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The aim of the study is to present the effective and relatively simple empirical approach to rainfall intensity-duration-frequency-formulas development, based on Controlled Random Search (CRS) for global optimization. The approach is mainly dedicated to the cases in which the commonly used IDF-relationships do not provide satisfactory fit between simulations and observations, and more complex formulas with higher number of parameters are advisable. Precipitation data from Gdańsk gauge station were analyzed as the example, with use of peak-overthreshold method and Chomicz scale for rainfall intensity. General forms of the IDF-function were chosen and the parameter calibration with use of CRS algorithm was developed. The compliance of the obtained IDFformulas with precipitation data and the efficiency of the algorithm were analyzed. The study confirmed the proposed empirical approach may be an interesting alternative for probabilistic ones, especially when IDFrelationship has more complex form and precipitation data do not match “typical” hydrological distributions.
Artykuł poświęcony jest analizie wartości współczynników oporów lokalnych dla wybranych kształtek i złączek pracujących w instalacjach z rur wielowarstwowych z tworzyw sztucznych. Badaniom poddano elementy o średnicach DN16, DN20, DN25, powszechnie wykorzystywane we współczesnych instalacjach sanitarnych. W pracy przedstawiono wybrane wyniki badań laboratoryjnych (dla rozszerzeń, kolanek i trójników) oraz ich porównanie z wartościami analogicznych współczynników dostępnymi w literaturze i katalogach producentów. Badania wykazały, że – wbrew powszechnie przyjętym założeniom – współczynniki oporów lokalnych nie przyjmują wartości stałej, ale zależą od średnicy, szczegółów konstrukcyjnych, liczby Reynoldsa oraz innych czynników, np. stosunku natężeń przepływu w przypadku trójników. Uzyskane wartości współczynników strat znacząco przewyższały wartości publikowane w katalogach oraz wykazały duże zróżnicowanie pomiędzy wartościami dla analogicznych elementów pochodzących od różnych producentów. Z tego powodu podawanie w katalogach jednej wartości współczynnika oporu dla bliżej nieokreślonej wartości Re lub też korzystanie z „uniwersalnych” wartości współczynników strat lokalnych (często bazujących na badaniach jeszcze z ubiegłego wieku), często uniemożliwia prawidłowe określenie strat energii.
The paper is devoted to the analysis of local energy loss coefficients for selected fittings and connectors in polymeric multilayer pipelines. In the study, the elements of DN16, DN20, DN25 diameters, commonly used in contemporary sanitary systems, were analyzed. The paper presents the selected results of laboratory tests (for extensions, elbows and junctions), and compares them with the values of the corresponding coefficients available in the literature and catalogs of manufacturers. Studies have shown that - contrary to generally accepted assumptions - local energy loss coefficients do not take a constant value, but depend on the diameter, the construction details, the Reynolds number, and other factors such as discharge ratio in the case of junctions. The obtained values of loss coefficients significantly exceeded the values published in catalogs and showed large variation between the values for the corresponding elements from different manufacturers. Therefore, publication in catalogs of one single value of the loss coefficient for the unspecified value of Re, or application of "universal" values of the coefficients from literature (often based on the studies yet of the last century), may case the proper determination of energy losses impossible.
This paper deals with the impact of different forms of urbanization on the basin outflow. The influence of changes in land cover/use, drainage system development, reservoirs, and alternative ways of stormwater management (green roofs, permeable pavements) on basin runoff was presented in the case of a small urban basin in Gdansk (Poland). Seven variants of area development (in the period of 2000-2012) - three historical and four hypothetical - were analyzed. In each case, runoff calculations for three rainfall scenarios were carried out by means of the Hydrologic Modeling System designed by Hydrologic Engineering Center of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (HEC-HMS). The Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Curve Number (CN) method was used for calculations of effective rainfall, the kinematic wave model for those of overland flow, and the Muskingum-Cunge model for those of channel routing. The calculations indicated that urban development had resulted in increased peak discharge and runoff volume and in decreased peak time. On the other hand, a significant reduction in peak values was observed for a relatively small decrease in the normal storage level (NSL) in reservoirs or when green roofs on commercial centers were present. The study confirmed a significant increase in runoff as a result of urbanization and a considerable runoff reduction by simple alternative ways of stormwater management.
Charakterystyka opadów w Gdańsku. Analiza opadów zarejestrowanych na stacjach pomiarowych na obszarze zlewni potoku Strzyża w Gdańsku. Porównanie relacji natężenie – czas trwania deszczu wybranych wartości prawdopodobieństwa wystąpienia opadu. Porównanie relacji natężenie – prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia deszczu dla określonych czasów trwania opadów. Dyskusja wyników i wnioski.
Precipitation in Gdansk. Analysis of rainfall events registered in gauge-stations in Strzyża Stream watershed in Gdańsk. Comparison of rainfall intensity-duration relations for selected probabilities of exceedence. Comparison of intensity-frequency relations for selected rainfall durations. Discussion of the results and conclusions.
Metody określania opadów miarodajnych w Polsce. Sposoby doboru wartości natężenia deszczu miarodajnego. Formuły opadowe stosowane w Polsce. Pomiary opadów w Gdańsku. Opracowanie danych pomiarowych. Opracowanie zależności IDF. Analiza wyników.
Methods of design rainfall determination in Poland. Evaluation of design rainfall intensity. Rainfall IDF-formulas in Poland. Observations of rainfall in Gdansk. Measurement data development. IDF formulas determination. Analysis of the results.
This paper is devoted to the space-time conservation (STC) method and its application to a water hammer in steel pipelines. The STC method, due to its numerical properties, in particular its high accuracy, can be an interesting alternative to traditional numerical methods, especially when dealing with problems where the numerical errors have the potential to significantly influence the solution, making interpretation very difficult. As the problem of water hammer is one of such problems, an analysis of the application of the STC method to this case can be very interesting.
Wybrane aspekty związane z zastosowaniem równania Manninga do potrzeb szacowania ilości ścieków sanitarnych. Metoda ta – choć powszechnie uznawana za niezmiernie prostą i łatwą w aplikacji – przy niewłaściwej interpretacji prowadzi do znaczących błędów w wynikach. Zwrócenie uwagi, zarówno osób wykonujących tego typu obliczenia, jak i ich odbiorców, na niektóre nieprawidłowości w praktycznym zastosowaniu równania Manninga do przypadku szacowania ilości ścieków. Nieprawidłowości te mogą w konsekwencji prowadzić do znaczących różnic w wynikach obliczeń, tym samym potwierdzając fakt, że niekiedy „oczywiste” procedury obliczeniowe w praktyce okazują się bardzo wrażliwe na nieprawidłowe założenia.
Selected aspects of the use Manning's equation for estimating the quantity of municipal wastewater. To draw attention, both those engaged in this type of calculation, as well as their customers, some irregularities in the practical application of Manning's equation for estimating the amount of wastewater. These errors can therefore lead to significant differences in the results of calculations, thereby confirming the fact that sometimes "obvious" computational procedures in practice tend to be very sensitive to incorrect assumptions.
Podstawą obliczeń inżynierskich wszelkich systemów odprowadzania wód deszczowych - w postaci zarówno projektowanych przez człowieka sztucznych układów sieci kanalizacji deszczowej, jak i kanałów naturalnych, stanowiących stałe lub okresowe odbiorniki wód deszczowych - jest transformacja opadu w odpływ powierzchniowy. Jej efekt jest wypadkową wielu skomplikowanych procesów składowych, do których należy zaliczyć przede wszystkim opad, spływ powierzchniowy i podpowierzchniowy, infiltrację i parowanie.
Content available remote Determination of selected parameters in a id open channel flow model
Determination of the model's parameters is an important stage of mathematical models' application. In the case of a free-surface ID unsteady flow model defined by the de Saint- Venant equations, one of the groups of parameters to be estimated is the set of parameters describing energy losses due to friction. The parameters can be estimated in different ways, but in most cases the task of their determination is an ill-posed problem. In such cases, optimi-zation methods are the most common approach. In spite of numerous examples of such applications, these techniques are still not fully recognized, as there are several problems of different nature that require thorough analysis. Automatic optimization methods are discussed in the paper. The most important questions of choosing the objective function and the optimization algorithm are considered. Problems connected with data reliability and accessibility and their influence on the solution are discussed. The most common pitfalls of optimization applications are discussed. The analysis is supported with numerical examples.
The water hammer problem is considered, one of the most important questions of unsteady flows in pipelines. Although first mentioned in the scientific literature more than a hundred years ago and widely analyzed since in many research centers, the problem is not fully recognized yet. It may be considered on two levels: practical and theoretical. In both cases, several difficulties arise rendering the results less than fully satisfactory. The most important difficulties are the proper mathematical description of the phenomenon, the choice of the solution method, estimation of the model parameters and numerical aspects of solving the equations governing the phenomenon's run. They are presented in the paper and typical approaches to their solution are discussed. Numerical solutions are compared with experimental results.
In the paper, viscoelastic model of waterhammer in a single polymer pipeline is analysed. The theoretical background of viscoelastic behaviour of the structure is shown and the mathematical model of waterhammer in a polymer pipeline is presented. The main problems connected with applying the model are discussed. The main emphasis is on the question of parameter estimation. Important aspects of wave speed calibration are presented. Estimation of a second group of parameters - retardation time and creep compliance values - was analysed. Problems and questions connected with the number of parameters, methods of estimation, potential non-uniqueness of the solution and accuracy of obtained calculations were discussed.
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