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JavaScript Object Notation was originally designed to transfer data; however, it soon found another use as a way to persist data in NoSQL databases. Recently, the most popular relational databases introduced JSON as native column type, which makes it easier to store and query dynamic database schema. In this paper, we review the currently popular techniques of storing data with a dynamic model with a large number of relationships between entities in relational databases. We focus on creating a simple dynamic schema with JSON in the most popular relational databases and we compare it with well-known EAV/CR data model and the document database. The results of precisely selected tests in the field of Criminal Data suggest that the use of JSON in dynamic database schema greatly simplifies queries and reduces their execution time compared to widely used approaches.
Extensible Markup Language was mainly designed to easily represent documents; however, it has evolved and is now widely used for the representation of arbitrary data structures. There are many Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to aid software developers with processing XML data. There are also many languages for querying and transforming XML, such as XPath or XQuery, which are widely used in this field. However, because of the great flexibility of XML documents, there are no unified data storing and processing standards, tools, or systems. On the other hand, a relational model is still the most-commonly and widely used standard for storing and querying data. Many Database Management Systems consist of components for loading and transforming hierarchical data. DB2 pureXML or Oracle SQLX are some of the most-recognized examples. Unfortunately, all of them require knowledge of additional tools, standards, and languages dedicated to accessing hierarchical data (for example, XPath or XQuery). Transforming XML documents into a (quasi)relational model and then querying (transformed) documents with SQL or SQL–like queries would significantly simplify the development of data-oriented systems and applications. In this paper, an implementation of the SQLxD query system is proposed. The XML documents are converted into a quasi-relational model (preserving their hierarchical structure), and the SQL–like language based on SQL-92 allows for efficient data querying.
SAR (Search and Rescue) operation is a complex process, often carried out in the absence of resources and time. Every single minute matters, as it puts the lost person in more danger. Therefore, it is really crucial to plan and coordinate SAR operation effectively. Because the search area is often very extensive, any leads about where to look first are invaluable. This can be achieved by modelling lost person’s behaviour based on the data from past operations. Generated results present probabilities of finding a subject in different segments of the search area, which might benefit the planning and the execution phases of the operation. The authors evaluate one of the commonly used modelling methods and propose several ways to improve it, together with some preliminary evaluation results and an already implemented system, which incorporates the described methodology.
The paper presents the LINK application, which is a decision-support system dedicated for operational and investigational activities of homeland security services. The paper briefly discusses issues of criminal analysis, possibilities of utilizing spatial (geographical) information together with crime mapping and spatial analyses.
Artykuł prezentuje system LINK będący zintegrowanym środowiskiem wspomagania analizy kryminalnej przeznaczonym do działań operacyjnych i śledczych służb bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego. W artykule omówiono problemy analizy kryminalnej, możliwość wykorzystania informacji o charakterze przestrzennym oraz narzędzia i metody analiz geoprzestrzennych.
When it comes to designing and implementing crawling systems or Internet robots, it is of the utmost importance to first address efficiency and scalability issues (from a technical and architectural point of view), due to the enormous size and unimaginable structural complexity of the World Wide Web. There are, however, a significant number of users for whom flexibility and ease of execution are as important as efficiency. Running, defining, and composing Internet robots and crawlers according to dynamically-changing requirements and use-cases in the easiest possible way (e.g. in a graphical, drag & drop manner) is necessary especially for criminal analysts. The goal of this paper is to present the idea, design, crucial architectural elements, Proof-of-Concept (PoC) implementation, and preliminary experimental assessment of Cassiopeia framework, i.e. an all-in-one studio addressing both of the above-mentioned aspects.
The aim of the paper is to present the possibilities of utilizing spatial (geographical) information in the criminal analysis and to introduce the LINK software, which is able to perform such analyses. LINK is a decision-support system dedicated for operational and investigational activities of homeland security services. The paper briefly discusses issues of criminal analysis in the Polish reality and focuses on crime mapping and spatial analyses. It also lists available analysis methods and software tools together with their pros and con. The description of LINK system functionality constitutes the main part of the paper. It covers the tasks of data acquisition, processing, analysis and visualization. In addition to that the paper also includes a description of the integration possibilities of LINK and ESRI’s ArcGIS application stack and performing complex geospatial analyses.
Autorzy proponują zastosowanie modelu quasi-relacyjnego jako podstawy przetwarzania danych pochodzących z dokumentów XML. Dane XML są transformowane do zbiorów relacyjnych według intuicyjnych reguł, wykorzystujących składnię i strukturę źródłowego dokumentu. Elementem rozwiązania jest język zapytań nazwany SQLxD, opierający się na składni popularnego SQL. Element ten stanowi narzędzie do transformacji danych oraz dalszego ich przetwarzania.
The authors propose to use the quasi-relational model as a basis to the XML data processing. The XML data is transformed to the relational data sets according to the intuitive rules that make use of the syntax and structure of the source document. Part of the solution is the query language called SQLxD, which is based on the popular SQL syntax. SQLxD is a tool for both data transformation and its further processing.
Implementation of the system which supports the processes in public administration with the use of the electronic Platform of Public Administration Services (ePUAP), creates new opportunities for the development of many new concepts in the Information Society. The ePUAP system is a platform which clearly supports the communication processes using e-documents, mainly in the scope of office-citizen communication. The paper shows the possibilities of vast functionality extension of the ePUAP platform by implementing the system services dedicated to the user, enhancing the private document management and the correspondence with the public institutions with the use of ePUAP platform. The concept of the functionality of the Dok system is extended with an aspect of the prototype system implementation, crucial for the usage of many modern technological solutions.
Fast and effective access to information is a condition of success for almost all activities and even can be taken as a measure of modernity. Of course, the matter is when the information are crucial to some project and can influence on what-ever decisions that must be made during its realization. The above statement is of rather general nature but it acquire quite concrete sense in industrial “spheres” and particularly in the contemporary casting industry. As justification one can enumerate the following features of the industry: -great variety of technologies and materials, -high quality requirements that must be met by majority of products to be competitive at the global market, -existence of the wide and strong scientific support that open possibility of new -technologies implementation based on advanced theoretical methods, modern measurement techniques and computer tools application, -possibility of the production intensification by introducing new ideas in the fields of organization and management. All these above indicate that innovation activities in the industry involve usually several scientific institutes and firms and their gathered knowledge as well as information must be interchange in course. A part of this information which does not constitute know-how of its owners can be (or even must be) publicized. It deals with information that can be called as encyclopedic one. Moreover the information is often computerized already. The paper discusses some architectural and implementation issues of OntoGrator – a system of a large variety of heterogeneous knowledge resources. The issues deals with both their content as well as modes of their utilization. Such a system can be characterized briefly as an easily extensible (modified) platform that organizes co-operation of components implementing these resources. It is assumed that the components have been built at different moments of time, under different conditions, and using computer technologies (tools) that did not keep exactly the same standards and, in consequence, are hardly integrated. In order to make the co-operation of the components possible as well as to facilitate use of the system by users of different profiles, providing possibly full knowledge about the components and system in a symbolic and ready to process form is assumed. In this way a formal basis for the architecture becomes the idea of systems with explicit knowledge.
OntoGRator jest systemem do integracji i udostępniania wiedzy oraz danych przechowywanych w niezależnych, zewnętrznych, skomputeryzowanych źródłach. Źródłami danych mogą być zasoby zgromadzone w relacyjnych bazach danych, zbiory dokumentów, materiały o charakterze multimedialnym itp. Źródłami wiedzy mogą być też ontologie opisujące fragmenty wiedzy dziedzinowej z danego obszaru (np. odlewnictwa, metalurgii itp.). Integracja źródeł wiedzy realizowana jest przez zdefiniowanie dwóch grup ontologii: "ontologii dziedzinowych" opisujących pojęcia z danej dziedziny oraz zależności między tymi pojęciami, oraz "ontologii źródeł danych" opisujących poszczególne źródła danych udostępnianych przez system. Korzystanie z wiedzy zgromadzonej w systemie polega na nawigowaniu po pojęciach ontologii dziedzinowej oraz po -zidentyfikowaniu interesującego pojęcia - na uzyskaniu informacji na tak wybrany temat (pochodzącej z różnych źródeł danych). Artykuł prezentuje kwestie związane z architekturą i implementacją systemu oraz zastosowanie systemu do integracji i udostępniania wiedzy w zakresie technologii odlewniczych.
Content available remote Application of Bayesian network in the diagnosis of hot-dip galvanising process
This study presents an output of the application of a probabilistic method of inference based on Bayes'' rule in the diagnosis of defects formed during hot-dip galvanising process. The process of creating knowledge representation of the hot-dip galvanising process was disclosed along with a scheme of reasoning in Bayesian network and its implementation in a Norsys Netica packet. The advantages and drawbacks of a probabilistic method of representation of the incomplete and uncertain empirical knowledge were highlighted.
W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki zastosowania probabilistycznej metody wnioskowania, opartej na regule Bayesa, w diagnostyce wad powstających w procesie cynkowania ogniowego. Pokazano proces tworzenia reprezentacji wiedzy dotyczącej procesu cynkowania. Zbudowano sieć przyczynowo-skutkową dla wybranej grupy wad powierzchni wyrobów ocynkowanych i przyczyn ich powstawania. Analizując przyczyny uwzględniano miejsce ich występowania, charakter (rodzaj) i reprezentujące je parametry technologiczne. Schemat wnioskowania w sieciach Bayesa pokazano na przykładzie wybranej wady (nieciągłość powierzchni) i dwóch przyczyn (pH kąpieli topnikującej oraz zanieczyszczenie powierzchni). Do implementacji tej sieci Bayesa wykorzystano pakiet Netica firmy Norsys. Wskazano na zalety i wady probabilistycznej metody reprezentacji niepełnej i niepewnej wiedzy empirycznej.
The paper deals with various aspects of knowledge engineering in the area of metal processing technologies. The discussion concerns: needs of the knowledge, role of the knowledge engineering, methodologies for the knowledge structuralisation, integration and distribution. The aim of this paper was highlighting the needs and prospects related with informatisation of foundry industry.
Content available remote Development of INFOCAST - Information System for Foundry Industry
The article presents the current state of development of INFOCAST - an information decision system supporting technological problems of the foundry industry. Two aspects of the system are related: enrichment of its information and knowledge resources and changes in architecture, both oriented towards improvement of its applicability. The reported stage of development of INFOCAST is characterized by a close integration of its data and knowledge bases by means of the agent-based technology. Due to decentralization, the knowledge and information can be used not only in research and design activities, but also in the exploitation of technological processes.
Zapewnienie odpowiedniej jakości produkowanych wyrobów staje się koniecznością w obecnych realiach gospodarczych. Normy ISO zakładają stosowanie odpowiednich metod organizacji produkcji i zarządzania. Jednym z aspektów związanych ze stosowaniem norm ISO jest monitorowanie procesu produkcyjnego i przebiegu wytwarzania, diagnostyka ewentualnych nieprawidłowości i wad oraz wskazywanie środków zaradczych (naprawczych, zapobiegawczych). W pracy starano się zwrócić uwagę na możliwość wykorzystania na tym etapie ekspertowego systemu diagnostycznego. Informacje generowane przez system sterowania jakością stanowią wejście dla systemu diagnostycznego, z drugiej zaś system diagnostyczny jest wykorzystywany do wspomagania podejmowania decyzji podczas realizacji procesu technologicznego. Przedstawiona koncepcja systemu informacyjnego, integrującego funkcje systemu ekspertowego z systemem realizacji jakości (wg norm ISO), jest aktualnie przedmiotem prac prowadzonych przez Instytut Odlewnictwa oraz Katedrę Informatyki AGH. W chwili obecnej system ekspertowy w swej wersji klasycznej oraz współpracujące z nim bazy danych zostały już uruchomione i są udostępniane w sieci Internet (pod łączna nazwą INFOCAST).
A proposition of the integrated expert diagnostic system is presented in the paper. The system is oriented towards diagnostics of the faults in casts. All the procedures in the system are based on the ISO norm. The main objective of the system is aiding of the process of identification of faults and finding the reasons of these faults. The work of the system is based on monitoring of the production process and on diagnostics of various incorrect events. The system supplies an information regarding methods of anticipating the faults of casts. This information is supplied to the quality control system, which is further used by the decision making system for the casting shop.
Content available remote Zdecentralizowany system informacyjny dla wspomagania technologii odlewniczych
Praca zawiera opis zdecentralizowanego inteligentnego systemu informacyjnego przeznaczonego dla wspomagania technologii w przemyśle odlewniczym. Podstawową funkcją systemu jest integracja różnorodnych źródeł informacji czy też wiedzy (bazy danych, systemy ekspertowe, eksperci ludzie) oraz dostarczenie "syntetycznej ekspertyzy" na dany temat (diagnostyka techniczna, informacja o technologii, standardach, normach, literaturze itp.). System realizowany jest przy wykorzystaniu technologii agentowej polegającej na wprowadzeniu inteligentnych jednostek oprogramowania - agentów, służących do wypełniania poszczególnych funkcji w systemie (wyszukiwanie oraz transfer informacji, realizacja dostępu do źródła wiedzy, zapewnienie spójności komponentów wiedzy, wykorzystywanej w procesie diagnostycznym, komunikacja z użytkownikami i ekspertami). Agenci komunikują się ze sobą i współpracują w celu rozwiązania zadanego problemu (dostarczenia ekspertyzy). Architektura systemu opiera się na regulowanej reprezentacji wiedzy agenta oraz komunikacji w języku KQML (Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language).
The paper contains description of a decentralised intelligent information system designed for the technological support in the casting industry. The main role of the system is the integration of various data and knowledge sources (data bases, expert systems, human experts) and supply of the "synthetic expertise" on the given topic (technical diagnosis, information on technology, standards, norms, literature etc.). The operation of the system is realised by the set of autonomous intelligent software components - agents that fulfil various system functions (search and transfer of information, coherence of the knowledge components used in the diagnostic process, communication with users and experts). Agents communicate with each other in a network and cooperate for the solution of the problem (supply of the expertise). The architecture of the system rely on rule based representation of agents' knowledge and communication in KQML (Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language).
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