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The implementation of Industry 4.0 solutions in Polish enterprises entails both certain barriers and significant potential for changes and numerous benefits. These barriers may result from the costs of implementation of new technologies, the need to adapt employees to new skills and concerns about data security. However, by overcoming these difficulties, companies can benefit from the enormous potential for changes such as increasing production efficiency, optimizing logistics processes or im-proving product quality. Moreover, the use of Industry 4.0 technologies can contribute to increased innovation, increased competitiveness on the global market and the creation of new jobs. As a result, the benefits of implementing these solutions support Polish enterprises to actively engage in digital transformation, despite the barriers they encounter. The objective of this article is to confront the benefits and potential for changes resulting from the implementation of modern technologies with the barriers that limit this process. The statistical assessment of the differences between the barrier assess-ment values and the assessment of benefits from the use of technology, as well as between the barrier assessment values and the assessment of the potential for changes, was based on the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test. The study covered representatives of 236 enterprises who mainly held mana-gerial positions at various levels of management staff or persons designated by them who were re-sponsible for research and development activities in the surveyed entities. As a result, it was indicated that the level of involvement in technological transformation among Polish enterprises is moderate. Almost 67% of all the surveyed entrepreneurs can characterize specific Industry 4.0 solutions. Among them, only approximately 6% can be defined as highly digital companies that already have partially digitized operational processes. Moreover, enterprises see more potential benefits and potential changes from the introduction of Industry 4.0 solutions than barriers to their implementation. This study is dedicated to both authors dealing with Industry 4.0 issues and entrepreneurs implementing modern technologies in their companies.
Content available Carsharing as an element of mobility management
A phenomenon noticeable nowadays, especially among the younger part ofsociety, is departing from the need to own possessions to the attitude of sharing them withothers, thus implementing the assumption of the sharing economy. The possibility of usingindividual transport rental per minute, especially passenger cars, is a convenience forresidents who may meet their transport needs fast and comfortably, without incurring fixedfees and, additionally, in an environmentally friendly form. Therefore, this article attemptedto characterize the users of carsharing, understood as a sustainable transport service implementing the assumptions of the sharing economy. The research carried out on a sample of 1176 respondents indicated that people using shared mobility demonstrate the desired – sustainable transport behavior, among others, consisting of an increase in the amount of travelling on foot and by bicycle while limiting travelling by private cars. In addition, the study showed that working people and students use carsharing to meet their transport needs. Secondly, the most popular time of operation of the service is in the evening, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., and the leading purpose is personal matters, which are dealt with the help of this type of shared mobility.
Zjawiskiem zauważalnym w dzisiejszych czasach, szczególnie wśród młodszej części społeczeństwa, jest odchodzenie od potrzeby posiadania rzeczy na rzecz postawy dzielenia się nimi z innymi, realizując tym samym założenia ekonomii współdzielenia. Możliwość korzystania z wynajmu transportu indywidualnego na minuty, w szczególności samochodów osobowych, stanowi udogodnienie dla mieszkańców, którzy mogą zaspokoić swoje potrzeby transportowe szybko i wygodnie, bez ponoszenia stałych opłat, a dodatkowo w formie przyjaznej dla środowiska. Dlatego też w niniejszym artykule podjęto próbę scharakteryzowania użytkowników carsharingu, rozumianego jako zrównoważona usługa transportowa realizująca założenia ekonomii współdzielenia. Badania przeprowadzone na próbie 1176 respondentów wskazały, że osoby korzystające z mobilności współdzielonej wykazują pożądane - zrównoważone zachowania transportowe, polegające na zwiększeniu ilości podróży pieszych i rowerowych przy jednoczesnym ograniczeniu podróży samochodami prywatnymi. Ponadto badanie wykazało, że osoby pracujące i studenci korzystają z carsharingu w celu zaspokojenia swoich potrzeb transportowych. Po drugie, najpopularniejszym czasem funkcjonowania usługi są godziny wieczorne, od 18:00 do 22:00, a wiodącym celem są sprawy osobiste, które załatwiane są przy pomocy tego typu współdzielonej mobilności.
Dynamically growing prices of road and bridge works necessitate the valorization of construction works costs. The following article presents an example of estimating the value of the price indexation of a selected road investment based on price indices of road and bridge construction works in 2018-2022 with the division into: – a provincial single carriageway road of class G running in an urban area with bays, – roundabout with central island, one-way carriageways around the island, – dual carriageway sidewalk in an urban area running on existing terrain, – road bridge with a beam, multi-span superstructure of in-situ prestressed concrete, as well as taking into account road works related to the construction of culverts. The results of the studies prove that in the period of 2021–2022, there have been high increases in the prices of road and bridge works that could not have been foreseen at the bidding stage. The indexation ratios obtained as a result of the analyzes may constitute the basis for renegotiating the terms of the contract between the investor and the construction contractor.
Dynamicznie rosnące ceny robót drogowych i mostowych wymuszają konieczność waloryzacji kosztów wykonania robót budowlanych. Poniższy artykuł prezentuje przykład szacowania wartości waloryzacji ceny wybranej inwestycji drogowej w oparciu o wskaźniki cen robót budowlanych obiektów drogowych i mostowych w latach 2018-2022 z podziałem na: – drogę wojewódzką jednojezdniową klasy G przebiegającą na obszarze miejskim z zatokami, – rondo z wyspą środkową oraz jednokierunkowe jezdnie wokół wyspy, – chodnik dwujezdniowy na obszarze miejskim przebiegający po istniejącym terenie, – most drogowy o konstrukcji ustroju niosącego z betonu sprężonego „na mokro”, belkowy, wieloprzęsłowy, a także z uwzględnieniem robót związanych z wykonywaniem przepustów pod zjazdami. Wyniki badań dowodzą, że w okresie obejmującym lata 2021-2022 wystąpiły wysokie wzrosty cen robót związanych z budową obiektów drogowych i mostowych, których nie można było przewidzieć na etapie składania oferty. Uzyskane na skutek analiz wskaźniki waloryzacji ceny mogą stanowić podstawę do renegocjacji warunków umowy między inwestorem i wykonawcą budowy.
The choice of the operator involves taking risks, especially when changing the way logistics is handled (e.g. from your own warehouse and distribution network to external – outsourced). The aim of the article is to present the most important factors that directly and indirectly influence purchasing decisions made by customers of logistics operators. In order to correctly determine the parameters of the selection of a logistics service provider in terms of quality, it is necessary to define quality requirements criteria that allow to meet specific KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to measure the satisfaction of the final recipient of the goods. The main goal of the article is to answer the question of how to define criteria to be relevant to customer expectations and how they affect final purchasing decisions in the context of choosing the operator to provide logistics services. In order to illustrate the full picture of the studied environment, as well as to maximally facilitate and encourage respondents to participate in the study, surveys were used mainly in the form of Internet, mostly containing closed and several open questions. The research was based on three research groups: logistics operators, customers of logistics operators and final recipients of services of logistics operators. In the individual groups, the survey invited: 1) about 80 companies from European logistics operators; 2) approx. 150 companies from Central and Western Europe dealing in production and trade according to the classification of economic activity; 3) over 2,000 people who have declared to buy various goods with delivery to the address indicated.
Digital technology has significantly changed the speed of operation in the economy. The Internet and digital devices are a driver of economic growth. This article analyzes the Russian digital economy and society in the context of comparison with EU countries and draws conclusions regarding future development trends. Based on secondary data from the European Commission, this study tackles five components of the Digital Economy and Society Index. It includes ICT Development Index, Global Innovation Index (GII), Networked Readiness Index, Share-Households with Internet, and High-Technology Exports. A cross-country analysis reveals significant differences between Russia and the EU countries in terms of Internet accessand Digital Economy, and their impact on GDP and social processes that take place in the country. Findings show that Russia holds a position among the top ten countries in ICT Development Index and Network Readiness Index. The growth rate of high-tech exports indicatesthe lag of Russia behind other countries in the ranking. According to the ranking of countries by high-tech exports, Russia lags in the production of products with high R&D intensity, such as aerospace products, computers, pharmaceuticals, scientific instruments and electrical machinery. Russia holds a strong position in National Cyber Security (63.64%), as well as in the Share of Households with Internet.
Technologia cyfrowa znacząco zmieniła szybkość działania w gospodarce. Internet i urządzenia cyfrowe są motorem wzrostu gospodarczego. Artykuł analizuje rosyjską gospodarkę cyfrową i społeczeństwo w porównaniu z krajami UE i wskazuje wnioski dotyczące przyszłych trendów rozwojowych. W oparciu o dane wtórne Komisji Europejskiej analizuje pięć komponentów indeksu gospodarki cyfrowej i społeczeństwa. Obejmuje wskaźnik rozwoju technologii ITT, wskaźnik globalnej innowacyjności (GII), wskaźnik gotowości sieciowej, gospodarstwa domowe z dostępem do Internetu oraz eksport technologii. Analiza międzynarodowa ujawnia znaczne różnice między Rosją a krajami UE w zakresie dostępu do Internetu i gospodarki cyfrowej oraz ich wpływu na PKB i procesy społeczne, które mają miejsce w kraju. Wyniki pokazują, że Rosja zajmuje pozycję w pierwszej dziesiątce krajów w przypadku Indeksu rozwoju w ICT i wskaźnika gotowości sieci. Tempo wzrostu eksportu zaawansowanych technologii wskazuje na opóźnienie Rosji w stosunku do innych krajów. Według rankingu krajów eksportu zaawansowanych technologii Rosja pozostaje w tyle w produkcji produktów o wysokiej intensywności B + R, takich jak produkty lotnicze, komputery, farmaceutyki, przyrządy naukowe i maszyny elektryczne. Rosja ma silną pozycję w przypadku cyfrowego bezpieczeństwa narodowego (63,64%), a także w udziale gospodarstw domowych z Internetem.
The textile industry is one of the fastest growing industries which expressively contributes to the economic growth of Malaysia. However, in recent years, the situation has changed and demonstrates a downward trend. The imports are growing faster compared to the exports, consequently resulting in a low contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP). To address the issue, this study aims to investigate the role of Industry 4.0 on the performance of firms engaged in the production and services of the Malaysian textile industry. To achieve the objective, this study adopted a cross-sectional research design. A survey was carried out to collect data from employees of textile firms. Results of the study found that Industry 4.0 positively contributed to the effectiveness of the production and services of the textile industry. Production and services have a positive role in the performance of textile firms. The current study provides an interesting insight into the future direction of research for studies on organisational performance, which can be extended to different manufacturing-based industries. In addition, it provides the rationale for the adoption and implementation of smart technologies in these industries. It has been found that cyber-physical systems (CPS), interoperability, a smart city and a smart product have a positive effect on production and services. Additionally, it is not possible without the effective implementation of technology. Thus, the current study provides valuable insights into the improvement of the textile industry’s performance.
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