The problem of delivering aviation fuel to military aircraft in the field includes not only ensuring the appropriate fuel quality, but also the safety of its transport. Delivering the appropriate amount of fuel to a specific place, irrespective of the terrain conditions, brings many difficulties. They are related to the availability of the appropriate transport equipment that would enable the safe delivery of high-quality aviation fuel to aircraft, regardless of the condition of access roads to airports and airfields. The article analyzes mobility capabilities of the available transport equipment, as well as its suitability and functionality under field conditions.
Infrastruktura lotniskowa wpływa na właściwe funkcjonowanie lotniska. Szczególną rolę odgrywa infrastruktura na lotniskach wojskowych. Jest to spowodowane innym, szerszym zakresem funkcji jakie spełnia. Wiele lotnisk wojskowych pomimo gruntownej przebudowy infrastruktury zachowało jej podstawowe rozmieszczenie nie w pełni dostosowane do współczesnych funkcji i zadań logistycznych. W artykule dokonano analizy wpływu rozmieszczenia wybranych elementów infrastruktury lotniskowej na bezpieczeństwo eksploatacji sprzętu lotniskowego. Analizą objęto również charakterystykę emisji spalin, jaką posiada sprzęt lotniskowy wybranej wojskowej bazy lotniczej. W ramach sformułowanych wniosków podjęto próbę poprawy poziomu emisji spalin eksploatowanego w wojsku sprzętu lotniskowego.
Airport infrastructure affects on proper functioning of the airport. A special role is played by the infrastructure at military airport. This is due to the other wider range of functions it performs. Many military airports despite a thorough reconstruction of infrastructure, have kept its basic layout not fully adapted to modern logistics functions and tasks. This article analyzes the impact of the distribution of selected elements of airport infrastructure on the safety of operation of airport equipment. The analysis also covered the exhaust emission characteristics of the airport equipment of a selected military air base. As a part of the formulated conclusions, an attempt was made to improve the level of exhaust emissions of airport equipment used in the army.
The provision of quality fuels to the aircraft requires compliance with a number of procedures during the transport, storage and distribution processes. Depending on the needs and organisational conditions, the air fuel distribution process is carried out using various types of transport means. The operational procedures and specificity of the functioning of the Armed Forces and other public law enforcement entities require the use of various construction and technological solutions allowing the efficient functioning of state aviation. The means of transport should not only ensure the appropriate quality of aviation fuel delivered to the aircraft but also enables the delivery of appropriate fuel practically to any place where it is required by the specific activities of particular services or aviation types units of the Armed Forces. This paper presents specific types of transport and distribution means used in state aviation and attempts to select features that determine their suitability for particular types of state aviation.
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