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The Austrian monarchy, in particular the military authorities of the Austrian cesarian court, had important contribution in shaping the cultural landscape of Croatia since the eighteenth century to the First World War. In the system of fortress landscapes Pula occupies an important place, a city located in the southwestern part of the peninsula Istra. Since the mid-nineteenth century to the 90s of the twentieth century, a major factor in development of the city was a military function. The impressive resource of defense architecture considering of continuation of the military functions was for decades not available to researchers. Only the political change in the 90's open up the possibility of systematic recording and stimulation test program, and at the same time and effective methods to protect endangered resources and seeking ways of the new development. Realization of the program with the participation of students initiated the Board of Preservation of Monuments of the Ministry of Culture, and the work was inaugurated in 2001. The clearly defined program had the objective of exchanging of informations and training in the assembly of historical and technical documentation, in performing the documentation of preservation state, and all studies and analysis for the valorization, as well as proposals for the sanitation of objects and land development. The field education program was supported by seminar lectures on selected topics, and numerous discussions. Due to the lack of native specialists in the field of defensive architecture it appeared to need to use the experience of professionals and researchers from another country. In the first years of the program were attended students of architecture from home and abroad, and with the development of the program in later years and other fields of study: landscape architecture, art history, construction, geography, even the fine arts. The article points the decennary experiences in the organization of field and research work, and preparation of students for professional communication and interdisciplinary collaboration. Workshop of Board of Cultural Heritage Protection of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia proved to be very good training ground for the improvement of educational and professional working methods in the field of protection and revalorization of monuments and cultural landscape. Fieldwork experiences are reflected in the development of curricula, and often influenced the selection of semester work, graduate and even doctoral work items. In the final part of the article it includes the evaluation of the long-term cooperation and results of workshops by a representative of academic environment, which participated in the workshops.
Content available Discreet Landscapes of Fortifications
Od czasów historii starożytnej fortyfikacje były w krajobrazie imponującymi i dominującymi budowlami. Były one solidnie zbudowane pod względem formy materialnej, ale dotyczyło to także ich symbolicznego wyglądu od czasu ich stworzenia aż po ostatnie lata. Ich silna symbolika była i jest nadal obecna, nawet jeśli pozostały tylko ruiny, czy też zostały one nietknięte w krajobrazie. Te pierwsze fortyfikacje (starożytne, średniowieczne lub renesansowe) mają różne kształty, konstrukcje i pozycję w krajobrazie, ale pozostały bardzo widoczne i wpływowe w zakresie interakcji społecznych (a nawet politycznej mitologii). Od końca XIX wieku po dzień dzisiejszy przekształciły się one w dyskretne budowle często zapomniane i ukryte. Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie tych ostatnich budowli (od końca XIX wieku do ostatniej dekady XX wieku) i ich pozycji w chorwackich krajobrazach. Prezentacja (jako studium przypadku) określa te budowle w historycznych segmentach, które ukształtowały historię Chorwacji na przestrzeni ostatnich ponad 100 lat. Te przedstawione historyczne grupy odosobnionych budowli obronnych to: 1. Austro-węgierskie fortyfikacje z końca XIX wieku I z początku wieku XX. o ogromne fortece takie jak np. systemy warowne w regionie Pulaw (do niedawna jeszcze z okupantami wojskowymi) 2. Fortyfikacje z lat międzywojennych oodosobnione budowle (bunkry) i systemy warowne jako samotne i zapomniane budowle w krajobrazie 3. Fortyfikacje z okresu II wojny światowej oczęść systemów fortyfikacyjnych i oddzielnych ufortyfikowanych budowli (bunkry) występujących w centrach miast lub na ich obrzeżach, ale zapomnianych i ignorowanych 4. Fortyfikacje z lat po II wojnie s'wiatowej oukryte i ciągle jeszcze tajemnicze 5. Fortyfikacje z wojny o niepodległość Chorwacji budowle tymczasowe, nadal obecne w krajobrazie i w sposób tajemniczy zapomniane wkrótce po zakończeniu wojny
Due to its geopolitical position on the map of Europe and their military and strategic importance, Croatia inherited countless sites and compounds of defensive architecture dating to various periods of history. An analysis of their placement proves their concentration along the roads and rivers being the trade routes, and in strategic border locations within the country and along the Adriatic coast. The historical heritage of this type is decisive for the specific character of the culturescape in various regions of Croatia. Depending on the circumstances and fitness of individual locations to defensive purposes, the roles and histories of fortifications and areas related to them varied. Research proves that the compounds from the earliest historical periods have been preserved to our times either in the form of archaeological relics or as sites that have long been abandoned and ruined, while the condition of most modern defence facilities has remained relatively good. A separate group among the latter are the fortifications from Austrian times, concentrated along the former border with the Ottoman Empire along the Sava River and on the Adriatic coast. Due to their advantageous situation for defensive purposes, many of them have long retained the continuity of this form of use – unfortunately until our days. Due to the changing requirements of defensive arts and the introduction of new defensive positions paralel to the development of offensive techniques and also for other reasons, with the passage of time, most facilities underwent major changes pertaining primarily to their form and structure. With the reduction of the military functions, some facilities were abandoned, which would result in continuing destruction. Others would for a long time remain in the custody of military authorities, and are now being adapter to new functions. The major political, economic, social and other processes of the last decade have brought plenty of profound changes in various areas of life. They resulted in the increased need for introducing basic changes in the forms of use and management, and the means of supervising post‐military culturescape. The subject embarked upon here is an attempt to define the scope of problems related to such areas, and the formulation of plans for their adaptation to contemporary functions in the new political and economic conditions. The subject of research is the selected facilities developed in the Dual Austro‐Hungarian Empire that – being now devoid of the leading military function – may not only complement and expand the tourist offer related to cultural heritage at the same time support the creation of a strategy for social and economic development and improvement of living conditions in the areas of specific post‐military landscape. The material presented here makes it possible to evaluate the level of preservation of the assets of the individual post‐military landscape, the definition of their role for the value and resources of culturescape and the presentation of various concepts of adjusting them to new functionalities. Worth special attention among numerous such cases are the civil initiatives, plans, designs, and projects focused on the areas of post‐military landscape of Pula, the city whose urban development continued to be subjected to its military functions for the last two centuries.
With its area and population, Croatia is a midsize and sparsely populated - country. According to the statistics, it is a country of scattered small settlements whose spatial organization, number, size, shape, as well as structure are region-specific. Traditionally, Croatia was an underdeveloped agricultural country. Abrupt industrialization-based economic development after the WWII had an adverse effect on the development of rural economy. Accelerated growth of towns was the reason for intensified demographical, social and economic decline of the villages. Over the years, large areas in some regions, far away from the economic centers and market places, especially islands and highlands, have been depopulated. In spite of this, efficient revitalization measures for these deserted and neglected territories were not applied through government strategy, and therefore they were not applied in professional practice either. The situation was aggravated by the last war, when the war-inflicted areas, and especially the villages, were deserted. After the war few inhabitants are returning to their family homes and this situation has left deep traces in the landscape. Cultivable land, vineyards and orchards overgrown with weed are turning into wild country, and buildings are falling into ruins. The situation is best illustrated by comparing the latest statistics with the older ones, for an example from the 1960s, when almost half of Croatia's population (43,9%) were farmers. It should be noted that long time economic decline is compensated by natural rehabilitation and a relatively well preserved cultural landscape, which is favorable to new development possibilities. The problems of the villages' revival have been intensively considered in the last decade only. The first programs were in fact related to the return of the refugees. That was a huge chance for the new policy towards the rural areas. Unfortunately, among others, with a completely disregarded need for preservation of traditional buildings and cultural landscape. Conservators' efforts were only partially successful. Lately, the situation has started to improve. Conventions, professional international organizations' programs and foreign experiences stimulate a new development policy of rural areas.
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