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Przedstawiono wyniki utwardzania różnego typu żywic glicydylosiloksanowych za pomocą trietylenotetraaminy oraz amin cykloalifatycznych IDA i PF. Metodą termograwimetrii wyznaczono początkową, maksymalną i końcową temperaturę reakcji utwardzania oraz obliczono efekt cieplny. Za pomocą mikroskopu sił atomowych wyznaczono profil topograficzny powierzchni powłoki. Z dyfraktogramów rentgenowskich obliczono stopień krystaliczności powłoki. Metodami fizykomechanicznymi wykonano pomiary twardości względnej oraz tłoczności. Oceniono właściwości powłok w zależności od rodzaju żywicy glicydylosiloksanowej, aminy i warunków utwardzania. Ustalono optymalny skład kompozycji powłokowej.
Four glycidylsiloxane resins were synthesized, cured in coatings with com. triethylenetetramine and isophoronediamine hardeners and studied for structure, thermal properties, surface topography, hardness and drewability. The coatings were heat resistant up to 150–180°C. The coating made of a partly cryst. resin showed the highest quality.
Opracowano prostą i skuteczną metodę oznaczania zawartości niezwiązanej aminy w utwardzonym polimerze epoksydowym. Nadmiarowa ilość trietylenotetraaminy była ekstrahowana z polimeru epoksydowego, a jej ilość była oznaczana spektrofotometrycznie przy użyciu chromometrycznego układu utworzonego przez alizarynę. Uwolniona amina wywołuje zmiany w widmie absorpcyjnym alizaryny, proporcjonalnie do zawartości aminy w badanych próbkach. Największa ilość wolnej aminy została wyekstrahowana przy użyciu wody i wyniosła ok. 6,5% masy aminy obecnej w próbce. Ilość wolnej aminy wyekstrahowanej przy użyciu metanolu i acetonu wynosiła nie więcej niż 1,5%. Próbki pozostawione na 6 miesięcy wykazały ok. dwukrotnie mniejsze uwalnianie aminy niż próbki badane bezpośrednio po zalecanym czasie utwardzania w przypadku acetonu i metanolu, zaś w przypadku wody było ono niemal identyczne. Zaproponowana metoda charakteryzuje się niewielkim kosztem i prostotą pomiarów, a także wysoką czułością, odpowiednią dla oznaczeń typowych polimerów epoksydowych.
A com. epoxy resin was cured with triethylenetetramine (I) (8–16 parts for 100 parts of the resin) and then leached with MeOH, Me₂CO or H₂O for 3 h to remove unconverted I and det. it by spectrophotometry at 430 nm and 527 nm in presence of alizarin. The highest recovery of I was achieved after leaching with H₂O (6.5% by mass) also after 6 mo. long storage of the resin.
The unique set of aromaticity indices was identified for thermally induced changes of pi-electron delocalization by means of PCA (Principal Component Analysis). It was demonstrated that solvents polarity can influence not only the values of aromaticity indices but also their contribution to Principal Components. Therefore, in different phases one should select different indices for a proper description of the aromaticity. The found aromaticity diversities indices were provided for aniline as well as p-nitrosoaniline and it was found that the geometry of the latter one is highly sensitive to solvents polarity changes. Thus, all of the aromaticity indices experienced a reduction of their values, with the HOMA (Harmonic Oscillator Model of Aromaticity) index being the most sensitive. It was also found that there were such vibrations which could alter this trend and lead to apparent increase of aromaticity.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badania flokulacyjnych właściwości kationizowanej skrobi ziemniaczanej w obecności koagulantów żelazowego i glinowego. Wydajność sedymentacji modelowych zawiesin kaolinu określano metodą nefelomeryczną. Stwierdzono, że modyfikowana skrobia użyta w kompozycji z koagulantem znacznie wydajniej przyspiesza klarowanie zawiesiny mineralnej, niż flokulant czy koagulant stosowane pojedynczo. Przedawkowanie koagulanta (zarówno żelazowego jak glinowego) prowadzi do obniżenia wydajności flokulacyjnej kationizowanej skrobi.
The work contains experimental data on flocculation abilities of cationized potato starch applied together with ferric and aluminum coagulants. The sedimentation efficiency for model kaolin suspensions has been determined with nephelometric method. It has been stated that modified starch used together with coagulant accelerates much more effectively the clarification of mineral suspension comparing to the flocculant or the coagulant used separately. Meantime, overdosage of the coagulant (both ferric and aluminum one) leads to decrease of flocculation efficiency of cationized starch.
Numerous damages to cellular DNA are imposed by oxidative stress. Formation of stable products resulting from oxidation of nucleobases is one of many observed consequences. The oxidized species constitute a class of heterocyclic compounds with great diversities of physicochemical properties. Modified nucleosides significantly differ from their canonical protoplasts by tautomeric equilibriums, protolytic properties in the gas phase and water solution, they have altered oxidative susceptibility and N-glycosidic bond stabilities. However, what is most important, they have overwhelmingly altered pairing properties, which are directly responsible for observed cytotoxic properties of these lesions. Besides, since many analogues are structurally different with respect to canonical bases their presence in DNA must impose many energetic, structural and dynamic modifications. These aspect are reviewed as fruits of project no 39 supported by computational grant in Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC, Poland).
Praca przedstawia zagadnienia barwienia pastami pigmentowymi wodnych emulsji ksylenu oraz wodnych dyspersji ksylenowych roztworów kopolimerów akrylowych MMA/BA/MAA i MBA/AMAA. Do barwienia użyto pasty pigmentowe Oranż RB, Błękit B, Szkarłat B, Zieleń BO i Zieleń Cr. Do stabilizacji wodnych dyspersji układów dodatkowo zastosowano oksyetylenowane aminy tłuszczowe Rokamin SR-8 i SR-22 a także poliuretanowy zagęszczacz. Określono rodzaj pasty pigmentowej i jej optymalną ilość potrzebną do uzyskania najbardziej stabilnej wodnej dyspersji ksylenowych roztworów kopolimerów akrylowych. Na podstawie wykonanych badań stwierdzono, że najlepszą pastą pigmentową jest Błękit B, ponieważ pigment w niej zawarty, którym jest ftalocyjanina miedzi, charakteryzuje największa wartość powierzchni właściwej oraz największa wartość liczby olejowej.
This paper presents the issues on dyeing xylene water emulsions and xylene water dispersions of the acrylic copolymer MMA/BA/MAA and MBA/ AMAA solutions with pigment pastes. The following pigment pastes were applied for dyeing: Orange RB, Blue B, Scarlet B, Green BO and Green Cr. To stabilise water dispersions, oxyethylenated fatty amines Rokamin SR-8 and SR-22, as well as a thickening agent were additionally used. A type of pigment paste and its optimal amount necessary to obtain the most stable system of water dispersion of xylene and water dispersions of xylene solutions of acrylic copolymers were determined. Basing on the tests made, it has been found that Blue B is the best pigment paste, because its pigment, i.e. copper phthalocyanine, is characterised by the highest values of specific surface and oil absorption.
The scan of intermolecular interaction energy surfaces for stacked complexes of 2-oxoadenine (AA) with purine bases was performed using the density-fitting approach at the MP2 level of theory with correlation-consistent Dunning's basis sets. Moreover, the convergence of stabilization energy to the basis-set limit was analyzed using two-point extrapolation formula proposed by Halkier et al. Four different complexes in two different context alignments appearing in B-DNA were considered, namely 5c-A/A-3', 5'-A/AA-3', 5c-AA/A-3', 5c-G/A-3', 5'-G/AA-3', 5'-A/G-3' and 5'-AA/G-3'. The results of ab initio calculation allow to arrive at conclusion that oxidation of adenine at C2 position does not lead to significant changes in the structural parameters of stacked complexes. However, the modification of adenine by hydroxyl radical affects noticeably the stabilization energy only for 5'-G/AA-3' complex. In order to explain the source of this large stabilization effect, the intermolecular interaction energy decomposition was performed at the MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ level of theory for the minima on the interaction energy surfaces of adenine (2-oxo-ad e nine) with guanine. It was found that the observed larger stabilization energy for 5'-G/AA-3' compared to 5'-G/A-3' arises from the electrostatic interactions.
The gas phase basicities (GPB) of purines and their hydroxyl radical modified analogs were characterized by different methods and diverse basis sets. The macroscopic and microscopic protolytic properties of six derivatives were analyzed in details. Most of studied model purine analogs, namely 8-oxo-adenosine (AB), 8-oxo-guanosine (GA), xanthosine (GB) and fapy-guanosine (GC) have reduced basicities from 2.0 kcal/mol (AB) to 6.4 kcal/mol (GA) compared to non-modified model purine nucleosides. The fapy-adenosine (AC) and 2-OH-adenosine (AA) are characterized by higher basic character compared to non-modified adenosine. Besides, it is presented the detailed analysis of GPB in accuracies estimated by means of HF, MP2, B3LYP, G3MP2 and G3MP2B3 methods. The B3LYP/aug-cc-pvdz approach seems to be the most accurate among studied methods and precise enough for estimation of GPB. However, the microscopic protonation features are much more sensitive to applied method since the difference in energies between some tautomers are often less than 1 kcal/mol with method dependent succession. The correct sequence of neutral and cationic forms may be however obtained using one of the model composite chemistry approaches, e.g. G3MP2B3. In the cases where B3LYP/aug-cc-pvdz and G3MP2B3 methods lead to contradictory predictions of order of neutral or protonated tautomers the latter is suggested to be used in the interpretation of microscopic protonation properties. Nevertheless, if only macroscopic property is necessary the B3LYP/aug-cc-pvdz level is sufficient since it provides GPB values with 1.0 kcal/mol accuracy.
Zaproponowano model matematyczny opisujący proces emulgowania ksylenu w wodzie z użyciem środków powierzchniowo czynnych należących do grupy oksyetylenowanych alkoholi i kwasów tłuszczowych. W zastosowanej metodyce regresji liniowej wykorzystano właściwości środków powierzchniowo czynnych jako zmienne niezależne. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy statystycznej uzyskano jakościową korelację pomiędzy doświadczalnymi i teoretycznymi wartościami wydajności emulgowania. Modele zawierają pięć lub sześć nieskorelowanych ze sobą deskryptorów, takich jak masa cząsteczkowa, stała oddziaływania Hallera, krytyczne stężenie tworzenia miceli, graniczne przewodnictwo równoważnikowe oraz równowagę hydrofilowo-hydrofobową. Użyteczność modelu matematycznego przedyskutowano w aspekcie możliwości jego praktycznego wykorzystania.
A mathematical model describing a process of emulsifying xylene in water with fatty alcohol ethoxylate and fatty acid ethoxylate types of surfactants was proposed. In the method of linear regression the surfactants properties as independent variables were used. As a result of the statistical analysis a qualitative correlation between experimental and theoretical values of emulsifying efficiencies was obtained. These models had five or six noncorrelated descriptors, such as molecular weight, Haller interaction constant, critical micelle concentration values, limiting equivalent conductivity and hydrophilic - lipophilic balance. Utility of the mathematical model on aspect of the possibility of its practical use was discussed.
Bond strengths in macroradicals and hydroperoxides of polypropylene and polystyrene have been estimated using quantrum chemical methods. Both secondary and tertiary polypropylene oxy macroradicals have been found to be clearly inclined to beta-scission of main chains. Bond strengths in the main chain of polystyrene alkyl macroradicals proved to be almost unchanged in comparison with initial macromolecule. Among oxygen-containing polystyrene intermediates the most degradable ones seem to be secondary oxy and secondary peroxy macroradicals.
Za pomocą metod kwantowo-chemicznych przeprowadzono analizę strukturalną rzędowości oraz zmian długości wiązań w makrorodnikach, a także wodoronadtlenkach modelowych oligomerów propylenu i styrenu. Przedstawione wyniki sugerują możliwość degradacji z pękaniem wiązań drugorzędowych oraz trzeciorzędowych rodników tlenkowych polipropylenu. Natomiast wydaje się, że łańcuchy główne alkilowych i nadtlenkowych makrorodników polipropylenowych, jak również fragmenty wodoronadtlenkowe są raczej stabilne (schemat I). Wśród rodników polistyrenu zawierających tlen największą tendencję do degradacji mają drugorzędowe makrorodniki tlenkowe i nadtlenkowe, podczas gdy makrorodniki alkilowe niemal nie biorą udziału w pękaniu łańcuchów PS (schemat II).
Stacking properties of 8-oxo-9-methylguanine interacting with all four canonical nucleic acid bases were studied and compared to dimers formed by unmodified guanine. The impact of twist angle and base-base separation distance on the stacked dimers energies were analyzed based on MP2/6-31G*(d=0.25) quantum chemistry and Amber molecular mechanics single point calculations. Besides, solvent affects were taken into account within PCM formalism. Presented data lead to the conclusion that 8-oxo-9-methylguanine has significantly different stacking properties compared to standard guanine. Although the dimers stabilization energies are similar for standard and modified 9-methylguanine structural properties are significantly diverse. The most stable dimers formed by 8-oxo- 9-methyl-G are characterized by different conformations compared to canonical 9- methylguanine. This may lead to complete alteration of stacking abilities. For example, 8-oxo-9-methyl-G if paired with 9-methyl-G exhibits strong stacking repulsion in the twist region, for which 9-methylguanine/9-methylguanine dimer has major attraction. The most stable stacking pair is formed by 8-oxo-9-methylguanine with 9-methylguanine, while the least stable one corresponds to 8-oxo-9-methylguanine/1-methylcytosine and 9-methylguanine/1-methylcytosine pairs. Besides, significant changes of stacked complexes polarities are observed, especially in case of pairs containing methylated pyrimidines. Polarities of dimer formed by two 9-methylated purines are much less sensitive to the environment but dipole moments of 9-methylpurine/1-methylpyrimidine stacking pairs are significantly altered by taking into account solvent effects. The observed differences in stacking properties between standard and modified guanine are related mainly to charge redistribution rather than direct interactions of O8 oxygen. The correlation energies of stacking dimers are very high and are main source of pairs stabilization. Both 9-methylguanine and 8-oxo-9-methylguanine are characterized by similar values of correlation energy.
The coding properties of three hydroxyl radical induced thyine derivatives; 5-hydroxy-6-hydrothyine (1), 5,6-dihydrothymine (2) and 6-hydroxy-5,6-dihydrothymine (3) were characterized by ab initio HF/6-31 G, HF/6-31 G**//HF/6-31G and SCI-PCM/6-31G**//HF/6-31G quantum chemistry calculations. All studied derivatives ay have potential miscoding character, which strongly depends on the polarity of the environment. Under non-polar conditions all analyzed thymine derivatives are able to pair with guanine, what may result in the T-C transition. Additionally, I is able to form stable pairs with cytosine and adenine. Compound 3 is capable to pair with all four canonical DNA bases. All these pairs are more stable than standard AT pair. In polar environment the pairing potential of studied thymine derivatives is significantly reduced. However, the mispairing potential is usually the same and reained significant, especially for 6-hydroxy-6-hydrothymine.
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