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This study aimed to determine the quantity and quality of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) released from sewage sludge-derived biochar and digestion-derived biochar under different extraction conditions (deionised water, hot water, 0.1 mol·L-1 NaOH) using TOC analyser, UV-vis spectroscopy. Biochars were produced through the pyrolysis process at temperatures of 400, 500, 600, and 800°C. The objective of this article was to examine the influence of diverse extraction solutions on the amount of dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) released from biochars and to delineate alterations in the composition and characteristics of DOC contingent on the extraction parameters. The f indings demonstrated that elevated pyrolysis temperatures resulted in a notable reduction in DOC concentration, with fractions extracted using NaOH exhibiting the highest DOC concentrations. SUVA254 analysis and the E2/E3 ratio indicated that biochars produced at higher temperatures contained a greater proportion of aromatic and hydrophobic substances. These results indicate that pyrolysis temperature, feedstock type and extraction conditions are of significant importance for the properties of DOC in biochar. This has important implications for their potential applications in soil management and carbon sequestration strategies.
Sustainable construction represents a pivotal aspect of contemporary engineering endeavors, which are directed towards the minimization of the detrimental impact of the construction sector on the environment. This is achieved through the efficient utilization of resources and the reduction of waste generation. The study presented an analysis of the mechanical properties of ad hoc reinforced concrete beams made of concrete with recycled and natural aggregate. The objective of this study was to assess the potential of recycled aggregates as a substitute for natural aggregates in reinforced concrete structures, with the aim of contributing to the sustainable development of construction. The experiments compared the behavior of reinforced concrete beams with the same degree of reinforcement but differing in the type of aggregate. The results demonstrated that recycled aggregate beams exhibited lower stiffness and higher deformation under load compared to natural aggregate beams, particularly at loads close to the breaking force. Nevertheless, similar failure modes and cracking patterns were observed in both types of beams, indicating that concrete with recycled aggregate could be employed effectively in specific structural applications.
Biochar is a product of biomass pyrolysis and has a number of environmentally beneficial uses, but it can also pose risks if not managed properly. These risks are mainly due to the chemical structure of biochar, the content of heavy metals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the mobility and environmental risk of heavy metals in biochar produced from plant biomass (BB), municipal solid waste (MSW), compost (C) and coal refuse (CR). Pollution indices were calculated: geo-accumulation index (GAI), ecological risk (Eri), the underlying ecological risk caused by the total pollution (PERI). The total heavy metal concentration is variable and depends on the type of biochar. The results indicate that there is a high risk of cadmium pollution in the environment. The underlying ecological risk caused by the total pollution values indicated that biochar from coal waste was the highest. The results obtained show the importance of mobility analysis in assessing the potential for natural use of biochar.
This study investigates the application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in forecasting agricultural yields in Kazakhstan, highlighting its implications for economic management and policy-making. Utilizing data from the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2000-2023), the research develops two ANN models using the Neural Net Fitting library in MATLAB. The first model predicts the total gross yield of main agricultural crops, while the second forecasts the share of individual crops, including cereals, oilseeds, potatoes, vegetables, melons, and sugar beets. The models demonstrate high accuracy, with the total gross yield model achieving an R-squared value of 0.98 and the individual crop model showing an R value of 0.99375. These results indicate a strong predictive capability, essential for practical agricultural and economic planning. The study extends previous research by incorporating a comprehensive range of climatic and agrochemical data, enhancing the precision of yield predictions. The findings have significant implications for Kazakhstan's economy. Accurate yield predictions can optimize agricultural planning, contribute to food security, and inform policy decisions. The successful application of ANN models showcases the potential of AI and machine learning in agriculture, suggesting a pathway towards more efficient, sustainable farming practices and improved quality management systems.
The study determined the similarities and differences between the fuel properties of different types of biomass (triticale and oat straw; bark: oak, alder, hornbeam, pine) and biochar (municipal waste biochar, composting biochar, pellet biochar and Fluid’s biochar). Bulk and actual densities and moisture contents, ash amounts, elemental composition (C, H, N) were determined, and the calorific value, heat of combustion and porosity of the substances studied were calculated. In addition, the physico-chemical properties of the ashes were determined. All the substances tested have high energy potential and can be used as biofuel. Fluid's biochar had the best energy properties due to the highest calorific value and heat of combustion, as well as carbon content, with a small amount of ash. Varying composition of the ashes obtained still poses a problem in developing methods for their management.
The paper evaluated the possibility of using artificial neural network models for predicting the compressive strength (Fc) of concretes with the addition of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA). The artificial neural network (ANN) approaches were used for three variable processes modeling (cement content in the range of 250 to 400 kg/m3, percentage of recycled concrete aggregate from 25% to 100% and the ratios of water contents 0.45 to 0.6). The results indicate that the compressive strength of recycled concrete at 3, 7 and 28 days is strongly influenced by the cement content, %RCA and the ratios of water contents. It is found that the compressive strength at 3, 7 and 28 days decreases when increasing RCA from 25% to 100%. The obtained MLP and RBF networks are characterized by satisfactory capacity for prediction of the compressive strength of concretes with recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) addition. The results in statistical terms; correlation coefficient (R) reveals that the both ANN approaches are powerful tools for the prediction of the compressive strength.
Content available Environmental benefits of catch crops cultivation
The role of catch crops in modern agriculture has increased in recent years. In addition to a production of animal feed, they have a positive impact on quality of soil. This study determined the suitability of selected stubble catch crops (white mustard, lacy phacelia, and a mixture of faba bean + spring vetch) to improve production, economic and energy effects of spring wheat grown in 3-year monoculture relative to the control treatment (without catch crops). Two tillage systems were used: conventional tillage and no-tillage (conservation tillage). A field study was conducted over the period 2014-2016 at the Czeslawice Experimental Farm, Lubelskie Voivodeship, Poland. The study proved the high suitability of catch crops to increase the spring wheat yields (under both tillage systems). Regardless of the catch crops, the productivity of wheat was higher under conventional tillage. The catch crops (in particular white mustard) and the conservation tillage system contributed to an improved energy efficiency index of production. The white mustard catch crop also had the most beneficial effect on the economic profitability of spring wheat production. This was due to the low cost of cultivation of this catch crop and its beneficial impact on obtaining high yields of spring wheat.
Research on the use of construction and demolition waste as recycled aggregate for the production of new concrete has confirmed that they are environmentally friendly and constitute an alternative method of waste management. However, contrary to conventional concrete, no large applications of concrete made with recycled concrete have been made and there is still the literature studies of recycled aggregate properties are different, which indicates the need for further research on the properties of cements from waste. This paper presents and compares the results of a laboratory study on the properties of ordinary concrete (BZ), high-strength concrete (BWW), recycled aggregate concrete (REC). The tensile and compressive strength, modulus of elasticity of these concentrates were marked. The research results proved that the compressive strength of the concrete with recycled aggregate, compared with high-performance concrete, is much lower, but only slightly lower than for ordinary concrete. In turn, the tensile strength of the concrete with recycled aggregate is lower than that of high-performance concrete and ordinary concrete. These values, in the case of the compressive strength are as follows: REC – 52MPa; BWW – 68MPa; BZ – 25MPa, whereas for the tensile strength, they reach: REC – 4 MPa, BWW – 6 MPa, BZ – 5.1 MPa. Statistical analysis showed that the given parameters of the analysed concretes are indeed statistically different. Obtained results indicate that recycled aggregate may be aggregate of standard value and good mechanical properties, even better than of ordinary concrete. The application of recycled aggregate is considered to be a new approach in balanced construction and a superb solution to protect the environment.
The soils that sustained damage from the mining industry are threatened with high salinity. The aim of the research involved assessing the impact of drilling wastes on the salinity of soils, and the influence of salinity on the germination and growth of various grass species. The research involved the energy, germination capacity and growth of four grass species: tall fescue Festuca arundinacea (cv. Odys), red fescue Festuca rubra (cv. Areta), perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne (cv. Gazon) and smooth meadow grass Poa pratensis (cv. Alicja) in the soils with various amount of drilling wastes addition and different salinity. The drilling waste addition in the amount of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 30% (v/v) (pH 4.1, EC = 8.84 µS/cm) significantly increased the salinity of the prepared mixtures to the levels of >2.5 dS/m, determined as harmful for most plants. Studies indicated that 5%, 10% and 15% (v/v) drill cuttings addition does not inhibit the growth of the considered grasses, while at the 25% addition of drill cuttings, the length of seedlings and roots is halved in comparison to the control sample without drilling waste addition. The mixture with 30% drilling waste addition, characterized by the salinity of 18 dS/m, inhibits the growth of all considered plant species. The conducted discrimination analysis indicated that cv. Gazon and cv. Odys differ from the other considered grass species, exhibiting the highest resistance to salinity caused by drilling waste addition. In turn, cv. Alicja was characterized by the lowest tolerance to salinity.
In this study, the adsorption behavior of natural and activated zeolites with respect to Cd2+, Cr3+, Pb2+and Zn2+, was studied in order to consider theirabilityto remove hazardousmetals fromdrilling mud. The batch method was employed, using initial metal concentrations in solution in the range of0.1 to 2.5 mg/dm3. It was determined that independently of the concentration, the adsorption ratios of zeolite towardsmetal cations match the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. The results of the research on the reduction of concentration of hazardousmetals from drilling mud wastewater by means of natural and activated zeoliteswere presented in the further part of this work. Natural and activated zeolites were introduced in portions (from 0.2to 10 g) to 100 cm3of wastewater; then, the content of metalions was determined using an inductively coupled plasma spectrometer. The experimental data showed that the applicationof activated zeolite enabled the removal rate of Cr3+, Pb2+, Zn2+and Cd2+close to 93%, 45%, 56% and 84%, respectively. In the case of the natural zeolite, the degree of hazardousmetals removal was lower by only a few percent, but still high enough to beinteresting from the practical point of view. Satisfactory effects of hazardousmetal ionsremoval from drilling muds were achieved using 2 to 5 g of zeolite. The obtained results proved that the natural zeolite constitutes an important material for efficient removal of hazardousmetalionsfrom drilling mud wastewater.
Organic and non-organic pollution present in the drilling waste may negatively impact flora and fauna. The tests conducted on earthworms may serve as indicators for the assessment of pollution bioavailability, i.a. heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, due to the relatively stable ratios between the concentration of certain pollutants in earthworms and soil. Moreover, earthworms are capable of metal bioaccumulation in tissues; therefore, they can be utilized as an ecological indicator of soil pollution. The studies on bioaccumulation of heavy metals from soils with the addition of drilling wastes in tissues of earthworms were conducted. The reduction percentage (R) of each scenario was calculated for the total concentration of all heavy metals. As data showed, all heavy metal content was reduced from its initial concentration.
The paper presents the possibility of applying spent synthetic ion exchangers and sorbents based on natural zeolites for the reclamation of degraded soils. The obtained research results confirmed the improvement of the soil sorption capacity (cation exchange capacity) caused by the addition of spent ion exchange sorbents. They also enabled to determine the magnitude of changes of the analyzed parameters depending on the amount of wastes introduced to the soil. The addition of 1% (w/w) spent cation exchanger enables to increase the cation exchange capacity twice, whereas in the case of zeolite, the observed increase reaches about 20%. Simultaneously, introduction of waste ion exchange sorbents increases the content of exchangeable calcium and magnesium while doubling in the content of these macroelements is observed for 5% (w/w) and 2% (w/w) of spent ion exchanger, respectively. In the case of the exchangeable potassium content, a satisfactory increase is observed with 1% (w/w) addition of spent zeolite.
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