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The mechanical properties of industrially produced perforated steel plates are obtained by hardening and low-temperature tempering to produce a martensitic microstructure. Another morphological type of steel microstructure that allows for ultra-high strength and, at the same time, a level of ductility that qualifies it for use in armour is nanobainite. Research into nanobainitic steels has led to the development of plates manufacturing technology at a level that can be implemented in industrial production, and has confirmed the high potential of this material for use as additional armour in the form of perforated plates. This paper reports the results of research aimed at developing a technology for the production of perforated armour plates made of nanobainitic steel, with properties competitive with currently available perforated steel plates on the world market with the highest protective effectiveness under conditions of multi-hit firing tests with small and medium calibre ammunition. The tests were performed on 300 × 260 mm plates, with the nominal thicknesses of 8 mm, 6 mm and 4 mm, produced from industrially melted nanobainitic steel NANOS-BA®. The protective effectiveness of nanobainitic perforated plates in a system with a solid armour steel backing plate of 500 HBW hardness was tested by multi-hit firing, according to the procedures set out in the STANAG 4569 and AEP-55 vol. 1 specifications (adapted to the format of tested plates), against selected projectile types assigned to protection levels 2 and 3. Based on the analysis of the results of the firing tests and the macroscopic and microscopic examinations of the perforated plates before and after firing, the optimum perforation method was selected and the most favourable geometrical and dimensional arrangements of the perforations were determined for different plate thicknesses.
Celem badań było opracowanie technologii wytwarzania płyt perforowanych ze stali nanobainitycznej o skuteczności ochronnej konkurencyjnej w stosunku do obecnie dostępnych pancernych płyt perforowanych. Płyty perforowane o wymiarach 300 × 260 mm × (4 mm, 6 mm oraz 8 mm) wytworzono ze średniostopowej stali nanobainitycznej zawierającej 0,6% masowych węgla. Wykonano badania metalograficzne za pomocą mikroskopu świetlnego i skaningowego mikroskopu elektronowego oraz pomiary mikrotwardości i twardości. Testy ostrzałem wykonano wg STANAG 4569:ed3:2014 zgodnie z procedurą dostosowaną do wymiarów badanych płyt perforowanych. Wykonanie otworów w płytach metodą obróbki skrawaniem nie zmieniło właściwości mechanicznych w warstwach materiału przylegających do otworów. Wycinanie otworów laserem spowodowało spadek ciągliwości i w rezultacie zarodkowanie pęknięć w trakcie uderzenia pocisku. Wszystkie warianty układów płyt perforowanych o grubości 6 mm z płytami litymi o grubości 6 mm 500 HBW badane ostrzałem amunicją 7,62 × 39 mm-API-BZ spełniły wymagania poziomu 2 STANAG 4569. Układy płyt perforowanych o grubości 4 mm z płytą litą o grubości 4 mm 500 HBW nie spełniły wymagań poziomu 2. W wyniku ostrzału amunicją 7,62 × 54R mm-B32-API układów płyt perforowanych o grubości 8 mm z równoległymi płytami litymi 500 HBW o grubości 6 mm w zakresie poziomu 3 STANAG 4569, uzyskano pozytywne rezultaty dla określonych wariantów. Zaproponowano zmodyfikowane wzory perforacji dla płyt nanobainitycznych do finalnej weryfikacji eksperymentalnej.
Non-perennial to ephemeral fluvial systems dominated by seasonal discharge fluctuations and episodic rapid flood-flow events are typical of arid to semi-arid climatic conditions. Dryland fluvial systems have been described from many ancient and modern, predominantly tectonically-controlled sedimentary basins across the globe. This study provides detailed sedimentological analysis and palaeoenvironmental interpretation of the lowermost part of the early Permian (?Asselian) Krajanów Formation exposed within the continental, fault-bounded Intra-Sudetic Basin (ISB), located on the NE periphery of Bohemian Massif. High-resolution sedimentological logging and facies analysis indicate that the early Permian fluvial system in this area was dominated by ephemeral fluvial processes influenced strongly by a semi-arid to arid climate. Rapid (?catastrophic) flood events led to episodic sedimentation of vertically and laterally amalgamated fluvial channel infills, with abundant upper flow regime structures as well as poorly channelized, laterally extensive sheet-like bodies of sandstone. The overbank deposits are poorly preserved due to frequent lateral shifting of the channels. Soft-sediment deformation structures formed due to events of river bank collapse as well as debris flow facies point to high-energy, waning flows. It is concluded that deposition occurred on broad, terminal-type alluvial fans, probably in their proximal- to medial segments within a distributive fluvial system of the Permian Intra-Sudetic Basin. Petrographic composition and measured palaeocurrent directions show that the sediment was sourced from the neighbouring massifs – the Sowie Mts. Massif to the east, the Bardo Structure and a hypothetical Southern Massif to the south/south-east.
In 2022, the Wrocław Branch of the Polish Geological Society celebrates its 70 jubilee. It was founded in 1951 and has been active since 1952. During the last 50 years, there were organized nearly 700 scientific lectures on widely different geological topics, five full plenary meetings of the Society in the Lower Silesia venues with dedicated field excursions, several thematic conferences (with on-spot field examination) during trips to various outcrops all over the region. Other occasional activities included celebration of the 250th anniversary of Abraham Gottlob Werner's birthday honoured by placing a sandstone triptych commemorative plaque on his family home in Osiecznica near Bolesławiec.
The paper presents the results of field mapping and structural analyses conducted within the landslides situated near Ludwikowice K³odzkie, in the central part of the Nowa Ruda Basin (Middle Sudetes, SW Poland). The area affected by mass movements is located within the eastern limb of the Intra-Sudetic Synclinorium (Głuszyca Monocline) composed of Upper Carboniferous to Lower Permian (Rotliegend) sedimentary rocks. Nine individual landslide forms, ranging in area from 0.5 to 22.7 ha, including two landslide complexes (Sokółka landslides, 49.7 ha in total area) have been identified and described in terms of their origin and geological conditions. Studies of landslide morphology and structural analysis allow recognition of several types of mass movements. They include: (i) rotational landslides (landslides Sokółka 1-3 and 5); (ii) translational slides (landslides Miłków 1-3); (iii) deep-seated, compound landslides (landslide Sokółka 4), and (iv) topple evolving into deep-seated rotational (?) slide (Sławosz landslide). The studies repeatedly confirm the usefulness of analyses of LiDAR digital elevation models coupled with field investigations and structural analyses.
Results of a new mapping and structural field study of the Wleń Graben (North Sudetic Synclinorium, SW Poland), made up of a post-Variscan volcano-sedimentary succession, were used to set up a new model of its multiphase tectonic evolution. The Wleń Graben constitutes a narrow tectonic trough, ca. 17.5 km long and up to 3.5 km wide, superimposed on the low-grade metamorphic rocks of the Kaczawa Metamorphic Unit and bounded by steep, NW−SE-oriented, normal and reverse faults. Previously, a simple, one-stage evolution of the graben was considered, with a single Alpine age intraplate compressional event responsible for the formation of the unit. The present study shows that the Late Cretaceous (post-Santonian?) evolution of the Wleń Graben was dominated by NW−SE-oriented, normal faults during the first, extensional stage of its formation. The central and southern parts of the graben were strongly affected by NW−SE-trending reverse faults and overthrusts, which reflect the second, probably latest Cretaceous to early Palaeogene(?) compressional event of tectonic deformation. Moreover, the whole area of the graben is dissected by sinistral strike-slip faults oriented perpendicular to the graben margins, representing the third stage of deformation (late Palaeogene–Neogene). The latest stage of evolution of the Wleń Graben includes a possible Neogene to Quaternary development of normal faults, interpreted here as gravitational collapse structures related to present-day morphology, rather than tectonically induced ones.
This paper provides a new sedimentological and palaeogeographic interpretation of the Late Cretaceous (late Cenomanian to early Coniacian) shallow-marine succession exposed in the Wleń Graben and in the Krzeszów Brachysyncline (NE Bohemian Massif, Sudetic Block). These two tectonic subunits are outliers of the North Sudetic and Intra-Sudetic synclinoriums, respectively, and contain relics of the diachronous sedimentary succession of a seaway linking the Boreal and Tethyan marine provinces during the Late Cretaceous. Results of sedimentological study and facies analysis show that the late Cenomanian sedimentation within this corridor was dominated by strong in situ reworking of the pre-Cretaceous bedrock driven by storm waves and possibly tidal currents. In the latest Cenomanian, siliciclastic sedimentation was followed by the deposition of offshore-transition to offshore muddy calcareous facies in the Krzeszów area, while the deposition of coarse-grained siliciclastic facies continued in the Wleń area. The nearshore clastic belt in the latter area changed into a wider strait dominated by offshore sedimentation in the early Turonian, whereby the interconnected Wleń and Krzeszów passages evolved into a uniform strait of fully-marine sedimentation. In the middle Turonian, the southern part of the strait became progressively filled with coarse-grained siliciclastic material supplied from the east. At the end of the late Turonian and in the early Coniacian, the strait funnelled bi-directional tidal currents along its axis. The youngest Cretaceous strata in the Wleń area comprise erosional relics of the early Coniacian shoreface to offshore-transition deposits. The younger Cretaceous deposits are unpreserved, probably eroded during the post-Santonian(?) tectonic inversion of the Wleń–Krzeszów strait. Despite the relatively small distance between the two relic parts of the strait, the shallow-marine succession reveals distinct diachroneity on a regional scale, reflecting an interplay of eustatic changes, differential tectonic subsidence and clastic sediment supply. This paper presents the first detailed sedimentological logs from the two study areas, with new findings of fossil fauna and flora, proposes a new palaeogeographic interpretation and discusses the influence and development of the source areas for the Cretaceous Sudetic Wleń–Krzeszów marine strait at the NE fringe of the Bohemian Massif.
Autorzy przedstawiają wyniki badań historycznego kompleksu górniczego położonego na górze Wielisławka, w dolinie rzeki Kaczawy pomiędzy Nowym Kościołem a Sędziszową (Sudety Zachodnie). Zespół obiektów pogórniczych, na który obecnie składają się sztolnie i inne antropogeniczne formy rzeźby terenu, stanowi efekt wydobycia złota i srebra prowadzonego na stokach przekształconych przez ruchy masowe (osuwiska). Badania tych form, obejmujące geologiczne i geomorfologiczne prace terenowe, a także skaning laserowy podziemnych wyrobisk, pozwoliły na określenie zasięgu historycznych prac górniczych, a także rekonstrukcję przebiegu procesów osuwiskowych. Pozostałości po działalności wydobywczej na stokach Wielisławki są obiektami o wysokim potencjale naukowym i geoedukacyjnym.
The paper presents the results of studies of a historical gold mining complex situated on the northern slopes of Wielisławka Mt. (376,3 m a.s.l.) in the Western Sudetes, SW Poland. Mining activities were conducted on the slopes affected by mass movements (landslide processes). A multidisciplinary approach including geological fieldworks, geomorphometric analysis as well as terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), performed within old adits, have allowed to determine the recent spatial distribution of the mining forms as well as origin of landslide phenomena. The investigated adits, shafts and other anthropogenic, post-mining forms are unique objects with high scientific and geoeducational potential.
This paper presents a new sedimentological and palaeogeographic interpretation of the Early to Middle(?) Triassic continental deposits in the Wleń Graben and the Krzeszów Brachysyncline (Sudetes, SW Poland). These two tectonic subunits, located in the peripheral segments of the North Sudetic and Intra-Sudetic synclinoriums, respectively, represent the crucial elements for deciphering the post-Variscan palaeogeographic evolution of the NE termination of the Bohemian Massif. Sedimentological studies and facies analysis show that the Early Triassic siliciclastic deposition in both areas was dominated by fluvial sedimentation of the typical Buntsandstein facies within a gently sloping alluvial plain, locally followed by ephemeral lake environments in the late Early or Middle(?) Triassic. The lithofacies and the measured palaeocurrent directions indicate that the area was drained by braided streams flowing towards the northwest and north. Individual fluvial channels had depths not exceeding 1 m and widths of up to a few metres. Overbank deposits are poorly preserved due to the lateral shifting of channels. Based on available borehole data, an analysis of isopach maps was performed for the first time in the study areas. The study areas are presently separated by crystalline units devoid of sedimentary rocks, but the analysis indicate that they might have been in constant or periodical connection during the Triassic. It is concluded that the present-day extent of Triassic deposits is a result of the primary basin configuration combined with the Middle Triassic to Late Cretaceous erosion and post-Cretaceous tectonic uplift. The paper summarizes the present state of research on the continental Triassic preserved in the terminal parts of the North Sudetic and Intra-Sudetic synclinoriums, presents the first detailed sedimentological logs, and proposes new palaeogeographic interpretation. New findings include bioturbation structures, such as plant-root traces or tunnels formed by invertebrates and possible tetrapod footprints, which shed new light on the sedimentological interpretation of the continental Mesozoic deposits in the NE part of the Bohemian Massif.
We indicate the structural controls on, and provide an evolutionary model of, mass movements which developed on the slopes of a rhyolitic lava dome built of massive, sub-intrusive Permian rhyolites and its low-grade metamorphic cover, comprising Ordovician and Silurian sericite schists and metacherts (greenschist facies). The phenomena studied occur on the low-altitude, dome-like Wielisławka Mt. (370 m a.s.l.) in the Western Sudetes, SW Poland. A multidisciplinary approach involving geological and geomorphological fieldwork, LiDAR-based geomorphometric analyses, as well as analyses based on data obtained from terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), performed within old adits and shafts in the landslide area, have allowed determination of the origin and recent extent of the landslide phenomena. The geometry and development of the slip surface are closely linked with measured, existing discontinuities within the massif. As they enable observation of the initial stages of mass movement in the excavations within the cover rocks of the rhyolitic massif, the old adits and shafts are unique objects for the observation and reconstruction of landslide processes.
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