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An attempt to increase the geometric size of the interrogation zone in UHF RFID systems with a phased array antenna is presented in this paper. The interrogation zone should be as large as possible. However, energy can be transferred to transponders only to a limited distance. The greatest flexibility in developing RFID applications and shaping the interrogation zone can be achieved using a phased array antenna. The perceived issues have been effectively dealt with and the solution has been proposed on the basis of an elaborated model. Conducted studies have been used to develop a software tool in the Mathcad environment. The research results are analyzed in detail for different system configurations and can be implemented in practical projects to be developed in cooperation with the industry.
The operating principles of RFID antennas should be considered differently than it is applied in the classical theory of radio communication systems. The procedure of measuring the radiation pattern of antennas that could be applied to RFID transponders operating in the UHF band is seldom discussed correctly in the scientific literature. The problem consists in the variability of the RFID chip impedance that strongly influences measurement results. The authors propose the proper methodology for determining the radiation pattern with respect to an individual transponder as well as an electronically tagged object. The advantage of the solution consists in the possibility of using components of different measuring systems that are available in typical antenna laboratories. The proposed procedure is particularly important in terms of parameter validation - the identification efficiency and costs of an RFID system implementation can be evaluated properly only on the basis of real values of considered parameters.
Content available remote Inkjet-printed flexible RFID antenna for UHF RFID transponders
The results of technological investigations in the scope of inkjet-printed flexible RFID antennas dedicated to UHF transponders and also problems with the application of nanomaterials are reported in this paper. The design of the antenna electrical circuit and the parameters of the inkjet printing process were elaborated on the basis of the numerical model prepared in the Mentor Graphics HyperLynx 3D EM software. The project evaluation was performed by measuring electrical parameters of the structures printed with silver-based conductive inks. The obtained results confirm coincidence between the model and its implementation in the inkjet printing technology. Finally, the prepared antenna has been applied in an RFID transponder of UHF band and the functional tests are also reported in this paper.
The interrogation zone IZ is the most important parameter when RFID systems are considered. Its predictability is determined by the construction and parameters of antenna built in a read/write device. The IZ should be of sufficient size and appropriate to requirements established for an application of object automated identification. The method of shaping an antenna radiation pattern provides effective yet unconventional opportunities in this area. The idea and practical solution of the phased antenna array dedicated to UHF read/write devices are presented in the paper. On the basis of tests carried out, the authors pointed out the possibility of using developed devices for the synthesis of a determined IZ in anti-collision RFID system.
The complete methodology of designing T- and modified ring resonators in the UHF band are presented in the paper. On the basis of proposed algorithms, the dedicated software tool has been elaborated in order to determine material parameters of contemporary substrates. The program is implemented in the Mathcad environment and it includes the base of information on known materials used in electronic products. Also, test sample series for selected substrate materials (IS680, FR408, I-SPEED PCB ISOLA and A6-S LTCC FERRO) and operating requencies from 1 GHz to 3 GHz are analyzed in details. The special test stand with a vector network analyzer has been applied in experiments. The obtained data of relative permittivity measurements and model calculations are described, discussed and concluded.
The idea of multiband development board designed to support and advance the technique of battery-less autonomous semi-passive RFID transponders is presented in the paper. The extra function of harvesting energy from the electromagnetic field of different radio communications systems, the ultra efficient power conditioner and the energy storage block are applied in the proposed construction. The facility of utilizing gathered energy is provided to support designers in developing applications of automatic object identification. Since the evaluation board is to work without a galvanic cell, the particular emphasis is put on the mechanisms that improve energy efficient operation of the whole electronic circuit. The construction principles and operation modes (charging, cold start, sleep with charging, sleep, measurement and cut-off) of the storage unit are described in depth in the paper. The preproduction batch of the demonstrators has been manufactured on automated assembly line at ELMAK Ltd. Company, according to the elaborated model. It confirms that the author’s demonstrator of the battery-less autonomous semi-passive transponder can be reproduced on an industrial scale. On the basis of the preproduction series, the performance parameters of the final product have been estimated. The presented study should significantly contribute to the RFID technique therefore the authors set up the evaluation process of marketing research and product commercialization.
Klasyczny, pasywny identyfikator RFID zawiera w swojej pamięci informacje o znaczonym obiekcie. Z kolei nowoczesny, autonomiczny identyfikator półpasywny może dodatkowo zawierać informacje o otoczeniu obiektu, które pochodzą z wbudowanych czujników różnych wielkości fizycznych. Odczytanie tych informacji wiąże się z wydłużeniem procesu komunikacji, który ma wpływ na podstawowe parametry użytkowe, takie jak obszar poprawnej pracy i zasięg działania systemu RFID. W tym kontekście, w artykule omówiono proces wymiany rozszerzonych danych w systemie RFID pasma HF, pracującym z wykorzystaniem autonomicznego identyfikatora półpasywnego, który jest zgodny z wymaganiami protokołu ISO/IEC 15693. Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy problemu i badań potwierdzono zależność pomiędzy rozmiarem przesyłanych danych i zasięgiem działania systemu RFID. Wskazano także kierunki dalszych prac w przedmiotowym zakresie.
Classic, passive RFID transponder contains information about the marked object in its memory. The modern, autonomous semi-passive transponder may also contain information about the environment in which the object is localized. That information come from built-in sensors of different physical quantities. Reading of this extended information is associated with prolongation of the communication process. It has an impact on the basic performance parameters, such as the interrogation zone and range of RFID system. In this context, this article discusses the exchange of extended data in the RFID HF band system, working with the use of autonomous semi-passive transponder that is compatible with the ISO/IEC 15693 protocol requirements. On the basis of analysis of the problem and the conducted research the relationship between the size of the transmitted data and the range of RFID system was confirmed. Directions for further work in this area have been also identified.
Content available remote Flexible antenna design for semi-passive HF RFID transponder in ink-jet technology
The synthesis process of flexible antenna dedicated to semi-passive transponders of HF RFID system with inductive coupling is presented in the paper. The problem of antenna matching to a chip is considered in details. The emphasis is put on the possibility of manufacturing the antenna in the ink-jet technology. The impact of technology on antenna parameters is also discussed as it is important for transponder operation in a target application. The validation study of the synthesis method and samples behaviour in inhomogeneous magnetic field has been carried out.
W artykule omówiono proces syntezy elastycznej anteny dedykowanej do pracy w półpasywnych, indukcyjnie sprzężonych systemach RFID pasma HF. Szczegółowej analizie poddano problem dopasowania anteny i chipu. Przeanalizowano także możliwość wykonania zaprojektowanej anteny w procesie druku strumieniowego, zwracając szczególną uwagę na wpływ parametrów technologicznych na działanie identyfikatora w docelowej aplikacji systemu RFID. W artykule omówiono również proces syntezy układów testowych oraz ich pracę w niejednorodnym polu magnetycznym.
The new numerical model of directional radiation pattern, in which part of energy is emitted in side and back lobs, has been presented in this paper. The model input values are determined on the base of primary parameters that can be read from the datasheet of used antennas. The special software tool NmAntPat has been elaborated to carry out the described task. The elaborated model, program and output files can be easily implemented into an analysis of radio wave propagation phenomenon in any algorithms and numerical calculations. The comparison of the graphical plots that have been obtained on the base of measurements, producers’ data specification notes and modelling results confirms the model correctness.
Despite a variety of antenna solutions that are used in the RFID technique, new designs are still developed along with the tremendous progress in the electronic material science. Due to low costs of production and small dimensions of final equipment, the microstrip antennas are frequently utilized for read/write devices that operate in the UHF band. The development of microstrip technology has been promoted by the emergence of high-quality microwave dielectric materials that are used to manufacture printed antenna structures on copper-clad laminates. The antenna synthesis of read/write devices that operate in the UHF band has been presented in this paper in accordance with the requirements of the electronic product code (protocol ISO/IEC 18000-6c). Basing on the prepared model, the authors have identified and detailed analysed the parameters that affect proper operation of the presented antenna in a designed radio communication system.
W systemach radiowej identyfikacji obiektów RFID wykorzystuje się wiele rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych anten. Często stosowanymi konstrukcjami anten czytników/programatorów pasma UHF są rozwiązania mikropaskowe ze względu na niewielkie koszty ich wytwarzania oraz kompaktowe rozmiary geometryczne. Rozwój techniki mikropaskowej wspomogło pojawienie się dobrej jakości mikrofalowych materiałów dielektrycznych, które wykorzystywane są do wykonywania drukowanych struktur antenowych na laminatach pokrytych warstwą miedzi. W artykule zaprezentowano proces syntezy użytecznej konstrukcji anteny czytnika/programatora pasma UHF, która funkcjonuje zgodnie z wymogami elektronicznego kodu produktu (protokół ISO/IEC 18000-6c). Bazując na przygotowanym modelu numerycznym, w artykule wskazano także parametry mające istotny wpływ na prawidłowe funkcjonowanie przedmiotowej anteny w zadanym systemie radiokomunikacyjnym.
The authors answer two basic questions considered in the paper. Taking into account up-to-date progress in the electronic technology, is it possible to create an autonomous battery-free sensor with RFID interface, in which power energy is harvested from outer sources available in the application environment? And what would be the best technology for manufacturing the test circuit of designed sensor in order to carry out scientific research in the scope of RFID technique? The particular emphasis is placed on the possibility of deriving additional power supply form the electromagnetic field generated by commercial radio communication systems. This kind of RF harvesting method seems to be the easiest integrate-able solution in technologies used in the RFID technique.
W artykule autorzy starają się odpowiedzieć na dwa pytania: czy przy obecnym zaawansowaniu technologii elektronicznej możliwe jest wykonanie bezbateryjnego, autonomicznego czujnika z interfejsem RFID, w którym energia byłaby czerpana z innych źródeł dostępnych w jego środowisku pracy, a także jaka technologia wykonania byłaby najlepsza do utworzenia układu testowego w celu prowadzenia prac naukowo - badawczych w zakresie syntezy tego typu rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych. Szczególny nacisk został położony na możliwość pozyskiwania dodatkowej energii z pola elektromagnetycznego, jako że jest to rozwiązanie najłatwiej integrowalne w technologii stosowanej w technice RFID.
The operation of an anti-collision RFID system is characterized by the interrogation zone which should be estimated in any direction of 3D space for a group of electronic transponders. The interrogation zone should be as large as possible. However, the many problems in this area are due to the fact that energy can be transferred to transponders only on a limited distance. The greatest flexibility in developing RFID applications and shaping the interrogation zone can be achieved using the system with an antenna multiplexer. Therefore the problem of the interrogation zone determination in HF RFID systems with two orthogonal RWD antennas is presented in the paper. The perceived issues have been effectively dealt with and the solution has been proposed on the basis of the elaborated model. Conducted studies have been used to develop the software tool JankoRFIDmuxHF in the Mathcad environment. The research results are analysed in an example system configuration. The specialized measuring stand has been used for experimental verification of the identification efficiency. The convergence of the measurements and calculations confirms a practical usefulness of the presented concept of interrogation zone determination in anti-collision systems. It also shows the practical utility of the developed model and software tools.
The authors paid particular attention to the problem of antenna impedance measurements in the RFID technique. These measurements have to be realized by using two ports of a vector network analyzer and dedicated passive differential probes. Since the measurement process and estimated parameters depend on the frequency band, operating conditions, type of the system component and antenna designs used, appropriate verification of the impedance parameters on the basis of properly conducted experiments is a crucial stage in the antenna synthesis of transponders and read/write devices. Accordingly, a systematized procedure of impedance measurements is proposed. It can be easily implemented by designers preparing antennas for different kinds of RFID applications. The essence of indirect measurements of the differential impedance parameters is discussed in details. The experimental verification has been made on the basis of a few representative examples.
W artykule autorzy przedstawili nietypową aplikację identyfikatorów RFID w automatyce sterującej do zastosowania w technologii inteligentnych budynków. W zaproponowanym rozwiązaniu użytkownik nie musi ręcznie wyzwalać akcji w procesie kontrolnym sterowania urządzeń wyposażenia domowego. Pomimo, że proces sterowania jest całkowicie automatyczny pozostaje on wciąż bezpieczny i komfortowy w użyciu. Rozwiązanie jest dedykowane dla ludzi niepełnosprawnych z znaczącymi ograniczeniami ruchu. Użycie tzw. hybrydowych czujników RFID pozwala na wykorzystanie takiego rozwiązania w bardziej zaawansowanych systemach nawigacyjnych.
Authors propose a non-conventional use of the RFID transponders in smart building automation technology. The solution releases user from necessity to manually trigger actions in control process of household equipment activity. The process is automatic while preserving comfort and safety. The solution is dedicated to disabled people with significant movement constraints. The usage of so called smart hybrid RFID sensors makes possible to utilize this solution in more sophisticated navigation systems.
Problem dopasowania impedancyjnego stanowi ważne zagadnienie dla prawidłowego funkcjonowania systemów radiokomunikacyjnych powszechnego użytku. Jest on szczególnie istotny w technice radiowej identyfikacji obiektów, ponieważ niedopasowanie impedancyjne przedmiotowych urządzeń często może powodować nieprawidłowe działanie systemów RFID w zautomatyzowanych procesach. W artykule uwypuklono problem projektowania anteny identyfikatora RFID i jej dopasowania do chipu. W pracy rozważono różne metody dopasowania impedancyjnego.
The problem of impedance matching in radio communication systems is very important. It is especially vital in RFID systems where it sometimes can cause crucial problems and is often the reason why applications do not work properly. Authors put emphasis on problems of antenna designing and impedance matching between antenna and chip in RFID transponders. Several methods of impedance matching are considered in the work.
Content available remote Synteza mikropaskowej anteny czytnika/programatora RFID pasma UHF
W systemach radiowej identyfikacji obiektów RFID wykorzystuje się wiele rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych anten. Często stosowanymi konstrukcjami anten czytników/programatorów pasma UHF są rozwiązania mikropaskowe. Przyczyną intensywnego rozwoju techniki mikropaskowej są duże możliwości opracowywania konstrukcji o dowolnych kształtach i parametrach, rozwój aplikacji wspomagających ich projektowanie oraz stosunkowo niewielki koszt wykonania takich anten. Szybki rozwój techniki mikropaskowej wspomogło także pojawienie się dobrej jakości mikrofalowych materiałów dielektrycznych, które wykorzystywane są do wykonywania drukowanych struktur antenowych na laminatach pokrytych warstwą miedzi. Dla przedmiotowych konstrukcji, materiały te charakteryzują trzy podstawowe parametry: grubość, stała dielektryczna oraz współczynnik strat. Kolejnym czynnikiem, który przyczynił się do rozwoju anten mikropaskowych, było pojawienie się dedykowanych aplikacji komputerowych, w których wykorzystywana jest metoda: elementów skończonych FEM, różnic skończonych FDTD oraz momentów MoM. Wykorzystanie takich aplikacji, w znacznym stopniu wspomaga proces projektowania anten, ponieważ istnieje możliwość szybkiego przeprowadzenia analizy numerycznej wykonanych konstrukcji pod kątem podstawowych parametrów charakteryzujących dany układ. Możliwość łatwego nanoszenia poprawek konstrukcyjnych bez konieczności wykonywania rzeczywistych układów obniża koszty ich prototypowania. W artykule zaprezentowano proces syntezy użytecznej konstrukcji anteny czytnika/programatora pasma UHF, która funkcjonuje zgodnie z wymogami elektronicznego kodu produktu (protokół ISO/IEC 18000-6c). Bazując na przygotowanym modelu numerycznym, w artykule wskazano także parametry mające istotny wpływ na prawidłowe funkcjonowanie przedmiotowej anteny w zadanym systemie radiokomunikacyjnym.
In radio frequency identification systems a variety of antenna design solutions are being used. Due to the low costs of production and small dimensions, microstrip solutions are frequently used as an antenna design of read/write devices for UHF band. The reason for the intensive development of microstrip technology is the opportunity to develop structures of any shape and parameters, the development of applications supporting their design and the relatively low cost of implementation of such antennas. The rapid development of microstrip technology has promoted the emergence of high-quality microwave dielectric materials, which are used to make printed antenna structures on laminates coated copper. The materials of these structures are characterized by three basic parameters: thickness, dielectric constant and loss factor. Another element that contributed to the development of microstrip antennas, was the emergence of dedicated computer applications in which the numerical method is used (such as finite-element method, finite difference time domain and moments method). The use of such applications supports the process of designing antennas, because there is the possibility to quickly perform numerical analysis on executed construction taking into consideration parameters that characterize the system. The ability to adjust the construction without the need for real systems, lowers the cost of prototyping. The synthesis of an antenna design of read/write devices for UHF band that operates in accordance with the requirements of the electronic product code (protocol ISO/IEC 18000-6c) has been presented in this paper. Based on the prepared model, the parameters which affect the proper functioning of the presented antenna in a given radio communication system have also been identified.
Temperature change is one of key factors which should be taken into account in logistics during transportation or storage of many types of goods. In this study, a passive UHF RFID-enabled sensor system for elevated temperature (above 58°C) detection has been demonstrated. This system consists of an RFID reader and disposable temperature sensor comprising an UHF antenna, chip and temperature sensitive unit. The UHF antenna was designed and simulated in an IE3D software. The properties of the system were examined depending on the temperature level, type of package which contains the studied objects and the type of antenna substrate.
The effective synthesis process of a complete RF output circuit in a proximity range single RFID system with inductive coupling has been presented in the paper. The synthesis also incorporates problems connected with designing read/write devices constructed on the basis of integrated circuits from different manufacturers. The presented method can be applied to any process of automatic identification requiring the proximity range RFID system operating at the frequency of 13.56 MHz and using any communication protocol.
W artykule zaprezentowano efektywny proces syntezy kompletnego obwodu wyjściowego RF, w którym uwzględniono jego poprawne działanie w systemach identyfikacji pojedynczej, w czytnikach/programatorach skonstruowanych na układach IC różnych producentów. Zaprezentowana metoda może zostać zastosowana dla dowolnego procesu automatycznej identyfikacji obiektów, gdzie wymagana jest aplikacja systemu RFID bliskiego zasięgu, działającego z częstotliwością 13,56 MHz i wykorzystującego różne protokoły komunikacyjne.
W artykule zaprezentowano dwie metody wyznaczania czułości chipu identyfikatora funkcjonującego w propagacyjnych systemach RFID pasma UHF. Czułość jest reprezentowana przez minimalną moc, która zapewnia prawidłowe działanie identyfikatora w systemie. Parametr ten stanowi podstawę dla syntezy trójwymiarowego obszaru poprawnej pracy w wielokrotnych systemach RFID, przy założeniu ich prawidłowego funkcjonowania nie tylko w stanach statycznych, ale także w trudnych warunkach dynamicznych.
Nowadays there is often a need to implement innovative solutions in Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) which relate to different economic and public activity (in industry, commerce, science, medicine and others) [1-3]. It should be noted that among all factors affecting the operation of RFID systems, the interrogation zone is the most useful parameter at the design stage (Section 1). This parameter defines the possibility of using RFID system applications in automated identification processes [1, 4]. It also comprehensively covers the energy and communication aspects involved with operation of individual devices of the RFID system (Fig. 1). However, the power supply conditions of passive transponders are critical when the interrogation zone is calculated [5]. Two methods for determination of the chip sensitivity of a transponder working in RFID systems of UHF band are presented in this paper (Section 2). The sensitivity is represented by the minimal power (2), which ensures proper operation of the transponder in the RFID system. This parameter is the basis for synthesis of the 3D interrogation zone for anticollision UHF RFID systems operating in static (fixed location and orientation of objects in space) or dynamic state (objects changing their location and orientation in space). The professional test stand for verification of the sensitivity determination has been also constructed (Section 3).
W artykule zaprezentowano problem syntezy obszaru poprawnej pracy dla propagacyjnych systemów RFID, przy założeniu ich prawidłowego funkcjonowania nie tylko w stanach statycznych (obiekty nieruchome), ale także w trudnych warunkach dynamicznych (obiekty zmieniające swoją lokalizację i orientację w przestrzeni). Dodatkowo wskazano przesłanki, które zapewniają wykorzystywanie obszaru poprawnej pracy jako podstawowego parametru aplikacyjnego systemów RFID.
Nowadays there is often a need to design and implement innovative solutions in Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID). It should be noted that among all factors (Section 1) [4-8] affecting the operation of RFID systems the interrogation zone is the most useful parameter at the design stage [1, 2, 4]. This parameter defines the possibility of using RFID applications for particular automated identification processes. It also comprehensively covers the energy and communication aspects involved with operating of individual components (Fig. 1). At the present state of knowledge the lack of precise specifications (from manufacturers) of electrical and structural properties of offered elements is the main reason for inhibiting the practical implementation of the anticollision identification process. The ability of the interrogation zone synthesis (Section 2) in the RFID system for particular applications consists in the possibility of using complete base of information and taking into account many variables, such as the system parameters, conditions in which it operates, as well as antenna placement and orientation in space (Figs. 2 and 3). The problem of interrogation zone synthesis for the anticollision UHF RFID systems operating under dynamic conditions is presented in the paper (Section 3). The professional test stand (Figs. 4 and 5) for the model verification was constructed.
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