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are studied in this paper. In this work, 6 reinforced concrete solid and hollow beams were tested under a four-point bending test to evaluate and calculate the flexural behavior of SGCB and HGCB. For that purpose, Beams were prepared with 1000 mm length, 230 mm height, and 120 mm. All beams were divided into groups and named according to the space stirrups steel bar. The experimental work investigates five main variables which are: first: the comparison between SGCB and HGCB with the concrete beams made with glass waste (Glass Concrete Beam GCB), second: comparison between Solid Concrete Beams for Normal Concrete Beams (NCB), and GCB, three: comparison between Hollow Concrete Beams for NCB and GCB, four: the comparison between HGCB and HCB, last: the comparison between SGCB and SCB. The test results indicated that GCB was offered higher strength than NCB, but the load-slip behavior of all specimens is similar for both types of concretes, and the bond strength is not influenced by steel specimens. Furthermore, the results of this study indicated that the contribution of GCB to the load is indicated to be considerable. The results indicate that the hollow opening affected the ultimate load capacity and deflection of HGCB.
work, the effect of partially substituting crushed waste glass in concrete is considered. The study investigates crushed waste glass used as a partial replacement of fine aggregate for new concrete. Recycled glass waste was partially replaced as 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30, 35, 40%, 45%, 45% and 50% and tested at 7, 14 and 28 days of curing at 20° for mechanical properties and compared with those of controlled mix. The compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and flexural forces and static elasticity modulus of specimens with 20% waste glass content was 30%, 19.41%, 9.13% and 10.12%, respectively, which is higher than the controlled mix at 28 days. The outcomes displayed that the maximum rise in strength of concrete occurred when 20% replacement with glass crush. It is found that crushed waste glass can be used as fine aggregate replacement material in concrete production.
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