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Magnetic nanoparticles, because of their unique properties, are expected to find many prospective applications including data storage, ferrofluids, catalysis, and biomedicine. In this critical review, synthesis methods as well as the characteristics of magnetic nanoparticles are presented. In addition, the benefits and drawbacks of using nanoparticles in biomedical applications are clearly presented.
Content available remote Funkcjonalizacja chemiczna nanorurrek węglowych
The discovery of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and the recognition of their exceptional properties have generated a great deal of interest. The possible applications arise from the remarkable properties of CNTs such as the highest Young's modulus, highest thermal conductivity, ballistic electron transport, and field emission resulting from high aspect ratio. The functionalization of carbon nanotubes has become a very actively discussed topic because the CNTs modification is believed to open the road towards real nanotechnology applications. This review with 266 references describes the results on covalent and noncovalent chemical functionalization of carbon nanotubes and related nanostructures. Physical and chemical properties as well as possible applications of functionalized CNTs are also presented.
Badano proces spalania mieszanin fluorowanego grafitu (CF)n z różnymi reduktorami: NaN₃, B, Ti, ZrTi, Si, CaSi₂, AlSi, TiSi, MoSi₂ i CrSi₂. Okazało się, że reakcje pomiędzy tymi substratami są dostatecznie szybkie i egzotermiczne, aby proces redukcyjnego defluorowania przebiegał w reżimie samopodtrzymującej się, wysokotemperaturowej syntezy. Wykonano pomiary ciepła reakcji oraz zbadano skład fazowy i mikrostrukturę skondensowanych produktów spalania. Obserwacje mikroskopowe ujawniły obecność rozwarstwionego grafitu we wszystkich próbkach. Nanometryczne struktury w formie włókien, prętów i krystalitów 3D także wykryto w większości produktów reakcji.
Mixtures of fluorinated graphite (CF)n with different reductants, such as NaN₃, B, Ti, ZrTi, Si, CaSi₂, AlSi, TiSi, MoSi₂, and CrSi₂ were investigated. Reactions between these substrates are fast and exothermic enough to proceed in a high temperature self-sustaining regime. Heat effects accompanying the reactions were measured and the solid reaction products were analyzed. SEM observation revealed the presence of exfoliated graphite in each case. Nanostructures, like nanofibers, nanorods, nanospheres and nano-sized crystals, were also present in most of the products. Phase (XRD) and elemental composition as well as porous structure (N₂ adsorption) of chosen reaction products were also determined.
Content available remote Procesy oczyszczania nanorurek węglowych
The discovery of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and the recognition of their exceptional physical properties have generated a great deal of interest. The possible applications arise from the remarkable properties of CNTs such as the highest Young's modulus, highest thermal conductivity, ballistic electron transport, and high aspect ratio structure. To date, development of nanotube-based products has been delayed by a lack of availability of quantities of pure material and lack of control of their growth. There are many methods for CNTs production: carbon arc, chemical vapour deposition of hydrocarbons, laser ablation or electrolysis in molten salts. Each of these methods leads to the raw product, which contains also by-products: amorphous and turbostratic carbon, carbon nanoonions and encapsulates, catalyst nanoparticles, along with the carbon nanotubes. As mentioned above, high-purity CNTs are required in order to retain excellent intrinsic properties and to proceed with further realistic applications. This review presents not only various routes for CNTs purification, but the aspects of the influence of purification processes on nanotubes properties are also discussed.
Na podstawie dostępnych danych literaturowych oraz wyników badań własnych scharakteryzowano „nanocebulki” i „nanokapsułki” węglowe. Przedstawiono ich morfologię oraz liczne aspekty syntezy. Wśród perspektywicznych zastosowań na czoło wysuwa się fizykochemia materiałów magnetycznych, szczególnie na bazie żelazowców.
A review with 36 refs. covering prepn. of “nano–onions” built up from graphite monolayers, numerous methods for prepg. encapsulates as well as their present and prospective uses.
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were synthesized using a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. The properties of raw CNTs and after vacuum annealing treatment were studied using electron microscopy (SEM), scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) methods. field emission characteristics of the raw and vacuum heated up to 650(st.C) carbon nanotube films (CNTFs) were measured in diode system. Emissive properties of the CNTFs depend on an annaling process during which structural changes in the nanotube walls take place. The structural changes, related to saturation of dangling bonds, influence a rate of oxidation process and also improve the emissive field properties.
RF plasma synthesis of carbon encapsulates containing ferromagnetic nanocrystallites is reported. The products morphology was examined by using HRSEM and HRTEM. The phase composition was studied by XRD and EDS. Magnetic hysteresis loops were measured at room temperature.
Odpady stałe (żużel, popiół i popiół lotny), będące pozostałościami procesu spalania odpadów komunalnych, poddawano działaniu plazmy termicznej w reaktorach z wirującą plazmą łukową bądź indukcyjną. W zależności od parametrów procesowych uzyskano różne stopnie przetopienia reagentów; najefektywniej ulega topieniu naj drobniejszy odpad - popiół lotny. Procesowi topienia towarzyszą zmiany strukturalne i chemiczne odpadów. Wykonane badania rentgenostrukturalne wykazują przemiany fazowe reagentów. Za pomocą fluorescencyjnej spektrometrii rentgenowskiej określono zmiany stężenia wybranych metali w odpadach poddawanych przeróbce plazmowej. Stosując technikę ICP-MS, zbadano wymywalność wybranych metali z przetopionych odpadów.
Solid wastes (slag, bottom and f1y ash) resulting from the incineration of the municipal solid wastes were processed either in rotating arc plasma or in RF (inductive) plasma. Depending upon the operational parameters different melting efficiencies were obtained; the highest melting degree was achieved for the finest reactant - f1y ash. Waste melting was accompanied by physical and chemical transformations of wastes. X-ray diffraction of reactants showed phase transformation while X-ray fluorescence spectrometry analyses were carried out to determine changes of content of several elements. The measurements of the leachability of selected heavy metals, before and after plasma treatment, were performed, too.
Content available remote Otrzymywanie nanostrukturalnych materiałów na drodze syntezy spaleniowej
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki systematycznych badań syntezy spaleniowej w układach zawierających krzem oraz politetrafluoroeten (PTFE), w wyniku której z dużą wydajnością, spontanicznie powstają nanowłókna i nanorurki węglika krzemu SiC. Nanostruktury SiC typu 1-D powstają także, gdy zamiast PTFE używa się innych halogenowęglowodorów. Nanowłókna wykryto również w produktach spalania mieszanin Al₃Mg₄ z PTFE, natomiast produkty spalania kompozycji B/PTFE zawierają nanokrystality węglika boru. Inne interesujące struktury węglowe (węgliki, enkapsulaty i nanocebulki) otrzymywano z dużymi wydajnościami na drodze redukcyjnej karbonizacji heksachloroetanu C₂CI₆ za pomocą azydku sodu w obecności ferrocenu. Skład i mikrostrukturę otrzymywanych produktów badano wykorzystując: dyfraktometrię rentgenowską, spektroskopię Ramana, skaningową i transmisyjną mikroskopię elektronową i spektrometrię rozproszonego promieniowania rentgenowskiego. Potwierdzono, że na drodze syntezy spaleniowej można otrzymywać nanowłókna i nanorurki o średnicy 20-100 nm i długości kilku mikrometrów. Poza strukturami typu 1-D otrzymywano cebulki węglowe, węglowe enkapsulty krystalitów żelaza, nanowłókna węglika glinu Al₄C₃ oraz nanokrystality węglika boru B₄C. Przypuszczamy, że wzrost nanostruktur typu 1-D zachodzi według mechanizmu VLS (vapour-liquid-solid) z udziałem rodnikowych form produktów pośrednich. Zaletą opisanej metody jest fakt, iż wspomniane nanostruktury można otrzymywać jednoetapowo, w zamkniętym reaktorze i bez konieczności wstępnego ogrzewania reagentów.
We present the results of systematic investigations of the combustion syntheses in Si-containing/polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) (Teflon) mixtures under different operational conditions in which 1-D SiC nanofibres and nanotubes are spontaneously and efficiently produced. 1-D SiC nanostructures can be also formed when PTFE is replaced by other carbon halides. We have also extended the range of tested reaction mixtures. Thus, 1-D nanostructures were synthesized from Al4Mg₃/ carbon halide mixtures while B/PTFE composition yielded nanocrystalline boron carbide. Other interesting carbon-related nanostructures (carbides, encapsulates and carbon nanoonions) were also efficiently produced by reductive carbonization of C₂Cl₆ using sodium azide under the presence of a ferrocene. The composition and structural features of the products were characterised by the elemental analysis, X-ray diffraction, differential thermal analysis/thermogravimetric technique, Raman spectroscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry. This self-induced growth process can produce nanofibres and nanotubes ca. 20-100 nm in diameter and several microns long, with the aspect ratio higher than 10³. In summary, the reductive dehalogenation of carbon halides during the combustion synthesis is a useful strategy in molecular engineering of carbon-related nanostructures. We succeeded in forming carbon onions, carbon-caged crystallites, 1-D silicon and aluminum carbides, and 3-D boron carbide. We believe that the vapour-liquid-solid (VLS) nucleation mechanism involving radical gaseous species is responsible for 1-D nanostructure growth. These nanostructures can be produced in a single step, in a closed reactor, without externally heating the reactants. Thus, the route proposed here may provide a new self-induced and efficient method to produce the novel nanomaterials.
Carbon is a unique material and the research results have taken the subject forward in many new directions in recent years. In addition to the fullerenes, a new allotropic form of carbon discovered in 1985 and produced in macroscopic amount in 1990, carbon nanotubes were found by Iijima in 1991 in a cathode deposit, formed during DC arcing of graphite anode. Since their discovery, the latter ones have captured the imagination of physicists, chemists and materials scientists alike. They are attracted to carbon nanotubes because of their extraordinary electronic and mechanic properties. Further egzo- and endohedral functionalization of fullerenes resulted in a new class of compounds and heterofullerenes were also produced by substitution of carbon atoms in a cage by other (mostly boron and nitrogen) atoms. Recently new intriguing forms of nanocarbous have been also discovered including carbon onions, encapsulates, filled nanotubes, `peapods', etc. In this review these nanocarbons are presented with the emphasis on production techniques and formation mechanisms, structure characterization and the future fields of application. While carbon are, laser ablation and CCVD (Catalytic Chemical Vapor Deposition) are the main techniques to produce these species, they are also formed under quite ditferent experimental conditions which are presented. When one browses through the carbon literature, some other new forms of spheroidal nanocarbons (e.g. nanoflasks, nonohorns, nanofoams...) also crop up again and again and a brief discussion is given here of these most recently discovered nanostructures.
Przepisy prawne UE nie dopuszczają składowania stałych odpadów, powstających podczas spalania odpadów komunalnych. Wciąż poszukiwane więc są nowe metody neutralizacji tych uciążliwych bądź szkodliwych odpadów. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki przetapiania plazmowego stałych pozostałości (żużel, popiół i pył lotny) spalania odpadów komunalnych w jedynej w Polsce spalarni w Warszawie. Proces prowadzono w układzie przepływowym w dwóch systemach reakcyjnych: łukowej oraz indukcyjnej plazmie termicznej. Badano wpływ parametrów procesowych (entalpia plazmy i uziarnienie surowca) na stopień przetopienia reagentów. Morfologię reagentów badano, stosując technikę mikroskopową. Uzyskano stopień przetopienia reagentów sięgający niemal 100% w przypadku najdrobniejszego, a zarazem najbardziej uciążliwego odpadu - pyłu lotnego.
Existing and forthcoming legislation and regulations prohibit the dumpling of incineration ashes from waste incineration plants. Thus, new techniques to neutralize these noxious wastes are urgently sought. In the present study the results of plasma processing of solid residues (slag, bottom ash and fly ash) resulting from incineration of MSW in the only Polish incinerator in Warsaw are presented. The process has been carried out in a flow mode of operation in two different reaction systems using a rotating arc or induction thermal plasma. The influence of process parameters (plasma enthalpy, reactant particle size) on the melting efficiency has been studied. The product morphology has been investigated by using a microscopic technique. A high melting close to 100% was achieved for the finest waste - fly ash which is also the most noxious waste of all postincineration soild residues.
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