Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to present the essence of the complaint handling process as an element of the process of improving the quality of manufactured medical devices, ensuring their safety of use and meeting the declared by the manufacturer efficiency of the medical devices. Detailed analysis of complaints received from the customers in order to identify the root cause of the reported problems allows initiating the appropriate actions by the company. The remedial actions are designed to eliminate defects reported by customers, while the corrective actions are carried out to eliminate the causes of the reported defects. All these actions taken by the company in course of the complaint handling process are the important element influencing not only the effectiveness of the complaint handling process but also improvement of the product, elimination of defects, and thus the safe use of the device by the user. Design/methodology/approach: The analysis of the main causes of the reported failures and actions taken was conducted through a survey questionnaire forwarded to 24 medical device manufacturers in Poland. Findings: The results of this survey allowed to identify the categories of root causes, which are the most frequent reasons for complaints concerning medical devices and to identify the most frequent corrections and corrective actions based on the example of selected companies manufacturing medical devices in Poland. Originality/value: The results of the survey regarding the main causes of the reported failures and actions taken during the complaint handling process may provide guidance for the manufacturers during the evaluation of the reported failures.
Kopalnia Soli „Wieliczka” jest obiektem sztucznie stworzonym przez człowieka, dawniej eksploatowanym, obecnie intensywnie odwiedzanym. Dzięki kopalni powstała nowa nisza ekologiczna, którą zaczęły zasiedlać troglofilne organizmy żywe. Jednymi z ciekawszych zwierząt żyjących w tej kopalni są chrząszcze Niptus hololeucus. Naturalnie występują w miejscach niezwiązanych z solnymi systemami podziemnymi, jednak zawleczone przystosowały się do troglobiontycznego trybu życia. Obecnie prowadzone badania ukierunkowane są m.in. na biologiczne i morfologiczne porównanie populacji troglofilnych z kopalni i żyjących poza nią. W tym celu przy pomocy pułapek Barbera pobierane są próby z 13 stanowisk z poziomów I-III. Wstępne wyniki pokazują znaczące zmiany liczebności chrząszczy znajdowanych w pułapkach, co może mieć związek z cyklem rozwojowym a także znaczne różnice związane z miejscem ulokowania pułapki.
The „Wieliczka” Salt Mine is the place artificially created by man, formerly operated, now intensely visited. Owing to mine arise new ecological niche, which troglophiles living organisms to settled. One of the more interesting animals from this mine are the beetles Niptus hololeucus. They naturally occur in place unbound with salt underground systems but introduce adapt to troglobiontic lifestyle. The aim of current research is i.a. biological and morphological comparison troglophile and free-living populations. For this purpose, using Barber’s traps samples from 13 positions from the I-III level of the mine are collected. The preliminary results show significant changes in numbers of found beetles in traps, what may be related to the life cycle, and significant differences related to the location of the trap.
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