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Solid biomass plays a leading role in the development and dissemination of technologies pertaining to the usage of renewable raw materials. The biomass processed into solid biofuel requires special logistic operations. Distribution from the place of production, handling and storage of biofuel are basic and necessary elements of the chain of fuel supply to the energy source. Solid biofuels for energy use occur in different forms which affect the costs of logistic operations. Rational heat generation requires choosing a specific type and form of biofuel, assessing the availability of raw materials, integrating fuel management with energy source technology and, above all, determining the cost of energy generation. The cost of energy generation includes the cost of fuel and logistic operations, which depend mainly on a type and form of fuel. Currently, the commonly used biofuels are wood chips, straw and pellets. This paper presents a comparison of heat demand of 400 kW, 600 kW and 1 MW boiler plants generating heat for the purpose of heating buildings and water. The analysis took into account three forms of biofuels: compressed, crushed and granulated forms resulting from different types of biomass (straw, woodchips, pellets). The cost of heat generation in the aspect of biofuel management and the share of particular cost components in heat production were determined. It was shown that in medium power boiler plants, the granulated fuel has the lowest cost of biomass distribution, whereas wood chips have the lowest cost of heat production.
This paper presents the results of the conducted analysis on the on-grid photovoltaic installations designed for a single-family house by applying three different technologies (monocrystalline, polycrystalline and thin-film modules), compared to a simulation of the off-grid polycrystalline technology. As a result of the analysis conducted, the differences between the on-grid and off-grid systems could be determined. The simulation was made on the basis of the PV SOL program which allowed performing calculations concerning monthly and yearly yields during the period of 25 years, taking into account the average degradation of efficiency at 0.8% monthly. Additinoally, a return rate on investment was determined for different types of the analysed installations, taking into account an increase of electricity prices at 2.5% annually and a fixed subscriber’s fee (assumed as 38 euro monthly). Energy density (amount of energy acquired from 1m2 of the installation) and the amount of energy necessary to be purchased additionally from the electricity supplier to fully cover the demand for electricity for the analysed building were analysed as well.
Content available remote Ogrzewanie powierzchni zewnętrznych za pomocą pomp ciepła
W niekorzystnych warunkach zimowych jesteśmy zmuszeni do eliminacji lub łagodzenia wad związanych z gromadzeniem się śniegu i lodu na chodnikach, schodach, podjazdach, parkingach, dachach, placach czy boiskach sportowych. Istnieje wiele sposobów usuwania śniegu i lodu z rozważanych powierzchni, w tym chemiczne, mechaniczne lub z wykorzystaniem instalacji grzewczej. Metody mechaniczne lub ręczne nie zawsze pozwalają na całkowite usunięcie śniegu i lodu, natomiast substancje chemiczne często mają negatywny wpływ na środowisko. W tej sytuacji najskuteczniejsze jest zastosowanie instalacji grzewczej elektrycznej lub wodnej. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy technicznej systemu ogrzewania parkingu dla samochodów osobowych z wykorzystaniem pompy ciepła z gruntowym wymiennikiem ciepła, a także analizę finansową jego zastosowania w ustalonych warunkach. Z poznawczego punktu widzenia interesujące było zbadanie, czy proponowana instalacja jest technicznie i ekonomicznie wykonalna.
In unfavourable winter conditions we are forced to eliminate or mitigate the defects associated with the accumulation of snow and ice on pavements, stairs, driveways, parking lots, roofs, squares or sports fields. There are many ways to remove snow and ice from the surfaces under consideration, including chemical, mechanical or heating installations. Mechanical or manual methods do not always allow complete removal of snow and ice, while chemicals often have a negative impact on the environment. Electric or water heating is the most effective way of doing this. The paper presents the results of technical analysis of a parking lot heating system for cars with the use of a heat pump with a ground heat exchanger, as well as financial analysis of its application in the established conditions. From the cognitive point of view, it was interesting to examine whether the proposed installation is technically and economically feasible.
Due to depleting natural resources and increasing costs of their extraction, alternative energy sources are becoming an import ant branch of energy. Their impact on environmental pollution is much lower than with conventional energy sources, or if you consider solar energy zero. Currently, many programs are subsidizing the costs of assembly and devices using renewable power sources, the beneficiaries of which are residents of municipalities participating in projects that are largely financed by the European Union. Solar collectors are devices used to heat water for everyday use in homes and farms. Thanks to adequate sunlight they are able to provide comfortable medium temperature conditions for most of the year. This significantly reduces bills for natural gas or electricity - depending on the type of water heater. Collectors are divided into 3 types: flat, vacuum and focusing. Their heat conducting medium may be liquid or gas. Photovoltaic devices, solar collectors and biomass stoves were used in the commune and the city of Błażowa. Focusing on collectors, it can be seen that the flat collectors have been selected, which have a good priceperformance ratio and the energy obtained. 210 households benefited from the co-financing program. Most people decided to install collectors on residential buildings because their own contribution depended on the location of the devices - 8% VAT for mixing buildings and 23% VAT for farm buildings. The cost of the set on a residential building depended on the power and ranged from 2,488.00 [zł] to 3,131.60 [zł], which with a net price without co-financing of respectively 8600,00 [zł] to 10,770.00 [zł] gives a very large saving. The effect of the investment is about 75% energy saving, which in a few years allows you to recover the money invested in collectors.
Content available remote Metody ograniczania niskiej emisji w zabudowie miejskiej
Przedmiotem opracowania jest przedstawienie metod zmniejszania emisji niskiej oraz pokazanie jak pozytywnie na środowisko wpłynie wymiana źródła ciepła w budynku. Przez niską emisję rozumiemy zanieczyszczenie niższej troposfery od emiterów nieprzekraczających 50 m wysokości i najczęściej zlokalizowanych na poziomie 10 m wysokości. Z tego powodu zanieczyszczenia gromadzą się wokół jego miejsca pochodzenia. Podstawowym źródłem niskiej emisji na terenach miejskich jest produkcja energii elektrycznej i ciepła oraz transport. Dlatego wykonano symulację, która miała na celu określić ile powstanie produktów spalania (w tym tych najgroźniejszych dla zdrowia człowieka i środowiska: dioksyny, wielopierścieniowe węglowodory aromatyczne (benzo(a)piren), tlenek węgla, dwutlenek siarki, tlenki azotu, metale ciężkie) w ciągu roku w przeciętnym budynku (zapotrzebowanie na ciepło przyjęto 90 kWh/rok·m2) przy spalaniu miału węglowego w najstarszych kotłach i jak te wartości zmienią się przy zmianie źródła ciepła i paliwa.
The subject of the study is to present methods for reducing low emission and to show how positive the environment will be affected by the replacement of the heat source in the building. By low emission we mean pollution of the lower troposphere from emitters not exceeding 50 m in height and most often located at the level of 10 m in height. For this reason, pollution accumulates around its place of origin. The basic source of low emission in urban areas is the production of energy and heat as well as transport. Therefore, a simulation was carried out to determine how many combustion products (including the most hazardous to human health and the environment are: dioxins, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (benzo (a) pyrene), carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, heavy metals) within in the average building (90 kW/year for heat demand) for the combustion of fine coal in the oldest boilers and how these values will change when the heat and fuel source changes.
Content available Use of thermal imaging in construction
Thermovision is a research method based on non-invasive and non-contact evaluation of temperature distribution on the surface of the examined body. These methods are based on observation and recording of the distribution of infrared radiation, sent by each body whose temperature is higher than absolute zero (-273C) and visualization of the temperature field by thermal imaging equipment. In construction, thermovision is used to assess the quality of materials used in construction, structural solutions and the quality of construction work. With its help we can locate, for example, thermal bridges, which are the result of improperly made or damaged during the operation or installation of thermal insulation. Detection of thermal bridges helps to reduce the amount of fuel used and thus save on the costs of heat energy. Using thermal imaging it is also possible to assess the condition of heating pipelines (damage to insulation, corrosion, location of leaks), control heating devices such as: heat substations, radiators. The subject of the study is to show examples of how thermal imaging is used and useful in construction.
Termowizja to metoda badawcza polegająca na bezinwazyjnej i bezdotykowej ocenie rozkładu temperatury na powierzchni badanego ciała. Metoda ta opiera się na obserwacji i zapisie rozkładu promieniowania podczerwonego, wysyłanego przez każde ciało, którego temperatura jest wyższa od zera bezwzględnego (-273C). Wizualizacji pola temperaturowego wykonywana jest przez aparaturę termowizyjną. Zaletą pomiarów termowizyjnych jest ich mobilność, fakt że wyniki pomiarów otrzymujemy w tej samej chwili i możemy je rejestrować w formie zdjęć lub filmów w zależności od typu kamery. W budownictwie termowizja wykorzystywana jest do oceny jakości zastosowanych do budowy materiałów, rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych oraz jakości wykonania prac budowlanych. Przy użyciu termowizji można również dokonać oceny stanu rurociągów grzewczych (uszkodzenia izolacji, korozję, z lokalizować nieszczelności), dokonywać kontroli urządzeń grzewczych, takich jak: węzły cieplne, grzejniki. Przedmiotem opracowania jest pokazanie w jaki sposób termowizja jest wykorzystywana i przydatna w budownictwie. na przykładzie wykonanych badań i przy użyciu profesjonalnego oprogramowania do obróbki termogramów.
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