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Wsparciem dla zwiększenia zróżnicowania miejsc bytowania ptaków i innych grup organizmów mogą być działania prowadzące do zazielenienia infrastruktury, czyli wprowadzanie elementów przyrody wszędzie tam, gdzie to możliwe, zwłaszcza w centrach miast, w postaci np. zielonych dachów czy żywych ścian.
Determining the level of solid pollution in beach sands located near artificial inland water bodies in order to maintain high safety standards is a difficult and expensive task. The tests aimed at determining beach pollution caused by solid wastes through analysis of toxic and chemical concentrations, are time-consuming and usually require several days before the results are available. In addition, the maintenance of the beach area involving beach raking or grooming, and the seasonal replenishment of sand makes it difficult to realistically determine the chemical or bacterial contamination of the tested material. Solid pollutants, such as glass, caps, cans, thick foil, metal, and plastic fragments, pose a greater health risk to beachgoers. The above-mentioned pollutants, especially small ones, are hardly visible on the surface or they are buried at shallow depths. Beach garbage poses a serious threat that can lead to infections from cuts and scratches. These injuries can become infected, further jeopardizing the health and lives of beachgoers due to risks like tetanus, staphylococcus, etc. The authors presented a new petrographic method aimed at assessing the quality of sand by examining the content of solid pollutants. The obtained results allowed us to conclude that the mentioned procedure can be used for a quick quantitative estimation of the content of potentially dangerous and undesirable pollutants in beach sands. Consequently, the method implemented to determent the amount of solid pollutants in beach sands has proven to be a valuable tool for recreational facility administrators, helping them in taking necessary measures to ensure the safety of beach users. Petrographic analysis of beach sands revealed the presence of pollutants of plant origin (0.4–1.8%), plastic (0.1–0.4%), paper (0.1–0.6%), charcoal (0.1–0.5%), glass (0.1–0.4%), metals (0.1–0.4%), rust (0.1–0.3%), ash and slag (0.1–0.3%), and fossil coals (0.1–0.2%).
Zielone dachy i ściany umożliwiają znaczące zwiększenie powierzchni zieleni na terenach, które charakteryzują się ograniczoną powierzchnią naturalnych gruntów lub wręcz ich nie posiadają. Wprowadzanie przedstawicieli wielu różnych gatunków roślin na te obiekty przyczynia się do podniesienia różnorodności gatunkowej i funkcjonalnej miasta, co jest niezwykle istotne z punktu widzenia regulacji i poprawy klimatu.
This paper presents the problem of the increasing negative impact of urban heat islands (UHI) on urban residents based on land surface temperature (LST). It is assumed that water bodies in the agglomeration remain cooler than the air and surrounding urban areas. The study aimed to determine the impact of water bodies and surrounding areas covered by trees on the temperature of an urban area and to minimise the impact of UHI on the life quality of people in the temperate climate zone at day temperatures 25°C (W day) and 29°C (H day). In the adopted research methodology, 167 reservoirs, larger than 1 ha, located within 300 m of urban areas, were analysed. Satellite thermal imagery, spatial land use data (Corine Land Cover), and local land characteristics were used. The average temperature of the reservoirs was appropriately at 4.69°C on W day and 1.9°C for H day lower than in residential areas. The average temperature of areas at a distance of 30 m from the reservoirs was 2.69°C higher on W and 0.32°C higher on H than the water of the reservoirs. The area covered by trees was 0.52°C lower on W day and 0.39°C lower on H day than the residential areas located at a distance of 300 m from the reservoir. On terrestrial areas, the lowest temperature was observed in the area covered by trees within 0-30 m from reservoirs both on warm and hot days. Based on the results of this study, UHI mitigation solutions can be suggested.
The increasing salinity of water in reservoirs is caused by climate change. On the other hand, an increase in salinity promotes the group species, halophytes that tolerate or need NaCl for growth. The aim of this study was to identify the response of facultative halophytes’ photosynthetic apparatus efficiency (PE) to water salinity. The study covered the spiny water nymph (Najas marina L.) population in four mining subsidence reservoirs. Najas marina is a facultative halophyte which means that it can occur in both fresh and salt water. This plant has the characteristics of the species invasive, such as rapid biomass growth, and wide ecological tolerance. Water salinity, described by conductivity, in the reservoirs ranged from 646 to 3061 μS∙cm -1. PE was expressed in terms of chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters, which were collected in situ using a Pocket PEA device. Water parameters using a YSI ProDSS probe were identified. Data analysis was performed using OJIP test and s the non-parametric Spearman’s rank test (p ≤ 0.05). The relationship between chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters and water parameters showed that conductivity, salinity, water clarity, and nitrate content statistically significantly affected PE (p <0.05). Generally, the higher salinity e.g. more than 3000 μS∙m -1, supports PE of facultative halophyte at the stage of optimum development in the vegetation season.
The natural mineral resources (hard coal, sands, dolomites, lead and zinc ores) found in the Silesia and the excavation of them led to significant transformation or even degradation of the environment. The landscape of Upper Silesia was dominated by heaps created as a result of the accumulation of post-mining coal waste. These postindustrial sites are characterised by difficult conditions for the development of plant communities. Nevertheless, the heaps are spontaneously overgrowing and over time, a separate ecosystem can be observed (for heaps). The article analyzes the enzymatic activity of the substrate in relation to the selected dominant grass (Monocots) and herbaceous (Dicots) plant species. The aim of this study was to compare the activity of particular enzymes in soil substratum of the vegetation patches dominated by grass and herbaceous plants.
Grasses have a considerable potential for the adaptation to various, often extreme, habitat conditions. The aim of the work was to present the vegetation diversity of the coal-mine spoil heaps with the dominant share of grasses and to identify the main factors responsible for this diversity in the aspect of post-industrial land reclamation. The communities differ in reference to the species preferences to light, moisture, soil fertility and reaction, which is reflected in the wide variety of microhabitats in the area. It was shown that the increase in the abundance of certain grass species, including Calamagrostis epigejos, Festuca rubra, Festuca arundinacea, Phragmites australis, has a significant negative impact on the species richness, species diversity and the uniformity of distribution of species of the plant community. Preliminary analyses revealed that on post-mining waste, the biomass production of the dominant species is negatively correlated with biodiversity. The knowledge about the biology and ecology of grass species, as well as on the assembly rules may be used in the reclamation of degraded areas. Gaining the knowledge about the vegetation diversity of the coal-mine spoil heaps with the dominant share of grasses can be useful in planning the reclamation works, taking into account natural processes, which leads to the creation of a permanent vegetation cover at a given site, protecting it against water or wind erosion. In the future these areas may provide a number of important ecosystem services.
At the time of discovering and exposing the scientific and educational potential of areas where mineral resources were exploited in the past, they have become a significant element in tourism elements. In the presented paper, the potential of the GEOsfera Ecological and Geological Education Centre in Jaworzno as a geoproduct was analysed. In the first part of the study, based on the published works and consultations with experts, the “geoproduct” was defined. Then the area, where the GEOsphere is located, was characterized. Its geology, the natural world, the way of land development and the promotion of geo-attractions located in this area are described. In the next stage, an analysis of the opinions of users regarding their perception of the GEOsphere was carried out. For this purpose, evaluations posted on social media and the collected survey results were used. As shown by the results, the majority of users of the GEOsfera are residents of Jaworzno – 63% of the respondents. The importance of the GEOsphere as an educational centre was indicated by 22% of visitors. About 5% of the respondents mentioned learning and obtaining information from the descriptions placed next to the exhibits in the centre. 93% of respondents recognised the graduation tower as the greatest attraction of the GEOsphere. Over 92% of people noticed the recreational role of the GEOsphere. 81% of users declared that they were satisfied with their visit to the GEOsphere. More than half of the respondents (56%) visited the GEOsfera with their family. A significant part of respondents (42%), pointed to the role of environmental protection, which is extremely important from the point of view of geoproducts’ design. The respondents also indicated that the GEOsphere has numerous geological, natural and educational functions and protects and promotes the geological heritage of the region.
W dobie odkrywania i eksponowania potencjału naukowego i edukacyjnego terenów, na których w przeszłości prowadzono eksploatację surowców, stają się one znaczącymi obiektami turystycznymi. W prezentowanej pracy dokonano analizy potencjału Centrum Edukacji Ekologiczno-Geologicznej GEOsfera w Jaworznie, zlokalizowanego na terenie wyrobiska surowców skalnych, jako geoproduktu. W pierwszej części opracowania, opierając się na dostępnych pracach publikowanych i konsultacjach z ekspertami, zdefiniowano „geoprodukt” oraz określono kryteria, jakie powinien spełniać. Następnie opisano teren, na którym zlokalizowana jest GEOsfera, uwzględniając geologię, elementy przyrody ożywionej oraz sposób zagospodarowania terenu i promowania geoatrakcji, które się tam znajdują. Na kolejnym etapie przeprowadzono analizę opinii użytkowników w zakresie postrzegania przez nich GEOsfery. Do tego celu wykorzystano oceny zamieszczone w mediach społecznościowych i zgromadzone wyniki badań ankietowych. Wykazały one, że większość spośród badanych użytkowników GEOsfery to mieszkańcy Jaworzna, którzy stanowili 63% ankietowanych. Znaczenie GEOsfery jako istotnego ośrodka edukacyjnego wskazało 22% odwiedzających. Około 5% pytanych doceniło uczenie się i pozyskiwanie informacji z opisów umieszczonych na tablicach obok eksponatów na terenie ośrodka. Jako największą atrakcję terenu GEOsfery 93% ankietowanych wskazało tężnię solankową. Ponad 92% respondentów dostrzegło rekreacyjną rolę GEOsfery i dogodne warunki do aktywnego spędzania czasu. 81% badanych zadeklarowało zadowolenie z wizyty. Ponad połowa respondentów (56%) odwiedziła GEOsferę z rodziną. Znaczna część ankietowanych (42%) zwróciła uwagę na znaczenie ochrony środowiska w funkcjonowaniu GEOsfery, co jest niezwykle ważną informacją przydatną podczas projektowania geoproduktu. Użytkownicy, którzy wzięli udział w badaniu, wskazali również, że GEOsfera ma liczne walory geologiczne, przyrodnicze i edukacyjne oraz chroni i promuje dziedzictwo geologiczne regionu.
In 13 forest reserves situated in southern Poland, 68 study plots were established in two regions: the Jurrasic Upland and the Silesian Upland. In these plots, size 10 m x 10 m divided into 100 subplots 1m2 each and randomly placed in various forest communities, percentage cover of all species in ground layer was recorded. Relationships between highly invasive alien plant species, Asiatic small balsam Impatiens parviflora DC, and indigenous species, was estimated using various indexes of species richness and diversity. They were: Hill's numbers (N[0], N[1], N[2]), Shannon-Wiener's index at the level of a subplot, alpha diversity (species richness within sites), and beta diversity (species richness among sites) at level of a study plot. The subplots with a presence of I. parviflora were compared with those where only native resident species occurred. The study has shown that subplots with the occurrence of I. parviflora are characterized by higher species richness and diversity of native plants independently on vegetation type. The frequency of I, parviflora was negatively correlated with beta diversity of study plots but there was no association with values of alpha diversity. In oak forest, alder carrs and floodplain forests the negative correlation between percent cover of I. parviflora and species richness, as well as cover of the herb layer was observed. The percent cover of /. parviflora was positively correlated with number of native species in beech forest and with their total cover in mixed coniferous forests. However, in natural well-preserved forest phytocoenoses I. parviflora avoids patches characterized by high cover of ground layer species and colonizes empty sites as an additional element of a community.
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