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A newly recognized Mnin restraining stepover is identified in the Permo-Mesozoic cover of the western part of the Late Palaeozoic Holy Cross Mountains Fold Belt (Poland), within a fault pattern consisting of dextral strikeslip faults. The formation of a large contractional structure at the Late Cretaceous – Cenozoic transition displays the significant role of strike-slip faulting along the western border of the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone, in the foreland of the Polish part of the Carpathian Orogen. Theoretical relationships between the maximum fault offsets/ mean step length, as well as between the maximum fault offsets/mean step width allowed the estimation of the values of possible offsets along the Snochowice and Mieczyn faults forming the Mnin stepover. The estimated values suggest displacements of as much as several tens of kilometres. The observed offset along the Tokarnia Fault and theoretical calculations suggest that the strike-slip faults west of the Late Palaeozoic Holy Cross Mountains Fold Belt belong to a large strike-slip fault system. We postulate that the observed significant refraction of the faults forming the anastomosing fault pattern is related also to the interaction of the NW-SE-striking faults formed along the western border of the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone and the reactivated WNW-ESE-striking faults belonging to the fault systems of the northern margin of the Tethys Ocean.
Bedding-parallel calcite veins in Devonian rocks from the southern part of the Holy Cross Mountains Fold Belt in central Poland occur as tabular bodies on shallow dipping as well as vertical Late Paleozoic map-scale and mesoscopic fold limbs. The syntaxial and antitaxial bedding parallel veins contain kinematic indicators such as rotated blocks, fibre boundary steps, boudin trains, beef-like structures and congruous steps. These structures show a sense of movement consistent with the flexural slip typical of folding resulting from buckling during layer-parallel shortening. We propose the mechanism of the gradual formation of the veins and the progression of fabric development which is mostly consistent with an increasing dip angle of the fold limbs and their gradual deformation. Textures of the veins and kinematic indicators within the veins point to the syntectonic growth of calcite during the Late Paleozoic buckle folding in the Holy Cross Mountains Fold Belt.
A theoretical method is proposed for determining the relation between the potential dip-slip and strike-slip of the fault. This method is based on strike separation and allows for estimating the minimal displacement value along the fault for its sector where the strike separation was measured. Moreover, the value of total slip for different scenarios of the fault movement can be estimated using this method. Such assessments can be very useful in disproving hypotheses by comparing the obtained total slip values with geological data. The usability of this method is shown at the example of analysis of displacements along the Łysogóry Fault in the Holy Cross Mts.
The results of numerous palaeomagnetic studies performed in the last three decades in Devonian carbonates of the Holy Cross Mountains (HCM) have documented the occurrence of several episodes of remagnetisation. This knowledge was applied in this study to determine the temporal relationships between the acquisition of particular secondary palaeomagnetic components and the formation of tectonic structures. This made it possible to estimate the timing of several episodes in the multistage tectonic evolution of particular folds and faults. We show that the westernmost part of the southern HCM was rotated clockwise after the early Permian. Detailed palaeomagnetic analysis documented also shape modifications in some map-scale and minor folds. This tectonic overprinting of originally Carboniferous folds postdated the early Permian. It was furthermore shown that the N-S trending dextral strike-slip faults studied were active between the early Permian and the Permo/Triassic. Our recent data show also the post-early Permian age of breccia that covers the deformed Devonian strata.
The Holy Cross Mountains Fold Belt, the Odrzywół–Ćmielów Graben, the Radom-Kraoenik Horst and the Mazovia-Lublin Graben are located in the contact zone between the Paleozoic Platform and the East European Craton, eastwards of the Variscan foreland basin. The Holy Cross Mountains Fold Belt consists of the Kielce and the Łysogóry Fold Zones. The boundary between the Kielce and Łysogóry Fold Zones is formed by the Holy Cross Fault. Southwestern border of the Kielce Fold Zone is probably consistent with the extent of the folds in the Małopolska Block. The Łysogóry Fold Zone is probably bordered from northeast by the Skrzynno Fault, which is also a boundary of the Radom-Kraoenik Horst from the southwest. The Radom-Kraoenik and the Mazovia-Lublin Graben are separated by the Kazimierz-Ursynów Fault. Northeastern border of the graben is the Kock Fault.
Content available remote Strike-slip faulting in the Kielce Unit, Holy Cross Mountains, central Poland
Strike-slip faults and associated tectonic structures have been investigated in the Holy Cross Mountains fold belt (HCM), which is located eastwards of the Variscan foreland basin. The strike-slip fault sets form a complex network, which developed during two faulting stages: in Late Palaeozoic (I) and Maastrichtian/Palaeocene (II) times. The Late Palaeozoic fault pattern formed as a result of at least two strike-slip events: I-1 and I-2. During the first event (I-1), a N-S-striking dextral strike-slip fault set and a NNE-SSW to NE-SW-striking sinistral strike-slip fault set developed. During the next event (I-2), dextral strike slip occurred along the WNW-ESE-striking longitudinal master faults and formed a NW-SE to NNW-SSE-striking sinistral secondary strike-slip fault set. During this event, in zones north and south of the Holy Cross Fault, faultbounded blocks developed which were rotated dextrally as a result of further displacements. The strikeslip fault network was overprinted during the Maastrichtian/Palaeocene second strike-slip stage (II).
Rabaty i kwietniki stanowią ozdobny element terenów zieleni. Zajmują stosunkowo niewiele miejsca w porównaniu z np. trawnikami czy drzewami, a mimo to są najbardziej dostrzegalnym i lubianym przez ludzi elementem.
The study of the Earth's surface using DEM-generated products combined with geological maps or satellite and aerial photographs provides information that is very useful for structural analysis. Applications of shaded-relief images, slope, openness, and aspect maps, 3D terrain views, profiling, contouring and semiautomatic intersections to selected parts of the Holy Cross Mountains and the Bieszczady Mountains are shown. The analysis led to the discovery of transverse faults in both fold and thrust belts, determination of the components of movement along these faults and the courses of the Lysogory fault zone and the Dukla thrust fault. The application of these methods also enabled the display of changes in shape profiles of map-scale folds such as the Niewachlów anticline and the Baligród syncline.
Content available remote Buckle folding in the Kielce Unit, Holy Cross Mountains, central Poland
Gradual changes of shape profiles of map-scale as well as mesoscopic folds, recognised as symmetric and asymmetric buckle folds, were investigated. These folds developed in the Holy Cross Mountains in Palaeozoic unmetamorphosed sedimentary rocks during Variscan deformation. During folding, layerparallel shortening prevailed, although a layer-parallel shear component, resulting from deformation of multilayers by compression at low angles to the layering, has also been recognized. Different contraction and extension fault sets, as well as cleavage, small-scale duplexes, boudinage and stylolites, developed progressively on both gradually steepening limbs of the symmetric folds, as well as mainly on the short limbs of the asymmetric folds. Based on the comparison of laboratory data for different types of rocks, the range of values of horizontal compressive stress levels occurring during fold growth has been estimated. The stress levels for the high pore fluid pressures probably did not exceed 150 MPa. These conditions and temperatures below 150[degrees]C favoured buckle folding. In the late phase of the folding or in the post-folding stage of Variscan deformation, the separation of the Kielce Unit into fault-bounded block domains was initiated along longitudinal and transverse faults. This resulted in changes in trend of parts of the map-scale folds.
Content available Zieleń i woda w krajobrazie otwartym Wielkopolski
One of the advantages of the Polish countryside is its close integration with nature. In the face of rapid urbanization and fast development of agriculture a need appears for protection of the biological potential and shaping agricultural landscape in accordance with ecological rhythm. Intentional tree and scrub planting, including variety of spatial forms and specific structures serves important functions - protective, productive, social and cultural. Small midfield ponds as well as midfield plantings are vital elements in regulating microclimate. They also contribute to the increase in biodiversity of agricultural landscape. Wielkopolska is a region with high resources of cultivable land. Despite the average climate, soil, and water conditions, the region is marked by high efficiency of agricultural production. In the process of intensification of small water circulation a structure of landscape is of particular importance which means that an important role is played by a sufficient number of small water reservoirs (so called small ponds), swamplands and peat bogs as well as midfield tree and shrubs plantings. Planting trees will have a number of highly beneficial results such as restoring biological balance and harmony of landscape as well as smoothing dissonance between building development and its surroundings.
W polskiej części płaszczowiny śląskiej, na podstawie badań własnych przeprowadzonych w 197 odsłonięciach stwierdzono obecność sieci spękań ciosowych złożonej z 5 zespołów ciosu, podzielonych ze względu na obecną ich pozycję w stosunku do regionalnych fałdów na: 2 zespoły SR, SL systemu skośnego, zespół poprzeczny T oraz 2 zespoły podłużne L, L'. Ze względu na przydatność do rekonstrukcji paleonaprężęń (Mastella & Zuchiewicz, 2000) opracowaniu poddano głównie zespoły ciosu SR, SL oraz T. W analizie paleonaprężeń zwraca uwagę kątowa różnica między kierunkami ó1 wyliczonymi z ciosu skośnego (SR , SL ) i poprzecznego (T). Ta kątowa różnica między kierunkami sugeruje, że jest ona wynikiem niewielkiego tektonicznego wygięcia badanego łuku płaszczowiny śląskiej miedzy etapem nasuwania się płaszczowin, a etapem jego postępującego wypiętrzania się tego fragmentu łuku Karpat Zewnętrznych.
The joint network in theflysch strata of the Silesian Nappe is composed of a shear system (diagonal sets -Sg, SL) -striking in the present position at high angles to map-scale fold axes, a single extension set T-striking sub-perpendicular to these axes, fold-parallel joints L and L' striking parallel or at small angles to map-scale fold axes. Due to their usefulness (Mastella & Zuchiewicz, 2000) for palaeostress reconstructions penetrative Sg, Si and T joint sets were analysed from 197 outcrops. In the palaeostress analysis the angular difference between the ól directions calculated from shear (Sg, Si) and extension Tjoints is notable. The angular difference between these ól directions suggests that it is a result of a slight tectonic bending of the investigated Silesian Nappe arc. which took place between the nappe thrusting phase and the proceeding uplift phase of this part of the Outer Carpathians Arc.
Based on the analysis of detailed geological maps, air photos, radar images and tectonic mesostructures the geometry and mechanism of formation of the Gnieździska-Brzeziny fault have been determined. The fault represents a typical example of a dextral strike-slip fault occurring in the SW margin of the Holy Cross Mountains. The trace of the fault is curvilinear-sinusoidal, which produced restraining and releasing bends as well as restraining stepovers.
The structure of the Magura Nappe, within the zone of maximal bending of the Western Outer Carpathians, is described; investigations were concentrated mainly in the Beskid Wyspowy Subunit. A zone, bounded to the north and south by duplexes, comprises large characteristic synclines (Snieznica, Lubogoszcz, Szczebel, Klimas, Lopien, Cwilin, Lubon Wielki). These appear on maps as isolated "island mountains", in the Beskid Wyspowy Subunit. These synclines contrast strongly with the belt-like distribution of regional folds to the west and east of the area. The synclinal massifs developed gradually. Fold belts several hundred metres long developed in the first phase of overthrusting of the Magura Nappe, with horizontal N-S compression dominant. Thrusts separating the individual subunits developed when the face of the overthrusting Magura Nappe stopped and the stress continued to push its southern parts forwards. The next phase, with continuing horizontal N-S stress included the development of strike-slip faults and the bending of the Carpathian Arc, resulting in extension of this part of the orogen. The syncline zone within the Beskid Wyspowy Subunit underwent disintegration and particular blocks became independent. Rotation of blocks with individual synclines took place along fault zones. In the part of the Polish Outer Carpathians investigated this stage is also characterised by a change of compression from N-S to NNE-SSW. Due to the uplift of this part of the Carpathians, strike-slip faults changed into dip-slip faults in the terminal part of this phase. reconstruction.
Basing on analysis of tectonic mesostructures, the structural evolution stages of the Gnieździska Syncline have been determined. The structure represents a typical example of folds occurring in the SW margin of the Holy Cross Mountains. The well-exposed syncline displays a wide variety of structures, including: shear and extension joints, stylolites, cleavage, strike-slip and dip-slip faults as well as master joints. Tectonic structures resulting from flexural slip indicate that the Gnieździska Syncline developed as a flexural-slip fold as a result of horizontal NE-SW compression. The subsequent deformation phase included mesostructures pointing to the increasing activity of a nearby Gnieździska-Wola Morawiecka dextral strike-slip fault of regional extent. In the terminal phase of the post-kinematic uplift of the Holy Cross Mountains, T joints and master joints appeared.
Analyses of intact orientated samples of incompetent fault rocks from thrusts within the Magura nappe in the Beskid Wyspowy Mountains indicate an arrangement of clay mineral plates parllel to numerous shears present in the rocks. Reconstruction of the development of the shears suggests several phases of formation. Maximum palaeotemperatures in the range 80-160 stopni C were reconstructed from the fault zones
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