Open-data research is an important factor accelerating the production and analysis of scientific results as well as worldwide collaboration; still, very little data is being shared at scale. The aim of this article is to analyze existing data-access solutions along with their usage limitations. After analyzing the existing solutions and data-access stakeholder needs, the authors propose their own vision of a data-access model.
There is high demand for storage related services supporting scientists in their research activities. Those services are expected to provide not only capacity but also features allowing for more exible and cost ecient usage. Such features include easy multiplatform data access, long term data retention, support for performance and cost dierentiating of SLA restricted data access. The paper presents a policy-based SLA storage management model for distributed data storage services. The model allows for automated management of distributed data aimed at QoS provisioning with no strict resource reservation. The problem of providing users with the required QoS requirements is complex, and therefore the model implements heuristic approach for solving it. The corresponding system architecture, metrics and methods for SLA focused storage management are developed and tested in a real, nationwide environment. Keywords distributed storage systems, quality of service, service level agreement, management model, heuristics.
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The paper describes the material database, which was developed and included in the VirtRoll computer system dedicated to the design of optimal hot strip rolling technologies. The structure and functionalities of the database are described in the first part of the paper. The integration between the database and the system through the Scalarm platform is described next. Following chapters are dedicated to generation of material data, which are included in the database. These data are coefficients in material models, which include flow stress models, microstructure evolution models, phase transformation models and mechanical properties models. Several models of various complexity and various predictive capabilities were chosen for each mentioned phenomenon. All are mean field models to allow fast simulation of the whole manufacturing chain. Modern steel grades were selected as the case studies. Experimental tests performed to generate the data composed plastometric tests, stress relaxation tests and dilatometric tests. Inverse analysis was applied to determine the coefficients in the model. Discussion of results focused on validation and on new aspects of models recapitulates the paper.
W artykule opisano bazę danych materiałowych, która została opracowana i zaimplementowana w komputerowym systemie VirtRoll przeznaczonym do projektowania optymalnych technologii walcowania blach na gorąco. W pierwszej części arykułu opisano strukturę i funkcjonalności bazy danych. W dalszej kolejności przedstawiono integrację bazy z systemem VirtRoll za pośrednictwem platformy Scalarm. Następne rozdziały artykułu są dedykowane generowaniu parametrów materiałowych, które zostały wprowadzone do bazy danych. Tymi parametrami są współczynniki w modelach materiałów obejmujących naprężenie uplastyczniające, rozwój mikrostruktury, przemiany fazowe i własności mechaniczne. Rozważono szereg modeli o różnym, stopniu skomplikowania i różnych możliwościach obliczeniowych. Wszystkie modele należą do grupy modeli średniego pola (ang. mean field) i pozwalają na szybkie symulacje całego cyklu wytwarzania blach. Nowoczesne stale wielofazowe zostały wybrane jako przykłady obliczeniowe. Aby uzyskać dane do identyfikacji modeli wykonano badania doświadczalne obejmujące próby plastometryczne, relaksacji naprężeń i próby dylatometryczne. Identyfikację przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem analizy odwrotnej. Dyskusja wyników została skupiona na walidacji modeli i na nowych aspektach modelowania.
The objective of this work was development of the computer system VirtRoll, which allows designing of the arbitrary rolling line and performing numerical simulations using high efficiency hardware architectures. Selection of the mechanical, thermal, microstructural and phase transformation models, which allow decreasing the computing costs while the accuracy of simulations is maintained on the reasonable level, was one of the objectives of the paper. Thus, metamodel was applied in the mechanical part and a simple finite element approach was used in the thermal part of the hot rolling model. Simulations of microstructure evolution in hot rolling and phase transformations during the laminar cooling were based on modified Avrami equation. The system was designed in the client-server architecture, in which client part is in the form of the graphical interface. This interface allows to design of rolling line. The server part is composed of: i) controllers which prepare computing tasks, ii) middleware layer responsible for launching and monitoring of the computing tasks, iii) the layer of numerical computations. Deal.II library dedicated to solve partial differential equations was used for the time step adaptations. All these parts led to short computing times and additionally allowed parallel solution of the optimization tasks. Simulations of thermal-mechanical-microstructural phenomena were performed for the rolling-cooling sequence and the results allowed validation of the system.
In this paper we present the results of a two-year study aimed at developing a full-fledged computer environment supporting post-stroke rehabilitation. The system was designed by a team of computer scientists, psychologists and physiotherapists. It adopts a holistic approach to rehabilitation. In order to extend the rehabilitation process, the applied methods include a remote rehabilitation stage which can be carried out of at the patient’s home. The paper presents a distributed system architecture as well as results achieved by patients prior to and following a three-month therapy based on the presented system.
Nowadays, service providers offer a lot of IT services in the public or private cloud. Clients can buy various kinds of services, such as SaaS, PaaS, etc. Recently, Backup as a Service (BaaS), a variety of SaaS, was introduced there. At the moment, there are several different BaaS’s available to archive data in the cloud, but they provide only a basic level of service quality. In this paper, we propose a model which ensures QoS for BaaS and some methods for management of storage resources aimed at achieving the required SLA.This model introduces a set of parameters responsible for an SLA level which can be offered at the basic or higher level of quality. The storage systems (typically HSM), which are distributed between several Data Centers, are built based on disk arrays, VTL’s, and tape libraries. The RSMM model does not assume bandwidth reservation or control, but rather is focused on management of storage resources.
In this article, we present an idea of combining social networking websites and modern mobile devices abilities to transfer social networking activity to a higher level. Nowadays, these devices and websites are used to offer ability of remote communication (phone calls, message exchange etc.), which potentially can be used to notify people about meetings in the real world. Since the current social network models do not provide enough information for such notification (social networking websites are examples of social networks) a new social network model that will be suitable for the above mentioned application is proposed and a new social platform that base on mobile devices is introduced. This platform can notify users when their friends are nearby. The paper presents the model and the simulation that verifies the approach.
Traditional data storage systems provide access to user’s data on the "best effort" basis. While this paradigm is sufficient in many use cases it becomes an obstacle for applications with Quality of Service (QoS) constraints. Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a part of the contract agreed between the service provider and the client and contains a set of well defined QoS requirements regarding the provided service and the penalties applied in case of violations. In the paper we propose a set of SLA parameters and QoS metrics relevant to data storage processes and the management methods necessary for avoiding SLA violations. A key assumption in the proposed approach is that the underlying distributed storage system does not provide functionality for resource or bandwidth reservation for a given client request.
In a modern globalised world, military and peace keeping forces often face situations which require very subtle and well planned operations taking into account cultural and social aspects of a given region and its population as well as dynamic psychological awareness related to recent events which can have impact on the attitude of the civilians. The goal of the EUSAS project is to develop a prototype of a system enabling mission planning support and training capabilities for soldiers and police forces dealing with asymmetric threat situations, such as crowd control in urban territory. In this paper, we discuss the data-farming infrastructure developed for this project, allowing generation of large amount of data from agent based simulations for further analysis allowing soldier training and evaluation of possible outcomes of different rules of engagement.
This paper describes a programming toolkit developed in the PL-Grid project, named QStorMan, which supports storage QoS provisioning for data-intensive applications in distributed environments. QStorMan exploits knowledgeoriented methods for matching storage resources to non-functional requirements, which are defined for a data-intensive application. In order to support various usage scenarios, QStorMan provides two interfaces, such as programming libraries or a web portal. The interfaces allow to define the requirements either directly in an application source code or by using an intuitive graphical interface. The first way provides finer granularity, e.g., each portion of data processed by an application can define a different set of requirements. The second method is aimed at legacy applications support, which source code can not be modified. The toolkit has been evaluated using synthetic benchmarks and the production infrastructure of PL-Grid, in particular its storage infrastructure, which utilizes the Lustre file system.
Natural Language Processing algorithms are resource demanding, especially when tuning to inflective language like Polish is needed. The paper presents time and memory requirements of part of speech tagging and clustering algorithms applied to two corpora of the Polish language. The algorithms are benchmarked on three high performance platforms of different architectures. Additionally sequential versions and OpenMP implementations of clustering algorithms were compared.
Algorytmy przetwarzania języka naturalnego mają duże zapotrzebowanie na zasoby komputerowe, szczególnie gdy wymagane jest dostosowanie algorytmu do języka fleksyjnego jakim jest np. język polski. Artykuł przedstawia wymagania czasowe i pamięciowe algorytmów tagowania częściami mowy oraz algorytmów klasteryzacji zastosowanych do dwóch korpusów języka polskiego. Dokonano benchmarkingu algorytmów na trzech platformach wysokiej wydajności reprezentujących różne architektury. Dodatkowo porównano wersję sekwencyjną oraz implementacje OpenMP algorytmów klasteryzacji.
W pracy przedstawiono system agentowy, który pozwala na monitoring rozproszonych systemów. Każdy agent posiada własną wiedzę na temat możliwych reakcji na zaobserwowane sytuacje, np. awarie. W artykule przedstawiamy koncepcję automatyzacji monitoringu nazwaną SAMM compliant Agent. Jest ona rozszerzeniem systemu SAMM. Do opisu wiedzy użyte zostały zbiory rozmyte, a także reguły, przy czym reguły używane są do określenia prostych czynności, które może wykonać dany agent. W zaimplementowanej wersji reguły służą jako statyczna wiedza, natomiast logika rozmyta została wykorzystana jako główna idea reprezentacji wiedzy w przedstawionych agentach, z których każdy zarządza swoim segmentem wiedzy i może swoją wiedzę przekazywać innym agentom.
In this paper we present two solutions ofmonitoring automation for distributed systems. We develop this system to automate monitoring of distributes systems. Both solutions are aimed to monitor data storage and web services like web page servers. The first solution implemented in a system called Saude-Net, is an rule-based top level monitoring tool. In this system there are implemented rules which provide conditions which refer to one or more measured values. This system is able to choose the best action for an observed situation, e.g. a failure. It is possible to define more than one rule which relate to the same monitoring resource. The second concept presented in this paper refers to a fuzzy logic agent based approach to network monitoring. It is called SAMM compliant Agent. It is an extension to the Semantic-based Autonomous Monitoring and Management system (SAMM). On the one hand, it uses rules to define simple actions, based on a simple condition and an action description. On the other hand the main knowledge of this solution is defined by fuzzy logic. This system is able to manage and modify its knowledge to better fit to monitored resources. The knowledge in this concept is distributed among all the agents. The agents residing on a different hosts handle their parts ofthe knowledge and are capable to share/exchange them.
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Virtual Organizations seem as a natural paradigm for the globalized and dynamic nature of modern business environments. In a truly globalized world organizations should be able to participate with other organizations that can provide the needed capabilities at optimal cost and quality. However, in order to foster the adoption of this concept, several missing gaps within the IT technology have to be addressed first. In this paper we present a framework supporting creation and management of dynamic virtual organizations in distributed IT environments. The framework, called FiVO (Framework for Intelligent Virtual Organizations) addresses all major issues related to VO lifecycle including partner discovery, contract negotiation, VO deployment and contract enforcement. In this paper we focus on analysis of feasibility of our solution for industrial applications.
Organizacje Wirtualne wydają się być naturalnym paradygmatem w przyszłych zastosowaniach biznesowych, biorąc pod uwagę obecną globalną i dynamiczną naturę tych środowisk. W prawdziwie zglobalizowanym świecie, organizacje powinny być w stanie nawiązać współpracę z dowolną inną organizacją, która jest w stanie dostarczyć pożądaną usługę, pozwalając optymalizować jakość i koszt. Jednak aby umożliwić i rozpowszechnić tą ideę wiele istniejących braków w technologii informatycznej musi zostać rozwiązanych. W tym artykule prezentujemy system wspierający tworzenie i zarządzanie Organizacji Wirtualnych w rozproszonych systemach informatycznych. Nasze rozwiązanie, pod nazwą FiVO (ang. Framework for Intelligent Virtual Organizations), adresuje większość problemów związanych z cyklem życia Organizacji Wirtualnej takich jak wyszukiwanie partnerów, negocjacja kontraktu, uruchomienie Organizacji Wirtualnej oraz przestrzeganie reguł kontraktu przez partnerów. W tym artykule koncentrujemy się na przedstawieniu zintegrowanego systemu oraz analizie przydatności tego podejścia do przedsięwzięć przemysłowych.
In this paper we describe a semi-automatic programming framework for supporting users with managing the deployment of distributed applications along with storing large amounts of data in order to maintain Quality of Service in highly dynamic and distributed environments, e.g., Grid. The Polish national PL-GRID project aims to provide Polish science with both hardware and software infrastructures which will allow scientists to perform complex simulations and in-silico experiments on a scale greater than ever before. We highlight the issues and challenges related to data storage strategies that arise at the analysis stage of user requirements coming from different areas of science. Next we present a solution to the discussed issues along with a description of sample usage scenarios. At the end we provide remarks on the current status of the implementation work and some results from the tests performed.
Artykuł opisuje semiautomatyczny szkielet aplikacyjny służący do wsparcia procesu wdrażania aplikacji oraz składowania dużych ilości danych w środowiskach rozproszonych z uwzględnieniem parametrów jakościowych. Projekt PL-Grid ma na celu wsparcie polskiej nauki w celu umożliwienia naukowcom przeprowadzania złożonych eksperymentów typu in-silico na skalę wiekszą niż dotychczas. W artykule zostały opisane wyzwania związane ze strategiami zarządzania wielkimi ilościami danych, zdefiniowane w fazie analizowania wymagań użytkowników projektu PL-Grid. Zostały również opisane proponowane rozwiązania omawianych problemów, opis przykładowych scenariuszy użycia oraz aktualny stan prac implementacyjnych i rezultaty przeprowadzonych testów.
The ATLAS detector, recording LHC particles' interactions, produces events with rate of 40 MHz and size of 1.6 MB. The processes with new and interesting physics phenomena are very rare, thus an efficient on-line filtering system (trigger) is necessary. The asynchronous part of that system relays on few thousands of computing nodes running the filtering software. Applying refined filtering criteria results in increase of processing times what may lead to lack of processing resources installed on CERN site. We propose extension to this part of the system based on submission of the real-time filtering tasks into the Grid.
Detektor ATLAS, rejestrujący zderzenia protonów rozpędzanych w zderzaczu LHC, będzie generował przypadki o rozmiarze 1.6MB z częstotliwością 40MHz. Aby wyselekcjonować bardzo rzadko występujące przypadki z interesującymi oddziaływaniami fizycznymi, konieczne będzie zastosowanie wydajnego systemu filtracji (trigger). Część asynchroniczna takiego systemu wykorzystuje kilka tysięcy komputerów, na których wykonywane jest oprogramowanie filtrujące. Zwiększenie selektywności systemu wymaga zwiększenia czasu procesowania, co może doprowadzić do wyczerpania zasobów komputerowych zainstalowanych w CERN-ie. Proponujemy rozszerzenie tej części systemu poprzez umożliwienie wykonywania oprogramowania filtrującego w czasie rzeczywistym na komputerach w środowisku gridowym.
W artykule przedstawiono zasadnicze wyniki prac uzyskane w okresie ostatnich kilku lat w Grupie Systemów Komputerowych Katedry Informatyki AGH oraz kierunki dalszych badań. Poruszane zagadnienia dotyczą opracowania warstwy pośredniej infrastruktury rozproszonej i gridowej dla potrzeb obliczeń o dużym nakładzie z zakresu eScience i aplikacji biznesowych, rozwoju i efektywnej implementacji rozproszonych algorytmów z zakresu biotechnologii i zastosowań medycznych, jak również metod i implementacji ontologicznej reprezentacji wiedzy i algorytmów rozwoju bazy wiedzy la potrzeb tworzenia organizacji wirtualnych w zakresie wspomagania obliczeń i zwiększenia ich elastyczności w wymienionych obszarach problemowych.
Some main results of the research recently obtained by Computer Systems Group of the Department of Computer Science are presented in the paper. They are supported by descriptions of future plans and further development. The achievements include architecture of grid middleware for high performance computing and business applications, tools for grid computing, parallel algorithms for mezoscopic simulations and clustering, ontological representation and management of knowledge as well as virtual organizations.
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Grid computing has recently gained in popularity. Grid applications can be very demanding of the data storage facilities in the Grid. The existing data grid services are often insufficient and additional optimization of the data access is necessary. This paper presents research concerning the optimization aspects of data management for Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) systems in the Grid.
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The EU Pellucid project is developing an experience management system for public organizations with staff mobility. The paper presents an activity whitin the project focused on searching for information in repositories of documents. The project's background and the process of information searching are described. Ontological methods such as semantic annotation and similarity searching, as well as ontology- and full-text-based searching are presented. Monitoring of organizational repositories is discussed.
Implementation of the Internet resources for distance learning is becoming more popular than classical forms of presentation. In this paper a set of tools is presented that makes development of multimedia presentations easier. The tools make use of a proposed multimedia lecture description language based on the XML standard. The language paradigm, its specification and examples of usage are discussed. Next we show the implementation of the tools for creation and presentation of the courses.
Tworzenie zasobów internetowych z przeznaczeniem do zdalnego nauczania staje się powoli bardziej popularne niż klasyczne formy prezentacji. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia zestaw narzędzi do tworzenia takich zasobów w oparciu o standard XML. Artykuł opisuje paradygmat języka XML, specyfikacje prezentacji oraz przykłady wykorzystania. Następnie zaprezentowano sposób wykorzystania narzędzi do tworzenia prezentacji wykładów.
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