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Preliminary comparative static identification experimental tests on four selected commercial auxetic woven fabrics were conducted in terms of the tensile test in the auxetic fibre direction. A new method of such tests was developed, based on capstan grips as well as on video-extensometer and extensometer techniques. The identification tests were carried out at temperatures of 20 and 180°C due to the intended use of auxetic fabric as a protective curtain against a shock wave induced by a gas explosion. The ultimate tension force per unit width of fabric, effective Poisson’s ratios in the fabric plane and in the transverse plane, as well as the absorbed energy were determined approximately. The auxetic fabric with the relatively best properties was selected.
Przeprowadzono wstępne porównawcze statyczne doświadczalne testy identyfikacyjne czterech wybranych auksetycznych tkanin użytkowych w zakresie próby rozciągania w kierunku włókna auksetycznego. Została opracowana nowa metoda takich badań, wykorzystująca uchwyty kabestanowe, jak również wideotensometr i techniki tensometryczne. Testy identyfikacyjne prowadzono w temperaturach 20 i 180°C, ze względu na planowane zastosowanie materiału auksetycznego w postaci kurtyny ochronnej przeciw fali uderzeniowej wywołanej wybuchem gazu. Na podstawie testów określono graniczną nośność tkaniny, efektywne wartości współczynnika Poissona w płaszczyźnie tkaniny i w płaszczyźnie poprzecznej oraz energię absorbowaną. Wybrano tkaninę auksetyczną charakteryzującą się względnie najlepszymi właściwościami.
Modelowanie ilości ścieków oraz napełnień przewodów sieci kanalizacyjnej stanowi istotny element umożliwiający ocenę funkcjonowania systemów odprowadzania wód opadowych z terenu zlewni. Złożoność procesów fizycznych, które są symulowane oraz ograniczona liczba danych dostępnych do kalibracji powoduje dużą niepewność uzyskanych wyników. W artykule przedstawiono przykład zastosowania techniki GSA-GLUE do analizy wrażliwości i probabilistycznej identyfikacji parametrów (szerokość drogi spływu, wysokość retencji terenowej powierzchni uszczelnionych i nieuszczelnionych, udział powierzchni uszczelnionej, współczynnik szorstkości kanałów, spadek podłużny zlewni) w przypadku modelu zlewni zurbanizowanej wykonanego w programie SWMM (storm water management model). Do kalibracji i walidacji modelu zlewni wykorzystano wyniki pomiarów wysokości opadów oraz przepływów ścieków deszczowych wykonanych w latach 2009–2011. Przeprowadzone obliczenia wykazały, że największy wpływ na kształt hydrogramu odpływu wód opadowych ze zlewni zurbanizowanej w opracowanym modelu hydrodynamicznym miały współczynnik szorstkości ścian kanałów oraz wysokość retencji terenów uszczelnionych. Uzyskane wyniki przeprowadzonej symulacji potwierdziły, że zastosowane w pracy metody oceny wrażliwości i identyfikacji parametrów mogą być pomocne przy kalibracji modeli hydrodynamicznych zlewni zurbanizowanych.
Modeling of sewage volume and sewer system filling-ups is an important element that allows performance assessment of a rainfall drainage system from a basin area. The complex nature of physical processes being simulated and limited amount of observation data available for calibration make the model outcomes highly uncertain. The presented case study demonstrates an application of the GSA-GLUE technique (global sensitivity – generalized uncertainty estimation) to the sensitivity analysis and probabilistic identification of parameters (surface runoff width, water capacity of impervious and pervious surfaces, impervious surface fraction, the Manning roughness coefficient of channels and longitudinal basin slope) for the urban catchment model designed with the SWMM software. Measurement data of rainfall intensity and rain water flow from the period of 2009 to 2011 was used for calibration and validation of the basin model. The numerical experiments revealed that the channel roughness coefficient and water capacity measures of impervious surfaces had the highest impact on shape of the calculated hydrograph for storm water runoff in an urban basin. The simulation results confirmed that the sensitivity analysis and parameter identification methods applied might be useful in calibration of urbanized basin hydrodynamic models.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych mobilnej platformy pływającej, podczas których badano poziom naprężeń w łożu silnika obciążonego w warunkach eksploatacyjnych. Testy zostały przygotowane i przeprowadzone przez Wojskową Akademię Techniczną i PIMOT. Do pomiaru odkształceń konstrukcji wykorzystano czujniki tensometryczne wraz z mostkiem pomiarowym ESAM CF. W wyniku przeprowadzonych testów z różnym obciążeniem stwierdzono, że poziom odkształceń oraz naprężeń zredukowanych w łożu silnika nie osiąga poziomu naprężeń plastycznych dla stali.
In an article presents results obtained during experimental investigation of mobile floating platform. During tests was measured the level of strains in engine mount in operational conditions. The tests were performed by Military University of Technology and Automotive Industry Institute. To measure strains of construction used strain gauges with ESAM Traveller CF Signal Conditioner Amplifier System with CF-Card data Storage. The results obtained during trials shows the level of strains and stress in engine mount did not exceed the level of yield stress for material.
The paper addresses the problem of determination of the energy and momentum coefficients for flows through a partly vegetated channel. These coefficients are applied to express the fluid kinetic energy and momentum equations as functions of a mean velocity. The study is based on laboratory measurements of water velocity distributions in a straight rectangular flume with stiff and flexible stems and plastic imitations of the Canadian waterweed. The coefficients were established for the vegetation layer, surface layer and the whole flow area. The results indicate that the energy and momentum coefficients increase significantly with water depth and the number of stems per unit channel area. New regression relationships for both coefficients are given.
Łodzie specjalne typu airboat, to łodzie płaskodenne o napędzie śmigłowym służące do szybkiego przemieszczania się po terenach trudno dostępnych i zbiornikach wodnych o nieznanym charakterze dna (np. tereny miejskie podczas powodzi). Ze względu na udział w akcjach ratowniczych ważną kwestią jest odpowiednie zabezpieczenie aluminiowej konstrukcji kadłuba. W tym celu budowane są zewnętrzne warstwy ochronne. Materiałami stosowanymi na tego typu rozwiązanie są materiały kompozytowe. Niniejsza praca poświęcona jest walidacji numeryczno – eksperymentalnej próby ścinania międzywarstwowego laminatu szklano – poliestrowego. Próba ta miała na celu wyznaczenie wartość siły powodującej uszkodzenie laminatu w płaszczyźnie 13. Próbę ścinania międzywarstwowego zrealizowano poprzez zginanie krótkiej wiązki. Badania eksperymentalne przeprowadzono na uniwersalnej maszynie wytrzymałościowej Instron 8862 w Laboratorium Wytrzymałości Materiałów w Katedrze Mechaniki i Informatyki Stosowanej. Model dyskretny przygotowano w programie HyperMESH, natomiast obliczenia wykonano przy użyciu solvera LS Dyna.
The special boats like airboat, flat –bottomed boats with propeller for fast movement of the difficult to access areas and water tanks of unknown nature (ex. Urban areas during floods). Due to participation in rescue important is adequate protection of aluminum structure of hull. The outer protection layers are built for this purpose. The material used for construction is composite. The paper present the numerical and experimental validation of interlaminar shear test the glass – polyester composite. An attempt was made to designate the force causing damage to the laminate shear interlaminar 13 test was carried out by bending a short beam. Experimental studies were carried out on a universal testing machine Instron 8862 in the Laboratory of Strength of Materials in the Department of Mechanics and Applied Computer Science. Discrete model prepared in the HyperMesh, and calculations were performed using LS Dyna solver.
Łodzie płaskodenne typu airboat przeznaczone są do poruszania się po terenach trudno dostępnych, podmokłych łąkach czy akwenach wodnych o nieznanym dnie. Aby uniknąć uszkodzeń konstrukcji dna stosowane są zewnętrzne warstwy ochronne wykonane z polietylenów. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia badania właściwości materiałowych warstwy wierzchniej wykonanej z PE1000 przy różnych temperaturach pracy.
The flat – bottomed vessel – airboats are designed to move through hard to reach areas, swamps or areas of water, where the bottom is unknown. To avoid damage to the construction of the bottom are used the outer protective layers made of polyethylene. This paper presents the experimental investigation of material properties of the top layer made from PE1000 in the different temperatures.
Przedstawiono oddziaływanie roślinności na warunki przepływu wody na terenach zalewowych oraz zalecenia usuwania nadmiaru tej roślinności wyprowadzone z hydraulicznych warunków. Ich przestrzeganie powinno zapewnić obniżenie stanów wody, co jest niezwykle istotne w obrębie terenów zurbanizowanych. Dla właściwego utrzymania warunków przepływu wody w terenie zalewowym po usunięciu roślin należy przestrzegać zasad ograniczających nadmierny rozwój roślinności.
The article presents influence of plants on water flow condidtions on floodplains. Hydraulic conditions indicate that the excess of vegetation should be eliminated. Implementation of such recommendation should allow water stages lowering, what is of great importance in urbanised areas. In order to maintain the water flow conditions on a floodplain, after elimination of vegetation the principles limiting the excessive vegetation growth should be respected.
The paper presents experimental test of mine flail structure designed for a prototype of the Shiba special military vehicle. The Shiba vehicle is equipped with such structure to neutralize mine and IED threats which are one of the most harmful weapons used during modern warfare and peacekeeping missions. The experimental test was performed by the Military Institute of Engineer Technology and the Military University of Technology. The test procedure was based on NATO standards. Detonation of 8 kg TNT AT mine under wheel of the prototype was taken into consideration as a case of possible load during mine clearance operation on the battlefield. The test procedure included deformation measurements of selected parts of mine flail structure. During the tests, strain gauges and camera markers were placed on the structure to allow recording of strains and observation of the specific construction point’s movements. The motion was recorded using three high-speed Phantom cameras. Vishay EA-06-120LZ-120 strain gauges with ESAM Traveler bridge with sampling rate 100 kHz were used for strain measurements. The test was performed on military proving ground. As a result, strain versus time plots were obtained. The results were processed using ESAM software. Strain gauges were placed paired in specific structure points. High-speed camera recordings were obtained to visualize the process of structure response. The sequences of selected frames are shown. Pictures of deformed structure are presented.
The paper presents experimental static tests of IED interrogation arm for Shiba special vehicle. The test was performed by Military University of Technology and Military Institute of Engineer Technology. A number of strain gauges and camera markers were placed on the arm to allow recording strains and movements of specific construction points. The arm's motion was recorded using high speed camera. The equipment used were Vishay EA 06 120LZ 120 strain gauges with ESAM Traveller bridge. The sampling rate was 1000 Hz. The test was to pick up maximum design weight, move it to maximum overhang and then drop it on the ground. During the test, signal from gauges and video capture was recorded. The data was then processed using Thema 3D software to obtain markers displacements and angular changes of both arm parts. Afterwards, the test was repeated for different weight. The analysis showed, that maximum stresses in examined construction parts did not exceed yield stress of material. As well as that, in-depth motion analysis of the arm was conducted. Further works are twofold. Firstly, there will be tests concerning arm under dynamic load occurring during normal maintenance During this test only strains in specific construction parts will be recorded. Secondly, numerical model of an arm will be developed and validated using data obtained during both tests. This will help visualize stress distribution in each arm's part.
The paper presents the methodology of numerical modelling of road crash tests based on the selected vehicle-road barrier system using the possibilities of modern CAD /CAE computing systems for a numerical simulation process of the collision. Owing to these systems, thorough analysis of the process of collision, including the analysis of the stress and strain fields and energy consumption in the tested systems, is possible. It is possible to design and redesign virtually the barriers at a relatively low cost.
W artykule przedstawiono metodykę modelowania numerycznego drogowych testów zderzeniowych na przykładzie wybranego układu pojazd-drogowa bariera ochronna, z wykorzystaniem możliwości nowoczesnych systemów obliczeniowych CAD/CAE do numerycznej symulacji przebiegu zderzeń. Dzięki wykorzystaniu tych systemów możliwa jest dogłębna analiza procesu zderzenia, w tym analiza pól naprężeń, odkształceń oraz energochłonności badanych układów. Możliwe jest wirtualne projektowanie i przeprojektowywanie barier przy relatywnie niskich kosztach.
The use and the combination of new, high efficient materials for crashworthiness is of great interest nowadays. Foamed materials are commonly used to increase efficiency of composite materials. Based on the results obtained by Brachos and Douglas, it can be concluded that the sum of the energy absorption capabilities of the foamed filling and unfilled composite tubes is smaller than the energy absorbed by the tubes filled with the same filling. The paper presents the results of the experimental investigations into the influence of filling the tubes with different materials on the impact energy absorption capability. The tube shaped specimens made of epoxy composite, reinforced with carbon or glass fabrics were filled with foamed aluminium or foamed poly(vinyl chloride). It was proved that the foamed materials increase the energy absorption and the absorbed energy of the tubes filled with foams is greater than the sum of the energy absorbed by the composite tube without filling and the foamed material itself investigated separately, when the wall thickness is more than 2 mm. The investigations of the filled tubes with the thickness of walls equal to 1 mm showed lower absorbed energy values because the crushing force had decreased during the crush. The investigations were executed to show what are the effects of filling composite energy absorbing elements in the shape of tubes with foamed materials. Additionally, influence of tube wall thickness and crush mechanism were studied.
The paper presents the results of the experimental static axial crush performance of unfilled and filled composite tubes. Composites are widely used as materials for energy absorbing structures because of their low density and a very high absorbed energy in relation to the mass ratio. Foamed materials are used in order to additionally increase their efficiency, because of stabilizing the progressive crush. It was proved by many authors that various foamed materials positively influence the energy absorption. In this work authors took effort to evaluate a very different material as a filler of common composite elements . elastomers. Elastomers are materials characterised by very high crush strains and viscoelastic properties. The tube shaped specimens made of epoxy composite, reinforced with carbon or glass fabrics were filled with elastomers of 40; 60; 70 and 90. ShA hardnesses. The influence of the elastomer hardness and the filling degree on the energy absorption factor (EA) was evaluated. The degree of filling the specimens with elastomers is determined by a different size of the elastomer perforation. Elastomers have a negative impact on the energy absorbed by the composite tubes.
In the work, the attempt to determine the influence of loading rate on temperature of the surface of the crushed composite energy absorbing elements was undertaken. The specimens made of epoxy composites reinforced with glass fabrics and carbon fabrics of the structures [(0/90)T ]n were subjected to dynamic investigations. Thermovision investigations were conducted during energy absorbing tests. A thermovision camera enables the measurement of the temperature on the whole surface of the specimen visible in the camera lens while the measurement with the use of thermocouple is only local and has great heat inertia. During the investigations, the increase of specimen temperature related to impact velocity occurs. The temperature increase is caused by friction between the particles of the crushed specimen and by friction between the specimen and the support of the strength machine. At high loading rates, the increase of temperature on the surface of the specimens was significantly greater than the softening temperature of the epoxy resin E-53.
Powódź 2010 r. stanowiła ciężką lekcję dla dziesiątków podmiotów gospodarczych, których działalność została przerwana przez wielką wodę. Szacuje się, że przeszło 1,4 tys. przedsiębiorstw zostało dotkniętych przez żywioł (MSWiA, 2010). Mimo naturalnego charakteru zjawiska w wielu wypadkach udałoby się ograniczyć straty, gdyby nie zaniechania w utrzymaniu infrastruktury wodnej oraz brak rzetel-nej informacji o samym zagrożeniu. W tym artykule prezentujemy wyniki prac projektowych nad zabezpieczeniem zakładu produkcyjnego w województwie małopolskim, wykonanych przez Hydroprojekt Sp. z o.o
The 2010 flood was a hard lesson to learn for dozens of economic entities, the activity of which was discontinued by the high water. It is estimated that 1.4 thousand enterprises were affected by the element (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration, 2010) Despite natural character of this phenomenon, in many cases the losses could be limited if not for omis- sioons in water infrastructure maintenance and lack of reliable information on the threat itself. The article presents the results of design works on protection of a production plant in the Małopolskie Voivodship, carried out by Hydroprojekt Sp. z o.o.
In previous works the research team submitted [1-5] a series of numerical analysis of the car - road barrier dynamical system, directed to the elaboration of the numerical model methodology of an impact problem with the use of the chosen CAE programs. In this article there are presented the results of works on numerical implementation of crash tests of a car with the modified road barrier. The results are presented on the example of the Suzuki Swift car impact into the road barrier, which is equipped with the additional protective panel. The panel consists of the foamed aluminium plate whose fastening to the belt of the W-beam guardrail and a shield presented itself a thin-walled open profile made from the polyester-glass laminate. The whole construction was connected with the W-beam guardrail by riveting. The Geo Metro (Suzuki Swift) car, commonly available model from National Crash Analysis Centre (NCAC), was used for numerical analysis of the car-barrier system. Numerical analysis was carried out with the use of LS-Dyna system. The comparison of the time courses of acceleration, acting on the vehicle centre of gravity and the ways of the barrier and car deformation, achieved by the experimental and simulation ways, took place. The good qualitative and quantitative conformities in accelerations w archieved.
In this paper, elastomers with different hardness factors were examined to evaluate the influence of the hardness on their mechanical properties. The following hardness numbers, measured in Shore A hardness scale, were investigated: 40; 60; 70 and 90°. Basic mechanical tests i.e. axial tension and axial compression have been performed in order to calculate elastic properties and stress values corresponding to the fixed strains: epsilon = 0.2; 0.3 and 0.5. The sigma (epsilon) dependences from the tension and compression tests are nonlinear and have different shapes. The tension plot can be described by a convex parabola, while the compression curve can be approximated by a concave one. dynamic load tests with loading freąuencies 0.01; 0.1; 1.0 and 3,OHz were performed in order to determine the hysteresis loop and to obtain force and displacement dependences in time. From those results the following factors were calculated: relative damping coefficient and mechanical loss angle, as well as their dependence on load frequencies. The influence of hardness on both in-phase and out-of-phase components of normal modulus were investigated. The sensitivity of the examined elastomers to the loading rate was also investigated.
The works on steel -foam energy-absorbing structures for the road barrier W-beam guardrail were carried out because of the necessity of increasing the passive safety of road barriers [1-5]. A road barrier guardrail is made of steel sections. These types of sections are characterized by good strain properties, although their energy-absorbing abilities and possibilities for "softer" vehicle impact energy are unsatisfactory. In order to increase energy-absorption on the road barrier guardrail additional tin-foam sections were used. Experimental tests on the modifled road barrier guardrail were carried out on a testing machine INSTRON at the Faculty of Mechanics and Applied Informatics of the Military Academy of Technology. Two meters long W-beam guardrail was investigated in a three point bending test, perpendicularly and under the angle of 20°. As a result of the experimental research diagrams of dependence of bending force on displacement were obtained. On the basis of aforementioned diagrams the energy that was absorbed by individual road barrier elements: tin coating, foam insert and steel guardrail, was estimated. Obtained results of the experimental research were also compared with the results of the numerical simulation of the finite elements method in LS-DYNA system.
This analysis considers the problem related to the transport safety improvement by applying specialized energy absorbing elements. The advanced finite element method was used to solve this problem. The obtained results permit to estimate the practical usability of the proposed solution. In previous works of the examination team [1-5] a series of numerical analysis of the car -- road barrier dynamical system, directed to the elaboration of the numerical model methodology of an impact problem with the use of chosen CAE programs, was submitted. In this article experimental results of a Suzuki Swift car impact into a standard road barrier arę presented. Tests were carried out at the Automotive Industry Institute (PIMOT) in Warsaw, with the use of a test sample of the road barrier. Presented results of experimental tests serve to validation of a numerical model of the aforementioned system. For the safety sake the car's speed during the experimental examinations was limited to 50 km/h. Moreover, the vehicle hit perpendicularly a properly modified road barrier's sector. Experimental initial boundary and constructional conditions were modelled in numerical examinations. in which a commonlv available Suzuki Swift car model,, was used. Numerical analysis was carried out with the use of LS-DYNA system.
Content available Crash tests of a car with modified road barriers
In this article experimental results of a car impact into a modified road barrier are presented. For crash tests a modified protection barrier SP-04, composed of guide poles, type B, and bridge posts IPE140, was chosen. The road barrier modification lies in using additional panels absorbing the impact energy. The protective panels, subjected to examination, consisted of a metal or a composite (laminate, glass-polyester) shield in which the f o amed aluminium or polyurethane foam was a filling. The Suzuki Swift car s were prepared for the crash tests. Tests were carried out at the Automotive Industry Institute (PIMOT) in Warsaw, with the use o f a test sample of the road barrier. For the safety sake the car's speed during the experimental examinations was limited to 50 km/h. Moreover, the vehicle hits perpendicularly in a properly modified road barrier's sector. During the test a registration of acceleration was carried out by the acceleration sensors placed in the car (among others in the centre of gravity and over the rear axle of a car). A crash test course of the system C-G was registered with the use of two cameras for fast shooting (Fantom v12). An image was recorded with the resolution of 1280 x 800 pixels and with frequency of 1000 shots per second. The shot exposure time equalled to 250 microseconds.
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