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The topic of digital transformation in supply chain optimization has garnered considerable attention in recent years due to its importance. The purpose of the study was to offer empirical evidence and insights into the advantages and obstacles linked with digital transformation in supply
chain management. To investigate the effects of digital transformation on supply chain optimization, the research employs a hybrid methodology and comprehensive approach that includes a thorough literature review, the creation of a theoretical framework, and the presentation of empirical finings through various case studies using the predefined selection criteria. The case analyses highlight crucial elements that support effective digital transformations, including real-time data analytics, teamwork, blockchain technology, digital twin augmented and virtual reality and collaborative robots. The practical implications from the findings of this study, proffers insights that can be extremely helpful for professionals in various industrial sectors and businesses planning similar digital transformation journeys. This empirical study with regards to the implication of Digital transformation 5.0 on supply chain management is novel to the body of literature. It is however necessary to conduct more study to confirm the results, apply them to a wider range of businesses, and investigate different aspects of digital transformation in supply chain optimization.
Linden wood is used in the making of musical instruments, agricultural hand tools, and in the furniture sector. In this study, the changes in glossiness (parallel (//) and perpendicular (⊥) to the fibers at 20o, 60o, and 85o), the pull-off adhesion test, color parameters (CIEL) and pendulum
hardness (König method) of two different UV curable varnishes applied to linden (Tilia tomentosa Moench.) according to industrial application techniques and exposed to artificial weathering were investigated. According to the research results, while L*, ΔH*, and ho decreased with increasing weathering time in both varnish layers, ΔC*, b*, ΔE*, a*, and C* rose. The pendulum hardness grew for Method B but dwindled for Method A. A decrease was found in the adhesion tests for both varnish methods after artificial weathering. The glossiness was generally reduced due to artificial weathering for all the angles and for both directions, with the exception of 85º in Method A. The variance analysis and homogeneity groups showed that the changes in the adhesion, pendulum hardness, L*, a*, ho, C*, perpendicular and parallel to the fibers for 60o and 85o were found to be significantly different with artificial weathering for both methods.
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