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Content available remote Retinoidy : chemiczna różnorodność dla zdrowia i urody
Przedstawiono różnorodną rodzinę witaminy A docenianej od tysiącleci. Dzięki dostępności nowoczesnych technologii oraz wiedzy powiększa się ona w bardzo szybkim tempie. Mnogość struktur chemicznych zapewnia coraz to lepszą biodostępność i stabilność cząsteczek. Dzięki swojej różnorodności retinoidy stosowane są w produktach kosmetycznych i medycznych, zapewniając im szeroki wachlarz właściwości terapeutycznych.
A review, with 43 refs., of vitamin A analogs. Structures, properties, metabolisms as well as cosmetic and medical uses were taken into consideration.
Low biodegradability caused by polymeric structure is the main barrier in the use of lignocellulosic materials in biofuels production by using biological methods. Pretreatment of the biomass is the way to improve the suitability of hardly biodegradable biomass for biogas or bioethanol production. Evaluation of the influence of thermal and thermochemical alkaline pretreatment on the efficiency of hydrolysis of hay (mixture of various grass species) was the aim of the study. The batch scale experiment was carried out with the use of NaOH and distilled water as solvents, and the changes in pretreatment time (2, 4 and 8 hours) and temperature (22 and 80°C) were also considered. The efficiency of biomass solubilisation was assessed based on the results obtained from the measurements of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and volatile fatty acids (VFA) concentration in the hydrolysates. The solubility of the biomass, expressed as a percentage of soluble COD in total COD, was calculated. The experiment showed that the highest solubilisation of hay biomass was observed at 80°C under alkaline conditions. In this case, the solubility of the COD was 3-times higher, and the VFA concentration in hydrolysates was 4-times higher in comparison to the distilled water-based test at 22°C. It was noted that time of the process significantly influenced the efficiency of biomass solubilisation only during the experiment carried out at 22°C. Extension of hydrolysis time from 2 to 8 hours increased the value of soluble COD of 70% and 55% for water and alkaline solvent, respectively. The process conducted at 80°C was not time-dependent over the considered period.
Intercrops can play important role in the absorption of CO2 emitted during the combustion of fossil fuels. They allow us to grow additional biomass on agricultural land what leads to the absorption of carbon dioxide in the photosynthesis process. Biomass produced could be used for the production of syngas and biogas. Thus intercrops grown in Poland sequestrate from 1.14 to 1.84 t C/ha globally they sequestrate about 1.9 million t C/year and provide the raw material for the production of 739 million m3 of syngas/year.
Water retention in soil plays a key role in the context of water scarcity connected with climate change. Under the conditions of the laboratory experiment, the effect of the addition of mineral wool from crops grown under cover and municipal sewage sludge on the water retention and heavy metal (Pb, Zn, and Cd) leaching performance of the medium soil was evaluated. Sewage sludge and mineral wool, widely applied in a range of soil reclamation technologies, were found to have a beneficial and diversified impact on the soil water properties and heavy metal mobility.
Due to natural mechanisms of transformation the carbon compounds contained in the atmosphere into the humus, soil is an important factor controlling the concentration of atmospheric CO2. The mass of carbon contained in organic matter accumulated in the surface layer of the Earth’s crust is greater than the mass of this element in the atmosphere or biomass of all the organisms living over the globe. Over the recent years, much attention has been paid to the role of soils in limiting the reasons of climate changes, considering the possibility of increasing carbon sequestration in this matrix. This way of approaching the problem of the greenhouse effect, which does not require an involvement of complex and expensive technological solutions aimed at capturing and storing the atmospheric CO2, and additionally contributing to improving the quality of soil and water environment, and soil productivity is fully sustainable and combines the environmental, economic and social issues.
Dzięki istnieniu naturalnych mechanizmów transformacji związków węgla zawartych w atmosferze w związki próchniczne, gleba stanowi istotny czynnik kontrolujący stężenie atmosferycznego CO2. Masa węgla zawartego w materii organicznej nagromadzonej w powierzchniowej warstwie skorupy ziemskiej jest większa niż masa tego pierwiastka w atmosferze lub biomasie organizmów żywych. W ostatnich latach wiele uwagi poświęca się roli gleb w ograniczeniu przyczyn zmian klimatycznych, poddając pod rozwagę możliwości zwiększenia w nich sekwestracji węgla. Taki sposób podejścia do problemu efektu cieplarnianego, nie wymagający wprowadzania złożonych i drogich rozwiązań technologicznych nakierowanych na wychwytywanie i magazynowanie atmosferycznego CO2, a dodatkowo przyczyniający się do poprawy jakości środowiska gruntowo-wodnego oraz produktywności gleb jest w pełni zrównoważony, gdyż łączy ze sobą zarówno kwestie środowiskowe, gospodarcze i społeczne.
Rising efficiency of wastewater purification systems causes an increase in the amounts of sewage sludge. Its land application is economically attractive because of low cost and high efficiency. Using sewage sludge in agriculture is one of the most preferred ways of its disposal. Only stabilized sludge and containing permissible concentrations of heavy metals can be used for this purpose. The heavy metals introduction into the environment may cause a potential problem for public health, especially when they percolate from soil to plants or groundwater. Therefore, the concentrations of heavy metals in sludge intended for agriculture are regulated. Determination of total content of heavy metals in digested sludge is not sufficient for the evaluation of a potential risk to the environment. The mobility and toxicity of heavy metals depend strongly on their specific chemical forms. The concentrations of particular heavy metal fractions are the most important parameters, which should be examined in order to estimate the influence of sludge on the environment. The aim of an article was to evaluate the influence of anaerobic digestion on the concentration and variability of chemical forms of selected heavy metals (Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) in the sewage sludge coming from a municipal wastewater treatment plant in Pulawy (Poland). The content of particular forms of heavy metals in raw and digested sewage sludge was determined by means of the BCR (Community Bureau of Reference) method. The BCR method enables separating four fractions of heavy metals: exchangeable, reducible, oxidizable and residual. The results obtained after analyzing raw sludge showed that the majority of the analyzed heavy metals were predominantly associated with the oxidizable and residual fractions. Only in the case of Zn, the reducible form constituted a greater part. In the case of digested sludge, all studied heavy metals exhibited the most dominant oxidizable and residual fractions; however, the percentages of particular fractions were different than in raw sludge. It was noticed that all heavy metals concentrations were higher in digested sludge in comparison to sludge before anaerobic digestion. The content of heavy metals in the analyzed materials did not exceed the admissible Polish levels for the sludge intended for the agricultural use.
The research was intended to develop a biocomposite as an alternative biodegradable material, for the production of, e.g., disposable utensils. The author’s tested thermoplastic maize starch, both without additives and with the addition of crumbled flax fiber in the share of 10, 20 and 30 wt%. The plasticizer added was technical glycerin and the samples were produced by a single-screw extruder. The mechanical strength tests were performed, including the impact tensile test and three-point bending flexural test. Afterwards, the samples were tested for biodegradability under anaerobic conditions. The methane fermentation process was carried in a laboratory bioreactor under thermophilic conditions with constant mixing of the batch. All samples proved to be highly susceptible to biodegradation during the experiment, regardless of the flax fiber share. The biogas potential was about 600 ml·g-1, and the methane concentration in biogas ranged from 66.8 to 69.6%. It was found, that the biocomposites can be almost completely utilized in bioreactors during the biodegradation process. The energy recovery in the decomposition process with the generation of significant amount of methane constitutes an additional benefit.
A mixture of digestates from biogas plant and bottom ashes from biomass combustion can be a valuable source of nutrients and organic substances as well as an improver of the adsorption capacity and water-air properties of the soil. Pelletization of such a mixture makes its composition more stable and the handling easier. However, the properties of pelletized fertilizer are affected by the external factors. The paper presents the results of the research on the impact of air accessibility during the storage of fertilizer pellets produced on the basis of digestate from biogas plants, bottom ashes derived from the biomass combustion and mineral additives (quicklime, zeolite and bentonite) on their fertilizing properties, enzymatic activity and technical parameters, such as resistance to mechanical loads. The research showed that the fertilizers stored under the roof, exposed to the atmospheric air for 1 year, contained by 5.5% more water compared to the samples shielded from the air. These more humid fertilizers were also characterized by slightly higher nitrogen content and 1.7-fold lower enzymatic activity of dehydrogenases and 1.6-fold higher activity of phosphatases, but their resistance to mechanical loads, both static and dynamic was lower. On the other hand, the effects of storage conditions on the urease activity and the content of potassium, phosphorus and heavy metals were not observed. Generally, the storage of fertilizers in airtight containers is more advantageous, because under such conditions the changes in the fertilizing properties are insignificant, while their resistance to mechanical loads is much higher.
The reports of Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change indicate that the growing emission of greenhouse gases, produced from the combustion of fossil fuels, mainly carbon dioxide, leads to negative climate changes. Therefore, the methods of mitigating the greenhouse gases emission to the atmosphere, especially of carbon dioxide, are being sought. Numerous studies are focused on so-called geological sequestration, i.e. injecting carbon dioxide to appropriate geological strata or ocean waters. One of the methods, which are not fully utilized, is the application of appropriate techniques in agriculture. The plant production in agriculture is based on the absorption of carbon dioxide in the photosynthesis process. Increasing the plant production directly leads to the absorption of carbon dioxide. Therefore, investigation of carbon dioxide absorption by particular crops is a key issue. In Poland, ca. 7.6 mln ha of cereals is cultivated, including: rye, wheat, triticale, oat and barley. These plants absorb approximately 23.8 mln t C annually, including 9.8 mln t C/yr in grains, 9.4 mln t C/yr in straw and 4.7 mln t C/yr in roots. The China, these cereals are cultivated on the area over 24 mln ha and absorb 98.9 mln t C/yr, including 55 mln tC/yr in grains, 36 in straw, and 7.9 mln t C/yr in roots. The second direction for mitigating the carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere involves substituting fossil fuels with renewable energy sources to deliver primary energy. Cultivation of winter cereals as cover crops may lead to the enhancement of carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere in the course of their growth. Moreover, the produced biomass can be used for energy generation.
Z raportów Międzynarodowego Zespołu ds. Zmian Klimatu (IPCC) wynika, że rosnąca emisja gazów cieplarnianych, głównie dwutlenku węgla pochodzącego ze spalania paliw kopalnych, prowadzi do negatywnych zmian klimatu. Wobec takiego zagrożenia poszukuje się metod prowadzących do ograniczenia emisji do atmosfery gazów cieplarnianych, w szczególności dwutlenku węgla. Badania nad ograniczeniem emisji dwutlenku węgla koncentrują się głównie nad tzw. sekwestracją geologiczną, czyli zatłaczaniem dwutlenku węgla do odpowiednich pokładów geologicznych lub wód oceanicznych. Jednym ze sposobów, nie w pełni wykorzystanych, jest stosowanie odpowiednich technik w rolnictwie. Roślinna produkcja w rolnictwie oparta jest na absorpcji dwutlenku węgla w procesie fotosyntezy. Zwiększenie produkcji roślinnej prowadzi bezpośrednio do wzrostu absorpcji dwutlenku węgla. Dlatego ważnym zagadnieniem jest poznanie absorpcji dwutlenku węgla przez poszczególne uprawy. W Polsce na obszarze o powierzchni 7,6 mln ha uprawia się zboża: żyto, pszenicę, pszenżyto, owies i jęczmień. Rośliny te absorbują rocznie około 23,8 mln t C, z tego 9,8 mln t C/rok w ziarnach, 9,4 mln t C/rok w słomie i 4,7 mln t C/rok w korzeniach. W Chinach zboża te uprawiane są na powierzchni przekraczającej 24 mln ha i absorbują 98,9 mln t C/rok, z tego w ziarnach 55 mln t C/rok, w słomie 36 mln t C/rok, a 7,9 mln t C/rok w korzeniach. Drugim kierunkiem ograniczania emisji dwutlenku węgla do atmosfery jest zastępowanie paliw kopalnych, stanowiących źródło energii pierwotnej, przez odnawialne źródła energii. Uprawa zbóż ozimych jako roślin okrywowych może prowadzić do intensyfikacji usuwania dwutlenku węgla z atmosfery. Ponadto wyprodukowana biomasa może być wykorzystana jako surowiec do produkcji energii.
Content available remote Possibility of carbon dioxide sequestration by catch crops
The global fluxes of carbon in the ecosystem of Earth, with particular attention drawn to the cycle of CO2 were characterised. The sequestration of carbon dioxide in the biomass of plants, especially the ones which can be cultivated as catch crops is described. It was shown that the cultivation of catch crops may play an important role in the mitigation of CO2 emissions.
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