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So far, numerous studies have been published on the selection of appropriate maintenance tactics based on some factors affecting them such as time, cost, and risk. This paper aims to develop the TRIZ contradiction matrix by explaining the dimensions and components of each of the following
Reactive maintenance tactics. The related findings of previous studies were analyzed by adopting “Rousseau and Sandoski” seven-step method to identify and extract the relationships between TRIZ principles and Reactive maintenance tactics. Thereafter, 5 Reactive maintenance tactics were replaced TRIZ’s 40 principles in the TRIZ contradiction matrix. Finally, the ANP method were used to extract and prioritize the appropriate Reactive maintenance tactics. The proposed matrix in this research was used in the desalination section of one of the oil companies to select on the appropriate Reactive maintenance tactics. The results of this research is useful for managers and maintenance specialists of units in making decisions to provide appropriate Reactive maintenance tactics for the desired equipment.
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