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W artykule przedstawiono dwa tematy dotyczące studni odgazowania:na składowiskach odpadów komunalnych, które nie dostarczały odpowiedniego dla wykorzystania gazu oraz opuszczonych składowiskach odpadów komunalnych, zamkniętych w latach 80. XX w. Oba rodzaje składowisk stanowią zagrożenie dla środowiska – są źródłem zanieczyszczeń atmosfery, a problemem w obu przypadkach jest brak środków finansowych na przeciwdziałanie tym zagrożeniom. Celem badań zespołu THGA było znalezienie niskonakładowych rozwiązań umożliwiających ograniczenie zanieczyszczeń wokół wspomnianych składowisk odpadów komunalnych.
There are two themescombined: first, there are gas wells in municipal waste deposits with leakages which don’t deliver usable gas anymore and second, there are abandoned municipal waste deposits closed in the 1980’s with any sealing neither at bottom nor on top. Both, abandoned municipal waste deposits and waste deposits with leakages in their gas wells, are sources of air pollution and common to both is the lack of money to stop this pollution. The aim of research team of THGA is to find cheap solutions to stop the contamination around municipal waste deposits. Gas wells in municipal waste deposits normally are filtered from the bottom to the top over their full length. In the top layers the organic waste reacts with oxygen and these parts are inertised in a short time. This will result in leakages between the surface and the well. From that time the well will suck air from the surface but no more gas from deeper layers. Power plants cannot work anymore because of the bad quality of the gas. In a laboratory test the restoration of such wells with a special kind of foam was tested and improved. Later in several wells of Celje municipal waste deposit (Celje, Slovenia) leakages were located in sucking tests. The filter lengths with leakages were foamed and after this restoration gas of higher quality was sucked. In the last century nearly every village in Germany, but not only there, had have their own municipal waste deposit. There was no soil or groundwater protection or a system to suck any gas. By the first “LAGA Merkblatt – Die geordnete Ablagerung von Abfällen” (a regulation about waste deposits in Germany) from September 1979 a system with a new type of landfills started. This type contains a base of low permeability, water and gas drainage system, as well as surface covering. Concentration on a few great landfills began and a lot of old landfills were abandoned. These old landfills were covered with soil and most of them still exist in this form in the landscape. Unfortunately these landfills still show chemical reactions. They still produce waste water and landfill gas. So they are contaminating the groundwater and their gas production still destroysthe vegetation on their surface. Methane and carbon dioxide are polluting the atmosphere. But most authorities don’t accept this problem because these landfills have been closed for more than 30 years, and therefore the landfills are expected to be inert.
Content available remote Free Word-Order and Restarting Automata
In natural languages with a high degree of word-order freedom, syntactic phenomena like dependencies (subordinations) or valences do not depend on the word-order (or on the individual positions of the individual words). This means that some permutations of sentences of these languages are in some (important) sense syntactically equivalent. Here we study this phenomenon in a formal way. Various types of j-monotonicity for restarting automata can serve as parameters for the degree of word-order freedom and for the complexity of word-order in sentences (languages). Here we combine two types of parameters on computations of restarting automata: the degree of j-monotonicity, and the number of rewrites per cycle. We study these notions formally in order to obtain an adequate tool for modelling and comparing formal descriptions of (natural) languages with different degrees of word-order freedom and word-order complexity.
We study the McNaughton families of languages that are specified by four different variants of monadic string-rewriting systems: strictly monadic systems, monadic systems, inverse context-free systems, and generalized monadic systems. In the general case these four variants yield the same McNaughton family of languages, which coincides with the class of context-free languages. In the case of confluent systems, however, we obtain two McNaughton families by showing that special rules, that is, rules with empty right-hand side, are not needed. This implies that in this situation strictly monadic systems are as expressive as monadic systems, and inverse context-free systems are as expressive as generalized monadic systems. The McNaughton family defined by the former systems is contained in the McNaughton family that is defined by the latter systems, and this inclusion is proper if and only if the former family is not closed under inverse alphabeticmorphisms. Finally, we show that the latter family is a proper subclass of the class of deterministic context-free languages.
Subsurface coal mining causes subsidence of day ground below groundwater level. To restore these areas for agriculture, the areas have been or will be filled with waste material. The surface will be covered with one meter of loess. In this research project three different filled areas were analyzed: the first area was filled with wastes from coal mining and coal processing, the second area with ash from coal power plants and a third area with soil only (The soil-filled area was chosen as a standard without contamination from mining power plants). In the site investigations, physical parameters (such as ability of root penetration and conductivity) of the soil were researched. Infiltration and permeability of the soil and its sorption capacity were tested with a Guelph-Permeameter. Samples of soil and plants were taken from the sites and, with in-depth laboratory tests, the contaminant concentrations of plants and soils were determined. The question is whether the agriculture on these restored fields can supply the raw-materials for Chinese foodstuff production. This is the first investigation of possible contamination of plants with heavy metals and other contaminants. To ensure the safety of food, especially the heavy-metals contaminated soils are urged to remediate through stabilization or removal. The aim of this study was to carry out an investigation of the environmental comparability of waste materials from coal mining and coal processing, as well as ash from coal power plants.
Podziemna eksploatacja górnicza powoduje obniżenie się terenu poniżej poziomu wód gruntowych. Aby odzyskać tereny pod uprawy rolnicze, obszary górnicze zostały lub zostaną poddane wypełnieniu (rekultywacji) odpadami kopalnianymi. Powierzchnia terenu zostanie pokryta jednometrową warstwą gleby lessowej. W ramach projektu przeanalizowano trzy różne tereny poddane procesowi wypełniania: pierwszy zawierał odpady z procesu produkcji i przeróbki węgla, drugi popiół z elektrowni węglowej, natomiast trzeci został wypełniony wyłącznie glebą (gleba użyta do wypełnienia została wybrana jako standard bez zanieczyszczeń pochodzących z elektrowni węglowych). W badaniach terenowych sprawdzano parametry fizyczne gleby (zdolność roślin do ukorzenienia i przewodność właściwą). Infiltracja gleby, przepuszczalność i zdolności sorpcyjne sprawdzono przyrządem pomiarowym Guelph-Permeameter. W czasie badań terenowych pobrano próbki gleb i roślin, następnie za pomocą testów laboratoryjnych oznaczono stężenia substancji zanieczyszczających rośliny i gleby. Jednakże, powstaje pytanie, czy działalność rolnicza prowadzona na rekultywowanych terenach może dostarczać bezpiecznych surowców do produkcji żywności w Chinach. Niniejszy projekt jest pierwszym badaniem, dotyczącym zanieczyszczenia roślin metalami ciężkimi i innymi substancjami. Aby zagwarantować bezpieczną żywność, gleby zawierające metale ciężkie muszą być rekultywowane poprzez stabilizację lub usunięcie. Celem niniejszej pracy było ustalenie efektywności środowiskowej (porównywalności ekologicznej) materiału odpadowego z procesu wydobycia i przeróbki węgla z popiołem z procesu spalania węgla w elektrowniach.
With regard to a durable save confinement of tailings a method was developed to verify the shear parameter cohesion for sediments. Therefore at first the exact construction of the tailing pond is to be investigated. Then, in a second step, the water conditions inside the sedimentation basin must be known. For calculation of the stability conditions all relevant parameters have to be registered as exact as possible, including the inhomogeneous anisotropic conditions inside the sedimentation basin.
Opracowano metodę sprawdzającą współczynnik kohezji osadu dla trwałego i bezpiecznego przechowywania odpadów kopalnianych. W pierwszym etapie dokładnie zbadano strukturę odpadów. Równocześnie rozpoznano warunki wodne wewnątrz osadnika. W obliczaniu warunków stabilności wszystkie potrzebne parametry powinny być zapisywane z jak największą dokładnością, z uwzględnieniem parametrów dotyczących niejednorodnych warunków anizotropowych wewnątrz osadnika.
Paper presents construction and geodetic observation of Gabion Wall. Analyzed gabion wall is located on slope of dump. In the dump are storing coal refuse with content of coal about 20 percent. This coal is source of fire in dump. For fire protection arę using gabion wall described in this paper.
Artykuł prezentuje konstrukcję i pomiary geodezyjne ściany gabionowej. Analizowana ściana zlokalizowana jest na zboczu hałdy zawierającej około 20% zawartości węgla. Węgiel zawarty w hałdzie może ulec zapaleniu. W celu przeciwdziałania zagrożeniu pożarowemu możliwe jest zastosowanie metody polegającej na zabudowaniu zbocza hałdy ścianą gabionową, co przedstawione zostało w artykule.
Content available remote Deterministic Two-Way Restarting Automata and Marcus Contextual Grammars
It is known that for (right-) monotone deterministic one-way restarting automata, the use of auxiliary symbols does not increase the expressive power. Here we show that the same is true for deterministic two-way restarting automata that are right-left-monotone. Moreover, we present a transformation of this kind of restarting automata into contextual grammars with regular selection.
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