The tests were carried out for the selected 27MnCrB5-2 alloy steel with the addition of boron. The paper presents the kinetics of the ferritic transformation occurring under continuous cooling conditions. The temperatures of the beginning and end of the transformation of supercooled austenite were determined using a dilatometer. In addition, a waveguide and an acoustic sensor were installed in the device to receive acoustic emission signals. The results in the form of dilatometric curves were additionally confirmed by the obtained acoustic emission signals. Based on the obtained microstructural results, it can be concluded that in the hardening process of 27MnCrB5-2 steel at the applied temperatures, complex transformations of austenite into ferrite and bainite occur. The use of acoustic methods in the field of phase transformation issues creates the possibility of their application in industry.
The paper presents the modeling of transmission of the ultrasonic plane wave through an uniform liquid layer. The considered sources of the ultrasonic wave were normal (straight) beam longitudinal wave probes and angle beam sheer waves probes commonly used in non-destructive testing. Coupling losses (CL) introduced by the presence of the coupling layer are discussed and determined applying the numerical procedure. The modeling applies to both monochromatic waves and short ultrasonic pulses with a specified frequency bandwidth. Model implementation and validation was performed using a specialized software. The predictions of the model were confirmed by coupling losses measurements for a normal beam longitudinal wave probe with a delay line made of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). The developed model can be useful in designing ultrasonic probes for high-speed rail track inspections, especially for establishing the optimal thickness of the water coupling layer and estimation of coupling losses, due to inevitable changes of the water gap during mobile rail inspection.
The paper outlines the material and technological aspects of fine (whiteware) ceramics. Particular attention has been paid to the professional nomenclature of fine aluminosilicate ceramics as used in the past and today. Attention was drawn to this mostly overlooked and poorly studied problem. The reason for the durability problems of some semi-vitreous porcelain and faience materials has been explained. The microstructures of porcelain materials - historic as well as contemporary - have been presented in comparative terms, including the technical material, with a distinction and analysis of the basic phases that build up the shard. Generally similar parameters of microstructure and phase composition were found for all tested materials.
This paper presents the results of testing samples of shield-centering elements from medium-voltage surge arresters. The elements were made of TSE glass textolite. The elements have been dismantled from different operated surge arresters, which were subjected to discharge currents (short-circuit currents) of different intensity and duration. The discharge currents led to degradation of the tested elements with various degrees of advancement. The degradation was investigated using microscopic methods and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Changes in the content of elements of the surface of textolite materials - as the degradation progresses - were documented. It was found that high discharge current flows resulted in melting of the organic binder, epoxy resin, especially its surface layer. Partial charring and even burning of the resin was noticeable. Furthermore, it was found that with increasing degradation on the surface of the TSE laminate, the carbon and oxygen content, which are part of the organic resin, decreases. Simultaneously the amount of silicon, calcium and aluminium, which are present in the glass fibres, increases. The charring effect of the resin and the formation of conductive paths result in a decrease in the performance of surge arresters and their subsequent failure.
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W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań próbek tekstolitowych elementów osłonowo-centrujących z eksploatowanych ograniczników przepięć SN. Prądy wyładowcze (zwarciowe) o zróżnicowanym natężeniu i czasie trwania spowodowały w tworzywie elementów efekty degradacji o różnym stopniu zaawansowania, które badano z wykorzystaniem metod mikroskopowych i mikroanalizy rentgenowskiej EDS. Udokumentowano zmiany w składzie elementarnym (zawartości pierwiastków) warstwy wierzchniej tworzyw tekstolitowych - w miarę postępu efektów degradacji. Wykazano, że tworzywa te posiadają niewystarczającą odporność na skutki awaryjnej pracy ogranicznika przy jego zawilgoceniu, które jest konsekwencją rozszczelnienia osłony.
The work describes degradation effects in the structure of textolite shield-centering elements of operated MV surge arresters. As a result of acting inner partial discharges of diverse duration and power - the material underwent degradation of different degree of advancement. Using microscopic research techniques and EDS analysis, the authors found and documented changes of structure and chemical composition of the material surface, with the increasing degree of degradation. It has been shown that textolite materials have insufficient resistance to the effects of emergency operation of the arresters after moisture ingress, which is a consequence of unsealing of the housing.
The article presents the application of Acoustic Emission (AE) method for detection and registration of partial discharges (PD) generated in medium voltage (MV) cable isolation and MV cable head. The insulation of the high voltage cable is made of a flexible material whose properties are characterised by a high coefficient of attenuation of the acoustic signals. For this reason, the AE method has not been used so far to detect PD in energetic cables. The subjects of the research were the MV cable and the standard T-type cable head. The cable contained defects which were the source of partial discharges. In case of cable head the PD were provoked by thin grounded electrode which was introduced into connector opening. The results of AE measurements are presented in the form of spectrograms. Acoustic Emission was evoked when the applied voltage level reached the value of 7.5 kV for the cable and 4 kV for the cable head. The authors used the acoustic instrumentation of their own design intended for future field use. Obtaining successful results of partial discharges measurements using the acoustic method in the cable insulation makes an original contribution of the presented work.
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In the paper the calculation of ultrasonic field generated by the transmitting transducer and the pulse-echo amplitude received after beam reflection at the defect in tested material is presented. The focus of the authors is directed on the specific transducer – defect configurations where the common methods of determination of ultrasonic beam trajectory fails. The developed analytical model is based on well-established principles of elastodynamic theory and forms the basis for computer program for simulation of ultrasonic examination of railway rails.
The goal of the research was to analyze the acoustic emission signal recorded during heat treatment. On a special stand, samples prepared from 27MnCrB5-2 steel were tested. The steel samples were heated to 950°C and then cooled continuously in the air. Signals from phase changes occurring during cooling were recorded using the system for registering acoustic emission. As a result of the changes, Widmanstätten ferrite and bainite structures were observed under a scanning microscope. The recorded acoustic emission signal was analyzed and assigned to the appropriate phase transformation with the use of artificial neural networks.
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Celem prezentowanej pracy było znalezienie zależności pomiędzy parametrami mikrostruktury warystorów, a prądem płynącym przez ogranicznik przepięć dla różnych poziomów napięcia. Badania zostały wykonane na losowo wybranej populacji beziskiernikowych ograniczników przepięć w osłonach polimerowych, przeznaczonych do pracy w sieci średniego napięcia. Wykonano pomiary przebiegów referencyjnych dla badanej populacji ograniczników. Przyjęto jako kryterium oceny udział wyższych harmonicznych w przebiegu prądu. Praca stanowi wstęp do szerszego zakresu badań, prowadzonych w ramach wspólnych działań laboratoriów Instytutu Energetyki i Instytutu Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN.
The purpose of the presented work was to find the relationship between the varistor's microstructure parameters and the current flowing through the surge arrester for different voltage levels. The tests were performed on a randomly selected population of non-spark surge arresters in polymeric shields intended for operation in medium voltage networks. The reference waveforms were measured for the tested population. Higher harmonics participation in the current wave was assumed as the evaluation criterion. The work is an introduction to a wider range of research carried out as part of joint activities of the laboratories of the Institute of Power Engineering and the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research PAN.
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The authors of this paper analysed Acoustic Emission (AE) signal generated in different stages of punch process, emitted from crank PMSC - 12 punch press. The details of the instrumentation used are described. The experimental part describes the influence of feedstock thickness and hardness to the intensity of the emitted signal. The final part of the investigation presents the changes of AE signal caused by simulated tool abrasive wear. The possibilities of AE monitoring of punching of thin plates are also discussed.
W niniejszym artykule przeanalizowano postać sygnału emisji akustycznej (EA) generowanego w procesie wykrawania blach. Generacja tego sygnału zachodzi w trakcie procesu formowania się strefy odkształceń plastycznych w obrabianym materiale, przy odrywaniu się wykrojonego detalu oraz przy wyciąganiu stempla z blachy przy ruchu powrotnym suwaka. Pomiary prowadzono przy obróbce blachy konstrukcyjnej, stopowej i transformatorowej (krzemowo-magnezowej), o trzech różnych grubościach. W ramach badań zasymulowano wystąpienie sytuacji awaryjnej. Przy użyciu dwóch rodzajów najcieńszych blach zademonstrowano zapisy sygnału zarejestrowane w trakcie wykrawania wykrojnikiem o stępionych krawędziach. W tym przypadku generowany sygnał EA miał dwukrotnie wyższe natężenie w stosunku do warunków normalnych, a czas trwania jego generacji w fazie odkształceń plastycznych był również dwukrotnie dłuższy.
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In this paper the authors present the definition of the Acoustic Emission and examples of preliminary measurements results of friction processes registered with the use of model metal collaborating pair, with and without lubricant. The purpose of the presentations is to point out the sources of the AE signal and the correlation between the AE signal parameters and the parameters of friction process. The details of the used methods of the AE signal parameters evaluation are also described.
W niniejszym artykule omówiono istotę zjawiska emisji akustycznej (EA) oraz wstępne wyniki pomiaów sygnału EA emitowanego w procesie tarcia smarowanej i niesmarowanej pary tracej maszyny tarciowej MT-1. Przedstawiono również zastosowanie metody obróbki syganału emisji akustycznej. Celem artykułu jest pokazanie zależności pomiędzy rejestrowanym sygnałem akustycznym a przyjętymi parametrami procesu tarcia. Użyte metody analizy sygnału EA mogą znaleźć zastosowanie w badaniu procesów tribologicznych.
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