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Large sets of articles are evaluated by predefined measures such as the article numbers and h-indexes. All of these indicators are scalars and refer rather to one discipline or the comprehensive science. Thus, according to disciplinary categories in scientific databases, the distribution has become too rigid for current science needs, dynamically growing towards inter- and trans-disciplinarity. We propose a new method of calculating the impact on knowledge of articles and their citations, creating citation networks, and using one of the optimistic fuzzy aggregation norms to estimate the contribution to the knowledge considering the citation inheritance of citing papers to cited papers (paper children to the paper-parents). Due to this method, we produced the contribution vectors for various disciplines/subdisciplines based on articles and their citations of publications belonging to the considered disciplines. We can prepare the scientific profiles of papers and disciplines based on the contribution vectors. Moreover, we can evaluate how much citations matter in the development of science. Applying this method, we can estimate the contribution to the considered research field caused by papers and their citations from different areas of science. The proposed method might be applicable in the assessment of developing concepts.
Companies and even institutions have recently tried to form a reasonable opinion about their products. One way companies can achieve this is to prepare and distribute advertisements. Some advertising media, such as TV commercials, are costly and tiresome, so understanding and modeling some aspects of disseminating product information might be helpful. The article presents a multi-agent model of spreading trust in the product among agents based on fuzzy aggregation norms. When people with a similar opinion about a product discuss it with others or listen to a commercial, their trust increases, so the optimistic fuzzy aggregation norm is applied. When people with different opinions meet, their faith decreases, so the pessimistic norm is applied. In addition, the paper presents a theoretical example of this model application, namely, showing the results of a multi-agent model of spreading confidence in the product and presenting the results of the NetLogo simulation.
The growing interest in green energy observed in recent years has become the basis for pilot studies on its electricity production role in Poland. The diagnostic survey method allowed us to learn about young people’s opinions on renewable energy sourcesin the context of four identified research areas (the need for RES, planning its installation, costs, environmental impact). The authors proposed a method based on fuzzy logic (fuzzy relations and optimistic fuzzy aggregation norms) to develop and interpret the survey results to understand the selected community’s knowledge about the importance of RES (or not) in the national energy system. The survey shows that although there is no significant difference between respondents in all research areas, rural women are more interested in using green technologies. They have a high self-awareness of their beneficial effects on the environment. Rural respondents, compared to those from the cities, are willing (despite the high cost of equipment) to invest their capital to purchase green energy carriers, which is dictated by their lower knowledge about the forms of external support. Depending on the residence place, respondents selected various government aid programs for renewable energy. People from the city decided mainly on those that would improve the air’s comfort and quality in their place of residence. On the other hand, the rural areas’inhabitants focused their attention on the aid possibilities, which would reduce the energy costs of the farms they run in the future. All the respondents agree that investments in clean energy (coming from natural sources) will translate into broadly understood environmental protection, bringing mutual benefits for everyone.
Obserwowany w ostatnich latach wzrost zainteresowania zieloną energią stał się podstawą do przeprowadzenia pilotażowych badań dotyczących jej roli w produkcji energii elektrycznej w Polsce. Metoda sondażu diagnostycznego pozwoliła poznać opinie młodych ludzi na temat odnawialnych źródeł energii w kontekście czterech zidentyfikowanych obszarów badawczych (konieczność OZE, planowanie jej instalacji, koszty, wpływ na środowisko). Do opracowania i interpretacji wyników badań ankietowych zastosowano metodę opartą na logice rozmytej (relacjach rozmytych i optymistycznych rozmytych normach agregacji), aby lepiej zrozumieć wiedzę wybranej społeczności na temat ważności (lub nie) OZE w krajowym systemie energetycznym. Z badania wynika, że choć nie ma znaczącej różnicy między grupami respondentów we wszystkich obszarach badawczych, to można zauważyć, że kobiety mieszkające na wsi są bardziej zainteresowane wykorzystaniem ekologicznych technologii. Posiadają one wysoką samoświadomość w zakresie ich dobroczynnego wpływu na środowisko. Respondenci wiejscy, w porównaniu z tymi z miasta, są skłonni (pomimo wysokich kosztów urządzeń) angażować własny kapitał na zakup zielonych nośników energii, co jest podyktowane ich niższą wiedzą na temat form wsparcia zewnętrznego. W zależności od pochodzenia wybierano różne rządowe programy pomocowe na OZE. Osoby z miasta decydowały się głównie na te, które w miejscu ich zamieszkania poprawią komfort jakości powietrza atmosferycznego. Z kolei mieszkańcy wsi skupiali swoją uwagę na wykorzystaniu instrumentów pomocowych, dających w przyszłości obniżenie kosztów energii w prowadzonych gospodarstwach rolnych. Wszyscy respondenci są zgodni, że inwestycje w czystą energię przełożą się na szeroko pojętą ochronę środowiska, przynosząc wszystkim obopólne korzyści.
All universities are responsible for assessing the quality of education. One of the required factors is the results of the students’ research. The procedure involves, most often, the preparation of the questionnaire by the staff, which is voluntarily answered by students; then, the university staff uses the statistical methods to analyze data and prepare reports. The proposed EQE method by the application of the fuzzy relations and the optimistic fuzzy aggregation norm may show a closer connection between the students’ answers and the achieved results. Moreover, the objects obtained by the application of the EQE method can be visualized by using the t-SNE technique, cosine between vectors and distances of points in five-dimensional space.
Since the implementation of sustainable construction has been recently increasing, so it has become essential to learn about the opinions young people have towards bio-building. The paper presents an analysis of survey data related to six research areas (popularity, materials, costs, benefits, barriers, and environment). Research has shown that young people (mainly from rural areas) are aware of ecological and energy-saving solutions (their opportunities and barriers to development) and are interested in implementing such practices in the future. Moreover, the authors observed that the opinions of these young people (rural and urban) differ much according to all research areas. The authors emphasize the accuracy of the applied methods and confirm the research results obtained from them.
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