuel in Saudi Arabia and use fuzzy set theory to analyze the cost-profitability of this action.
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