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In energy-intensive systems, in which energy need to be transported through compact pipelines, steam is very often used as an energy carrier. The latent heat of steam condensation, surpassing its sensible heat, presents a distinctive advantage, resulting in steam pipelines requiring diameters significantly smaller compared to those needed for equivalent thermal power transmission. Nonetheless, the insulation of steam pipelines remains imperfect, resulting in inevitable heat dissipation. Consequently, this thermal loss leads to the condensation of water within the pipelines, necessitating the implementation of steam traps. The precise selection and implementation of suitable steam traps are essential for sustaining optimal pipeline functionality while minimizing energy losses. This research endeavors to comprehensively assess the criteria governing steam trap selection, focusing on their pivotal role in facilitating efficient pipeline operation. To achieve this objective, a mathematical analysis was conducted to quantify the volume of liquid generated within the pipeline due to condensation. Subsequently, an innovative self-regulating steam trap was introduced and evaluated to elucidate its efficiency in evacuating the accumulated liquid. Remarkably, the utilization of these advanced self-regulating steam traps yielded remarkably positive outcomes, profoundly enhancing pipeline performance and obviating steam losses. Through meticulous analysis of the mathematical model and empirical validation of the novel steam trap's functionality, this study not only contributes to enhancing the theoretical understanding of steam pipeline dynamics but also offers practical insights into optimizing their operational efficiency. This research showcases the potential of self-regulating steam traps to revolutionize steam pipeline dewatering practices, ensuring sustained energy transmission with minimal wastage and reaffirming their pivotal role in modern energy systems.
This study aimed to approximate the operating characteristics of steam traps through experimental research and mathematical analysis. The research presented the phenomena leading to the development of steam traps, their relevance to power engineering and production plants, and the energy properties of water vapor for heat transport and exchange. The study also discusses problems that can occur in steam systems and how steam traps can prevent adverse phenomena. The experimental studies allowed the researchers to determine the operating characteristics of steam traps, and mathematical analysis extended the results to other cases.
Zajęcia dydaktyczne prowadzone są w salach wykładowych zwykle dostosowanych od strony technicznej do prezentowanych treści. Zainstalowane są systemy audiowizualne i nagłaśniające. Niestety w wielu przypadkach sale lekcyjne projektuje się pod kątem klimatyzacji i wentylacji, podobnie jak pomieszczenia biurowe. W efekcie, podczas zajęć, nawet w pomieszczeniach z klimatyzacją, warunki zmieniają się na tyle niekorzystnie, że zarówno nauczyciel, jak i uczniowie odczuwają dyskomfort. W pracy przeanalizowano zmiany temperatury, stężenia CO2, stężenia PM2,5 i wilgotności względnej w pomieszczeniu, w którym zyski ciepła od ludzi i urządzeń oraz zyski wilgoci przekraczają wartości projektowe. W pracy wykorzystano bezkanałowy rekuperator Respireco o pracy cyklicznej. Najpierw sprawdzono właściwości termodynamiczne samego rekuperatora, a następnie przetestowano go w wybranej polskiej szkole podstawowej. Wyniki pokazują, że tego typu rekuperatory są w stanie zapewnić prawidłowe warunki klimatyczne w salach wykładowych. Zastosowanie wentylacji mechanicznej z wykorzystaniem rekuperatora z ceramicznym odzyskiem ciepła spowodowało, że podczas zajęć stężenie CO2 w pomieszczeniu spadło o 50%. Stężenie PM2,5 utrzymywało się na poziomie trzykrotnie niższym niż w pomieszczeniu bez wentylacji mechanicznej. Należy zatem stwierdzić, że zastosowanie wentylacji mechanicznej z rekuperacją nie tylko obniża koszty ogrzewania, ale także znacząco poprawia jakość powietrza.
Classes are conducted in lecture rooms usually technically adapted to the content presented. Audio-visual and sound systems are installed. Unfortunately, in many cases, classrooms are designed for air conditioning and ventilation, just like offices. As a result, during classes, even in air-conditioned rooms, the conditions change so badly that both the teacher and the students feel discomfort. The study analyzed changes in temperature, CO2 concentration, PM2.5 concentration and relative humidity in a room where heat gains from people and devices as well as moisture gains exceed the design values. The work uses a channelless Respireco recuperator with cyclical operation. First, the thermodynamic properties of the recuperator itself were checked, and then it was tested in a selected Polish primary school. The results show that this type of recuperator is able to provide proper climatic conditions in lecture halls. The use of mechanical ventilation with the use of a recuperator with ceramic heat recovery resulted in the reduction of CO2 concentration in the room by 50% during the classes. The concentration of PM2.5 remained three times lower than in the room without mechanical ventilation. Therefore, it should be stated that the use of mechanical ventilation with recuperation not only reduces heating costs, but also significantly improves air quality.
Following the entry into force of the Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases and repealing Regulation (EC) No 842/2006, the scope of refrigerants, which have so far been commonly used is very limited. All preferred refrigerants are mostly flammable and explosive, and they include R32, R1234yf, R1234ze, R290 (propane), R600a (isobutane), R717 (ammonia). However, it should be noted that refrigerants such as R32, R1234yf, R1234ze are classified as mildly flammable and has been created for them, in accordance with ISO 817 standard, special group called A2L. It is also worth noting that the new classification moved ammonia to the group B2L - that means is toxic and mildly flammable. The article focuses on defining the conditions in which there is possible to build safely split installation in which the propane is a refrigerant. It turns out that small splits are devices which can be used safely with R290 in most cases.
Energy storage is one of the most important issues related to modern energy. The major change from sources of constant generation energy into favor of sources with variable powers (wind or solar power plants) causes a greater than before need for energy storage systems. The article focuses on averaging energy consumption by air-conditioning installations in a single-family house. In a standard air conditioning system based on a compressor device, the demand for electric power is proportional to the demand for cooling power. If a cold store is used, it is possible to balance the electricity demand. The use of a cold storage in the form of a sorption bed means that the building uses a constant amount of electric energy just for ventilation system. The analysis showed that if there is needed to store 47.8 kWh of cold, its volume (in case it is built of silica gel) must be 3.78 m3. This solution not only causes that the energy consumption is equalized, but also significantly reduces electricity consumption.
Magazynowanie energii jest jednym z ważniejszych zagadnień związanych ze współczesną energetyką. Odchodzenie od źródeł energii wytwórczych o stałej mocy na rzecz źródeł o zmiennych mocach (w elektrowniach wiatrowych czy słonecznych) powoduje większą niż do tej pory potrzebę magazynowania energii. W artykule skupiono się na uśrednianiu zużycia energii przez instalację klimatyzacji budynku jednorodzinnego. W standardowym układzie klimatyzacji opartym na urządzeniu sprężarkowym zapotrzebowanie na moc elektryczną jest proporcjonalne do zapotrzebowanie na moc chłodniczą. W przypadku gdy zastosuje się magazyn chłodu możliwe jest wyrównanie zapotrzebowana na energię elektryczną. Zastosowanie magazynu chłodu w postaci złoża sorpcyjnego powoduje, że budynek zużywa stałą ilość energii przez całą dobę na potrzeby wentylacji. Analiza pokazała, że w przypadku, gdy magazyn musi przechować 47,8 kWh chłodu jego objętość (w przypadku gdy jest zbudowany z silikażelu) musi wynieść 3,78 m3. Rozwiązanie to nie tylko powoduje, że zużycie energii jest równomierne, ale także zdecydowanie zmniejsza zużycie energii elektrycznej.
Due to increasing restriction put on compressor based cooling, adsorption cooling has been increasing its popularity. Abovementioned restrictions forces usage of ecological refrigerants, such as water. Additional advantage of adsorption devices is possibility to use low-grade waste heat source or solar energy as the main driving energy instead of electricity. This trend has lead to significant development of adsorption based branch in cooling industry over past 30 years. The paper presents the results of experimental research for an adsorption refrigeration device built of two deposits. Water-silica gel was chosen as the working pair, because this solution allows to work at the lowest drive temperatures. As a result of the experiment, EER coefficients were obtained at the level of 0.57-0.82 and SCP coefficients in the range from 8 to 21 W/kg. The results allow to conclude that adsorption devices can, in many cases compete with compressor solutions.
Techniques related to elimination of environmental pollution are divided into two main trends. These are primary and secondary solutions. Primary solutions are based on the creation / selection of technologies that do not emit pollutants, secondary solutions are used in the situation that pollutants are already generated. Elimination is made by selected technological processes. When using residential, office or industrial buildings, emissions are primarily associated with the use of energy carriers such as electricity, heat or cold. During electricity production, pollution is related mostly to the atmosphere degradation. Thus, any solution that reduces energy consumption or improves the energy efficiency of buildings is the primary method of environment protection. This article proposes and investigates an idea of cold storage system based on an adsorbent bed (silica gel), which aims to reduce the energy consumption of the domestic air conditioning system. As a result of experimental research, it was shown that for a building with a volume of 1000m 3 and multiples of air exchanges at 0.5 level, a silica gel bed with a volume of 1.63 m3 is required in order to continuously unload the air conditioning system for 8 hours (while outside air temperature exceeding 25oC).
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