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Fossil filamentous and non-filamentous bacteria are reported from the Upper Jurassic limestones of the Raptawicka Turnia Limestone Formation in the Mały Giewont sections of the Western Tatra Mountains (Poland). The filamentous bacteria are subdivided into five groups: thin uniseriate, large multi-cell, large spiral, tapering and branched forms. The thin uniseriate filaments are the main microbial component of the peloids and micro-oncoids from the studied formation, mainly in the Upper Kimmeridgian-Tithonian limestones. The presence of the heterocyte-like terminal cells suggests their interpretation as cyanobacteria similar to the modern order Nostocales and perhaps to the family Nostocaceae. The large multi-cell and tapering filaments are uncommon in the studied limestones. The branched filaments found in the Tithonian limestones, although thinner, probably also may be compared with some modern representatives of the order Nostocales. Non-filamentous fossil bacteria found in the studied limestones consist of rod-shaped bacilli, monotrichous bacilli and spirilla; they belong mainly to the phylum Proteobacteria. Some microborings observed in the microfossils occurring in the micro-oncoids remind the ichnotaxon Scolecia filosa Radtke known to be of wide palaeobathymetric range. The thinnest microborings resemble another group of ichnofossils named “Pygmy form”, probably also of bacterial origin. The Upper Kimmeridgian-Tithonian micro-oncoids were formed mainly by filamentous bacteria (Cyanobacteria) that overgrew successively their nuclei with a few to several laminae. Frequent occurrence of pelagic microfossils as nuclei of micro-oncoids does not match a transport of these coated grains from much shallower sedimentary environments. The fossil filamentous bacteria filling up the peloids and micro-oncoids could be adapted to conditions that existed in the sublittoral zone below the wave base.
Tithonian (= “Middle Volgian”) carbonate rocks are exposed in Owadów-Brzezinki quarry 19 km southeast of Tomaszów Ma-zowiecki, central Poland. In the upper part of the Sławno Limestone Member, chitinoidellids have been identified in thin sections from three samples, only. Therefore, the documented part of the Chitinoidella Zone in Owadów-Brzezinki quarry is about 0.3 m thick. The identified chitinoidellid taxa suggest that this assemblage represents the Upper Tithonian Boneti Subzone. The Chitinoidella Zone occurs at the top of Unit I and correlates with the uppermost interval of the Zarajskensis Horizon (Matyja, Wierzbowski, 2016). Other microfossils identified in the Chitinoidella Zone consist of Saccocoma sp. and benthic foraminifera of the genus Planularia. Calcareous dinoflagellate cysts (Cadosina semiradiata semiradiata Wanner and C. cf. semiradiata semiradiata Wanner) occur above the chitinoidellid assemblage, in the strata corresponding to the Gerassimovi Subzone of the Virgatus Zone (Matyja, Wierzbowski, 2016). Calcareous nannofossils are extremely rare in the thin sections studied; only one small specimen was seen, identified as Rhombolithion minutum (Rood et al., 1971) Young et Bown 2014. In contrast, microbial filaments are frequently observed in the studied thin sections. Their shape and pattern are reminiscent of some recent Cyanobacteria of the order Nostocales, however the Tithonian microbial filaments are much thinner.
New biostratigraphical and carbon isotope data are presented for the Upper Jurassic limestones of the Raptawicka Turnia Limestone Formation (High Tatric unit, Western Tatra Mountains, Poland) from the Mały Giewont area. The Kimmeridgian, lower Tithonian and lower part of the upper Tithonian have been identified on the basis of calcareous dinocysts and calpionellids. Eight microfossil biozones are distinguished: acme Fibrata, acme Parvula, Moluccana, Borzai, Tithonica acme Pulla(?), Malmica, Chitinoidella and Crassicollaria (pars). The Kimmeridgian/Tithonian boundary is indicated at the top of the Borzai Zone 76 m above the base of the Raptawicka Turnia Limestone Formation. The microfossil stratigraphy suggests the late Early Kimmeridgian age (acme Parvula Zone) of the ammonites described by Passendorfer (1928). The taxon Taramelliceras ex gr. compsum found 14 m above those ammonites is Late Kimmeridgian in age. Seven microfacies types (MF) are identified in the Upper Jurassic limestones of the Mały Giewont area. The Bositra-Saccocomidae MF occurs across the Lower-Upper Kimmeridgian boundary. The planktonic and benthic foraminifera occur in the Upper Jurassic deposits of the Raptawicka Turnia Limestone Formation. The genera Lenticulina Lamarck and Spirillina Ehrenberg are common in the Kimmeridgian and Tithonian limestones. The palaeobathymetric evolution of the Kimmeridgian-Tithonian deposition recorded in the Mały Giewont sections reveals: the transgressive episode at the Lower/Upper Kimmeridgian boundary interval, the transgression peak during the Early Tithonian (Malmica Zone) and gradual shallowing of the High-Tatric swell in the Late Tithonian. Integrated isotope stratigraphy and biostratigraphy enabled correlation with the pelagic section of the Sub-Tatric succession in the Długa Valley section. The middle part of the Raptawicka Turnia Limestone Formation (Upper Kimmeridgian) might be correlated with the upper part of the Czajakowa Radiolarite Formation (red radiolarites) and Czorsztyn Formation in the Długa Valley section. The upper part of the Raptawicka Turnia Limestone Formation of Early Tithonian age corresponds mostly to the Jasenina Formation. The overall similarity of the δ13C decreasing values recorded in the Kimmeridgian–earliest Tithonian interval of the Mały Giewont (this study) and Długa Valley sections indicates that the generally shallow-water deposits of the Raptawicka Turnia Limestone Formation accumulated below the zone influenced by changes in the composition of marine water caused, for instance, by intense rainfalls.
In the Kopka section (Dolina Kościeliska valley, Western Tatra Mountains), the upper part of the Kościeliska Marl Formation consists of biomicrites with marly interbeds. These deposits, 76 m thick, are assigned to the Praehedbergella excelsa and Leupoldina cabri zones, of Aptian age. The taxa identified belong mainly to the genera Praehedbergella Gorbachik and Moullade, 1973, Globigerinelloides Cushman and Ten Dam, 1948 (emended by Longoria 1974 and Verga and Premoli Silva, 2003a) and Gorbachikella Banner and Desai, 1988. Nineteen Nannoconus taxa were identified during an SEM study of 34 samples. The occurrence of N. vocontiensis in the higher part of the section allows the nannoconid assemblages in the upper part of the section to be distinguished from those in the lower part. Four Nannoconus assemblages were recognized in these limestones: (1) Nannoconus bucheri-N. steinmannii, (2) N. truitti frequens, (3) N. vocontiensis and (4) N. aff. regularis. The wide-canal Nannoconus specimens are more frequent than the narrow-canal ones in the limestones of earliest Aptian age (Praehedbergella excelsa Zone), but the wide-canal forms predominate consistently in the upper part of the section, still within the L. cabri Zone.
Planktonic foraminifera, calcareous dinocysts and nannofossils have been identified in thin sections of the “spotted limestone”, exposed in the Grajcarek Stream at Szlachtowa and assigned to the Pieniny Limestone Formation in the Magura Succession, Pieniny Klippen Belt (southern Poland). The new data indicate that the “spotted limestone” is older than was suggested in previous reports (Albian or Cenomanian?). The foraminiferal taxa belong mainly to the upper part of the Lower Aptian. The calcareous nannofossils may correspond to the Aptian NC6(?)-NC7 zones, whereas the assemblage of calcareous dinoflagellate cysts is less conclusive (Late Barremian-Aptian).
In comparison with the Spanish sections, first appearance (FAD) of the Tithonian Nannoconus species is recorded earlier in the Pieniny Klippen Belt and the Western Tatra Mountains (Western Carpathians). The Early Tithonian Nannoconus compressus Zone correlates with the uppermost part of the "Pulla-Tithonica" Zone and the lower part of the Malmica Zone. The N. infans Zone corresponds to the upper part of the Malmica Zone and the lower part of the Chitinoidella Zone (Dobeni Subzone) including the lowermost interval of the Boneti Subzone. The N. wintereri Zone is equivalent to the uppermost part of the Chitinoidella Zone, entire Crassicollaria Zone, and the basal interval of the Berriasian Alpina Subzone. In the Kryta Valley section (Tatra Mts), the Infans/ Wintereri zonal boundary is located within the Boneti Subzone and is correlated with the lower part of the CM20n magnetozone. Specimens referred to Nannoconus sp. A occur in the studied sections; these specimens differ from the published descriptions of all previously established Tithonian species. In the Lower Tithonian limestones nannoconids are scarce being more numerous in the lower interval of the N. wintereri Zone. Increase in abundance of the genus Nannoconus correlates with the Mid- to Late Tithonian Nannofossil Calcification Event (NCE) reported from the Central Atlantic Ocean.
Content available remote Proces modernizacji warszawskiej sieci ciepłowniczej
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane przedsięwzięcia modernizacyjne w miejskim systemie ciepłowniczym Warszawy zrealizowane w przeciągu ostatnich kilkunastu lat. Zarysowano kierunki dalszych zmian oraz wskazano sposoby zwiększenia efektywności energetycznej i ekonomicznej przesyłania ciepła w warszawskim systemie ciepłowniczym.
The selected modernization projects of Warsaw district heating system realized within last fifteen years were presented in the article. The tendencies of future changes were shown as well as the ways of increasing energy and economical efficiency for heat transfer in Warsaw district heating system.
Warszawski system ciepłowniczy (w.s.c) jest największym systemem scentralizowanym w kraju i jednym z największych w Europie. W aglomeracji warszawskiej pokrywa blisko 75% zapotrzebowania na ciepło. Zasilany jest z 4 źródeł ciepła: EC Siekierki, EC Żerań, EC/C Kawęczyn i Ciepłowni Wola. Zamawiana w źródłach moc ciepłownicza maksymalna dla warunków obliczeniowych wynosi 3700÷3800 MW. Zasięg sieci ciepłowniczej (rysunek 1) to ok. 134 km2, natomiast łączna długość - ok. 1600 km, w tym rurociągi magistralne (o średnicach nominalnych DN ≥ 400) stanowią 18%, rurociągi rozdzielcze 40%, a przyłącza 42%.
Detailed magnetostratigraphic investigations of the Tithonian–Berriasian strata, integrated with litho- and biostratigraphic observations were carried out within the Bobrowiec Unit of the Lower Sub-Tatric (Krina) Nappe in theWestern Tatra Mts. Amodification of the existing lithostratigraphic scheme is proposed, splitting the Pieniny Limestone Formation (sensu Lefeld et al. 1985) into two formations, accordingly with lithostratigraphic subdivisions of the coeval deposits in some other parts of the Krina Nappe in Slovakia: the Jasenina Formation (includes Pośrednie Member sensu Pszczółkowski 1996, in its uppermost part) and the Osnica Formation (Osnica Member sensu Pszczółkowski 1996). The Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary, as defined by calpionellids, falls within the lowermost part of the Osnica Fm. Magnetozones from CM20r (Lower/Upper Tithonian boundary) up to CM16n (Upper Berriasian) were identified. Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary is situated within the CM19n magnetozone, below the short reversed Brodno subzone. Magnetostratigraphic correlation of four sections revealed existence of some “gaps” which are interpreted as tectonic reductions, which have to be considered while calculating the sedimentation rate which, however, might be roughly estimated. Sedimentation was relatively slow within the Jasenina Formation (5–7 m/My), but accelerated within the Osnica Fm (mean value: 10–15 m/My) and in the investigated lower part of the Kościeliska Marl Fm (20–30 m/My). Presence of hematite correlates with low sedimentation rate.
The radiolarian and calpionellid microfacies are characteristic for the latest Tithonian–Early Berriasian limestones of the Guasasa Formation in the Sierra del Infierno, western Cuba. The limestones of the uppermost part of the El Americano Memberbelongto the Late Tithonian Crassicollaria intermedia Subzone, Crassicollaria Standard Zone, and to the basal part of the Early Berriasian Calpionella alpina Subzone. The lower part of the Tumbadero Member is assigned to the C. alpina Subzone of the Calpionella Standard Zone. A heteromorph ammonite assemblage (Protancyloceras-Vinalesites) crosses the Crassicollaria/Calpionella Zones boundary. The studied limestones belong to three nannoconid assemblages of latest Tithonian–Early Berriasian age assigned to Nannoconus wintereri Subzone, N. steinmannii minor Subzone and N. steinmannii steinmannii Zone. Radiolarian taxa identified in thin sections are consistent with the lower part of D2 radiolarian zone from Western Tethys. The investigated deposits have been probably accumulated in the dysaerobic zone. At the Tithonian–Berriasian (J/K) boundary, dysaerobic to anaerobic conditions could be widespread in the deeper waters of the northwestern Proto-Caribbean basin.
W niniejszej pracy zostały zbadane dwa profile obejmujące wapienie najwyższego tytonu i dolnego beriasu w Sierra del Infierno, na zachód od Vifiales w zachodniej części Kuby (Fig. 1A-C). Wapienie najwyższej części ogniwa El Americano formacji Guasasa (Tab. 1) należą do podpoziomu Crassicollaria intermedia poziomu standardowego Crassicollaria (górny tyton) i najniższej części podpoziomu Calpionella alpina (dolny berias) poziomu standardowego Calpionella (Fig. 2, 3). Dolna część ogniwa Tumbadero została zaliczona do podpoziomu C. alpina. W wapieniach najwyższej części ogniwa El Americano (Fig. 4A) i dolnej części ogniwa Tumbadero (Fig. 4B) charakterystyczne są mikrofacje kalpionellidowa (Fig. 5A) i radiolariowa (Fig. 6A). Pelmikrosparyty (Fig. 5B) i laminowane biomikryty (Fig. 6B) również są spotykane w dolnym beriasie. Kalpionellidy (Fig. 7A-I) są reprezentowane przez pojedyncze okazy do bardzo licznych zespołów (Tab. 2); zwykle są one słabo zachowane. Jest to już wcześniej opisana cecha kalpionellidów obecnych w wapieniach późnego tytonu i beriasu sukcesji Sierra de los Organos (Pop, 1976). Badane wapienie zawierają również nannokonidy (Fig. 8, 9A-H) zaliczone tutaj do podpoziomów Nannoconus wintereri i N. steinmannii minor oraz do poziomu N. steinmannii steinmannii (Tab. 3). Granica ogniw El Americano i Tumbadero znajduje się w obrębie podpoziomu N. steinmannii minor. Radiolarie oznaczone w płytkach cienkich (Fig. 10A-J, 11) odpowiadają dolnej części poziomu radio-lariowego D2 ustalonego w formacji Maiolica zachodniej Tetydy (Jud, 1994). Niektóre rodzaje (Ristola, Mirifusus) są często spotykane w badanych profilach. Obecność juwenilnych amonitów rozwiniętych: Protancyloceras gr. hondense (Imlay) (Fig. 12A), Protancyloceras sp. i Vinalesites sp. (Fig. 12B) została stwierdzona w niektórych płytkach cienkich wykonanych z wapieni (Tab. 4). Zespół tych amonitów przekracza granicę poziomów kalpionellidowych Crassicollaria i Calpionella (Tab. 5). Szare, ciemnoszare i czarne wapienie najwyższej części ogniwa El Americano i dolnej części ogniwa Tumbadero zostały osadzone prawdopodobnie w strefie dysaerobowej, w której fauna bentosowa była bardzo nieliczna (Fig. 12C). Ławice wapieni zazwyczaj nie zawierają struktur wskazujących na intensywną działalność organizmów ryjących w osadzie. W pobliżu granicy tytonu i beriasu (J/K), warunki dysaerobowe (lub nawet anaerobowe) mogły być rozprzestrzenione w głębszych wodach północno-zachodniej części basenu Protokaraibskiego. Takie warunki wskazująna raczej słabą cyrkulację w głębszych wodach tego dosyć wąskiego w tym czasie basenu.
The studied sections of the Tithonian-Hauterivian deposits of the Branisko Succession in the Polish part of the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Figs 1-7) yielded micro-, nanno- and macrofossils, which allowed to elaborate more detailed stratigraphy of these strata, especially in the lowermost Cretaceous interval of the Pieniny Limestone Formation. The calpionellids, radiolarians and other microfossils (mainly calcareous dinoflagellate cysts) were studied in thin sections, whereas the calcareous nannofossils were analysed under SEM. The Berriasian-Hauterivian ammonites are described and illustrated. In the Kapuśnica I section, the Upszar Limestone Member of the Czorsztyn Limestone Formation seems to be exclusively of Tithonian age. At present, the Upper Tithonian deposits of the Crassi- collaria Standard Zone are missing in the studied section. In the Łysonka Klippe, the Lower Berriasian limestones are subdivided on the basis of the Nannoconus assemblages. The ammonites of the Jacobi Zone occur in the limestones of the N. steinmannii steinmannii Zone. In the Kapuśnica I section, the sedimentation rate of the limestones assigned to the Elliptica Subzone was about 1.3 m/Ma. The Oblonga Subzone (sensu lato) coincides with the marly deposition episode in this section; the Łysonka Marl Bed is assigned to the lower interval of this subzone. However, the overall sedimentation rate during the Late Berriasian Oblonga Subzone was low (about ~1.7 m/Ma). Presence of the ammonite Tirnovella otopeta Zone was documented in the Kapuśnica II and Łysonka sections. In the Kapuśnica II section, the minimum value of sedimentation rate of the radiolarian-calpionellid limestones assigned to the Lower Valanginian Calpionellites Zone is about 4.1 m/Ma. The Tintinno- psella Zone of the uppermost Lower Valanginian-Hauterivian is represented by a limestone succe- ssion about 51 m thick. In the Łysonka section, the Upper Valanginian limestones of this zone are probably older than those exposed in the Zaskale section. In the latter section, some ammonites are indicative for the Upper Valanginian Criosarasinella furcillata Zone. In the upper part of the Kapuśnica II section, the limestones of the Tintinnopsella Zone yielded Olcostephanus sp. and Neolissoceras desmoceratoides (Wiedmann) found 4.5 m below the top of this section. These ammonites indicate the Early Hauterivian age of the sparsely fossiliferous limestones. The Upper Hauterivian deposits may be represented in the topmost limestones of the Kapuśnica II section.
The Kościeliska Marl Formation (Middle-Upper Berriasian to Lower Aptian) terminates the Lower Subtatric Succession in the Western Tatra Mountains. The Upper Berriasian to lowermost Hauterivian deposits of the lower part of this formation are subdivided into four members (Pod Furkaską Member, Kryta Member, Wściekły Żleb Member and Muráň Limestone Member), which are formally described. Two informal units are recognised in the Barremian-Lower Aptian deposits of the upper part of the formation: the nannoconid-foraminiferal limestone unit and glauconitic biocalcarenite bed. The Middle/Upper Berriasian to Upper Hauterivian deposits are subdivided into calpionellid zones and subzones. The upper part of the Kościeliska Marl Formation is biostratigraphically documented by planktonic foraminifers identified in thin sections. The following foraminiferal zones are recognised: Praehedbergella sigali, Blefuscuiana aptiana (new zone), Liliputianella similis, Blowiella blowi and Leupoldina cabri. In the type section, the total thickness of the Kościeliska Marl Formation is 272 m. In general, the deposits of this formation exposed in the Kościeliska Valley, although tectonically disturbed, appear to rest in normal position. The Kira Miętusia sub-unit of the Bobrowiec tectonic unit consists of two tectonic elements (slices): a larger one outcropped in the Wściekły Żleb-Zahradziska area and a smaller scale (composed of the Valanginian-Lower Aptian deposits), poorly exposed south of the Brama Kantaka gate. The studied sections are compared with the selected sections in Slovakia. Sedimentation of the Early Hauterivian Muráň Member (Western Tatra Mts) occurred approximately at the same time as the onset of the Muráň Formation deposition in the Eastern Tatra Mts. The Hauterivian Muráň Member of the Kościeliska Marl Formation and the Strážovce Turbidite Member of the Mráznica Formation (Strážovské Vrchy Mts) are not strictly coeval, the former unit being probably older than the latter one.
Niektóre tylko zdarzenia tytonu-hoterywu, udokumentowane w sukcesji reglowej dolnej Tatr, można skorelować jednoznacznie ze zdarzeniami wyróżnionymi wcześniej na obszarze Karpat Zachodnich. W profilach tatrzańskich, turbidyty ogniwa z Krytej formacji margli z Kościeliskiej (fm.) dokładnie odpowiadają zdarzeniu orawickiemu dolnego walanżynu. W Tatrach Zachodnich została stwierdzona koincydencja walanżyńskiego zdarzenia izotopowego ?13C z wyraźnie niższą zawartością mikroplanktonu, a zwłaszcza radiolarii, w wapieniach osadzonych na przełomie dolnego i górnego walanżynu. Podobnie jak walanżyńskie zdarzenie izotopowe, ekspansja otwornic planktonicznych w górnym hoterywie (najwyższa część poziomu Tintinnopsella) miała zasięg ponadregionalny, daleko wykraczający poza obszar Zachodnich Karpat. W głębokowodnym basenie kriżniańskim korelacja zdarzeń biotycznych i innych tytonu-hoterywu z eustatycznymi zmianami poziomu morza, chociaż prawdopodobna, nie we wszystkich przypadkach może być uznana za w pełni udowodnioną.
In the Tithonian-Hauterivian deposits of the Lower Subtatric succession of the Tatra Mountains (Western Carpathians), only a few events of biotic, sedimentary and isotopic character can be correlated with those recently proposed for the whole West Carpathian area. In the Western Tatra Mts, the turbidites of the Kryta Member (Kościeliska Marl Formation) correlate well with the Early Valanginian Oravice event. The Valanginian isotopic carbon event coincided with a minimum of microplankton content (especially radiolarians) in limestones deposited at the Lower/Upper Valanginian boundary. Expansion of planktonie foraminifers during the Late Hauterivian was another widespread event observed in the Tatra Mts, other areas of the Western Carpathians and outside these mountains. Correlation of the Tithonian-Hauterivian events with eustatic sea-level changes, although probable, has not been fully documented as for cerns some events recognised in the deep-water Kriźna basin.
The stratotype of the Margot Formation was previously established at the Mina Margot in the Matanzas Province of western Cuba. The limestone interbeds occurring between the basalts of the upper part of this formation contain Turonian planktonic foraminifers. Late Cretaceous age and tectonic position of the Margot Formation in the Palaeogene thrust nappes exposed in the northwestern Matanzas Province suggest the Caribbean plateau origin of the basalts occurring in this unit. According to an alternative interpretation, the Margot Formation represents a fragment of the section of the proto-Caribbean Oceanic crust, mainly of Cenomanian-Turonian age.
In south-central Cuba, the shallow-water limestones of the Late Maastrichtian Cantabria Formation underlie the Late Maastrichtian to Early Eocene Vaqueria Formation. The crustacean burrows (Thalassinoides isp.) occur in Late Maastrichtian marl of the lowermost part of the latter formation. Horizontal tunnels are the most common components of the reported low density burrow system produced in this shelfal deposit. Occurrence of Gansserina gansseri (Bolli), 1951, constrains the age of the burrow-filling biomicrite between 68 (probably 67) and 65.45 Ma. The submergence of the Cantabria shallow-water limestones and sedimentation of the burrow-filling biomicrite coincide with the high sea-level during Late Maastrichtian. The Late Maastrichtian deposits were partly truncated by pre-Palaeocene (K-T boundary?) erosion. However, in comparison with the successions of western Cuba, the Cienfuegos sedimentary basin occupied a more remote position in respect to the Chicxulub impact crater in Yucatan, thought to be the K-T event source.
The nannoconid assemblage found in a Late Albian limestone layer of the Santa Teresa Formation in western Cuba contains both the taxa known to occur in the Albian (Nannoconus truitti truitti, N. cf. elongatus and N. cf. regularis), and also those usually not reported from the post-Aptian strata (N steinmannii steinmannii, N. cf. colomii, N. gr. colomii-steinmannii). Planktonic foraminifers occurring in this layer are Late Albian in age. The narrow-canal taxa of the genus Nannoconus Kamptner, 1931, are interpreted as the in situ components of the described Late Albian nannofossil assemblage. Presence of scarce nannoconids, identified as N. truittii truittii, N. regularis and N. cf. regularis, in samples of Late Cenomanian limestones exposed in western and central Cuba, is also recorded.
The age of some Lower Cretaceous lithostratigraphic units and their boundaries in the Guaniguanico terrane, western Cuba, is modified on the basis of calpionellids, foraminifers and nannoconids. In the Northern Rosario belt, the Artemisa/Polier formations boundary is diachronous (upper Lower Berriasian to Lower Valanginian). In the studied sites located in the Southern Rosario belt, the topmost part of the Sumidero Member of the Artemisa Formation is latest Valanginian to Hauterivian in age. Comparing this result with previous data, the Artemisa/Santa Teresa formations boundary ranges from Lower Valanginian to Hauterivian. The Late Valanginian to earliest Hauterivian age of the lowermost part of the Pons Formation in the Río Las Piedras section, Sierra de los Organos, is accepted on the basis of the planktonic foraminifers, calpionellids and nannoconids. The presence of Tintinnopsella carpathica Murgeanu et Filipescu is characteristic for the Tintinnopsella Zone. Nannoconus truittii Brönnimann, 1955, subsp. truittii Deres et Achéritéguy, 1980, is present in the Barremian-Lower Aptian assemblages. Comparing the Lower Cretaceous stratigraphic record from the Guaniguanico terrane to that registered at the Southern Gulf of Mexico basin site (Hole 535), some similarities, as well as differences, can be discerned.
The nannoconids are abundant in the Lower Cretaceous pelagic limestones in western and central Cuba. In some limestone beds, these nannofossils occur together with ammonites or planktonic foraminifers. Our samples were collected from the Polier, Veloz and Paraiso formations. The Late Hauterivian to Early Aptian age of the studied samples is based mainly on ammonites. The nannoconids identified in these samples are grouped in 4 assemblages: Late Hauterivian, Early Barremian, Late Barremian and late Early Aptian. In the Early Barremian assemblage, the narrow- canal nannoconids are by far more frequent than the wide-canal ones. Small specimens, classified herein provisionally as N. truittii truittii, occur also in this assemblage. On the other hand, the representatives of the Nannoconus steinmannii group are absent in the late Early Aptian assemblage, which includes the wide canal forms only. Nannoconids found in one sample may represent an assemblage of the earliest Aptian age.
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