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The Lower Jurassic (Hettangian–Sinemurian) continental deposits of the Mehadia area (Caraş–Severin County) belong to the Presacina Basin, Upper Danubian Units of the South Carpathians, Romania. This un-named succession is exposed along large areas within the Greaţca Quarry where deposits of a complex braided river system can be seen. Nine clastic facies are identified within the Mehadia section and grouped into two facies associations reflecting two main sub-environments. (A) a fine-grained association, up to 6.5 m thick, composed of greyish black and dark grey massive and horizontally laminated mudstones interbedded with fine- to medium-grained sandstones showing ripple lamination, tabular low-angle large-scale cross-bedding and in some places massive sandstones. Within this association coarsening and fining-upward sequences are visible, while subordinate pensymmetrical-like sequences were observed. The sediments of the fine-grained association are interpreted as having been deposited along an alluvial plain from flood waters. The sandstone interbeds are interpreted as crevasse channel-fills and the thinner sandstone bodies as proximal crevasse splays. (B) a coarse-grained facies association represented by sandstones and conglomerates, both clast- and matrix-supported, from granule to pebble clast sizes. Almost all basal members of this association are underlain by erosional surfaces, while internal erosional surfaces occur at some levels. The coarse-grained facies association is interpreted as having been deposited within active river channels of a sandy braided river system. The occurrence of numerous erosional surfaces, the recurrence of the facies within this association (channel bodies), as well as the abundant mudstone and sandstone intraclasts all point to frequent conditions of erosion (including redeposition) of previously deposited sediments. The relatively low fine-grained sediment content (<25%) can be explained by two factors: (1) a creation rate for accommodation space was not enough for the accumulation of a large amount of overbank deposits; (2) a lack of larger quantities of fine-grained material being transported in the river system. Both factors may have operated independently or interacted.
Authorship issues are clarified, new photographic documentation is provided and emended systematic descriptions are presented for the oldest Cambrian trilobite taxa from the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland). Biostratigraphic analysis of the fauna allows correlation with the traditional Holmia kjerulfi-group Zone of Scandinavia, the Callavia Zone of Britain and Newfoundland, the lower and middle part of the Sectigena Zone of Morocco and the Marianian Stage of Spain. The trilobites display a strong biogeographic signal linked with West Gondwana and Avalonia and a suggestion is made that the TESZ margin of Baltica with the Malopolska Massif was liable to currents from those areas that distributed planktonic trilobite larvae.
The Zabrze Beds (Namurian B) constitute a part of the flexural Variscan foredeep Upper Silesia Coal Basin (USCB) infill. On the Main Anticline area this unit starts the continental stage of the basin development. The Zabrze Beds were deposited on an extensive alluvial plain probably constructed by meandering river systems. The fluvial sediments were accumulated both within channels and on overbank areas. The thick (<5 m) sandstone bodies are considered as the channel fills and usually form extensive sheets whose width/thickness ratio exceeds 15. The thinner sandstone bodies, fine-grained sediments and phytogenic material were deposited on the overbank areas. The thickness of the Zabrze Beds on the Main Anticline area decreases eastward from ~250 m down to 3 m over a distance of 35 km. The thickness and number of the sandstone bodies diminish eastward with the thickness of the whole unit. The thickest bodies occur in the western part of the studied area, attaining 60 m, whereas in the eastern part they rarely exceed 30 m. As a rule, the thick sandstone bodies are laterally extensive approaching up to 10 km. Subordinately appear isolated bodies that are usually thinner. In those areas where the coarse-grained sediments are in the minority the inter- connectedness ratio is relatively low. The deposition of the thick sandstone bodies is related to stabilization of the river banks with accompanied balanced aggradations of the overbank areas, or is result of superposition of several generations of channel fills. The coal seams are numerous in the Zabrze Beds despite the small thickness of this unit. The growth of successive generations with extended eastward areas reflects increasing positive accommodation space created mainly by flexural bending of the basin substratum. The thirteen coal seams that have been identified within the Zabrze Beds, occur in different classes of thickness. Except thick (<3 m) and very thick (up to 24 m) seams, the laterally extensive and continuous coal seams are present thin (>0.3 m) and often lenticular in shape. The zones where the coal seam increase in thickness have been observed and they were the result of coalescence or the superposition of successively younger generation peat bogs. The characteristic feature of the succession of coal seams is the eastward increase of their lateral extend. The va- rious types of coal seam splitting have been observed. These phenomena were caused by lateral migration of the channel belts and growth of the crevasse splays, or by action of synsedimentary faults.
The coal-bearing succession in the Upper Silesia Coal Basin consists of molasse deposits filling a flexural foredeep basin. Analysis of lithofacies in cores from deep boreholes revealed the presence of depositional environments typical of alluvial plains and coastal (in a broad sense) environments. Accumulation compensated regional subsidence, so that general depositional surface remained nearly flat. The higher part of the csuccession was laid in fluvial systems, while the lower part mostly in fluvial systems and subordinately in complex coastal systems. Reconstruction of depositional architecture has shown lateral variation in thickness and extent of individual lithosomes, and also pointed to the role of peat-compaction control in shaping their 3D geometry. Sedimentation was controlled by both autigenic and allogenic factors.
W artykule przedstawiono granulometry przemysłowe stosowane w polskich zakładach wzbogacania rud metali nieżelaznych. Omówiono uwarunkowania związane z przeprowadzaniem pomiarów uziarnienia w warunkach przemysłowych.
The article presents the industrial grain-size measuring unit used at Polish non-ferrous metal ores beneficiation plants. There are described the requirements for making measurements of grain size under industrial conditions.
Artykuł przedstawia metodykę oraz wyniki badań zjawiska segregacji zachodzącego w stożkach usypywanych z materiałów uziarnionych, potraktowanych jako składowiska mieszanek materiałów o różnych gęstościach i uziarnieniu. Doświadczenia prowadzone w warunkach laboratoryjnych odpowiadały operacjom związanym z przesypywaniem materiałów w warunkach przemysłowych (materiały sypane z lejów nasypowych, gromadzone na składowiskach w formie hałd, zwałowisk, pryzm itp.). Do badań wykorzystano trzy różne surowce mineralne: magnetyt, dolomit i węgiel. Analizie poddano parametry rozkładu zawartości określonych składników w badanych mieszankach. Wskazano tendencje lokalnych zmian tych zawartości w rozpatrywanych stożkach, badając ich kierunek i intensywność. Na tej podstawie stworzono graficzny obraz segregacji w postaci map gradientów zawartości poszczególnych składników w mieszankach.
The article presents the methodology as well as the results of research on segregation phenomenon in cones formed from granulated materials, treated as dumping of materials mixtures with various density and granulation. Research executed in laboratory conditions corresponded to the concerning operations pouring of materials in industrial conditions (materials poured from dumping hoppers, accumulated on dumps in form of heaps, piles etc.). Three different mineral materials were used for research: magnetite, dolomite and carbon. The analysis concerned the content distribution parameters of given components in the examined mixtures. Local changes tendencies of this content were shown in considered cones by studying their direction and intensity. On this basis a graphical image of segregation was created in form of gradient maps of individual components content in the mixtures.
W artykule przedstawiono przemysłowe urządzenia pomiarowe składu ziarnowego oraz opisano metody wykorzystywane do realizacji pomiaru w tych urządzeniach. W zasadniczej części artykułu scharakteryzowano urządzenia pomiarowe uziarnienia, wykorzystywane w polskich zakładach przeróbki rud metali nieżelaznych (oparte na zjawisku adsorpcji ultradźwięków w zawiesinie, mechanicznej metodzie pomiaru ziaren maksymalnych), jak również nie będące aktualnie w ich wyposażeniu konstrukcje urządzeń opartych na odmiennych zasadach działania (dyfrakcja strumienia laserowego, rozproszenie wiązki światła). Podano miejsca zabudowy urządzeń w węźle technologicznym przygotowania rudy do procesu flotacji, w zakładzie przeróbki rudy miedzi w KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Wskazano na konieczność prowadzenia pomiarów uziarnienia i ich niezbędność w optymalnym sterowaniu procesami technologicznymi.
The grain composition's measuring industrial devices, as well, the methods of the measures, being carried on them, are presented in the paper. In the main part of the paper, there are characterized the grain composition's measuring devices, being used in the Polish industrial plants of non-iron metals' ores processing (based on the ultrasonic adsorption is suspension phenomena and mechanical method of maximal grain's measuring), as well the devices not being actually equipped with by them, based on the different operation rules (laser diffraction, light scattering). There are shown the places of the devices development in the technological centre in the copper processing plant KGHM Polska Miedź SA. The necessity of doing the grain composition measures and their indispensability of the optimal steering of technological processes are underlined in the paper.
Content available remote Zastosowanie nowoczesnych metod badawczych w inżynierii mineralnej
W referacie przedstawiono nowoczesne metody badawcze: skaningową mikroskopię elektronową oraz rentgenowską analizę dyfrakcyjną. Omówiono właściwości tych metod oraz ich zastosowanie w różnych dziedzinach inżynierii mineralnej. Wykorzystując opisane metody przeprowadzono badania produktów wzbogacania flotacyjnego rudy miedzi. Przedstawiono wstępne wyniki w formie zdjęć i mapek skaningowych oraz dyfraktogramów. Zawierają one informacje dotyczące składu mineralogicznego badanych materiałów, składu pierwiastkowego, morfologii powierzchni próbek. Dzięki tym metodom możliwa jest pełniejsza ocena i kontrola produktów procesów wzbogacania.
The article presents modern research methods: scanning electron microscopy as well as X-ray diffraction analysis. Proprieties of these methods as well as their use in different fields of mineral engineering were presented. With use of the described methods there were done researches on products of copper ore flotation enrichment. Preliminary results were shown introduced in form of pictures, scan maps and diffraction patterns. They contain information on mineralogical composition of studied materials, elemental composition, samples surface morphology. Thank to these methods a more exhaustive evaluation and control of enrichment products is possible.
Predomination of sandy bedload is typical of the anastomosing channels of the Narew River. Several types of in-channel accretionary macroforms have been found in these channels: side bars, concave-bank bars, plug bars, point bars, linguoid bars, and mid-channel bars. The first three types are relatively rare, point bars occur only exceptionally, while linguoid bars and mid-channel bars are quite common. The bars usually occur in main channels, which are the master routes of sand transport in the whole anastomosing system of the Narew. The lower parts of the bars are built of coarse- and medium-grained sand, similarly to the sediments in the deeper parts of the channels. Fine-grained sand, locally alternating with organic-rich muddy sand, predominates usually in the upper parts; peat with high content of sand is present in the highest parts of some bars. All bars are rapidly colonised and stabilised by plants. It is for this reason and due to the low energy of the river that the bar sediments have a high preservation potential. The development of bars is usually not accompanied by lateral migration of channels. Consequently, sediment accretion in bars is one of the factors leading to gradual narrowing of channels. Deposits of some sand-bars, when preserved in fossil record, may probably be represented by characteristic "wings" in the outer parts of ribbon-like sand bodies.
The studied area of ca. 500 km2 lies within the Main Anticline and the Bytom-Dąbrowa Trough of the Upper Silesia Coal Basin. During the deposition of the fluvial Zabrze Beds, this area was subject to differential subsidence which resulted in gradual eastward thinning of this unit from ca. 250 m near Zabrze to ca. 4 m near Sosnowiec. Maps of net sandstone and coal contents in two stratigraphical intervals selected within the Zabrze Beds point to the presence of four channel tracts. The main tract is parallel to the NE-SW trending axis of maximum subsidence, and the other three are perpendicular to it. During deposition of the Zabrze Beds the main, NE-SW trending channel tract has shifted westward.
The studied section of the upper Narew river is an example of an anastomosing system. It consists of a network of interconnected channels and interchannel areas covered with peat-forming rush and reed vegetation. The channels have low longitudinal gradient, are laterally stable, relatively deep, they have sandy bed and strongly overgrown banks. There are no natural levees built of clastic sediment. Straight-type channels dominate in the channel system. Meandering reaches lack discernible point bar topography. Vegetation plays an important role in the evolution of the anastomosing system of the Narew.
Badany odcinek Narwi jest przykładem systemu rzeki anastomozującej. Składa się on z sieci rozdzielających się i ponownie łączących się koryt oraz z obszarów pozakorytowych, porośniętych roślinnością torfotwórczą. Koryta mają mały spadek, są stosunkowo głębokie i lateralnie stabilne, a ich brzegi są silnie zarośnięte. Większość koryt ma stosunkowo niewielką krętość, ale podrzędnie występują także odcinki kręte, typu meandrującego, pozbawione jednak dostrzegalnych łuków przyrostowych, charakterystycznych dla topografii odsypów meandrowych. Brak jest wyraźnie rozwiniętych wałów przykorytowych zbudowanych z materiału klastycznego. Roślinność odgrywa znaczącą rolę w rozwoju omawianego systemu.
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