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The purpose of the work is to characterise pluvial conditions in central-eastern Poland from the beginning of the 21st century (2001-2020). The analysis involved seven meteorological stations of the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute (IMGW-PIB): Białowieża, Legionowo, Pułtusk, Siedlce, Szepietowo, Terespol and Warsaw. The work contains the analysis of the annual and seasonal atmospheric precipitation pattern (summer, winter, spring and autumn) and its temporal and spatial variation throughout a 20-year period. Moreover, the percentage share of precipitation in each season in the annual sum was calculated. In order to analyse precipitation patterns in the study period, the Innovative Trend Analysis (ITA) was applied. The average long-term annual atmospheric precipitation sum ranged from 557 mm at Terespol to 653 mm at Białowieża. The highest seasonal precipitation sum in the studied region was recorded for the summer (218 mm) whereas in spring and autumn, precipitation stayed at a similar level and amounted to 130 and 131 mm, respectively. The lowest precipitation was recorded in winter (109 mm). The highest percentage share of the atmospheric precipitation sum was associated with summer rainfall (from 35 to 38%), whereas the lowest in winter (from 18 to 20%). Comparisons of 2001-2010 and 2011-2020 decades revealed a decline in the share of summer precipitation in the annual sum at most of the stations, and an increase in the share of winter precipitation. The ITA demonstrated that the most significant trends in precipitation change occurred in summer and winter and the directions of the trends were different for each station.
Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill.) yielding potential depends on environmental conditions (precipitation, temperature, soil). The aim of the work was to evaluate stability of yielding (and other traits) of three soybean cultivars (Abelina, SG Anser, Merlin) grown under the climatic conditions of central-eastern Poland. The studied material was obtain in a field experiment conducted at Łączka (52°15' N, 21°95' E) during the growing seasons of 2017-2019. Trait stability was determined based on Shukla’s genotype stability variance and Wricke’s ecovalence describing the genotype-by-environment interaction. For all the examined parameters, there were found significant differences between successive growing seasons, cultivars, and cultivars within study years. The greatest influence of environmental conditions (years) was determined for plant height (64%) and first pod height (54.2%). Stability parameters indicated that cv. Abelina was the most stable in terms of yielding, 1000 seed weight, seed number per pod and average seed number per pod, cv. SG Anser being the least stable in this respect.
The average daily values of wind speed and wind gust speed in the years 2001–2018 in Siedlce were analyzed. In the study area, the frequency of individual wind directions was determined and, according to criteria set by the Government Centre for Security, the frequency of hazards from damaging wind gusts was evaluated. The following wind gusts were considered: >20 m/s, 25 m/s and 35 m/s. It was found that, in the Siedlce area, the prevailing wind direction was west-south-westerly (WSW), and the average annual wind speed in the long-term study period was 2.99 m/s. March, April and May were the months when the highest speeds of maximum wind gusts (>35 m/s) were recorded. Extreme wind gusts the speed of which poses a hazard to the environment, national economy as well as human life and health, occurred in both the cold and warm seasons of the year.
The work assesses heat resources in central-east Poland (2001-2019). As a measure of heat resources, the concept of growing degree days (GDD) was used. GDD is a useful tool for agriculture as it takes into account the aspects of local weather and, based on it, plant development can be predicted. Daily maximum and minimum air temperatures were used to calculate GDD at 7 stations using threshold base air temperatures of 0°C (commencement of the warm season) and 5°C (start of the period of active plant growth). The following basic characteristics of the distribution were calculated: arithmetic mean, minimum and maximum values as well as coefficient of variation. The direction and significance of changes of the heat resources were determined on the basis of linear trend equations. The significance of directional coefficient of the trend was estimated with t-Student test at the significance level of α = 0.05. The average air temperature during the growing season ranged from 14.6°C in Białystok and Białowieża to 15.6°C in Włodawa, its greatest increase being recorded in Włodawa and Siedlce (by 0.36°C per year). GDD increased from north to south in the study area, but the mean GDD varied considerably from one location to another. GDD0 and GDD5 showed an upward trend over the 2001-2019 period for the study region as a whole.
The objective of the work was to determine the influence of selected meteorological elements on the concentration of PM10 and PM2.5 in the air as well as arsenic, cadmium, lead and benzoapirene contents in PM10. The work is based on the data collected by the automatic measurement station located on ul. Konarskiego, Siedlce, in 2013-2017. ANOVA demonstrated that the heavy metal content throughout the year was significantly influenced by the month of the year. The lowest concentration of arsenic was recorded from May to August, and cadmium from January to March as well as from October to December. Similarly to cadmium, the lead content was the highest in the winter months (from October to March). The analysis of correlation revealed that air pollution was predominantly affected by air temperature, wind speed and air humidity. The relationship between the air temperature and pollutant content was negative. As the temperature increased, arsenic, cadmium, lead, benzoapirene and the PM10 contents declined. It was found that an increase in wind speed contributed to a significant decline in the concentration of PM10 and PM2.5. Moreover, wind speed affected the heavy metal content. Relative air humidity influenced the metal concentration from November to May, whereas an increase in wind speed contributed to a significant decline in the concentration of only PM10 in the period from January to November.
The work is based on results of hourly measurements of the particles PM10 and PM2.5 as well as 24-h measurements of meteorological elements in Siedlce. Analysis spanned the years 2012-2016. Based on the Polish Index of Air Quality developed by the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (GIOŚ), there were determined numbers of days in six air quality classes. Analysis of the effect of meteorological conditions on particulate matter content in the air was based on 24-h concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 exceeding the standard value of 50 µg/m3 for PM10 and 25 µg/m3 for PM2.5. Variation in the excessive concentrations in weather conditions described by means of air temperature, air humidity, wind direction and speed was assessed by means of Wright path analysis. Satisfactory, poor and very poor air quality was recorded in winter only. Path analysis revealed that variation in pollution is affected by wind speed and direction as well as air temperature. Increased concentrations of particulate matter were found mainly on days with low wind speed and low air temperature.
W pracy wykorzystano wyniki pomiarów godzinnych stężeń pyłów PM10 i PM2.5 oraz dobowych pomiarów elementów meteorologicznych w Siedlcach. Analizą objęto lata 2012-2016. Na podstawie Polskiego Indeksu Jakości Powietrza opracowanego przez Główny Inspektorat Ochrony Środowiska (GIOŚ) określono liczbę dni w sześciu przedziałach klas jakości powietrza. Analizę wpływu warunków meteorologicznych na zawartość w powietrzu pyłów oparto na stężeniach dobowych PM10 i PM2.5 przekraczających normę: 50 µg/m3 dla PM10 i 25 µg/m3 dla PM2.5. Zmienność ponadnormatywnych stężeń w warunkach pogodowych opisanych temperaturą powietrza, wilgotnością powietrza, kierunkiem i prędkością wiatru oceniono przy zastosowaniu analizy ścieżek Wrighta. Dostateczną, złą i bardzo złą jakość powietrza notowano jedynie w zimnej porze roku. Analiza ścieżek wykazała, że zróżnicowanie zanieczyszczeń zależy od prędkości i kierunku wiatru oraz temperatury powietrza. Podwyższone stężenia pyłów zawieszonych notowano głównie w dniach z małą prędkością wiatru i niską temperaturą.
The work presents analysis of chemical condition of the water of the River Bug stretch extending from Kiryłowo to Krzyszew. The analysis was preformed based on data of monitoring of surface water quality available on the website of Voivodeship Inspectorate of Environmental Protection in Lublin (WIOŚ) spanning the years 2015-2017. Eight measurement points and the following months were considered: February, April, June, August, October and December. Analysis of variance and Kruskal-Wallis test were used to analyse the effect of localities and months on selected chemical indicators. The concentrations of nearly all the parameters (excluding BOD) were found to be influenced by the localities. Phosphorus content, sulphates and chlorides increased along the course of the river. Also, the analysis revealed that the concentration of ammonium ions, dissolved oxygen, sulphates and chlorides increased in winter. Multidimensional analysis demonstrated that differences in chemical conditions between the localities were predominantly due to nitrogen compound content, total phosphorus content and chlorides. Cluster analysis showed that in nearly all the months (excluding August) the tested stretch of the River Bug could be divided into two parts with different chemical composition parameters. The first part, characterised by higher average values of ammonium nitrogen content, dissolved oxygen content and total phosphorus content, included the following measurement points: Krzyszew, Kukuryki, Włodawa and Kuzawka. The second part was formed by the following localities: Kryłów, Zosin and Horodło, all with higher average BOD values, sulphates and chlorides.
W pracy przedstawiano analizę chemicznego stanu wód rzeki Bug na odcinku od Kryłowa do Krzyszewa. Analizy tej dokonano na podstawie danych pochodzących z monitoringu jakości wód powierzchniowych zamieszczonych na stronie Wojewódzkiego Inspektoratu Ochrony Środowiska w Lublinie (WIOŚ) z lat 2015-2017. Pod uwagę wzięto dane z lutego, kwietnia, czerwca, sierpnia, października i grudnia z 8 punktów pomiarowych. Przy pomocy analizy wariancji oraz testu Kruskala-Wallisa przeanalizowano wpływ miejscowości oraz miesięcy na zawartość wybranych wskaźników chemicznych. Stwierdzono, że zawartość prawie wszystkich parametrów (poza BZT5) różnicowana była przez miejscowości. Wraz z biegiem rzeki zmniejszała się zawartość fosforu, siarczanów i chlorków. Analiza wykazała ponadto, że zimą rosło stężenie jonów amonowych, zawartość tlenu rozpuszczonego, siarczanów i chlorków. Wielowymiarowa analiza natomiast dowiodła, że różnice stanu chemicznego pomiędzy miejscowościami związane były głównie z zawartością związków azotu, fosforu ogólnego oraz chlorków. Na podstawie analizy skupień prawie we wszystkich miesiącach (poza sierpniem) odcinek rzeki Bug pod względem stanu chemicznego można podzielić na dwie części. Pierwszą grupę stanowi odcinek rzeki z punktami pomiarowymi w Krzyszewie, Kukurykach, Włodawie i Kuzawce o większych średnich zawartościach azotu amonowego, tlenu rozpuszczalnego i fosforu ogólnego. Drugą grupę utworzyły miejscowości: Kryłów, Zosin i Horodło o wyższych średnich stężeniach BTZ5, siarczanów i chlorków.
Content available Wind Power as a Renewable Energy Source
The work presents a description of wind speed and direction in terms of using wind power as a renewable energy source. The wind power in Poland and at the Zawady EF was characterised. Observations were collected from 2002 to 2006 by an automatic meteorological station installed at the Zawady Experimental Farm (EF). Average monthly and yearly frequencies of winds blowing from individual directions were determined, and the average monthly wind speed was analysed. The most frequently recorded wind speed ranged from 2 to 4 m/s (light wind), and the least frequent winds blew at the speed of more than 10 m/s (strong wind). The cold season of the year saw winds blowing at the greatest speed (December, January and February), it being the lightest in the summer months (June, July and August). Wind rose analysis (2002–2006) revealed that at Zawady Experimental Farm, the westerly wind was the most frequent. A wind turbine has a limited capacity of wind power use, so only a small portion of energy supplied by wind may be converted into usable energy.
The objective of the work was to describe the thermal and snow conditions in the winter period in the Siedlce area. The average daily air temperatures were used in addition to numbers of days with a snow cover of at least 1 cm for the years 2000–2016 obtained from the Meteorological Station in Siedlce. Dates of the beginning and end of the winter season were determined. The average temperature of the winter season was determined in addition to the degree of winter severity, according to Oskin. The average, minimum and maximum values of parameters were calculated. The probability of an occurrence of individual types of winter severity was determined. Next, principal component analysis and cluster analysis were applied, the latter to the group years in terms of the days with a given type of weather in winter. It was found that – on average – the thermal winter began on 5 December and ended on 6th March. The winter was found to have lasted for 66 days. From year to year, there was observed an increase in the average number of days with mild weather. The greatest decline was found for the days with the weather typical of slightly severe and moderately severe winter. The last study years had the highest average number of days with weather typical of mild, slightly severe and moderately severe winter, and the lowest number of the days with weather typical of severe, very severe, unusually severe and extremely severe winter.
Air temperature is one of major factors in a subjective assessment of human thermal comfort and discomfort. The work draws on a series of measurements of the average daily air temperatures, relative air humidity and wind speed for 2000-2016 recorded at the Siedlce Meteorological Station. The station is part of the state observation and measurement network of the hydrological and meteorological service of The Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute (IMGW-PIB). The effective temperature was calculated according to the formula recommended by Missenard and the thermal sensation was determined based on a scale suggested by Baranowska. The number of days with individual thermal sensations in individual months of the long-term period was calculated, and months were put into groups of similar sensations by means of principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis. In the last years (2015, 2014, 2012 and 2011) in the months representing the cold season of the year, there were more days which were very cold and cold, whereas the number of days with the thermal comfort was much lower. The long-term period was split into three groups, based on the thermal comfort in the warm season of the year. The years which formed one group included 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2016 when there were no very cold days, the least cold days and the most very hot days.
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