Optimal design of geodetic network is a basic subject of many engineering projects. An observation plan is a concluding part of the process. Any particular observation within the network has through adjustment a different contribution and impact on values and accuracy characteristics of unknowns. The problem of optimal design can be solved by means of computer simulation. This paper presents a new method of simulation based on sequential estimation of individual observations in a step-by-step manner, by means of the so-called filtering equations. The algorithm aims at satisfying different criteria of accuracy according to various interpretations of the covariance matrix. Apart of them, the optimization criterion is also amount of effort, defined as the minimum number of observations required. A numerical example of a 2-D network is illustrated to view the effectiveness of presented method. The results show decrease of the number of observations by 66% with respect to the not optimized observation plan, which still satisfy the assumed accuracy.
Każdy proces wydobywania kopalin stałych pod powierzchnią ziemi wpływa na obniżenie terenu spowodowane ruchami górotworu. W artykule podjęto próbę przedstawienia wpływu podziemnej eksploatacji węgla kamiennego w rejonie gminy Puchaczów, na zmiany użytkowania gruntów rolnych. Jednym ze skutków wydobycia jest osia-danie terenu, które wystąpiło na obszarze badawczym. Aby zminimalizować negatywny wpływ kopalni Bogdanka na strukturę gospodarstw rolnych należy podjąć określone działania zarówno przez społeczność zamieszkującą tereny zdegradowane jak i władze lokalne.
Any process of extracting solid minerals beneath the surface of the Earth affects the subsidence caused by the rock movements. The article attempts to present the impact of underground exploitation of coal in the area of the municipality of Puchaczów, for a change of the use of agricultural land. One of the effects is mining subsidence, which occurred in the area. To minimize a negative impact on the structure of agricultural holdings in Bogdanka mine specific actions should be taken by both the community of sites relegated as well as the local authorities.
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