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This paper deals with the use of multivariate methods in drinking water analysis. During a five-year project, from 2008 to 2012, selected chemical parameters in 11 water supply networks of the Siedlce County were studied. Throughout that period drinking water was of satisfactory quality, with only iron and manganese ions exceeding the limits (21 times and 12 times, respectively). In accordance with the results of cluster analysis, all water networks were put into three groups of different water quality. A high concentration of chlorides, sulphates, and manganese and a low concentration of copper and sodium was found in the water of Group 1 supply networks. The water in Group 2 had a high concentration of copper and sodium, and a low concentration of iron and sulphates. The water from Group 3 had a low concentration of chlorides and manganese, but a high concentration of fluorides. Using principal component analysis and cluster analysis, multivariate correlation between the studied parameters was determined, helping to put water supply networks into groups according to similar water quality.
This elaboration was based on yields of nine medium-early cultivars of potato grown in Karżniczka station belonging to COBORU(Research Centre for Cultivar Testing) and on monthly precipitation sums during the growing season (April – August). For each of the cultivars separately in subsequent years and for precipitation sums in particular months of the growing season (IV–VII) polynomial regression models of precipitation – cultivar’s yield – were calculated. At the beginning of the growing season the yield of medium-early cultivars of potato was negatively correlated with monthly precipitation sums, while in the final stage of vegetation – this correlation was positive. The lowest yield of Stasia cultivar was noted with monthly precipitation sum of 34–38 mm in April, Tajfun cultivar with May precipitation from 100 to 120 mm, Finezja and Jurek cultivars with monthly June precipitation of 120 mm. Whereas maximum yield of Cekin and Jurek cultivars was noted with August precipitation of about 100 mm.
The objective of the work was to evaluate the effect of hydrothermal conditions on oats yields produced in east-central Poland. Hydrothermal conditions were determined based on the Sielianinov’s hydrothermal coefficient for nine IMGW (Institute of Meteorology and Water Management) stations located in the study area. The second data set consisted of oats yields compiled and published by the Main Statistical Office. Average yields as well as minimum and maximum yields were analysed. The relationship between oats yields and hydrothermal conditions was examined using a step-wise linear regression model. Correlation coefficients were negative in April and positive in June at all the stations. The relationships were confirmed by an analysis of regression equations. The regression equations also included coefficients for May and June which, however, were not statistically significant. Yield variation, described by regression equations of the dependence of oats yield on Sielianinov’s hydrothermal coefficient value was accounted for from 19 (Siedlce, Biała Podlaska) to 50% (Ostrołeka).
The paper presents an assessment of atmospheric drought during vegetation season defined on the basis of standardized precipitation index (SPI). The data used in this paper come from nine IMWM stations from central-eastern region of Poland, and they were registered in 1971–2005. The frequency of occurrence of vegetation season’s months was determined in particular drought classes. Spatial distribution of SPI index values was shown in all of the vegetation season’s months on the area examined. The direction and significance of values changes tendency of the analyzed index during the vegetation season were also defined. It was noticed that extreme droughts appeared four times less frequently than the normal months. Very dry months were noted most frequently in September while moderately dry – in August. The analysis of the frequency of spatial distribution of particular drought classes showed that extreme dry and very dry months occurred most frequently in western part of the area examined, while the moderately dry months also in south-eastern part. On the basis of the linear trend analysis it can be said that the SPI index values were slightly decreasing year by year.
The basis of this elaboration constituted data concerning mean starch content in nine medium-early cultivars of potato grown in six experimental stations belonging to CO-BORU (Research Centre for Cultivar Testing) in years 2010–2013. Using stepwise regression analysis the influence of thermal and precipitation conditions on starch content in potato cultivars was examined. Such analysis was performed for locations, years and particular cultivars. The analysis showed that starch content in tubers of medium-early potato cultivars depends more on precipitation than on thermal condi-tions. The relationship between starch content in tubers and precipitation and thermal conditions varied in different stations. In four stations (Karżniczka, Sulejów, Uhnin, Węgrzce) it depended on precipitation noted in August, in two (Uhnin and Słupia) – in July and in other two (Naroczyce and Słupia) – in June. Positive influence of temperature on starch content was noted only in August in Karżniczka. Starch content in tubers of Ametyst and Gawin cultivars depended on precipitation sum in August, Satina cultivar – in July, Oberon cultivar – in June and July, and Cekin, Finezja, Jurek, Stasia and Tajfun cultivars – on precipitation in July and August.
The work is based on data on monthly air temperatures, monthly sums of atmospheric precipitation and early potato yields in 2000–2013 obtained from seven COBORU (Research Centre for Cultivar Testing) stations situated in east-central Poland. Hydrothermal conditions during the growing season (April–July) of early potato were described by means of the Sielianinow’s coefficient. The relationships between potato yields and the Sielianinow’s hydrothermal coefficient of the growing season were examined using multiple regression equations generated by means of the step-wise regression procedure followed by polynomial regression procedure. The average Sielianinow’s coefficient values ranged from 1.43 in April to 1.66 in May during the early potato growing season in east-central Poland. The applied statistical methods revealed that the hydrothermal factors impacted on early potato yields, particularly in the second stage of potato growth and development.
Zmiany klimatyczne w Polsce coraz częściej powodują straty plonów z powodu wystąpienia suszy. Jedną z miar wykorzystywanych do oceny kształtowania się warunków wilgotnościowych danego obszaru jest klimatyczny bilans wodny. Uwzględnia on zarówno opady atmosferyczne, jak i ewapotranspirację. W pracy wykorzystano dane z ośmiu stacji IMGW z rejonu środkowowschodniej Polski, zarejestrowane w latach 1971–2005. Obliczono miesięczne wartości klimatycznego bilansu wodnego w okresach wegetacyjnych (IV–IX) badanego wielolecia. Stwierdzono, że w środkowowschodniej Polsce w miesiącach okresu wegetacyjnego dwa razy częściej występują ujemne klimatyczne bilanse wodne niż dodatnie. Ujemne wartości tego wskaźnika najczęściej notowano w miesiącach wiosennych, a dodatnie we wrześniu. Najmniejsze niedobory wodne notowano w północnowschodniej części badanego obszaru, a największe w części zachodniej. Analiza wykazała, że wartości klimatycznego bilansu wodnego charakteryzują się dużym zróżnicowaniem. Stwierdzono, że wartości te zmniejszają się istotnie, średnio o 5 mm na rok.
Climatic changes in Poland are more and more often the reason of crop losses due to the drought occurrence. One of the measures used to evaluate the moisture conditions in particular area is climatic water balance. It takes into account both precipitation and evapotranspiration. Data used in this paper come from eight IMGW stations in central-eastern region of Poland from the years 1971–2005. Monthly values of climatic water balance during vegetation season (April–September) were calculated for the examined years. Negative climatic water balances were found to occur two times more than positive balances in central-eastern Poland during vegetation seasons. Negative values were most often observed in spring months, while positive – in September. The smallest water deficiency was noted in north-eastern part of the examined area while the largest in western part. The analysis showed that the values of climatic water balance were quite variable. These values decreased significantly by about 5 mm per year on average.
The data used in this paper come from nine IMGW stations from central-eastern region of Poland and they were registered between the years 1971–2005. On the basis of daily precipitation sums analysis during vegetation season, the number of days with precipitation was determined in particular classes. In central-eastern Poland during vegetation season days with very little and little precipitation were noted most frequently. Very little precipitation occurred most frequently in April; little, moderate and moderately strong precipitation - in June, and strong precipitation - in July. Whereas very strong precipitation was noted most frequently in June and July. Days with very little and little precipitation were noted most frequently in northern and north-eastern part of the area examined. While the number of days with moderate, moderately strong and strong precipitation showed little spatial diversity. Very strong precipitation was noted the most frequently in the area of Legionowo and Ostroleka. The number of days with very little precipitation during vegetation season was decreasing in subsequent years of the study. Statistically significant negative directional coefficients of the trend were noted most frequently in April. The number of days with very strong precipitation was also decreasing significantly in most of the stations.
Ocena jakości wody pitnej wymaga analizy parametrów fizycznych, chemicznych i biologicznych. W artykule przedstawiono ocenę jakości wody pitnej w powiecie mińskim w latach 2006-2008. Wyniki badań pochodzą ze Stacji Sanitarno- Epidemiologicznej w Mińsku Mazowieckim. Wodę do badań pobierano z 21 wodociągów powiatu mińskiego. W analizowanym okresie z parametrów fizycznych najczęściej była przekroczona mętność, a z chemicznych: mangan i żelazo. Wodociągi charakteryzujące się najlepszą jakością wody to: Chorśla, Chyżny, Dobre, Sokóle, Mińsk Mazowiecki, Mrowiska.
The assesment of drinking water quality requires analysis of physical, chemical and biological parameters. The study preaents evaluation of drinking water quality in the Mińsk district, carried out based on data from the period 2006-2008. The results originate from the District Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Mińsk Mazowiecki and relate to water samples from 21 waterworks in the Mińsk district. In the analysed period, the most often exceeded physical parameter was turbidity, and the most often exceeded chemical parameters - manganese and iron. The waterworks characterised with the best water quality are: Chorśla, Chyżny, Dobre, Sokóle, Mińsk Mazowiecki, Mrowiska.
Ocena jakości wody wymaga określenia wartości wszystkich wskaźników fizycznych, chemicznych i biologicznych. W artykule przedstawiono ocenę jakości wody przeznaczonej do picia w powiecie siedleckim sporządzoną na podstawie danych uzyskanych z Państwowej Stacji Sanitarno-Epidemiologicznej w Siedlcach z lat 2005-2007. Wodę do badań pobierano z 10 wodociągów w powiecie siedleckim. W 2005 r. tylko w jednym wodociągu - w Stoku Lackim - woda odpowiadała obowiązującym w Polsce normom jakości wody pitnej. W 2006 r. nie zostały przekroczone żadne normy w 4 punktach pomiarowych, a w 2007 r. w 2 punktach. W analizowanych latach z parametrów fizycznych najczęściej przekraczana była mętność i barwa, natomiast z chemicznych: żelazo i mangan. Wskaźniki biologiczne przekraczające dopuszczalną normę to: liczba bakterii E. coli lub grupy coli typ kałowy (3 razy), bakterie grupy coli (2 razy) i ogólna liczba bakterii w 37°C (1 raz). Odczyn, zapach, smak, twardość i azotyny to parametry, które nie przekraczały obowiązujących norm w żadnym z analizowanych wodociągów. Najlepszą jakość wody zanotowano na wodociągu Stok Lacki.
The quality assessment of water requires determination of all physical, chemical and biological indices values. The article presents the quality assessment of drinking water in the Siedlce Poviat, elaborated on the basis of data obtained from the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Siedlce for the years 2005-2007. The water for analysis was collected from 10 water supply pipelines in the Siedlce Poviat. In 2005 only in one pipeline - in Stok Lacki - the water fulfilled the requirements of the drinking water quality norms binding in Poland. In 2006, norms were not exceeded in 4 measurements points, and in 2007 - in 2 points. For the analysed years, the most often exceeded physical parameters were turbidity and hue, and chemical parameters: iron and manganese. Biological indices exceeding the allowed limit were: number of E.coli bacteria or faecal-type coli group (3 times), coli group bacteria (2 times) and total number of bacteria in 37°C (1 time). PH, smell, taste, hardness and nitrites are among parameters the norms of which were not exceeded in any of the analysed pipelines. The best quality of water was registered in Stok Lacki waterworks.
Content available remote Ocena jakości wody pitnej w powiecie siedleckim
Valuation of water quality needs estimating the value of all the physical, chemical and biological indicators. In the study it was shown the valuation of drinking water quality in Siedlce district which was made based on data coming from the period 2004-2006. The results of water examine come from the District Sanitary Epidemiological Station in Siedlce. The examined water was taken from 31 water-supplies in Siedlce district. In 2004 water coming from 14 water-supplies met its Polish standards. Whereas the number, frequency and amount of excess of acceptable standards rose in 2005 and 2006. In analysed period among physical parameters hue and turbidity were exceeded predominatingly whereas among chemical ones - manganese and iron. Biological indicators exceeding the acceptable standard most often are: total number of bacteria in 37°C (23 times) and number of bacteria coli group (17 times). Nitrites, taste, smell, conductivity and reaction are the parameters which did not exceed valid standards in any examined water-supply. The water-supplies with best water quality in which the indicators did not exceed the standards are Stok Lacki and Stasin.
Content available remote Warunki termiczne Rolniczej Stacji Doświadczalnej w Zawadach
The aim of the present paper is to analyse thermal conditions at the Zawady Experimental Farm (EF). The work utilises the results of measurements of average 24-hour air temperature from 2002-2006 obtained from an automatic meteorological station (geographical location: Hs - 150 m, φ - 52.06N, λ - 22.56E) situated in the Zawady EF. On the basis of the results of observations an average monthly air temperature as well as average yearly air temperature were calculated, the values and dates of an occurrence of minimum and maximum 24-hour air temperatures were determined, the length, beginning and end of meteorological growing seasons were determined, and the number of days in the temperature ranges of the winter and summer period were calculated. The average yearly air temperature at the Zawady EF ranged from 7.9°C (2004) to 8.9°C (2002).
Content available remote Niedobór i rozkład opadów w Siedlcach w latach 1971-2005
Meteorological data from 1971-2005 from a meteorological station situated in Siedlce coma from the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW). In the present paper, the number of days with recorded precipitation was determined applying the criterion of Olechowicz-Bobrowska. In order to examine moisture excess and shortage a (P-ETR) index (climatic water balance) was calculated. Dry and wet months were determined following the Kaczorowska method. Sequences of days without rain were determined on the basis of Koźmiński criterion (1986). An average number of days with recorded precipitation (≥ 0.1 mm) during the growing season amounted to 83 days. The periods without rain over the growing seasons most and least frequently occurred in April, August and October, and in June respectively. The highest water shortages in the analysed multi-year period were recorded in May and August. The positive balance between precipitation and evaporation was observed only in the autumn months (September, October).
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