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Nowadays more and more attention is paid to minimizing the costs of air operations. The largest share in the cost of the flight is the cost of consumed fuel. Taking into account the external conditions, having impact on the aircraft, such as wind direction and magnitude when planning the aircraft trajectory it is possible to reduce flight time and thus reduce fuel consumption. An additional advantage is the simultaneous reduction of pollutants in the jet engines exhausts. In the times of pro-ecological trends and concepts (e.g. Clean Sky, Single European Sky, CORSIA) this aspect is of crucial importance. The emission of selected pollutants in the jet engine exhausts (NOx, CO and HC) emitted during the flight of a business jet on the route whose cruise phase was assumed 1000 km long was determined in the article. The aircraft used in the research was Gulfstream GIV, powered by two Rolls Royce TAY 611-C engines, for which a cruising altitude of 10 km and a flight speed of 0.8 Ma were assumed. The thrust necessary for the flight at these cruise parameters was set, and then the engine thrust appropriate for the flight and the corresponding specific fuel consumption were determined. On this basis, based on the available ICAO data, the emission of selected pollutants in tis engines exhausts was determined for windless conditions. Next, the analysis of the impact of wind - its magnitude and direction – on the emission of these pollutants was made. The results of the conducted analyses are presented in diagrams and discussed in the conclusions.
Nowadays, air transport is in an intense development phase. In order to optimize air communication and make it even more economical and environmentally friendly, attempts are made to undertake such activities as, e.g., SESAR project, which aims to develop and implement a modern ATM system. One of the parts of this project is the research on minimizing fuel consumption and emissions of pollutants in the engine exhausts. In the paper there is therefore presented the methodology for determining emission of those pollutants for the longest stage of the flight - the cruise phase. First, the value of the thrust required for the flight of an exemplary aircraft was deter-mined, and then the values of the engines trust and specific fuel consumption were computed. Additionally, it was necessary to determine the Emission Indexes (EI) of CO, NOx, HC and CO2 for the cruise phase, based on known such indexes for the LTO. Total emissions of these pollutants for the mission adopted to conduct research - a 1000 km long cruise - were determined. These emissions were computed for the exemplary aircraft per one kilometre, as well as per one hour of flight for various cruising altitudes and flight speeds.
Among the most important problems currently faced by air transport, we can distinguish the adverse impact of aircrafts on the natural environment, as well as the rising costs of transport. One of the possibilities to improve this situation is better adjustment of aircraft characteristics to the performed transport tasks, taking into account all the requirements and limitations that exist in air traffic and the adverse impact of air transport on the natural environment. It is reflected in the research tasks conducted under the SESAR program. The aspiration to minimize the adverse impact of aircrafts on the environment is executed, among others, through determining such trajectories that are characterized by minimal fuel consumption or minimal emission of harmful substances in the engines exhausts. These goals are corresponding with the research conducted and described in the paper. The main aim of the work was to analyse the impact of wind speed and direction on the emission of harmful substances of a jet aircraft performing a flight on a given route. For research purposes, the route between two Polish cities Gdansk and Rzeszow was considered. The distance between the two airports was divided into sections for which wind direction and strength were determined (read from the website). Next, the aircraft performance was determined and the fuel consumption and the amount of harmful compounds (CO2, NOx, CO and HC), emitted in the engines exhausts were determined for the route from Gdansk to Rzeszow (under favourable wind conditions) and on the return route - from Rzeszow to Gdansk (under unfavourable wind conditions). For comparative purposes, emission of these substances for windless conditions was also determined. The results are presented in tables and depicted in the graph, as well as discussed in the conclusions of the paper.
In this work, the validation of selected presented method measured of length fatigue gap was shown. The article describes three methods of determining fatigue gaps. The object of the study was the first stage compressor blade from aircraft engine. Blades have defects on the leading edge. This defect on the blade (as a result of the resonance vibration) was the origin point of the fatigue gap. Two of the methods, fluorescent and thermovision, were optical. The fluorescent method was a direct measurement, whereas direct-indirect thermography. The last of the presented methods was an analytical method, showing an algorithm based on amplitude-frequency characteristics. The advantages and disadvantages of these methods were compared. As a result of the analysis performed by the algorithm, there were specified patterns defining the dependence of change in crack length depending on the asymmetry of AF characteristics. The accuracy of the following methods and the results obtained for chord length were determined. Thanks to such use, these results have a utilitarian meaning. Such a compilation allowed us to evaluate the usefulness of particular measurement methods. Proposed methods of measuring the length of fatigue crack are used in experimental studies. It is also possible to implement them for research conducted during the operation of an aircraft engine.
W artykule opisano metodykę wyznaczenia emisji wybranych szkodliwych związków do atmosfery przez turbinę gazową napędzającą morską jednostkę pływającą. Opisano konstrukcję takiego silnika, porównano go do spokrewnionego z nim silnika odrzutowego. Powiązano parametry obiegu silników używając do tego formuł gazodynamicznych, a na tej podstawie dobrano współczynniki emisji NOx, CO, HC. Wyniki zebrano w tabelach i przedstawiono na wykresach. Rezultaty analizy zostały omówione i są podstawą do dalszych, bardziej szczegółowych symulacji i analiz.
The paper describes the methodology for determining the emission into the atmosphere of selected harmful compounds generated by a gas turbine that drives a seagoing vessel. The design of such an engine was described and compared to its related jet engine. The engine parameters were adjusted using gasodynamic formulas and the NOx, CO, HC emission coefficients were adjusted accordingly. The results are summarized in tables and graphed. The results of the analysis are discussed and are the basis for further, more detailed simulations and analyzes.
W artykule poruszono problematykę emisji toksycznych składników spalin silników lotniczych. Opisano specyfikę operacji lotniczych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem etapu startu/lądowania (LTO - landing takeoff operation) oraz metody szacowania wskaźników emisji CO i NOₓ dla silników odrzutowych samolotów w zależności od wykonywanego manewru/etapu lotu. Bazując na dostępnych raportach i bazach danych ICAO, dokonano wyznaczenia współczynników emisji wybranych toksycznych składników spalin oraz ilości wyemitowanych zanieczyszczeń. Dokonano analizy porównawczej typowych silników stosowanych w samolotach średnio i dalekodystansowych, zarówno tych starszej, jak i nowszej generacji.
The paper presents the issues of emission of toxic compounds in exhaust gases of aviation engines. The specifics of aviation operations with particular focus on the landing take-off operation (LTO) and methods for estimating CO and NOₓ emission factors for aircraft jet engines, depending on the maneuver / flight stage, were described. Based on available ICAO reports and databases, emission factors for selected toxic exhaust components and loads of those pollutant emissions were determined. A comparative analysis of typical engines used in medium and long haul aircrafts, both older and newer was performed.
In this paper the experimental results of fatigue analysis of the compressor blade were presented. Temperature distribution as a method of measuring crack length was considered. The blade with the V-notch (which simulates the foreign object damage) was entered into transverse vibration under resonance condition. During investigations both the amplitude of the blade tip displacement and also the crack length were monitored. At the same the pictures of time temperature distribution were taken. In the first part of the work the amplitude-frequency diagrams were obtained for different sizes of cracks. In the investigation, both a number of load cycles to crack initiation and dynamics of the crack growth in the compressor blade subjected to vibrations were determined. An additional original result of the work is the comparison of optically measured crack length and the dimension of the crack length taken from the picture. An important application will be the benefits of the method of measuring the length of the slot with a temperature distribution image. The results presented in this paper have theoretical and practical significance.
W niniejszej pracy przeprowadzono eksperymentalną analizę zmęczeniową łopatki sprężarki lotniczego silnika turbinowego. Rozkład temperatur na łopatce wykorzystano do określenia długości powstałej w trakcie badań szczeliny zmęczeniowej. Łopatka z karbem symulującym uszkodzenie obcym obiektem została poddana drganiom poprzecznym wstanie rezonansu. Podczas badań zarówno amplituda przemieszczenia wierzchołka ostrza, a także długość pęknięcia były monitorowane. W tym samym czasie wykonano kamerą termowizyjną zdjęcia rozkład temperatury. W pierwszej fazie pracy wykresy amplitudowo-częstotliwościowe uzyskano dla różnej wielkości pęknięć. Określono liczbę cykli obciążeń do inicjacji pęknięć, a także dynamikę wzrostu pęknięć w łopatce sprężarki narażonej na drgania. Dodatkowym efektem pracy jest porównanie długości szczelin zmierzonych bezpośrednio na badanej łopatce jak i na obrazie z rozkładami temperatury wokół pęknięcia. Przedstawiono zalety metody pomiaru długości szczeliny z wykorzystaniem zdjęć z kamery termowizyjnej. Wyniki przedstawione w niniejszym artykule mają wartość teoretyczną i praktyczną.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań numerycznych porównujących efektywność pracy klasycznego silnika dwuprzepływowego oraz silnika dwuprzepływowego z dwiema komorami spalania. Na wstępie podano istotne informacje dotyczące konstrukcji silnika dwuprzepływowego z dodatkową komorą spalania usytuowaną pomiędzy turbiną wysokiego i niskiego ciśnienia i wynikające stąd korzyści eksploatacyjne silnika. Przedstawiono zasadnicze różnice w modelu silnika z dwiema komorami spalania oraz przeanalizowano ich wpływ na osiągi silnika. Wykonano symulacje komputerowe pracy silnika z dwiema komorami spalania i porównano je z wynikami dla klasycznego silnika dwuprzepływowego. Wskazano na istotne cech silnika dwukomorowego, które są związane z doborem parametrów obiegu silnika. Wykazano, że w odróżnieniu od klasycznego silnika dwuprzepływowego można wyznaczyć spręż całkowity silnika, dla którego spełnione będzie jednocześnie kryterium osiągnięcia minimum jednostkowego zużycia paliwa i maksimum ciągu jednostkowego. W wyniku obliczeń parametrów eksploatacyjnych wyznaczono przebiegi podstawowych parametrów pracy silnika dla różnych warunków lotu i wskazano występowanie zakresów konstrukcyjnych i eksploatacyjnych, w których silnik z dwiema komorami spalania będzie rozwiązaniem korzystniejszym niż klasyczny silnik dwuprzepływowy. Na podstawie wykonanych analiz sformułowano wnioski dotyczące porównania cech eksploatacyjnych obydwu typów silników.
The results of numerical investigation of perfor-mance of the classical turbofan engine and a two-combustor turbofan are presented in the paper. The basic information of the two-combustor turbofan are presented in the beginning. The differences in the model of two-combustor turbofan engine vs. classical turbofan were presented and their influence on engine performance was discussed. The numerical simulation of compared engine performance was done. By this way it was presented that it was possible to establish two-combustor engine parameters that specific thrust is maximum and specific fuel consumption is minimum. This is impossible to fulfillment for classical turbofan engine. The simulation of engine performance vs. altitude and flight velocity was done. By this way it was demonstrated that two-combustor turbofan engine performance are close to performance of classical turbofan and that there are some flight condition, for with two-combustor engine could be better than classical turbo-fan.
In this work, the influence of the crack propagation velocity on heat release in blade was shown. Research was be performed during fatigue test of the compressor blade. In the investigations, the blade with the V-notch was examined. The blades during experiment were entered into transverse vibration by a vibration system Unholtz-Dickie UDCO-TA-250. The crack propagation process was conducted in resonance condition. The blades were periodically bended what simulates geometry changes during operation of the engine. The main part of the work is based on research of fatigue. During investigations both the amplitude of the crack length and also the blade tip displacement were controlled. Additional velocity of crack propagation was measured by change of a crack length in time. In the same time temperature, distribution pictures were observed. The taken picture was used to exhibit the phenomenon and shown the heat propagation direction. The main results of presented investigation are both the parameters of a crack and the crack growth dynamics in the compressor blade subjected to vibrations. An additional original result of the work is connection between velocity of crack propagation and temperature distribution taken from picture. The result of above analysis can be used in determining the amount of energy released during the cracking process and evaluate the amount of energy required for the growth of a gap. In this work, the capabilities of the proposed method and the problems associated with it were defined. The results presented in this paper have theoretical and practical value.
W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę transportu morskiego, w szczególności jego infrastruktury - dróg wodnych i portów - będącej częścią infrastruktury logistycznej. Porty morskie, jako ogniwa łańcucha dostaw znacząco wpływają na przebieg procesów logistycznych. Omówienie transportu morskiego w Polsce, jak i na świecie dotyczyło przede wszystkim dynamiki oraz tendencji rozwoju handlu morskiego. Porównano wielkość przeładunku (w TEU) na przestrzeni lat w największych portach Polski. Międzynarodowy biznes i handel jest w dużej mierze uzależniony od globalnej żeglugi, która determinuje efektywność handlu światowego. W związku z tym na wydajność i konkurencyjność danego kraju wpływa efektywność portów.
In this paper, a characteristic of a maritime transport, in particular its infrastructure - waterways and ports - which is part of the logistics infrastructure has been presented. Seaports, as the supply chain, have a significant impact on the course of logistical processes. Overview of maritime transport in Poland, as well as in the world, has focused on development dynamics and trends in a maritime trade. Transshipment volume (in TEU) over the years in major Polish ports has been compared. International business and trade is largely dependent on global shipping, which determines the efficiency of world trade. Therefore, the efficiency of ports has an effect on the efficiency and competitiveness of the country.
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