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In view of global climate changes, the study of the ecological feasibility of hydromelioration systems and their impact on the natural environment is extremely relevant. Evaluation of the ecological effectiveness of water regulation of drained land for current and forecasted climatic conditions was performed by determining the environmental reliability coefficient, which characterizes the ecological reliability of a reclamation project. The environmental reliability coefficient was determined on the basis of a certain set of physical indicators. The set of physical indicators reflects the extremely complex nature of the formation of water and general natural and ameliorative regimes of reclaimed land as a whole in changing natural, climatic and agro-ameliorative conditions of real objects. Their determining is based on the implementation of a machine experiment based on a complex of predictive and simulation models for water regulation of drained land on a long-term basis. The obtained results showed that ecologically optimal natural, ameliorative and soil regimes of the drained land, subject to compliance with the restrictions 0.5 < kn ≤ 1.0, are ensured by the application of humidifying sluicing. At the same time, the environmental reliability coefficients are 0.59 and 0.58, respectively, for current and forecast climatic conditions, and the level of ecological reliability of applying humidification to drained land is sufficiently high. The carried out evaluation of ecological reliability of water regulation of drained land confirms the need to increase the role of humidification as a component of effective adaptive measures on drained land in modern and forecasted climatic conditions. Humidifying measures have a decisive influence on the ecological effect and the ecological and amelioration state of drained land.
The environmental state of rice irrigation systems (RIS) is determined by many factors, including natural ones (soil, topographical, hydrogeological, and climatic factors) and technological ones (irrigation norm, design, and parameters of irrigation and drainage networks, etc). The most significant influence on the ecological reclamation state of the RIS carries is effected by its drainage network (DN). The need to maintain a flushing water regime with specific filtration rates to prevent secondary salinization in the Danube Delta’s rice systems is a crucial aspect of managing these agricultural areas. In the saline areas of rice systems located in the Danube Delta, the DN must ensure the maintenance of the flushing water regime with the rates of filtration ranging between 10 to 12 mm/day. This is a prerequisite for preventing secondary salinization of irrigated lands of these rice systems. According to the results of studies, the filtration from the surface of the irrigation checks of the Danube Delta RIS has been established, and its values in the area of the rice check vary significantly. Different intensity of filtration in the area of rice checks causes the difference in mineralization of groundwater and in the content of salts in the soil. This leads to the fact that the same rice check created various natural reclamation conditions and different productivity of cultivated crops.
One of the rational ways of energy saving is to use the heat of wastewater from energy companies for open ground heating and cultivation crops. The most significant sources of heat are thermal and nuclear power plants that produce low-thermal waters of 28-35°C. Heating of the ground with the use of circulating warm water allows to increase temperature at all points of the soil profile. The maximum thermal effect from heating ground is observed at the depth of pipe heaters (7.3- 11.1°C). Ground heating allows to extend the growing season for crops by 3-4 weeks, which can expedite harvesting and thus maximise the harvest. In natural moisture conditions, ground heating does not lead to significant reduction of moisture reserves in the active layer throughout the growing period. There is a redistribution of moisture in a soil profile. It decreases in the zone of pipe heaters and redistributes toward the top. The formation of the nutrient regime changes, the content of mobile phosphorus and potassium, and nitrate nitrogen increases, whereas the content of ammonia nitrogen is reduced. Ground heating is a new special heat reclamation technique. It allows not only to control temperature of the agricultural crop environment, but also to dissipate heat in the ground, and promote the utilisation of waste heat and the stabilisation of the environment.
The waste warm waters from power plants, owing to their temperature regime (25–38°C) and the volumes of discharge, allow for their use for heating of open ground areas in agriculture. Underground heating by such water is a new, special heat and irrigation method which enables not only purposeful regulation of temperature conditions of the crop growing environment, but also dissipates heat in the soil, thus cooling the water for its reuse. This makes it possible to reduce the thermal pollution of water sources.
The article focuses on the actual scientific and practical problem of accounting for the influence of meteorological and climatic factors in the technical and economic calculations in the field of environmental management. It has been proven that the introduction of scientifically sound and effective methods of using meteorological and climatic information in economic calculations significantly reduces the loss caused by weather conditions and improves the implementation of an optimal strategy for agricultural production on reclaimed lands. Such calculations are based on economic and statistical modelling of different variants that accounting for standard hydrometeorological information in the implementation of design, management and economic decisions. This increases the validity and reliability of calculations, as well as their compliance with the actual operating conditions of environmental and economic facilities. Consequently, this attracts increased interest of both public and private investors. Not only under such conditions is a sustainable development of environmental management sectors possible but also the adaptation to global climate change and additional benefits from the efficient economic activity in the new environmental conditions.
The article is devoted to the actual scientific and practical problem of improving methodological and methodical approaches to the evaluation of design solutions in the water management and land reclamation industry based on the ecological and economic principles in conditions of uncertainty. The current stage of the development of the water management sector in Ukraine is characterized by a combination of past negligence and the present energy, food and water crises, as well as global climate change. To solve these problems, it is necessary to reform organizational-economic relations in the industry, including new sources and forms of financing for water management and land reclamation projects, introduction of new environmentally advanced technologies, and the improvement of the existing ecological and economic evaluation of investments. Based on scientific and methodological recommendations used for evaluating the effectiveness of investment in various spheres of economic activity, the authors developed and implemented an improved methodology for the evaluation of water management and land reclamation projects. It is based on methodological approaches that cover such elements as the variety of options, changes in the value of money over time, specific project implementation environment, including the impact of weather, climate and environmental factors on project performance, multilevel and gradual evaluation of a project against specific criteria and according to stages of the project cycle. The method was tested during the reconstruction of a rice irrigation system in the steppe zone of about 3000 ha in Ukraine. Economic results, namely the deterministic payback period and investment return index confirm that the proposed mechanism, unlike the traditional one, increases the economic and environmental feasibility of water management and land reclamation projects. Therefore, it stimulates investment in the land reclamation sector.
The article is devoted to a topical scientific problem in modern conditions – valuation of land in Ukraine. The imperfection of the existing approaches requires further research on the changing conditions of land use and their impact on land pricing. A methodology for determining the market value of reclaimed land based on a differentiated assessment of its productivity through crop yields is proposed, taking into account natural and climatic zones and other conditions of a particular region. The basis of the methodology is the application of long-term forecast and a set of forecast and simulation models, in particular the model of area climatic conditions and the model of water regime and water regulation technologies on reclaimed land. At that the crop yield model as a complex multiplicative type model takes into account all main factors influencing crop yield formation: weather, climatic and soil conditions, cultivation techniques, water regime of reclaimed land, etc. The proposed approaches were tested by the method of large-scale machine experiment using a land plot in the zone of Western Polissya of Ukraine as the example. The obtained results indicate that there is a differentiation in land value, which is a proportional derivative of the yield of cultivated crops depending on the conditions of their cultivation. The variation range of the studied indicators in relative form by the ratio of maximum and minimum values to the weighted average value is for cultivated crops – 393%, and for the above soils – 44.6%. Thus, within one object, the estimated value of land in view of available soils and cultivated crops varies from USD2456∙ha–1 to USD4005 ∙ ha–1, averaging USD3522 ∙ ha–1 .
The geographical location and climatic conditions of Ukraine cause the active development of land reclamation, as it enables to ensure stable and high yields. The complexity of forecasting in this area, namely the dependence of the results on the changing weather and climate conditions, does not allow to effectively use the standard instruments for justifying the investment for agricultural and land reclamation innovation. The necessity of improving methodological approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of investments in projects in the field of agricultural production and land reclamation was substantiated. The proposed approaches were tested on the advanced technology of water treatment in irrigation based on using a vibrating gravitation filter enabling to perform simultaneously the processes of water treatment and filter element regeneration. The obtained results clearly show that the advanced technology of irrigation water treatment and the developed for this technology design of the vibrating gravity filter are cost-effective. The current payback period for irrigation projects when using the purified water under this advanced technology is 5 years. It is the same as for the irrigation projects when using clean irrigation water. Thus, our proposed approaches to the evaluation of investments in new water treatment technologies applied in irrigation enable to adapt the modern methodology of analysis of economic and investment efficiency of projects to the domestic needs of agricultural production, namely to take into account the impact of changing weather and climate conditions on the resulting economic parameters.
Improvement principles of development reclamation projects technologies considering drained lands water regulation optimization based on BIM were observed. Modern methodological basis and at the same time, universal technical tool that allows to improve the practice of designing complex objects and systems that is successfully used and developed in almost all fields of science, technology and industry is computer aided design building information modelling – BIM. In structural terms BIM is an organizational and technical system consisting of a large number of interrelated and interacting components. The main function of BIM is to carry out object aided design and their components through the use of mathematical models and other automated design procedures and computer technology. So, transition to optimization design methods will help to improve the overall ecological and economic efficiency of drainage reclamation, especially in working out new construction, reconstruction and modernization of irrigation and drainage systems.
In the article we developed the design principles and implementation of a complex model and optimized the design parameters of drainage. The study was based on the implementation of interconnected structural and technological forecasting simulation and optimization model blocks, which in turn allowed to justify the optimal design parameters and drainage considering multiple natural and agronomic conditions and reclamation facilities. Example of evaluating the performance of drainage on drained lands was made for the conditions of a real project, implemented on lands of agricultural holding “May Day” located within of drainage system “Ikva” in the Rivne region. For the object conditions (average decade formation conditions of the drainage flow module for growing perennial grasses, winter cereals and potatoes) the estimated duration of the growing season was 214 days (100%), of which the total duration of drainage was 60% and included different levels of efficiency: 39% – ecological, 15.5% – technological and 5.5% – economic. The duration of its critical operations (forming module drainage flow exceeds the design of its value) does not exceed 5%. Thus, this approach enables the assessment of drainage with predetermined or specified parameters in the construction or renovation of drainage systems on different levels of effectiveness. It can be effectively used in the overall complex predictive and optimization calculations to substantiate the design and parameters of agricultural drainage, taking into account the variability of natural agrotechnical and reclamation conditions of a real object.
W pracy rozwinięto zasady projektowania i wdrażania złożonego modelu oraz zoptymalizowano parametry projektowe drenażu. Badania oparto na wdrożeniu wzajemnie powiązanych symulacji strukturalnych i technologicznych oraz na optymalizacji bloków modelowych, co pozwoliło uzasadnić optymalne parametry projektowe z uwzględnieniem wielu czynników przyrodniczych, rolniczych i urządzeń melioracyjnych. Jako przykład oceny działania systemu drenarskiego przyjęto rzeczywisty projekt wdrażany na ziemiach przedsiębiorstwa rolniczego „May Day” usytuowanego w systemie drenarskim „Ikva” regionu Równe. W warunkach panujących na badanym obiekcie (dekadowe średnie warunki przepływu wód w uprawie wieloletnich traw, zbóż ozimych i ziemniaków) oszacowana długość sezonu wegetacyjnego wynosiła 214 dni (100%), przy czym przez 60% tego czasu woda była drenowana. Efektywność zależała w 39% od czynników ekologicznych, 15,5% – technologicznych i 5,5% – ekonomicznych. Długość operacji krytycznych (przekraczających wartość planowaną) była mniejsza niż 5%. Prezentowane podejście umożliwia ocenę drenażu ze wstępnie ustalonymi szczegółowymi parametrami w warunkach budowy lub renowacji systemów odwadniających o różnym stopniu wydajności. Może być zatem wykorzystane w złożonych obliczeniach prognostycznych i optymalizacyjnych jako wsparcie projektów rolniczego drenażu z uwzględnieniem zmienności naturalnych warunków agrotechnicznych i melioracyjnych konkretnego obiektu.
The analysis of the current state of weather and climatic conditions and evaluation of their predicted changes for immediate and distant prospect in the drained areas of Ukrainian Polissia region was carried out in the article. The main trends in changes of meteorological characteristics and their possible effect on the conditions of functioning water management and ameliorative objects and complexes as well as on the natural and ameliorative state of drained areas were identified. The research uses a method of predictive-simulation modelling with used predictive assessment models of normalized distribution of the basic meteorological characteristics in the long-term and one-year vegetation context. According to the results of the research it was established that, for today a high variability in meteorological characteristics can lead to the significant deterioration of operation conditions of water management and ameliorative objects and units, as well as natural and ameliorative conditions of drained lands in Polissia region as a whole. Core measures regarding the adaptive potential enhancement and development in the region under the conditions of climate change were examined.
W pracy przeprowadzono analizę obecnego stanu pogody i warunków klimatycznych oraz ocenę spodziewanych zmian w krótszej i dłuższej perspektywie czasu na drenowanych obszarach ukraińskiej części regionu Polesia. Zidentyfikowano główne trendy zmian charakterystyk meteorologicznych i ich potencjalny wpływ na warunki funkcjonowania gospodarki wodnej w obiektach i kompleksach melioracyjnych oraz na naturalny i zmieniony stan drenowanych obszarów. W badaniach wykorzystano modelowanie prognostyczno-symulacyjne z użyciem modeli znormalizowanego rozkładu podstawowych charakterystyk meteorologicznych w kontekście wieloletnich i rocznych zmian roślinności. Ustalono, że duża zmienność elementów meteorologicznych może prowadzić do znaczącego pogorszenia gospodarki wodnej i stanu obiektów melioracyjnych oraz warunków naturalnych na drenowanych obszarach całego Polesia. Zbadano główne zabiegi związane ze wzmocnieniem potencjału adaptacyjnego i rozwojem regionu w warunkach zmian klimatycznych.
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