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Pathological conditions of a male urethra, including fibrosis, have a mechanical background along the entire length of the urethra. They may be caused by excessive deformation of the urethra locally or globally. The condition of prolonged overload causes abnormal tissue remodelling and, consequently, the formation of a thick layer of scar tissue differentiated from the connective tissue of the urethra. This tissue, which has higher mechanical properties, is not highly deformable and therefore, causes a decrease in the diameter of the urethra, which results in conditions that disturb the natural flow of urine. In this paper, it was decided to determine the deformation conditions in the proximal part of the urethra. The study was conducted in three main stages. Transverse sections of the animal urethral tissues were prepared in order to examine mechanical properties and perform histological examinations. On the basis of these examinations, material models which fitted best for the experimental results were sought. Material constants of the Mooney-Rivlin material model with the best fit ratio were determined for further research. On the basis of histological photographs, a geometrical and numerical model of the urethra was developed. The urethra was tested in a flat state of deformation. The strain and stress fields of the Caucha tensor were examined. The methodology of testing the dynamics of the urine flow in the highly deformable urethra was proposed. This is important for the analysis of the influence of at excessive pressure on pathological tissue remodelling leading to fibrosis.
Podmiotem niniejszych badań były przedsiębiorstwa branży piekarniczej funkcjonujące na terenie całego kraju. Badania realizowano w 2016 roku, a ich celem była identyfikacja wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych czynników mających wpływ na konkurencyjność przedsiębiorstw piekarniczych. Podstawowym narzędziem badawczym był kwestionariusz ankietowy, który rozesłany został do przedsiębiorstw piekarniczych. W badaniu udział wzięło 77 przedsiębiorstw branży piekarniczej (próbę generalną stanowiło 400 przedsiębiorstw usytuowanych na terenie całej Polski). Około 70 przedsiębiorstw mikro i małych nie przeprowadza oceny pozycji konkurencyjnej w stosunku do konkurencji. Podobnie postępuje połowa przedsiębiorstw średnich i prawie 30% dużych zakładów. Tylko w nielicznych przedsiębiorstwach taka ocena jest prowadzona systematycznie, średnio co miesiąc (u 29% dużych przedsiębiorstw, 7% – średnich, 10% – małych i 7% mikroprzedsiębiorstw). Przedsiębiorstwa piekarnicze zróżnicowane pod kątem wielkości, odmiennie oceniły czynniki wewnętrzne i czynniki zewnętrzne istotne z punktu widzenia kształtowania konkurencyjności.
The subject of this study was the bakery enterprises operating in Poland. The research was carried out in 2016, and their aim was identifying internal and external factors affecting the competitiveness of bakery enterprises. The basic research tool was a questionnaire that was sent to bakery companies. 77 companies of the bakery sector took part in the survey (a sample of 400 companies located throughout Poland). Approximately 70 micro and small enterprises do not evaluate their competitive position against competitors. Likewise, half of medium-sized companies and almost 30% of large companies operate similarly. Only in a small number of companies this evaluation is conducted systematically, on average monthly (29% of large enterprises, 7% – medium, 10% – small and 7% of micro enterprises). Baking companies, vary in size, differently assessing internal factors and external factors, that are important for competitiveness.
Obowiązkiem każdej gminy w Polsce jest utworzenie stacjonarnego punktu lub punktów selektywnego zbierania odpadów komunalnych (PSZOK). Obiekty te stanowią nowy element zarządzania strumieniem stałych odpadów komunalnych, znany w krajach europejskich pod nazwą - „household waste recycling center”. Brak tego typu infrastruktury gospodarki odpadami komunalnymi na terenie wielu polskich gmin lub istnienie PSZOK-ów w wersji mobilnej, przyczynia się do powstawania dzikich wysypisk, a ponadto nie umożliwia zwiększania poziomów recyklingu i ponownego użycia niektórych grup odpadów. W pracy dokonano porównawczej oceny oddziaływania na środowisko pięciu istniejących PSZOK-ów na terenie jednego z powiatów województwa świętokrzyskiego. Ocenie poddano lokalizację, funkcjonowanie i wyposażenie tych obiektów. W analizie oddziaływania na środowisko została wykorzystana metoda RIAM (Rapid Impact Assessment Matrix). Spośród przeanalizowanych PSZOK-ów dwa otrzymały ocenę pozytywną, natomiast 3 obiekty powinny zostać zlikwidowane lub całkowicie zmodernizowane.
The duty of each municipality in Poland is to set up a stationary Municipal Solid Waste Collection Points (MSWCP). These facilities are a new element of municipal solid waste management system, known in European countries as: „household waste recycling center”. The lack of this type of municipal solid waste management infrastructure in many Polish communes or the existence of MSWCPs in the mobile version contributes to the emergence of wild dumps, and also don’t allow the increase of the levels of recycling and reuse of some groups of waste. The environmental impact assessment of five existing MSWCPs in one of the poviats of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship was compared in article. The location, functioning and equipment of these facilities were assessed. The RIAM (Rapid Impact Assessment Matrix) method was used for the environmental impact analysis. From among the analyzed MSWCPs, two received a positive assessment, while 3 objects should be close down or completely modernized.
Podstawowym elementem dobrze zorganizowanego systemu gospodarowania odpadami komunalnymi jest selektywne gromadzenie odpadów. Prawidłowe segregowanie odpadów „u źródła”, (w gospodarstwie domowym), ułatwia dalsze postępowanie z odpadami, a w szczególności przekazywanie ich do procesów ponownego użycia oraz recyklingu. W 2020r. minimum 50% masy odpadów komunalnych, takich jak papier, metal, plastik i szkło, powinno zostać przygotowane do ponownego wykorzystania lub poddane recyklingowi. Odpady te pozyskiwane są z gospodarstw domowych, urzędów, biur i placówek usługowych, właśnie w wyniku zbierania ich w sposób selektywny. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wyników rocznej analizy struktury odpadów zbieranych selektywnie do żółtego worka na tworzywa sztuczne, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem udziału zanieczyszczeń, a więc tych odpadów, które w tym worku nie powinny być gromadzone. Badania wykonano w firmie MIKI Recykling Sp. z o.o. w okresie od listopada 2016 do października 2017r. Analizowane odpady zostały zebrane z obszarów wiejskich (trzy gminy wiejskie). W wyniku przeprowadzonych analiz, stwierdzono, że udział zanieczyszczeń w strumieniu selektywnie zbieranych tworzyw sztucznych wynosi średnio 26,8%. Najczęściej występującymi zanieczyszczeniami były: tektura, „inne tworzywa sztuczne”, szkło i metal. Około 30% z tych zanieczyszczeń może być poddane procesom recyklingu lub odzysku, natomiast pozostały strumień należy przekazać do unieszkodliwienia. Tworzywa sztuczne nadające się do recyklingu stanowiły 73,2±9,4%. Wynik ten był nieznacznie wyższy od uzyskanego przez firmę udziału tworzyw sztucznych przekazanych do recyklingu (w tym samym okresie) oraz wyższy od średniej krajowej podawanej przez Główny Urząd Statystyczny.
The basic element of a well-organized municipal waste management system is selective waste collection. Separation of waste „at source” (eg in a household) facilitates further handling of waste, in particular transferring it to recycling and recovery. By 2020, a minimum of 50% of the municipal waste, such as paper, metal, plastic and glass, should be recycled or re-used. These wastes are collected selectively in households, offices, offices and service outlets. The aim of the article is to present the results of the analysis conducted during one year of the structure of selectively collected waste in the yellow bag dedicated for plastic waste, with particular emphasis on the share of impurities, that is all those types of waste that should not be thrown into this yellow bag. The research was carried out at MIKI Recykling Ent. from November 2016 to October 2017. Waste came from 3 rural communes. Analysis of the results of the conducted tests showed that the share of impurities in the stream of selectively collected plastics is on average 26.8%, while the most common impurities are: cardboard, “other plastics materials” and glass. About 30% of these impurities can be directed to recycling or recovery processes, while the remaining stream should be disposed. Plastics suitable for recycling accounted for 73.2±9.4%. This result was slightly higher than the share of plastics transferred for recycling obtained by the company and higher than the national average reported by the Central Statistical Office.
Content available On the nature of the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone
The Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone (TTZ) is the longest European tectonic and geophysical lineament extending from the Baltic Sea in the NW to the Black Sea in the SE. This tectonic feature defines a transition zone between the thick crust of the East European Craton (EEC) and the thinner crust of the Palaeozoic Platform to the SW. The TTZ is evident from the seismic data as a perturbation of the Moho depth as well as from magnetic and gravity anomaly maps and heat flow distribution. For over a century, the TTZ has been considered a fossil plate boundary of the EEC corresponding to the limit of early Palaeozoic palaeocontinent Baltica. The results of quantitative interpretation of gravity and magnetic data, integrated with data from the new reflection seismic profiles crossing the TTZ, indicate the continuation of the Precambrian basement of the EEC and its lower Palaeozoic cover toward the SW underneath the Palaeozoic Platform. Potential field modelling also suggests the occurrence of a crustal keel underneath the TTZ. These results imply the location of a Caledonian tectonic suture, marking the site of the collision between Avalonia and Baltica, not along the TTZ, but farther SW, in NE Germany and SW Poland.
The purpose of this paper is to determine the level of and territorial variation in environmental governance in the context of implementing the sustainable development concept in Polish rural areas. The first part of this paper includes theoretical notions related to sustainable development, with particular emphasis on its environmental aspect in rural areas. In turn, the second part presents the research method and analyzes the results. As shown by this study, the level of the environmental governance aspect of sustainable development varies strongly across Polish rural areas. This may affect not only the rural population’s quality of living but also the pace of economic development in remote areas.
The aim of this article is to define the degree of sustainable development in EU member states with the use of various taxonomic methods. The first part of the article addresses the issues related to the definition of sustainable development and the methods used to assess the level of this phenomenon. The second part is dedicated to the assessment of the level of sustainable development in EU member states on the basis of statistical data from the year 2010 and 2015. The possible use of multidimensional comparative analysis was pointed out to define the degree of sustainable development. Linear classification of EU member states in terms of sustainable development level was carried out on the basis of standard and non-standard methods. Moreover convergence of the classifications was examined. Ward’s method and the PAM method were used to group EU member states in terms of similar sustainable development level.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań doświadczalnych procesu jednoczesnego odazotowania i odsiarczania zapylonych spalin z użyciem reagentów w postaci wodnych roztworów amoniaku i propionianu wapnia. Potwierdzono, że zastosowanie obydwu reagentów podnosi skuteczność redukcji NO przy jednoczesnej minimalizacji zawartości nieprzereagowanego amoniaku w spalinach i popiele lotnym. Zastosowanie propionianu wapnia zwiększyło redukcję NO o 10 punktów procentowych do poziomu 82%. Maksymalna redukcja SO2 wyniosła 80%.
Flue gases from coal combustion were denitrificated and desulfurized with NH3 water (concn. 3%) and Ca propionate soln. (concn. 20%). The simultaneous use of both reagents enhanced the NO redn. efficiency under minimization of unreacted NH3 in flue gas and fly ash. Use of Ca propionate increased the NO redn. up to 82% and SO2 redn. up to 80%.
The Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone (TTZ), a transcontinental feature evident from magnetic and gravity maps, runs obliquely across the territory of Poland from the NW to SE and for a century it has been considered a deep tectonic boundary between the Pre- cambrian East European Platform (EEP) in the NE and the so-called young Palaeozoic Platform in the SW. The results of quantitative interpretation of gravity and magnetic data, integrated with data from new reflection seismic profiles crossing the TTZ, indicate the continuation of the Precambrian basement of the EEP and its lower Palaeozoic cover toward the SW underneath the Palaeozoic Platform of southwestern Poland. They also suggest the occurrence of a crustal keel beneath the TTZ. In the broader context ofEuropean geology, these results imply the location of a hypothetical Caledonian tectonic suture, marking the site of the collision between Avalonia and Baltica, not along the TTZ, but farther SW, in northern Germany and southwest Poland. Another implication is that the extensive Permian-Mesozoic sedimentary basins of western Poland are established above the attenuated margin of the Baltica palaeocontinent.
Content available remote Review of multilevel converters for application in solid state transformers
This paper presents an overview of AC-DC, DC-AC and DC-DC power converter topologies used in the context of the application of solid state transformers. It describes the features of individual solutions, with an emphasis on multi-level topologies connected to the medium voltage AC grid, what allows to apply commonly available and relatively inexpensive low-voltage semiconductor switches. Such systems maintain high efficiency as well as high switching frequency, resulting in reduction of converter passive elements volume and weight as well as overall price.
Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia przegląd topologii przekształtników energoelektronicznych AC-DC oraz DC-DC, pod kątem zastosowania w energoelektronicznych transformatorach inteligentnych. Opisano w nim cechy poszczególnych rozwiązań, ze szczególnym naciskiem na przekształtniki wielopoziomowe, które pracując wraz z siecią elektroenergetyczną średniego napięcia (SN), umożliwiają zastosowanie standardowych i stosunkowo tanich niskonapięciowych łączników półprzewodnikowych, a także zmniejszenie rozmiarów, wagi i ceny transformatora.
A new high instantaneous power impulse converter (HIPIC) with a switched capacitor unit has been presented. HIPIC generates very short impulses (hundreds of microseconds) of instantaneous power in megawatt range while the average power is much lower (tens of kilowatts). The presented topology is composed of step-down converters, an H-bridge converter and a switched capacitor, adjusted with a new current control. It allows one to achieve the output current impulses with very short rising and falling times and strict peak current control with low ripples.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane wyniki badań pod próbnym obciążeniem statycznym i dynamicznym zwodzonej kładki dla pieszych przez rzekę Motławę na wyspę Ołowiankę w Gdańsku. Dokonano również porównania tych wyników z teoretycznymi analizami numerycznymi. Konstrukcja kładki pozytywnie przeszła wszystkie badania odbiorcze i od 17 czerwca 2017 r. służy turystom i mieszkańcom Gdańska.
The paper presents the results of the research under the static and dynamic load test of pedestrian footbridge across the Motława River to Ołowianka Island in Gdansk. Comparison of these results with theoretical numerical analysis was performed. The footbridge construction has passed all tests and since June 17, 2017 it serves tourists and residents in Gdańsk.
This paper presents a complete solution for automation and grid integration of a small wind turbine with variable speed asynchronous generator. Structure of a system is presented and AC-DC-AC power electronic converter with its auxiliary circuits is discussed in detail. Results of the 10 kW prototype system operation are illustrated.
W artykule przedstawiono kompleksowe rozwiązanie przeznaczone do automatyzacji oraz integracji z siecią elektroenergetyczną małej turbiny wiatrowej z generatorem indukcyjnym o regulowanej prędkości. Zaprezentowano strukturę systemu i omówiono szczegółowo przekształtnik energoelektroniczny AC-DC-AC wraz z obwodami pomocniczymi. Pokazano wyniki działania prototypowego układu o mocy 10 kW.
In 2009, meat preserves were produced by approximately 2700 plants in Poland. Used in the process of production and processing of meat, raw materials are not fully utilized and this results in the formation of by-products in the form of remnants of unused raw materials and different types of waste (which is the consequence of the operation of machinery, buildings and devices). The ultimate purpose of the study was to analyze the mass and morphological composition of waste generated in the process of meat production and processing in the years 2011-2013. The analysis was carried out for the macroregion of Southern Poland (the Śląskie, the Świętokrzyskie, the Małopolskie and the Podkarpackie provinces). For the analyzed period of time information about the waste from around 300 companies involved in the meat industry which submitted a report to the Marshal's Office was obtained. These companies generated on average 586 ± 211 Mg of waste per year. 1 Mg of produced meat generates over 290 kg of waste in the plants located in the analyzed area. The largest share of all generated waste comprises a group classified according to the Waste Catalogue as 02 02. Among the waste, the biggest, well over 40%, share is created by animal tissue waste.
W 2009 roku w Polsce przetwory mięsne produkowano w około 2700 zakładów. Stosowane w procesach produkcji i przetwórstwa mięsa surowce nie są w pełni wykorzystywane, co skutkuje powstawaniem produktów ubocznych w postaci resztek niezużytych surowców oraz różnego rodzaju odpadów (będących konsekwencją eksploatacji maszyn, budynków i urządzeń). Głównym celem pracy była analiza masy i składu morfologicznego odpadów wytwarzanych w procesach produkcji i przetwórstwa mięsa w latach 2011-2013. Analizę wykonano dla makroregionu Polski Południowej (województw: śląskiego, świętokrzyskiego, małopolskiego i podkarpackiego). Dla analizowanego przedziału czasu uzyskano informacje o odpadach z około 300 firm działających w branży mięsnej, które złożyły sprawozdanie do Urzędu Marszałkowskiego. Firmy te generowały średnio 586 ± 211 Mg odpadów w ciągu roku. W zakładach zlokalizowanych na analizowanym obszarze na 1 Mg produkowanego mięsa generowanych jest ponad 290 kg odpadów. Największą część wszystkich generowanych odpadów stanowi grupa klasyfikowana zgodnie z Katalogiem Odpadów jako 02 02. Wśród tych odpadów największy, ponad 40% udziału stanowi odpadowa tkanka zwierzęca.
Mixed municipal solid waste collected from the area of each Polish district (commune) is transferred to Regional Installations for Municipal Solid Waste Treatment. They comprise one or more of the following facilities: installations for mechanical-biological waste treatment (MBT), installations for thermal treatment of municipal solid waste, green waste composting plants and landfill sites. MBT installations have been currently the dominant technology of mixed municipal solid waste treatment in Poland. In these installations mixed waste is subjected to mechanical processes (including: crushing, separation, screening and classification) resulting in the production of the undersize fraction with usual grain size below 80mm and the oversize fraction with grain size over 80mm. Because of the necessity of stabilization and hygenization of the undersize fraction prior to landfilling, it is subjected to the process of biological treatment, e.g. biostabilization. The main aim of the research was to analyze the temperature changes during the biostabilization of the undersized fraction in thermally insulated BKB100 laboratory bioreactor. The research covered a 14-day period of the intensive phase. The analyses were performed in 6 replications. 40.1±2.2kg of waste with density of 519.2±27.5kgˑm-3 and the biodegradable fraction content of 41.9±1.9% was placed in the reactor. The temperature of waste inside the reactor was measured by 9 Pt 1000 temperature sensors. The air for the process was constantly supplied from the outside of the reactor. Flow of the supplied air with temperature of 18.3±3.1°C was regulated depending on the average indication of all temperature sensors. Results of the temperature measurements were averaged and showed using Golden Software Surfer 7. As a result of the conducted research it was found that changes in the temperature inside the bioreactor occurred uniformly throughout its full volume. The time of reaching the temperature of 45°C (the beginning of thermophilic phase) was 25.6±4.0 hours (21 hours at the earliest). During the first period the temperature in the reactor was increasing most intensively in the lower parts of the layer, in the central part of the layer the temperature reached 45°C after 34 hours at the earliest, whereas on average it took 47.7±9.9 hours. The average maximum process temperature was 64.8±3.5°C.
Generated wastes require space and financial outlays on their proper storage and processing, whereas the lack of means usually leads to depositing wastes in places not meant for this purpose. Illegal dumping sites still emerge, despite introducing in Poland the obligatory (common) fee for collection and management of wastes and the obligatory establishing the Selective Waste Collection Points in each district. The aim of the work was conducting a detailed inventory of illegal dumping sites in the area of Olsztyn district (situated in the Silesia province, on the Krakow-Częstochowa Upland) and indicting the morphological composition of the wastes deposited in these places. The paper presents a detailed analysis of the morphological composition of illegal landfill sites situated in the analyzed district. The investigations located 28 illegal dumping sites, despite the fact that a Selective Municipal Waste Collection Point operates in the district area. The analysis of location, area, mass and composition of the wastes was conducted for each illegal landfill, according to the methodology developed for this purpose. Over a half of the illegal dumping sites was situated in the forest and on 4 of them the estimated mass of dumped waste exceeded 1Mg. Debris constitutes the highest proportion (21.8%) of the waste morphological composition. Recyclable wastes, i.e. glass, plastics, paper and cardboard, used electronic and electric equipment dominated in the morphological composition of wastes on small landfills, situated close to buildings (less than 250m) and had the smallest area (below 1m2 ). The share of debris and construction wastes was growing with increasing landfill area.
Artykuł przedstawia układ sterowania elektrownią wiatrową z generatorem asynchronicznym klatkowym o mocy 11 kW. Generator asynchroniczny w porównaniu do generatora synchronicznego cechuje niższy koszt i większa niezawodność, jednak ze względu na zjawiska związane ze wzbudzeniem, konieczne jest stosowanie bardziej złożonego układu przekształtnikowego oraz dodatkowej aparatury wspomagającej działanie elektrowni wiatrowej w rzeczywistych warunkach. W rezultacie układ sterowania przekształtnika energoelektronicznego sprzęgającego generator z siecią energetyczną wymaga dodatkowego rozbudowania o możliwość zarządzania całą elektrownią. W artykule omówiono zagadnienia i wyniki eksperymentalne związane ze stanami pracy systemu małej elektrowni wiatrowej oraz pętlami sterowania procesem przetwarzania mocy.
The article presents the control system wind turbine with asynchronous squirrel cage generator with a capacity of 11 kW. Asynchronous generator compared to the synchronous generator characterized by a lower cost and higher reliability, but because of the phenomena associated with excitation, it is necessary to use a more complex system of the converter and an additional devices supporting the operation of the wind power plant under realistic conditions. As a result, control of the power electronic inverter coupling generator with power grid requires additional expand on the ability to manage the entire power plant. The article discusses the issues and experimental results related to the states of the system of small wind power plant and process control loops of power processing.
Biological drying (biodrying) is one of the methods of biological processing of waste, used mainly as part of the mechanical biological treatment of mixed municipal waste. Biological drying uses the heat released during the decomposition of organic matter to reduce the amount of water in dried waste. The aim of the analyses was to provide a microbiological and energetic (fuel) assessment of the process of biodrying of alternative fuel (RDF) obtained by mechanical sorting of mixed municipal waste. The resulting alternative fuel (obtained with just sorting) is characterised by varied moisture content and the presence of diverse groups of microorganisms. The analyses were intended to assess 3 alternative methods of biodrying of alternative fuel in order to produce a stable end product for utility power generation and the cement industry. The analyses were performed using special bioreactors equipped with custom (innovative) fluidised bed, aeration system (air flow rate 500 m3 · h−1), effluents drain systems, post-process air offtake and 4 temperature sensors. The assessment of the impact of the employed bed aeration methods on the quality of the alternative fuel was performed in 3 repetitions with the same external parameters. The obtained results show that after 8 days of biodrying, in the most favourable option, the moisture content in the fuel was reduced to the level of 18.7%, i.e. by 39%, the resulting fuel was microbiologically stable and the calorific value of the fuel was increased on average by 3.2 MJ · kg−1.
Precyzyjne pozycjonowanie PPP to metoda wyznaczania pozycji przy pomocy samodzielnego odbiornika GNSS. Może stanowić alternatywną technikę do pomiarów różnicowych gdzie niezbędnym jest utrzymanie łączności z pojedynczą stacją RTK lub regionalną siecią stacji referencyjnych RTN. Metoda precyzyjnego pomiaru PPP może w szczególności sprawdzić się w obszarach o słabo rozwiniętej infrastrukturze stacji naziemnych. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono wyniki analizy dokładności precyzyjnego wyznaczania pozycji na wierzchołkach trójkątnej osnowy dla obserwacji trwających od 0,5 do 6 godzin z wykorzystaniem bezpłatnych permanentnych usług internetowych realizujących obliczenia techniką PPP jak: APPS, CSRS–PPP, magicGNSS. Dla każdego punktu osnowy pomiarowej wykonano obliczenia wykorzystując obserwacje GPS i uwzględniając produkty Final. Wykonano ocenę wpływu dokładności jednoczesnego pozycjonowania trzech punktów osnowy pomiarowej na zmianę odległości zredukowanej i wysokości względnej między wierzchołkami badanego trójkąta osnowy.
Precise Point Positioning (PPP) is a technique used to determine high accuracy position with a single GNSS receiver. May be an alternative solution to differential measurements, where maintaining a connection with a single Real Time Kinematic (RTK) station or a regional Real Time Network (RTN) of reference stations is necessary. This situation is especially common in areas with poorly developed infrastructure of ground stations. This paper presents the results of a comparative analysis of accuracy of absolute determination of position from observations which last between 0,5 to 6 hours with the use of four permanent free online web services which execute calculations with PPP technique such as: Automatic Precise Positioning Service (APPS), Canadian Spatial Reference System Precise Point Positioning (CSRS-PPP), GNSS Analysis and Positioning Software (GAPS) and magicPPP - Precise Point Positioning Solution (magicGNSS). For each point of test network, calculations were made using solely GPS observations and taking into account Final products. An evaluation of the impact on the accuracy of simultaneous positioning of three points test network on the change of the horizontal distance and the relative height difference between measured triangle vertices was also conducted.
Multilevel converters have been intensively investigated and developed since 1960s and have found successful industrial applications. The aim of this paper is to present state of the art as well as recent research and applications of cascaded multilevel converters, which are a very interesting solution for power distribution systems and renewable energy sources. Cascaded multilevel converters can easily operate at medium and high voltage based on the series connection of power modules (cells), which use standard low-voltage component configurations. Series connections of modules (cells) allow for high quality output voltages and input currents, reduction of passive components and availability of component redundancy. Due to these features the cascaded multilevel converters have been recognized as attractive solutions for high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) transmission, solid state transformers (SST) and photovoltaic (PV) systems.
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