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Content available Road traffic estimation using Bluetooth sensors
The Bluetooth standard is a low-cost, very popular communication protocol offering a wide range of applications in many fields. In this paper, a novel system for road traffic estimation using Bluetooth sensors has been presented. The system consists of three main modules: filtration,
statistical analysis of historical, and traffic estimation and prediction. The filtration module is responsible for the classification of road users and detecting measurements that should be removed. Traffic estimation has been performed on the basis of the data collected by Bluetooth measuring devices and information on external conditions (e.g., temperature), all of which have been gathered in the city of Bielsko-Biala (Poland). The obtained results are very promising. The smallest average relative error between the number of cars estimated by the model and the actual traffic was less than 10%.
W artykule przedstawiono system oceny stanu psychofizjologicznego kierowcy przy wykorzystaniu pomiarów sygnałów biomedycznych. System pomiarowy składał się z dwóch kamer monitorujących twarz kierowcy oraz obszar przed pojazdem, rejestratora sygnału RSG i rejestratora sygnału EKG.
Przeprowadzono badania na kierowcach w czasie prowadzenia samochodu w warunkach rzeczywistego ruchu drogowego. Zarejestrowane modalności poddano analizie w celu oceny wpływu różnych sytuacji drogowych na wartości sygnałów biomedycznych. Na tej podstawie określono przydatność wybranych modalności w dalszych badaniach nad systemem wczesnego ostrzegania kierowców przed zagrożeniami wynikającymi z ich złego stanu psychofizjologicznego.
The paper presents a system for evaluation of the psychophysiological driver using measurements of biomedical signals. The measuring system consisted of two cameras monitoring the driver's face and the area ahead of the vehicle, the GSR signal recorder and the ECG recorder. The study has been
carried out on drivers while driving in real traffic. Registered modalities have been analyzed to assess the impact of different traffic situations on the value of biomedical signals. On this basis the usefulness of selected modalities for further studies on early warning system drivers against the dangers arising from their bad psychophysiological state has been assessed.
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