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Meeting the educational needs of students currently requires moving toward collaborative electronic and mobile learning systems that parallel the vision of Web 2.0. However, factors such as data freedom, brokerage, interconnectivity and the Internet of Things add to a vision for Web 3.0 that
will require consideration in the development of future campus-based, distance and vocational study. So, education can, in future, be expected to require deeper technological connections between students and learning environments, based on significant use of sensors, mobile devices, cloud computing and rich-media visualization. Therefore, we discuss challenges associated with such a futuristic campus context, including how learning materials and environments may be enriched by it. As an additional novel element the potential for much of that enrichment to be realized through development by students, within the curriculum, is also considered. We will conclude that much of the technology required to embrace the vision of Web 3.0 in education already exists, but that further research in key areas is required for the concept to achieve its full potential.
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