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Content available Profit optimalization in operation systems
The aim of this study is to analyse the effect of reducing the number of secondary damage to profit from the work of a technical object. Considering the criterion function that describes the average profit from the work of a technical object in the operation system. The study analyses a model of profit optimization, in which the design criterion function is based on the properties of Poisson branch process. Criterion function that describes the average gain is considered in the work at sufficiently general factors. Profit lifting model from the work of a technical facility is numerically exemplified. For the analysed electrical subsystem, intervals of time between the initial damage have exponential distribution, and between secondary damage - gamma distribution. In the presented example, the ability of profit optimization in operation systems of technical objects is demonstrated.
W pracy poddano analizie zagrożenia jakie wynikają z działalności komunikacji miejskiej. W pracy wykorzystano metodę analizy rodzajów i skutków niezdatności (FMEA), polegającą na określeniu prawdopodobieństwa wystąpienia uszkodzenia oraz jego skutków w odniesieniu do badanego obiektu technicznego lub jego elementów, do wyznaczania zagrożeń związanych z komunikacją miejską. Badania przeprowadzono w rzeczywistym systemie eksploatacji autobusów komunikacji miejskiej na wybranej losowo próbce. W analizowanym systemie autobusowej komunikacji miejskiej eksploatowanych było 210 środków transportu (autobusów miejskich) różnych marek i typów. Badania eksploatacyjne dotyczyły trzech wybranych typów autobusów, użytkowanych w analizowanym systemie autobusowej komunikacji miejskiej. Do badań wybrano 21 autobusów. Każda grupa składała się z 7 pojazdów tego samego typu. Analizie poddano uszkodzenia podsystemów pojazdów, które przyjęto za najistotniejsze z punktu widzenia celu pracy czyli oceny poziomu ryzyka. W celu określenia wartości stopnia ryzyka poszczególnych podsystemów autobusów miejskich przeprowadzono analizę stopnia skuteczności napraw ich uszkodzeń.
The analyses of the threats in the activity of the municipal transport was contained in the paper. The methods of the sorts analysis and the methods of the unfitness result analysis was used. The FMEA depends on qualification of pronouncement probability in reference damage. This analysis are useful for marking of the municipal transport threats. The research was in the real systems of the bus municipal transport used the random sample of the data. In the analyzed system of municipal bus transportation there are used 210 transport means (city buses) of different makes and types. Experimental tests applied to three selected types of buses, used in the analyzed system of bus transportation. 21 vehicles were chosen for the analysis. Each group consisted of 7 buses of the same type. The analysis covered damage to the vehicle subsystems which were assumed to be of the biggest significance in terms of the paper goal, that is risk. In order to determine the value of risk degree of particular subsystems (assemblies) of city buses, an analysis of their damage and repair degree was carried out.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę problemów, które powstają podczas zaopatrzenia punktów handlowych w centrum Bydgoszczy. Zbadano opinie przewoźników na temat problemów występujących podczas zaopatrywania punktów handlowych oraz dokonano identyfikacji problemów pojawiających się w trakcie dojazdu do punktu wyładunku. W badaniach wykorzystano anonimową ankietę przeprowadzoną w celowo dobranej grupie respondentów – kierowców pojazdów realizujących dostawy w ścisłym centrum miasta.
The paper presents the analysis of the problems arising while supplying retail outlets in the centre of Bydgoszcz. Carriers’ opinions concerning problems developing during supplying retail outlets were examined, and the problems occurring in the course of the journey to the discharge point were identified. The researchers used an anonymous questionnaire carried out in the group of respondents who were carefully selected – drivers of vehicles completing the supplies in the close city centre.
Content available Graphical analysis of bus lifetime
The lifetime distribution is very important in reliability studies. The shape of lifetime distribution can vary considerably. It frequently cannot be approximated by simple distribution functions. The purpose of this paper is to introduce and describe graphical tools for lifetime data. This article is connected with problem of finding of lifetime distribution for a heterogeneous population of lifetime data. A heterogeneous population can be represented by a two component mixture. The numerical examples are given to illustrate two lifetime model. The parameter estimation is based on the maximum likelihood method. The methodology is illustrated by two real data set. The graphical illustration on lifetime distribution is presented.
The transport systems and especially the means of transport are the sources of life and health hazard and the natural environment pollution. Exploitation process influence on the elements of the technical objects and decrease the values of the important features of them. This is the mechanism of the damage process. Wear factors could be divided into two groups. One of them are the factors results from the bed operation of the object operators and the second group consists of the factors results from the environment interaction. The damages are the events which are very important from the reliability point of view because are the reason of the partly or full disability. In the paper the damage is defined as the exceeding the acceptable thresholds of the technical object important features.
As far as the current rules involved in business enterprise operation process are concerned, one of the most significant characteristics is specified by the need of engaging economic criterion in all procedures involved. Thus, it is required to introduce deep and extensive analysis concerning economic aspects ofpassenger transport. First of all, it is essential to specify currently existing demand for passenger transport service and compare it in relation to the supply capabilities offered by a transport enterprise. Business advantages created by the enterprise are also necessary to be considered and analysed. The basis for transport enterprise operation should be provided with order placed by Passenger Transport Executive, subcontracting firm of a chosen line according to valid schedule including both, rush and after-rush hours. In order to avoid any possible difficulties it is very important that the hired company is informed about all factors influencing economic efficiency of the serviced bus line. As a result, subcontractor is enabledto make right decisions and eliminate potential problems. Important processes having a considerable influence on proper functioning and effectiveness of public means of transport are connected with its usage, diagnosing and making it fitness for use. Operation effectiveness aspects that are the most frequently discussed in professional literature is described as relations existing between the profits and the input. It takes form of difference or quotient of the values mentioned above. This paper presents evaluation and analysis method controlling different means of transport operation system effectiveness. Method developed with the aim of analysing and evaluating public means of transport operation effectiveness, provides managerial staff with feedback, which is helpful as far as taking right decisions, is concerned. Making proper choices has a great influence on the process and it bears the responsibility for functioning of the system in terms of reliability and cost efficacy. Certainly, the more professional service is, the more satisfied customers are. Moreover, customer demands are more likely to be met, which means that all involved procedures related with functioning of the system are carried out in the accordance with regulations and reguirements, being currently inforce.
Transport is one of the major and economically most important branches of industry that provides employment opportunities and welfare for population. However, despite beneficial aspects that come together with transport development, it is often associated with potential threat to people's health and lives. It is needless to say that road safety has a great influence on society mobility. Out of all branches of industry, wad transport is considered to be the most dangerous. Such conclusions are drawn on the basis of statistics according to which the greatest numbers of people die in road accidents. Analysing the data gathered in given period, it can be estimated that more 90 per cent of the whole number of fatalities died in road accidents. Constantly increasing amount of incoming automotive vehicles as well as outdated road injrastructure in Poland contributes to the growth of various security threats connected with road transport. Due to the facts mentioned above, it is necessary to introduce important changes that would help to modify present road infrastructure and arrangement so that they are adjusted to continuously expanding transportation demands and needs. Therefore, the following changes shall be paid additional attention: quality ofroad infrastructure. Therefore, particular attention should be paid to the changes that are to be introduced. Such steps of modification aim at road infrastructure quality enhancement, improvement of the highway code, stricter requirements of different means of transport technical condition and changes concerning country transportation policy approach. These ideas are expected to result in increased road safety.
The Maintenance factors and destructive processes which affect systems and elements of technical objects result in undesirable changes of values of their functional features, which causes damages. A damage to a technical object has been defined as exceeding permitted boundary values by significant features characterizing their elements. On the basis of analysis results of the author's own research concerning damages to means of transport, used in real transport systems, it has been found that these damages are the effect of different forcing factors. A certain number of damages is caused by natural wear of machine elements, whereas other damages can occur in result of ineffective repair of a previous damage. Thus, the so called recurrent (secondary) damages occur in a short period of time. On the basis of literature and maintenance and operation analysis results it was found that the most frequent cause of recurrent damage occurrence is improper quality of repairs of the analyzed means of transport. Primary damages are not dependent on each other and they appear randomly, whereas recurrent damages do depend on each other and their occurrence is the conditioned by earlier occurrence of a repair, and above all, by its poor quality. In the paper, a method for evaluation the influence of carried out repairs on transport means operational reliability, has been presented On the basis of the analysis of the moments in which damages to the means of transport and of the time interval lengths between them a simulation model representing a real stream of the damages was built, which enables to evaluate influence of the efficiency of the performed repairs of the means of transport in the real transport system.
Czynniki eksploatacyjne i procesy destrukcyjne wpływające na układy i elementy obiektów technicznych powodują niekorzystne zmiany wartości ich cech funkcjonalnych, powodujących uszkodzenia. Uszkodzenie obiektu technicznego zdefiniowano w pracy jako przekroczenie dopuszczalnych wartości granicznych przez istotne cechy opisujące jego elementy. Na podstawie analizy wyników badań własnych dotyczących uszkodzenia środków transportu, użytkowanych w systemach transportowych stwierdzono, że są one wynikiem oddziaływania różnorodnych czynników wymuszających. Pewna liczba uszkodzeń wynika z naturalnego zużywania się elementów maszyn, natomiast inne uszkodzenia mogą być spowodowane nieskuteczną naprawą poprzednio powstałego uszkodzenia. Na wskutek tego powstają tzw. uszkodzenia powtarzalne (wtórne), w krótkim przedziale czasu. Na podstawie analizy literaturowych oraz wyników badań eksploatacyjnych stwierdzono, że przyczyną powstawania uszkodzeń powtarzalnych jest przede wszystkim niewłaściwa jakość napraw rozpatrywanych środków transportu. Uszkodzenia pierwotne są niezależne od siebie i występują w sposób losowy, natomiast uszkodzenia powtarzalne są zależne, a ich wystąpienie jest uwarunkowane wcześniejszym wystąpieniem uszkodzenia pierwotnego i w głównej mierze skutkiem niewłaściwej jego naprawy. W niniejszym opracowaniu przedstawiono metodę oceny wpływu skuteczności realizowanych napraw na niezawodność działania środków transportu. Na podstawie analizy chwil wystąpienia uszkodzeń środków transportu oraz długości przedziałów czasowych zawartych między nimi, zbudowano model symulacyjny odwzorowujący rzeczywisty strumień uszkodzeń, którego badanie umożliwia ocenę wpływu skuteczności napraw realizowanych w rzeczywistym systemie transportowym.
Systems of transport means operational use are such systems whose main goal is to carry out transport tasks on an assigned territory. In each transport system assurance of the used transport means availability, viewed as the object capability to accomplish the transport task, is of great importance. A certain number of damages results from natural wear of transport means elements which is a natural phenomenon, whereas other damages can be caused by in effective repair of the previous damage. In this way, within a short time, there occur the so called repetitive damages to the repaired element. This reflects improper organization of repairs, poor skills of the maintenance workers, limitations connected with wrong diagnosing before and after the repair. Damages occurring during means of transport operation involve bearing considerable costs while assuring the transport means operational reliability, as well as covering the losses connected with impossibility to accomplish the transport task. Finding out the causes of in effective repairs would reduce the costs that a transport company has to bear to provide efficient operation of means of transport. Times of resultant repairs and being unftt for use have been analyzed, as well as costs of repairs, spare parts, maintenance and operation.
The paper deals with an analysis and mathematical model of means of transport operation and maintenance. The considerations are based on a selected real transport means system - city bus transport system in a chosen agglomeration. The model has been built on the basis of a real city transport system involving realization of the process of operation and maintenance of means of transport. For this purpose, the process significant states and possible transitions between theses states have been determined. On this basis, an event model of means of transport operational use process was built, and next its mathematical model was made, with the assumption of its being the homogenous Markov 's model. Means of transport values of boundary probabilities for their being in the process particular states, were determined for data concerning their operational use. This serves as the basis for an analysis of the studied process of operational use. The presented Markov's model of the means of transport operational use process is the effect of accomplishmen of the first stage of the resultant model (semi-Markov's model) of operational use. The resultant model will be a part of a wide scale, decision model for creation and assessment of the transport system being ready for operation.
Bezpieczeństwo Ruchu Drogowego jest zagadnieniem odnoszącym się do systemów transportu drogowego, które są systemami socjotechnicznymi typu Człowiek - Obiekt Techniczny - Otoczenie, . Bezpieczeństwo ludzi usytuowanych w tego typu systemach uzależnione jest od oddziaływania następujących czynników wymuszających: 1) roboczych - oddziałujących na obiekt techniczny w wyniku realizacji funkcji użytecznych (uwarunkowane funkcjonowaniem obiektu), 2) zewnętrznych - charakteryzujących oddziaływanie otoczenia na obiekt techniczny (nie uwarunkowane funkcjonowaniem obiektu), 3) antropotechnicznych oddziałujących na obiekt techniczny w wyniku dzialalności człowieka np. na skutek błędów operatora. W pracy podjęto próbę oceny oddziaływania czynników zewnętrznych na bezpieczeństwo ludzi usytuowanych w systemach transportu drogowego i ich otoczeniu.
The safety of the road traffic is a problem bearing upon of systems of the road service which are sociotechnical systems of the type the Man - the Technical Object - the Environment, . The safety of situated people in this type systems is dependent on the influence of extortion factors: 1) working factors - affecting the technical object as result of the realization of useful functions (conditioned with the kelter of the object), 2) external factors - characterizing the influence of the environment on the technical object (not conditioned with the kelter of the object), 3) human factors - affecting the technical object as result of the activity of the man eg. in consequence of errors of the operator. On the job one undertook the test of the estimation of the influence of external factors on the safety of situated people in systems of the road service and to their environment.
This paper presents a method to determine readiness of a complex technical system on the basis of Markov model of technical objects operation and maintenance process. All the considerations have been presented on an example of a selected real urban means of transport operation and maintenance system. By identifying the system under investigation and the multi-state operation and maintenance process being carried out within it, an event-based and mathematical model was built, assuming that the model of that process was a homogeneous Markov process X(t). Afterwards limiting probabilities pi of staying in the process states X(t) and transport system readiness were determined for the operation and maintenance data obtained from the investigations of the real transport operation and maintenance process.
The operation and mainenance factors as well as the destructive processes of the technical object elements cause unfavourable changes in the values of the significant functional features causing failures. A damage to a technical object has been defined as exceeding admissible limiting values by significant values of the features describing its elements. Based on the analysed references in question as well as on the results of our research, it has been found that the damages to the means of transport, being utilised within the transport systems, are a result of the interaction of various forcing factors. Some number of the damages results from natural wear of the machines, while the other damages may be caused by an inefficient repair of the previous damage. This leads to secondary damages that occured within a short time interval. They result from inappropriate organisation of the repairs, the poor training level of the repairing team workers, limits related to pre- and post-repair diagnosis, thus directly affecting the operation reliability of the systems and the technical objects being operated and maintained within them. Based on the analysis of the investigation results, it has been found that the reason for the secondary damages is, in general, improper quality of the repairs of the primary damages to the subsystem elements. The primary damages are independent to one another, and they occur randomly (they are not connected with one another by the cause and effect links). The secondary damages are dependent, because their occurrence depends on the prior occurrence of the primary damage and the effect of its improper repair or improper repair of the next secondary damage.
Czynniki eksploatacyjne i procesy destrukcyjne elementów obiektów technicznych powodują niekorzystne zmiany wartości istotnych cech funkcjonalnych, powodujących uszkodzenia. Uszkodzenie obiektu technicznego zdefiniowano jako przekroczenie dopuszczalnych wartości granicznych przez istotne cechy opisujące jego elementy. Na podstawie analizy literatury przedmiotu oraz wyników badań własnych stwierdzono, że uszkodzenia środków transportu, użytkowanych w systemach transportowych, są wynikiem oddziaływania różnorodnych czynników wymuszających. Pewna liczba uszkodzeń wynika z naturalnego zużywania się elementów maszyn, natomiast inne uszkodzenia mogą być spowodowane nieskuteczną naprawą poprzednio powstałego uszkodzenia. Skutkiem tego powstają tzw. uszkodzenia wtórne w krótkim przedziale czasu. Są one wynikiem niewłaściwej organizacji napraw, słabego wyszkolenia pracowników brygad naprawczych, ograniczeń związanych z diagnozowaniem przednaprawczym i ponaprawczym, co z kolei bezpośrednio wpływa na niezawodność działania systemów i eksploatowanych w nich obiektów technicznych. Na podstawie analizy wyników badań stwierdzono, że przyczyną powstawania uszkodzeń wtórnych jest, z reguły, niewłaściwa jakość napraw pierwotnych uszkodzeń elementów podsystemów. Uszkodzenia pierwotne są niezależne od siebie i występują w sposób losowy (nie są ze sobą związane więzią przyczynowo-skutkową). Uszkodzenia wtórne są zależne, ponieważ ich wystąpienie jest uwarunkowane wcześniejszym wystąpieniem uszkodzenia pierwotnego i skutkiem niewłaściwej jego naprawy lub naprawy następnego uszkodzenia wtórnego.
This paper presents theoretical basis for evaluation of the transport system operation quality. A general evaluation model was built, and further part of the paper is to consider the theme of damageability of the means of transport, as a reliability feature, constituting one of the most important criterion to evaluate the transport system operation. Based on the analysed references in question as well as on the results of our own research it has been found that the damages to the means of transport, being utilised within the transport systems, are a result of interaction of various forcing factors. Some number of the damages results from natural wear of the means of transport elements, which is a natural phenomenon, while the remaining damages may be caused by an inefficient repair of the previous damage. This leads to so called secondary damages to the repaired element, occurred within a short time interval, which is a proof of inappropriate organization of the repairs, poor training level of the repairing teams, limits related to pre and after repair diagnosis, which directly affects reliability of the means of transport and consequently the operation quality of the transport systems in which they are being operated and maintained. Based on the analysis of the investigation results it has been found that the primary damages are independent on one another and they occur randomly. The secondary damages are dependent, because their occurrence depends on prior occurrence of the primary damage and the effect of its improper repair or improper repair of the next secondary damage.
The operation and maintenance factors as well as the destructive processes of the technical object elements cause unfavourable changes of the values of the significant functional features causing failures. A damage to a technical object has been defined as exceeding admissible limiting values by significant values of the features describing its elements. Based on the analysed references in question as well as on the results of our own research it has been found that the damages to the means of transport, being utilised within the transport systems, are a result of interaction of various forcing factors. Some number of the damages results from natural wear of the means of transport elements, which is a natural phenomenon, while the remaining damages may be caused by an inefficient repair of the previous damage. This leads to so called secondary damages to the repaired element, occurred within a short time interval, which is a proof of inappropriate organization of the repairs, poor training level of the repairing teams, limits related to pre and after repair diagnosis, etc. Based on the analysis of the investigation results it has been found that the reason for the secondary damages is, in general, improper quality of the repairs of the primary damages to the subsystem elements.The primary damages are independent on one another and they occur randomly (they are not connected with one another by the cause and effect links). The secondary damages are dependent, because their occurrence depends on prior occurrence of the primary damage and the effect of its improper repair or improper repair of the next secondary damage.
Czynniki eksploatacyjne i procesy destrukcyjne elementów obiektów technicznych powodują niekorzystne zmiany wartości istotnych cech funkcjonalnych, powodujących uszkodzenia. Uszkodzenie obiektu technicznego zdefiniowano jako przekroczenie dopuszczalnych wartości granicznych przez istotne cechy opisujące jego elementy. Na podstawie analizy literatury przedmiotu oraz wyników badań własnych stwierdzono, że uszkodzenia środków transportu, użytkowanych w systemach transportowych, są wynikiem oddziaływania różnorodnych czynników wymuszających. Pewna liczba uszkodzeń wynika z naturalnego zużywania się elementów maszyn, natomiast inne uszkodzenia mogą być spowodowane nieskuteczną naprawą poprzednio powstałego uszkodzenia. Skutkiem tego powstają tzw. uszkodzenia wtórne, w krótkim przedziale czasu. Są one wynikiem niewłaściwej organizacji napraw, słabego wyszkolenia pracowników brygad naprawczych, ograniczeń związanych z diagnozowaniem przednaprawczym i ponaprawczym itd. Na podstawie analizy wyników badań stwierdzono, że przyczyną powstawania uszkodzeń wtórnych jest, z reguły, niewłaściwa jakość napraw pierwotnych uszkodzeń elementów podsystemów.Uszkodzenia pierwotne są niezależne od siebie i występują w sposób losowy (nie są ze sobą związane więzią przyczynowo-skutkową). Uszkodzenia wtórne są zależne, ponieważ ich wystąpienie jest uwarunkowane wcześniejszym wystąpieniem uszkodzenia pierwotnego i skutkiem niewłaściwej jego naprawy lub niewłaściwej naprawy następnego uszkodzenia wtórnego.
W artykule poddano analizie uszkodzenia podsystemów autobusów oraz dokonano oceny ich wpływu na zagrożenia zdrowia i życia ludzi oraz otoczenia. Badania zrealizowano na wybranej losowo próbce obiektów technicznych w rzeczywistym systemie eksploatacji autobusowej komunikacji miejskiej. Ocenę skutków uszkodzeń przeprowadzono na podstawie analizy informacji zawartych w źródłowych dokumentach przedsiębiorstwa transportowego. Zbiór występujących uszkodzeń podzielono na dwa podzbiory uszkodzeń: pierwotnych i wtórnych. Podano definicję tych uszkodzeń.
The paper deals with the analysis of bus subsystem failures and with the evaluation of their influence on the dangers to the human health and life and the environment. The investigations have been carried out with the use of a randomly chosen sample of the technical object within a real operation and maintenance system of the municipal transport buses. Evaluation of the failure effects have been performed on the basis of the analysis of the information contained in the essential documents of a transport enterprise. It the gathering of occurrent damages was divided was on two subsets of damages: primitive and secondary. Was passed definition of these damages.
The dangers originating within the vehicle usage process, resulting from incorrect operation of their braking subsystems have been evaluated in the paper. The subject of the analysis is influence of the forcing factors on occurrence of the damages to the bus braking subsystems. The operation and maintenance factors affecting the technical object elements cause unfavourable changes of the values of their significant features, as far as the vehicle operation is concerned, causing the damages. Among the forcing factors it is possible to distinguish the ones resulting from improper action of a human and those resulting from reaction of the environment to the technical objects. If the originated damages are not interconnected to one another by a cause and effect link, what means that they are independent and occur randomly, such damages are specified as primary ones herein. However, if the damages are dependable and they originate due to human faults in the process of repairing the primary damage or due to driver’s faults within the vehicle usage process then they are secondary ones. The vehicle damages at the operation and maintenance stage may occur due to human’s faults: - within the service process (diagnostic faults, parts dismantling and assembling faults, using wrong spare parts – e.g. non original ones, using substitutive repair means), - within the usage process (operator-driver’s faults, passengers’ faults), - within other processes (reactions coming from the environment of the technical object). The studies have covered a randomly chosen sample of the technical objects being operated and maintained within a real urban bus transportation system.
Operation and maintenance factors and the destructive processes of the technical object elements cause unfavourable changes in the values of the significant functional features, leading to a damage. A damage has been defined as exceeding admissible boundary values of these features. In this paper it has been attempted to identify the kinds and effects of the damages to a selected bus subsystem. Based on the analysis of the diagnostic data, the reasons of origination of the primary and secondary damages as well as their percentage in all the damages to the selected bus subsystems are classified.
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