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A detailed sedimentological study of the Lower-Middle Muschelkalk (Middle Triassic) carbonate succession exposed at the “Stare Gliny” quarry near Olkusz (Kraków-Silesia region, southern Poland) revealed numerous vertebrate remains within its lowermost sedimentary unit. This 7-m-thick package onlaps a gently-inclined surface of a paleoisland made of the Devonian (Givetian) dolostones, and was deposited during a transgressive phase of the second Middle Triassic transgression onto the southern Poland. The package consists largely of: 1) unfossiliferous dolosiltites and fine-grained dolarenites, the tops of which commonly contain root molds and small-scale karstic forms; 2) breccias (minor conglomerates) with lithoclasts of Givetian dolostones; 3) dolocretes; and 4) dolomitic shales. This lithofacies association represents a restricted lagoon which experienced longer periods of emersion. A minor occurrence of cryptalgal laminites reflects only temporary sedimentation in the intertidal zone of a tidal flat. The bone fragments occur within all types of lithofacies, but the macroscopically distinguishable specimens have been found exclusively in the dolocretes. The poor preservation and advanced disarticulation of bones hinder unequivocal assessment of their affinity. The small size of bones suggests that they represent prolacertiforms (perhaps juvenile Macrocnemus) or other small archosauromorphs similar in sizes to Protorosaurus or Czatkowiella whose remains were found in the 1950s within cave deposits, in the same outcrop. Macrocnemus widely inhabited Middle Triassic lagoons and tidal flats across Paleo-Europe and thus seems to fit well to the peritidal setting surrounding the “Stare Gliny” paleoisland. The bone-bearing package occurs 30 metres below the 5-m-thick oncolitic package that is widely regarded as a correlation horizon over the entire Kraków-Silesia region, and 15 metres below the sequence boundary marking the top of the Górażdże Beds in the Opole region and the Olkusz Bedsin the Kraków-Silesiaregion.On the basis of the secor relations,a conclusion can be made that the vertebrate assemblage is Bithynian/Pelsonian (middle Anisian) in age.
The detailed sedimentological study of the 150-m-thick Muschelkalk succession, deposited on a small (~200 by 80 km), morphologically diverse Upper Silesian carbonate platform during four major marine-transgressive pulses of the Tethys Ocean, enhanced the understanding of the depositional history, palaeogeography, and facies distribution. A total of thirty-five lithofacies types were identified, described and interpreted in terms of depositional settings. These different lithofacies represent various shallow-marine environments along the platform transect, from peritidal to offshore areas. The vertical and lateral organization of the lithofacies delineated was caused by the interplay of platform morphology, third-order eustasy and the long-term tectonic evolution of the area. Accordingly, the carbonate system studied is a good example of the influence of large-scale processes on the facies architecture of carbonate platforms. In general, all of the four Transgressive Systems Tracts are characterized by similarity in lithofacies composition and vertical succession and by minor lateral change, indicating only limited influence of the three large-scale factors mentioned on lithofacies development and distribution during transgressions. In contrast, each of the four associated Highstand Systems Tracts comprises an individual (unique) lithofacies assemblage displaying substantial regional and local variation, which indicates that the filling of accommodation space during highstands strongly depended on the extrinsic processes.
The rapid development of scanning technology, especially mobile scanning, gives the possibility to collect spatial data coming from maritime measurement platforms and autonomous manned or unmanned vehicles. Presented solution is derived from the mobile scanning. However we should keep in mind that the specificity of laser scanning at sea and processing collected data should be in the form acceptable in Geographical Information Systems, especially typical for the maritime needs. At the same time we should be aware that data coming from maritime mobile scanning constitutes a new approach to the describing of maritime environment and brings a new perspective that is completely different than air and terrestrial scanning. Therefore, the authors, would like to present results of an experiment aimed at testing the possibilities of using mobile scanning at sea. Experiment was conducted in the harbour and the associated environment of neighbouring southern coast of the Baltic Sea.
Technologia skaningu laserowego rozwinęła się współcześnie do etapu, w którym skaning mobilny jest swobodnie wykorzystywany na platformach pojazdów drogowych i szynowych oraz statków powietrznych. Do szczególnych rozwiązań skaningu mobilnego zalicza się skaning morski. Użycie tego rozwiązania stanowi nowe rozwiązanie dla problematyki inwentaryzacji infrastruktury portowej w sytuacji dużego ruchu morskiego lub rozległych basenów portowych, gdy użycie skaningu naziemnego (TLS) nie może być skutecznie zastosowane. W ramach prac eksperymentalnych autorzy wskazują przykład niedużego portu we Władysławowie, który został w całości poddany procesowi skanowania z morza. W efekcie uzyskano obraz portu w postaci chmury punktów, która może być skutecznie wykorzystana do budowania dokumentacji portowej oraz locji jako elementu nawigacji polskiego wybrzeża morskiego. W artykule autorzy prezentują procedurę skaningu oraz sygnalizują problemy związane z przetworzeniem danych i ich wykorzystaniem w kontekście logistyki portów morskich.
Laser scanning technology has evolved to the today stage in which scanning is freely used on platforms of road and rail vehicles and aircrafts. Marine scanning is one of the special solutions of the mobile scanning. The use of this solution constitutes a new solution for the problems of harbour infrastructure inventory under the conditions of heavy maritime traffic or extensive harbour basins when the use of terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) can not be effectively applied. As a part of the experimental works, the authors point an example of a small harbour in Władysławowo, which was subjected to the process of scanning from the sea. The result is a picture of the harbour in form of a points cloud which can be effectively used to build the harbour documentation and sailing directions as the element of navigation for Polish sea coast. In this paper, authors present a scanning procedure and signal problems connected with the processing of data and their use in the context of sea harbours logistics.
The depositional history and facies heterogeneity of the epigenetically dolomitized Middle Triassic carbonates of southern Poland are poorly recognized, and existing concepts of fluid circulation entirely overlook the primary lithology as a factor controlling fluid flow. This study reconstructs the consecutive phases of Kraków-Silesia Sub-basin history in the Anisian and highlights their influence on the development of the so-called “ore-bearing dolomite”. Extensive fieldwork and microfacies analyses were carried out in order to decipher the original depositional fabric of the ore-bearing dolomites. As a rule, epigenetic dolomitization affected a horizon of porous strata, 35 m thick and resting directly on impermeable, wavy-nodular clay-rich calcilutites of the Gogolin Formation, which represent the interval of deepest and fully marine (offshore) sedimentation. The sedimentary succession of the porous strata is bipartite. The lower part (Olkusz Beds) is composed of Balanoglossites and Thalassinoides micritic firmgrounds and peloidal packstones-grainstones, representing shoreface-foreshore facies assemblages, whereas the upper part (Diplopora Beds) consists of dolocretes, rhizolites, cryptalgal laminites, peloidal packstones-grainstones and bioturbated fine-grained dolostones, formed in a system of tidal flats and lagoons. These two parts are separated by a subaerial disconformity, which marks a sequence boundary. During emersion, the underlying deposits were subjected to meteoric diagenesis, which led to the development of moldic porosity. This combination of depositional history and diagenetic alteration determined the routes of initial migration of dolomitizing solutions on the one hand, and the location of cavern formation on the other. Owing to progressive dissolution, small caverns were changed into large karstic forms, in which the ore minerals precipitated ultimately. These findings emphasize the importance of sedimentological analysis to the understanding of the evolution of the Kraków-Silesia ore province.
Wykorzystanie lakazy do utleniania związków fenolowych w wodach odpadowych uznawane jest za metodę perspektywiczną. Z tego powodu w badaniach zastosowano enzym natywny i immobilizowany do utleniania p-anizydyny, co prowadzi do powstania rodników i ich spontanicznej polimeryzacji. Ułatwia to późniejszą sedymentację lub filtrację uzyskanych produktów. Wykazano, że lakaza jest stabilizowana w obecności 10% 2-propanoic Dodatkowo w tym układzie nie dochodzi do wytrącania produktów na powierzchni wyselekcjonowanego nośnika
Applications of laccase in specialty wastewater treatment were recently increasingly reported. In this work native and immobilized laccase was used for p-anisidine oxidation to form polymerized phenolic compounds that can be easily removed by sedimentation or filtration. It was shown that 10% 2-propanol in the reaction mixture stabilized both forms of laccase, Additionally, it prevented strong sorption of oxidized products on the surface of selected enzymecarrier preparation.
The Anisian shallow-marine Karchowice Beds of the Upper Silesia represent reefal habitats and circum-reefal environments, where biological-mechanical interactions determine sedimentary processes and facies pattern. The purpose of this study was recognition of the interaction between biological and mechanical controls of carbonate deposition. Such interdependence resulted in considerable lateral variability of thickness and lithological features, observed at a distance of 25 km. The western part of the basin is dominated by proximal facies (reefal facies), whereas the eastern one represents distal facies (fore-reef). Sedimentary succession in the western area is twice as thick than the eastern one. It resulted from different rate of subsidence owing to block tectonics, controlled by reactivated ancestral Silesian-Moravian Fault. Small-scale synsedimentary faults confirm syndepositional tectonic activity in the region. Palaeogeographical position caused that the Upper Silesia was strongly affected by monsoon climate, generating storms. These storms contributed to episodic deposition, prevailing during the sedimentation of Karchowice Beds. However, most of time was represented by prolonged non-deposition periods, recorded as interstratal hiatuses, but also by forming of firmgrounds, micritization and coating of bioclasts or substrate recolonisation by organisms.
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