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The article presents research aimed at determining the effect of adding rare earth elements to near-eutectic Al-Si and Al-Si-Ni alloys on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the obtained products. Material for the research was prepared using a melt spinner - a device used for rapid crystallization, casting thin ribbons, which were then subjected in subsequent stages to fragmentation, consolidation and plastic working. The ribbons and extruded rods cast were described in terms of their structure and their strength properties were determined at different measurement temperatures. It was shown that the lightweight materials produced from aluminium alloys using the rapid solidification process have an ultra-fine structure and good strength properties. Analysis under a microscope confirmed that the addition of rare earth alloys Al-Si and Al-Si-Ni causes fragmentation of the microstructure in the tapes produced. The presence of rare earth elements in the alloys tested has an impact on the type and the morphology of the particles of the microstructure’s individual components. In addition to the change in particle morphology, the phenomenon of the separation of numerous nanometric particles of intermetallic phases containing rare earth elements was also observed. The change in microstructure caused by the addition of rare earth elements in the form of a mischmetal increases the mechanical properties.
The effect of plastic deformation process on the dissolution rate of biocompatible Mg alloys was investigated. Two biocompatible MgLi1Ca0,2Zn1 and MgLi1Ca1Zn1 alloys were selected for the study. The alloys were deformed on a 100T press at a temperature of 350°C by conventional extrusion and by the equal channel angular extrusion process (ECAE). The grain size analysis showed a high degree of the grain refinement from approximately 110 mm in the initial state to 2.8 mm after the 3rd pass of the ECAE process. Compared to as-cast state, the degree of strengthening has increased after plastic forming. The results of biodegradation tests have shown a significant increase in corrosion rate after both conventional extrusion and ECAE, although after subsequent ECAE passes, this rate was observed to slightly decrease in the MgLi1Ca1Zn1 alloy. Based on the results of macro- and microstructure examinations, the corrosion progress in samples after the extrusion process was described.
The aim of the studies described in this article was to present the effect of rare earth elements on aluminium alloys produced by an unconventional casting technique. The article gives characteristics of the thin strip of Al-Si-RE alloy produced by Rapid Solidification (RS). The effect of rare earth elements on structure refinement, i.e. on the size of near-eutectic crystallites in an aluminium–silicon alloy, was discussed. To determine the size of crystallites, the Scherrer X-ray diffraction method was used. The results presented capture relationships showing the effect of variable casting parameters and chemical composition on microstructure of the examined alloys. Rapid Solidification applied to Al-Si alloys with the addition of mischmetal (Ce, La, Ne, Pr) refines their structure.
Celem badań opisanych w artykule było przedstawienie wpływu pierwiastków metali ziem rzadkich na stopy aluminium otrzymywane niekonwencjonalną metodą odlewniczą. W artykule scharakteryzowano cienką taśmę ze stopu Al-Si-RE wytworzoną metodą szybkiej krystalizacji (Rapid Solidification). Przedstawiono wpływ pierwiastków metali ziem rzadkich na rozdrobnienie struktury - wielkość krystalitów okołoeutektycznego stopu aluminium - krzem. Do oznaczenia wielkości krystalitów wykorzystano rentgenowską dyfrakcyjną metodę Scherrera. Zaprezentowane wyniki ujmują zależności zmiennych parametrów odlewania i składu chemicznego na mikrostrukturę badanych stopów. Zastosowanie szybkiej krystalizacji dla stopów Al-Si z dodatkiem miszmetalu (Ce, La, Ne, Pr) powoduje rozdrobnienie ich struktury.
In recent years, magnesium alloys have gained widespread popularity as construction materials. This is due to their Iow density, high strength properties, and advances in their production technology. Properties of magnesium alloys depend prima rily on the type, quantity, and quality of elements present in their composition. It is therefore necessary to carry out research on the further optimisation of the production technology of these alloys. This article presents the results of studies carried out in order to determine the type, form, and parameters of the process of introducing selected alloying elements to magnesium in a manner which enables the manufactureof alloys with predetermined chemical composition. As part of the work, elements such as Al, Zn, Mn, Zr, Si, Cu, Ca, as well as rare earth elements (RE) were introduced into the liquid magnesium. The alloying elements were introduced into the melt at different temperatures in either a metallic form or as master alloys. While conducting studies, respective solubility graphs were plotted for the alloying elements showing the time taken for each element to dissolve to the required form at a specific temperature and concentration. The studies resulted in the development of several techniques of introducing selected alloying elements, which enabled the manufacture of various types of alloys.
W ostatnich latach stopy magnezu cieszą się coraz większym zainteresowaniem jako materiały konstrukcyjne. Związane jest to z ich niską gęstością, dobrymi własnościami wytrzymałościowymi oraz postępem w technologii ich wytwarzania. Własności stopów magnezu zależą głównie od rodzaju, ilości i jakości pierwiastków wchodzących w ich skład. Konieczne zatem jest prowadzenie badań nad optymalizacją technologii otrzymywania stopów na osnowie magnezu.W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań mających na celu określenie sposobu, postaci i parametrów wprowadzania wybranych dodatków stopowych do magnezu tak, aby możliwe było otrzymanie stopów o założonym składzie chemicznym. W ramach pracy do ciekłego magnezu wprowadzano pierwiastki stopowe, takie jak: Al, Zn, Mn, Zr, Si, Cu, Ca oraz pierwiastki ziem rzadkich (RE). Składniki stopowe wprowadzano do ciekłego magnezu w postaci metalicznej oraz zapraw w różnych temperaturach. Podczas realizacji badań wyznaczono wykresy rozpuszczalności dodatków stopowych przedstawiające czas potrzebny na rozpuszczenie pierwiastka w danej postaci, przy określonej temperaturze i koncentracji. Przeprowadzone badania umożliwiły opracowanie technologii wprowadzania wybranych dodatków stopowych, dzięki czemu możliwe jest wytwarzanie różnych gatunków stopów.
The casting of ingots from aluminum alloys with a smali range of solidification temperatures currently poses no major technical problems. On the other hand, problems do occur when multicomponent alloys containing elements such as Cu, Zn, or Mg are cast. This applies to alloys both wrought and cast. For these alloys, the differences in temperature starting and ending the solidification process reach 160°C.The difficulties are even morę pronounced when the diameter of the cast ingot is less than 100 mm. Casting small-diameter ingots requires a very careful selection of parameters, which - for ingots with a diameter of about 70 mm - usually involve very high casting rates of up to 400 mm/min. The formation of a subsurface zone in the ingot along the crystallizer working length of several centimeters is very difficult at such a high casting rate and requires the precise determination of parameters for each alloy, particularly if this is a multicomponent alloy with a wide range of solidification temperatures. To this family of alloys belong multicomponent silumins, with the special case of phosphorus-modified near-eutectic and hypereutectic systems. Below are the results of technologicaI tests as well as structure examinations of ingots cast from silumins with different ranges of solidification temperatures. Ingots of 100-mm diameters were cast in a vertical system. In this arrangement, ingots with a diameter of 70 mm were also cast, using crystallizers normally operating in a horizontal continuous casting line.
Odlewanie we wlewki stopów aluminium o małym zakresie temperatur krzepnięcia nie stwarza obecnie większych problemów technicznych. Trudności występują w przypadku odlewania stopów wieloskładnikowych zawierających takie pierwiastki jak Cu, Zn, Mg. Dotyczyło zarówno stopów do przeróbki plastycznej, jak i odlewniczych. Dla tych stopów różnice pomiędzy temperaturą początku i końca krzepnięcia dochodzą do 160°C. Dodatkowo trudności zwiększają się w przypadku odlewania wlewków o średnicach poniżej 100 mm. Proces odlewania wlewków o małej średnicy wymaga bardzo starannego doboru parametrów, co wiąże się z bardzo dużymi szybkościami odlewania dochodzącymi do 400 mm/min dla wlewków o średnicy około 70 mm. Utworzenie strefy przypowierzchniowej wlewka na kilkucentymetrowej długości roboczej krystalizatora, przy tak wysokich szybkościach odlewania, jest bardzo utrudnione i wymaga precyzyjnego ustalenia parametrów dla każdego stopu, a zwłaszcza dla stopów wieloskładnikowych o szerokim zakresie temperatur krzepnięcia. Do takich stopów zaliczane są siluminy wieloskładnikowe, wśród których szczególnym przypadkiem są siluminy około- i nadeutektyczne modyfikowane fosforem. W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki prób technologicznych oraz wyniki badań struktury wlewków odlanych z siluminów, różniących się zakresem temperatur krzepnięcia. Wlewki o średnicy 100 mm odlewane były na linii do odlewu pionowego. W tym układzie odlewano także wlewki o średnicy 70 mm, z wykorzystaniem krystalizatorów przewidzianych do linii odlewu ciągłego poziomego.
The paper presents the technological aspect of the process of casting, crushing and plastic consolidation of semi-finished products from magnesium alloy. The aim of this study was to produce by the rapid solidification process a magnesium alloy from the MgAl9Zn1 family in the form of ribbons with ultrafine grain structure. The material cast in the melt spinning device was next crushed and subjected to the operation of cold consolidation and hot extrusion. The paper presents different stages of the process, including initial characterisation of the obtained material.
W artykule przedstawiono aspekt technologiczny procesu odlewania, rozdrabniania i konsolidacji plastycznej otrzymywa- nych półwyrobów ze stopu magnezu. Celem pracy było wytworzenie metodą szybkiej krystalizacji stopu magnezu z układu MgAlOZn1, o ultradrobnoziarnistej strukturze w postaci taśmy. Materiał odlany na stanowisku melt spinning w kolejnym etapie został rozdrobniony i poddany procesowi konsolidacji na zimno i wyciskaniu na gorąco. W artykule zostały przedstawione poszczególne etapy procesu wraz z wstępną charakteryzacją otrzymywanego materiału.
In the aluminium alloy family, Al-Zn materials with non-standard chemical composition containing Mg and Cu are a new group of alloys, mainly owing to their high strength properties. Proper choice of alloying elements, and of the method of molten metal treatment and casting enable further shaping of the properties. One of the modern methods to produce materials with submicron structure is a method of Rapid Solidification. The ribbon cast in a melt spinning device is an intermediate product for further plastic working. Using the technique of Rapid Solidification it is not possible to directly produce a solid structural material of the required shape and length. Therefore, the ribbon of an ultrafine grain or nanometric structure must be subjected to the operations of fragmentation, compaction, consolidation and hot extrusion. In this article the authors focussed their attention on the technological aspect of the above mentioned process and described successive stages of the fabrication of an AlZn9Mg2.5Cu1.8 alloy of ultrafinegra in structure designated for further plastic working, which enables making extruded rods or elements shaped by the die forging technology. Studies described in the article were performed under variable parameters determined experimentally in the course of the alloy manufacturing process, including casting by RS and subsequnt fragmentation.
Contemporary materials engineering requires the use of materials characterised by high mechanical properties, as these precisely properties determine the choice of material for parts of machinery and equipment. Owing to these properties it is possible to reduce the weight and, consequently, the consumption of both material and energy. Trying to meet these expectations, the designers are increasingly looking for solutions in the application of magnesium alloys as materials offering a very beneficial strength-to-weight ratio. However, besides alloying elements, the properties are to a great extent shaped by the solidification conditions and related structure. The process of structure formation depends on the choice of casting method forced by the specific properties of casting or by the specific intended use of final product. The article presents a comparison of AZ91 magnesium alloys processed by different casting technologies. A short characteristic was offered for materials processed by the traditional semi-continuous casting process, which uses the solidification rates comprised in a range of 5 - 20⁰C/s, and for materials made in the process of Rapid Solidification, where the solidification rate can reach 106⁰C/s. As a result of the casting process, a feedstock in the form of billets and thin strips was obtained and was subjected next to the process of plastic forming. The article presents the results of structural analysis of the final product. The mechanical properties of the ø7 mm extruded rods were also evaluated and compared.
W artykule dokonano analizy zmian średniego wieku cytowanych źródeł informacji w wybranych czasopismach z zakresu bibliotekoznawstwa oraz informacji naukowej w latach 1990-1999.
In the article has been analized change of middle age citation information soirces due to selected papers in librarianship and scientific information between 1990-1999.
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