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At the beginning of the year 2024, 65 years will have passed since the establishment of the Chamber of Experts of the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers (SEP). During this period, SEP underwent significant changes. Particularly serious changes in the conditions for practicing association expertises have occurred in recent years, along with dynamic economic and political changes in Poland. Expertise is strongly based on economic conditions and the ways in which scientific, technical and industrial competences are expanded and available in the society. In the past, these highest competencies were quite strictly limited to well-organized professional communities related to scientific and technical associations such as SEP, and federal bodies such as NOT. Competencies were also generated in the best industrial centres associated with academic polytechnic centres. Today the role of expertises in electrical, electronics and ICT engineering is undergoing significant changes.
Z okazji jubileuszu IRSEP zorganizowano w dniu 12 marca br. konferencję naukowo-techniczną, głównie patrzącą w przyszłość i rozwój Izby i Stowarzyszenia, ale także przypominającą nieco barwnej historii. Konferencję rozpoczęto uroczystą sesją jubileuszową z udziałem władz SEP. W lutym 2024 roku minęło 65 lat od utworzenia Izby Rzeczoznawców Stowarzyszenia Elektryków Polskich IRSEP. W tym okresie czasu zarówno samo Stowarzyszenie, jak i jego Izba Rzeczoznawców ulegało znacznym prze mianom. Szczególnie istotne zmiany w warunkach uprawiania rzeczoznawstwa stowarzyszeniowego zachodziły w ostatnich latach, wraz z dynamicznymi przemianami gospodarczymi i politycznymi w kraju. Rzeczoznawstwo silnie bazuje na warunkach gospodarczych, oraz sposobach rozszerzania i dostępności kompetencji naukowo-technicznych i przemysłowych w społeczeństwie. Kiedyś te najwyższe kompetencje były dość ściśle ograniczone do dobrze zorganizowanych środowisk zawodowych związanych np. ze stowarzyszeniami naukowo-technicznymi takimi jak: SEP, SIMP, PZiTB i innymi oraz ciałami federacyjnymi, jak FSNT-NOT, itp. Kompetencje były także generowane w najlepszych centrach przemysłowych, często związanych z politechnicznymi ośrodkami akademickimi. Dzisiaj jest i nieco podobnie, ale także zupełnie inaczej. Rola rzeczoznawstwa i jego odniesienia do stowarzyszeń, w tym SEP, ulega znacznym przemianom. SEP, łącznie z Izbą Rzeczoznawców, musi stawić czoła tym wyzwaniom.
A scientific and technical conference was organized on the occasion of IRSEP anniversary on March 12 this year. The conference was mainly looking into the future and the development of the Chamber and the Association, but also recalling a bit of colourful history. The conference began with a ceremonial anniversary session with the participation of the SEP authorities. At the beginning of the year 2024, 65 years will have passed since the establishment of the Chamber of Experts/Appraisers of the Association of Polish Electricians IRSEP. During this period, both the Association itself and its Chamber of Experts underwent significant changes. Particularly significant changes in the conditions for practicing association appraisal have occurred in recent years, along with dynamic economic and political changes in the country. Expertise/appraisal is strongly based on economic conditions and the ways in which scientific, technical and industrial competences are expanded and available in the society. In the past, these highest competencies were quite strictly limited to well-organized professional communities related to, for example, scientific and technical associations such as SEP, SIMP, PZiTB and others, and federal bodies such as FSNT- NOT, etc. Competencies were also generated in the best industrial centres, often associated with academic polytechnic centres. Today, it is somewhat similar, but also completely different. The role of appraisal/expertises and its relation to associations, including SEP, is undergoing significant changes. SEP and The Chamber of Experts must face these challenges.
Na początku roku 2024 mija 65 lat od utworzenia Izby Rzeczoznawców Stowarzyszenia Elektryków Polskich IRSEP. Przez ten czas zarówno samo Stowarzyszenie, jak i jego Izba Rzeczoznawców ulegało znacznym przemianom. Szczególnie istotne zmiany w warunkach uprawiania rzeczoznawstwa stowarzyszeniowego zachodziły w ostatnich latach, wraz z dynamicznymi przemianami gospodarczymi i politycznymi w kraju. Rzeczoznawstwo silnie bazuje na warunkach gospodarczych oraz sposobach rozszerzania i dostępności kompetencji naukowo-technicznych i przemysłowych w społeczeństwie. Kiedyś te najwyższe kompetencje były dość ściśle ograniczone do dobrze zorganizowanych środowisk zawodowych związanych np. ze stowarzyszeniami naukowo-technicznymi, takimi jak: SEP, SIMP i innymi oraz ciałami federacyjnymi jak FSNT NOT itp. Kompetencje były także generowane w najlepszych centrach przemysłowych, często związanych z politechnicznymi ośrodkami akademickimi. Dzisiaj jest i nieco podobnie, ale także zupełnie inaczej. Rola rzeczoznawstwa i jego odniesienia do stowarzyszeń - w tym SEP - ulega znacznym przemianom. Z tej okazji, głównie z powodu Jubileuszu IRSEP, ale i potrzeby intelektualnej reakcji na nieodwracalne zmiany miejsca SEP i rzeczoznawstwa w gospodarce, grupa osób związanych z SEP i Centralnym Ośrodkiem Rzeczoznawstwa CORSEP dzieli się w niniejszym artykule, w formie eseju, kilkoma subiektywnymi refleksjami. Te refleksje autorzy zamieniają na pytania dotyczące dzisiejszej kondycji naszego Stowarzyszenia.
At the beginning of the year 2024, 65 years will have passed since the establishment of the Chamber of Experts/Appraisers of the Association of Polish Electricians IRSEP. During this period, both the Association itself and its Chamber of Experts underwent significant changes. Particularly significant changes in the conditions for practicing association appraisal have occurred in recent years, along with dynamic economic and political changes in the country. Expertise/appraisal is strongly based on economic conditions and the ways in which scientific, technical and industrial competences are expanded and available in the society. In the past, these highest competencies were quite strictly limited to well-organized professional communities related to, for example, scientific and technical associations such as SEP, SIMP and others, and federal bodies such as FSNT NOT, etc. Competencies were also generated in the best industrial centres, often associated with academic polytechnic centres. Today, it is somewhat similar, but also completely different. The role of appraisal and its relation to associations, including SEP, is undergoing significant changes. On this occasion, mainly the IRSEP 65th Jubilee, but also due to the need for an intellectual response to the irreversible changes in the place of SEP and of appraisal in the economy, a group of people associated with SEP and the central unit of the Chamber of Experts of SEP (CORSEP) shares several subjective reflections in this article having an essay form. These reflections are formulated as questions concerning the current status of SEP.
W artykule przedstawiono powstanie, historię i dzień dzisiejszy Izby Rzeczoznawców Stowarzyszenia Elektryków Polskich. Dużą uwagę poświęcono osobom zaangażowanym w ten proces. Na różnych etapach rozwoju proces ten przebiegał w różny sposób i władze stowarzyszenia stawiały Izbie różne zadania. Zmieniało się także kierownictwo Izby i w artykule zawarto ich składy. Pokazano także jak zmieniały się działy specjalistyczne i ich zakresy działalności.
This article presents the creation time, history and present day of Chamber of Experts of Association of Polish Electrical Engineers. Many of members of APEE were involved in this process. During the different stages of development of Chamber of Experts this process proceeded differently and the association’s authorities assigned different tasks to the Chamber. Was also changed the leadership of the Chamber and article includes their members. It also shows how specialist divisions and their scope of activities have changed.
Content available The Algorithm for Reversible Circuits Synthesis
In this paper the new synthesis method for reversible networks is proposed. The method is suitable to generate optimal circuits. The examples will be shown for three variables reversible functions but the method is scalable to larger number of variables. The algorithm could be easily implemented with high speed execution and without big consuming storage software. Section 1 contains general concepts about the reversible functions. In Section 2 there are presented various descriptions of reversible functions. One of them is the description using partitions. In Section 3 there are introduced the cascade of the reversible gates as the target of the synthesis algorithm. In order to achieve this target the definitions of the rest and remain functions will be helpful. Section 4 contains the proposed algorithm. There is introduced a classification of minterms distribution for a given function. To select the successive gates in the cascade the condition of the improvement the minterms distribution must be fulfilled. Section 4 describes the algorithm how to improve the minterms distributions in order to find the optimal cascade. Section 5 shows the one example of this algorithm.
This paper presents an original method of designing some special reversible circuits. This method is intended for the most popular gate set with three types of gates CNT (Control, NOT and Toffoli). The presented algorithm is based on two types of cascades with these reversible gates. The problem of transformation between two reversible functions is solved. This method allows to find optimal reversible circuits. The paper is organized as follows. Section 1 and 2 recalls basic concepts of reversible logic. Especially the two types of cascades of reversible function are presented. In Section 3 there is introduced a problem of analysis of the cascades. Section 4 describes the method of synthesis of the optimal cascade for transformation of the given reversible function into another one.
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