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Content available Key points of the modernized GMDSS system
The article presents the reasons and the entire process of work on the modernization of the GMDSS system. The main legal and technical aspects of the modernization of the GMDSS system were discussed as well. New devices and systems of the modernized GMDSS system were described. On the basis of the key points of the modernized GMDSS, an attempt was made to evaluate the entire project.
The article presents maritime radio communication issues being the subject of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) meeting in 2019, including issues related to the modernization of Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). The preparation process for WRC-19 have been presented. The discussed issues were described from the substantive side as well. Finally, the position of IMO in relation to the maritime issues have been discussed. Some aspects of the World Radiocommunication Conference meeting in 2023 (WRC-23) were also presented.
W artykule przedstawi ono systemy ra diowe stosowane do lokalizacji i śledzenia statków mors kich. Opisano najważniejsze właściwości Systemu automatycznej identyfi kacji oraz Systemu dalekosiężnej identyfi kacji i śledzenia statków mors kich. Przepro wadzono także porów nanie ich podstaw owych cech oraz dokonano oceny perspektyw rozwojowych tych systemów.
The article presents the radio systems used for the location and tracking of sea-going vessels. The most important properties of the Auto matic Identification System and the Long Range Identification and Tracking system are described . A comparison of their b asic features w as car ried out and the developm ent perspectives of these systems w ere a ssessed as well.
Content available Maritime radio systems for distress alerting
The most important function of a maritime radio communication system called the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) is the distress alerting function. Distress alerting is the rapid and successful reporting of a distress incident to a unit, which can provide or co-ordinate assistance. This would be a rescue co-ordination centre (RCC) or another ship in the vicinity. The article presents and evaluates the technical and operational possibilities of the maritime radio systems for a distress alerting. Especially the basic functional requirements and regulations for GMDSS referring to the maritime radio systems for distress alerting, resulting from the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and Radio Regulations have been described. The article presents the role of the maritime radio systems for a distress alerting in the shipping and GMDSS as well. A current status and analysis of the systems responsible for distress alerting has been made. In this context, the operation, methods and ranges of transmitting and receiving the distress alerts by the INMARSAT system, COSPAS-SARSAT system and Digital Selective Calling (DSC) system have been described. The article also outlines the future of the maritime radio systems for a distress alerting. In this context, the two projects under the name of „E-navigation” and „The modernization of the GMDSS”, currently being implemented in the framework of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) by the Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR), have been presented as well.
Content available Some aspects of the modernization plan for the GMDSS
Preliminary Modernization Plan for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) have been presented. On the base of a current status of the GMDSS and the discussion on a modernization topic some aspects of the Modernization Plan for the GMDSS, both regulatory and technical nature, have been described. Future work on the Modernization Plan for the GMDSS have been discussed as well.
W artykule przedstawiono podstawy funkcjonowania systemu COSPAS-SARSAT LEOSAR. Opisano drogę sygnału po aktywacji radiopławy awaryjnej EPIRB. Zdefiniowano i podano wartości parametrów operacyjnych systemu LEOSAR. Opisano także wymagania eksploatacyjne niezbędne dla zapewnienia skutecznego alarmowania morkich radioplaw awaryjnych systemu LEOSAR.
The article presents the basics of the COSPAS SARSAT LEOSAR system. The signal path when activated EPIRB Radio Beacon has been described. Definitions and the operating parameters of the LEOSAR system has been given. The performance requirements necessary to ensure effectiveness of the alarms of the LEOSAR emergency position-indicating radio beacons has been described as well.
Content available Maritime radio information systems
The article presents and evaluates the technical and operational possibilities of the maritime radio communications systems to be used especially for the exchange of information between the land users and ships. The basic functional requirements and regulations for Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) referring to the maritime radio information systems, resulting from the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and Radio Regulations have been described. The article presents the role of information systems in the shipping and GMDSS as well. A current status of the maritime radio communication systems responsible for the exchange of information between the land users and ships has been presented. Operational and technical characteristics of the maritime radio systems used for the exchange of safety information and ships’ operating information have been described. The analysis of the systems responsible for broadcasting to the vessels the Maritime Safety Information (MSI) has been made. In this context, the operation, methods and ranges of broadcast of the Maritime Safety Information by the NAVTEX system and Inmarsat SafetyNet system have been discussed. The analysis of the systems responsible for the ships’ operating communications has been made too. The article also outlines the future of maritime radio information systems. In this context, two projects currently being implemented in the framework of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) by the Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications, Search, and Rescue (NCSR) have been presented. The first of these projects under the name of e-Navigation refers to the use of the latest information and communication technologies in shipping. The second one concerns the modernization of the GMDSS. It is expected that as the outcome of these project works, among others, new maritime radio information systems presented here will be adopted.
Przedstawiono koncepcje i podstawowe funkcje Światowego morskiego systemu łączności alarmowej i bezpieczeństwa (GMDSS). Omówiono zmiany systemu, w zakresie regulacyjnym oraz technicznym od momentu jego wdrożenia. Przedstawiono również perspektywy rozwoju systemu GMDSS.
The general concept and main functions of Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) have been presented. The modification of the system since it’s implementation have been described. The future of the GMDSS have been presented as well.
W artykule przedstawiono historię i status satelitarnego systemu INMARSAT. Scharakteryzowano wymagania jakie musi spełnić system satelitarny aby był uznany jako spełniający wymagania GMDSS. Opisano system satelitarny INMARSAT FleetBroadband. Przedstawiono przyszłość systemu INMARSAT jako elementu systemu GMDSS.
The article presents the history and status of the INMARSAT satellite system. The requirements to be met by a satellite system to be recognized as the GMDSS system has been given. INMARSAT FleetBroadband satellite system has been described as well. Finally, the future of the INMARSAT system as part of the GMDSS system has been presented.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki prac nad szczegółowym przeglądem Światowego Morskiego Systemu Łączności Alarmowej i Bezpieczeństwa (GMDSS), będący etapem projektu Modernizacja GMDSS.
The article presents the results of work on a detailed review of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), which is a stage of the project Modern zation of the GMDSS.
The article assesses the technical and operational possibilities of the marine communications systems to ensure the safety and security of ships. The basic functional requirements for marine radio communication to ensure the safety and security of ships, resulting from the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), have been described. The article presents the marine radio communication systems responsible for the distress alerting. The operation and ways of alerting used in Inmarsat satellite systems, Cospas-Sarsat systems and Digital Selective Calling system (DSC) have been described. The analysis of the systems responsible for broadcasting to the vessels the Maritime Safety Information (MSI) has been made. In this context, the operation, methods and ranges of broadcast of the Maritime Safety Information by the NAVTEX system and Inmarsat SafetyNet system have been described. The systems performing the function of ships security have also been discussed. The operation, application and basic properties of the Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) and Long Range Identification and Tracking system (LRIT) have been presented. In the subsequent part, the article outlines the future of maritime communications systems used to ensure the safety and security of ships. In this context, two projects currently being implemented in the framework of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) by the Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications, Search, and Rescue (NCSR) have been presented. The first of these projects under the name of e-navigation refers to the use of the latest information and communication technologies in shipping. The second one concerns the modernization of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS).
W artykule scharakteryzowano proces przebiegu Światowej Konferencji Radiokomunikacyjnej WRC-15 w tym jej strukturę i organizację pracy. Przedstawiono punkty porządku obrad WRC-15 dotyczące radiokomunikacji morskiej. Omówiono wyniki obrad WRC-15 w odniesieniu do punktów porządku obrad dotyczących wykorzystania widma radiowego dla zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa nawigacji oraz radiokomunikacji morskiej.
The article describes the process of work of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-15), including the structure and organization of WRC-15. The items of the WRC-15 agenda relating to maritime radiocommunicaton has been presented. The final decisions of the WRC-15 in relation to items concerning the use of radio spectrum to ensure the safety of maritime navigation and radio communication has been described.
W artykule przedstawiono status procedury uznania systemu satelitarnego Iridium jako systemu spełniającego wymagania Światowego Morskiego Systemu Łączności Alarmowej i Bezpieczeństwa (GMDSS). Scharakteryzowano wymagania jakie musi spełnić system satelitarny aby był uznany jako spełniający wymagania GMDSS. Opisano system satelitarny Iridium. Przedstawiono wyniki oceny systemu Iridium jako elementu systemu GMDSS.
The article presents the status of the recognition procedure of the Iridium satellite system as a system that meets the requirements of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). The requirements to be met by a satellite system to be recognized as the GMDSS system has been given. Iridium satellite system has been described as well. Finally, the results of the assessment of the Iridium system as part of the GMDSS system has been presented.
Content available remote Postęp prac nad projektem e-Navigation
W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe założenia oraz elementy projektu Międzynarodowej Organizacji Morskiej (IMO) pod nazwą Strategia e-Navigation oraz zaprezentowano obecny status i przyszłość prac nad tym projektem.
The article presents the basic assumptions and elements of International Maritime Organization (IMO) project “e-Navigation strategy”. The current status and future work on this project have been described as well.
W artykule opisano i dokonano oceny nowego cyfrowego systemu pracującego w paśmie MF (500 kHz), nazwanego NAVDAT (Navigational Data), przeznaczonego dla morskiej służby ruchomej, a służącego do rozgłaszania morskich informacji dotyczących bezpieczeństwa i ochrony z lądu na statki. W szczególnoṡci przedstawiono właściwości operacyjne i architekturę systemu oraz opisano statkowy odbiornik NAVDAT.
The article describes and assesses the new digital system operating in the MF band (500 kHz), named NAVDAT (Navigational Data), for use in the maritime mobile service, for broadcasting of maritime safety and security related information from shore-to-ship. In particular the operational characteristics and system architecture have been presented and NAVDAT ship receiver have been described.
Scharakteryzowano proces przygotowań do Światowej Konferencji Radiokomunikacyjnej WRC-15 na poziomie światowym oraz europejskim. Przedstawiono punkty porządku obrad WRC-15 dotyczące radiokomunikacji morskiej i stanowisko Międzynarodowej Organizacji Morskiej IMO w odniesieniu do tych punktów, które dotyczyły wykorzystania widma radiowego do zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa nawigacji oraz radiokomunikacji morskiej.
The preparation process for WRC Conference on both the global and the European level have been described. The position of the International Maritime Organization on the WRC-15 agenda items concerning the safety of navigation and maritime radiocommunication have been presented as well.
Przedstawiono restrukturyzację podkomitetów Międzynarodowej Organizacji Morskiej (IMO). Zaprezentowano zakres prac Podkomitetu ds. Radiokomunikacji oraz Poszukiwań i Ratownictwa (COMSAR). Omówiono także najważniejsze dokonania Podkomitetu COMSAR.
The article presents the restructuring of the sub-committees of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The cope of work of the Sub-Committee on Radiocommunications, Search and Rescue has been presented. The most important achievements of the COMSAR Sub-Committee has been described as well.
W pracy zaprezentowano komputerowy system do pomiaru pola elektromagnetycznego w zakresie małych częstotliwości, a także badania zaburzeń odbiornika radiokomunikacyjnego. System pracuje w zintegrowanym środowisku programowania LabVIEW, w którym wirtualne przyrządy pomiarowe oprogramowane są z wykorzystaniem opracowanych, autorskich procedur. Zaproponowana metodyka cyfrowego wyznaczania wielkości określających niepożądane przebiegi pozwoliła na uzyskanie znacznie mniejszych błędów mierzonych parametrów. Innymi zaletami przedstawionych metod pomiarowych jest także znaczne skracanie czasów estymacji parametrów i charakterystyk opisujących przebiegi niepożądane, wskutek modyfikacji procedur obliczeniowych w trybie off-line. Ponadto, po niewielkich modyfikacjach przedstawionych metod pomiarowych, można rozszerzyć liczbę parametrów i charakterystyk opisujących pracę badanych urządzeń, np. w zakresie dotyczącym kompatybilności elektromagnetycznej.
The computer measuring system of low-frequency electromagnetic field and disturbances of the communication receiver is presented. The system is working in the LabVIEW software environment. The virtual instruments, based on the procedures, elaborated by the authors, are implemented in LabVIEW. The proposed measuring method of determining quantities of unwanted runs allows achieving much lower errors of the measuring parameters. The other advantage of the presented method is considerable shortening of the estimation time and characteristics describing the receiver unwanted runs, in consequence of a modification of the calculating procedures in off-line mode. Furthermore, after slight modification of the measuring system, it can enhance the number of parameters and characteristics describing the work of test equipment, i.e. in the range of the electromagnetic compatibility in the conditions appearing on the ship.
Omówiono sprawy dotyczące morskich informacji bezpieczeństwa - MSI (Maritime Safety Information) oraz ustalenia zakresu prac związanych z potrzebą przeglądu elementów i procedur GMDSS. Przedstawiono stanowisko Międzynarodowej Organizacji Morskiej - IMO (The International Maritime Organization) dotyczące obrad Światowej Konferencji Radiokomunikacyjnej w zakresie dotyczącym radiokomunikacji morskiej. Podano wybrane zagadnienia dotyczące działania systemów Inmarsat i Cospas/Sarsat. Przedstawiono również postępy prac w przygotowaniu planu implementacji strategii e-nawigacji oraz systemu identyfikacji i śledzenia statków (LRIT).
Issues concerning the Maritime Safety Information (MSC) and a Scoping exercise to establish the need for a review of the elements and procedures of the GMDSS have been described. The position of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) on the agenda items of the World Radiocommunication Conference concerning the maritime radiocommunication have been presented. Selected performance of the Inmarsat and Cospas/Sarsat systems have been given. The progress in the development of an e-navigation strategy implementation plan and Long Range Identification and Tracking System (LRIT) have been presented as well.
Przedstawiono ogólną strukturę i funkcjonalność systemu LRIT. Omówiono podstawowe zagadnienia komunikacyjne systemu LRIT oraz zaprezentowano jego status. Na koniec oceniono przebieg prac dotyczących budowy i implementacji systemu LRIT oraz przedstawiono gtówne problemy z tym związane.
The general structure and functionality of LRIT System have been presented. The key communication issues of LRIT System and it's status have been discussed. At the end the establish and implementation process have been assessed and the main involved problems have been presented as well.
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