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Triassic and Jurassic siliciclastic rocks from boreholes drilled in the Łódź and Miechów troughs to the SW of the Mid Polish Anticlinorium have been subjected to petrologic studies. The are represented by claystones, mudstones, sandstones, and less frequently by conglomerates. The studies shows that the filtration and reservoir properties of the Triassic deposits not good due to diagenetic processes (compaction, cementation, replacement, dissolution). Only some Lower Triassic sandstones, occurring among others, as intelayers, display increased values of permeability and porosity (to about 27 vol. %). The best properties are display ed by sandstones from the Brzegi IG 1 borehole, in which macropore intergranular space is present. The Lower Jurassic rocks are characterized by the best properties within the Jurassic complex. They show increased values of mostly secondary porosity, which results from the dissolution of grains and cements. The pore space is developed homogenously. It has a micropore character in the Middle and Upper Jurassic deposits.
A highs ignifance of the Kutno 2 deep borehole is due to its location in the central zone of the Polish Basin where the Rotliegend complex has previously never been achieved by other drill holes and thus was not recognized and studied. Drill core from the Rotligend of the Kutno2 has been recently studied for its petrography and facies. The Rotligend in this zone is represented by fluvial and alluvial sediments. It is composed mainly of fine- to coarse-grained sandstones, with conglomerate inter beds. Diagenetic processes of the sediments have been dominated by mechanical and chemical compaction, as well as by transformation of the unstable mineral components. Fluid inclusion analysis for quartz and carbonates indicates that the diagenesis-associated temperature reached 120-180°C. The presence of haematite pseudomorphoses after framboidal pyrite indicates an extremely high palaeotemperature of approx. 500°C. Itis related here to the Jurassic hydrothermal event. The recent very high reservoir pressure might be associated with high temperatures due to the aqua thermal pressure mechanism.
The paper presents results of new petrographic and mineralogical analyses of Ediacaran clastic rocksin the Bibiela PIG-1 borehole drilled in 2016. Three types of microlithofacies have been distinguished. The basic types of rocks are siltstones and claystones containing thin layers of mudstones. Breccia is common, while sandstones form thin packages. The Ediacaran rocks are cut by numerous veins that intersect each other. They are filled with carbonates, quartz, chlorites and kaolinite. Ankerite, Fe-dolomite, dolomite, Mg-siderite (sideroplesite, pistomesite, metisite), Mn-siderite (manganosiderite) and Fe/Mn-calcite were identified among the carbonate minerals. Vitrinite reflectance index Ro (1.68%), Kübler index KI (0.72 to 1.10 Δo2ϴ CuK2) and smectite content (10-25%) in the mixed-layer illite/smectite indicate that the Ediacaran rocks in the Bibiela PIG-1 borehole have been altered under the conditions of late diagenesis at the maximum temperature estimated at approx. 160oC
The Ordovician and Silurian deposits in the Baltic Basin are represented by siltstones, mudstones, limestones, marls, sandstones and, most commonly, claystones with a markedly shaley structure. Claystones that are particularly rich in organic matter are considered as potential reservoirs for shale gas accumulations. Samples from 11 boreholes, including core samples of the Piaśnica, Słuchowo, Kopalino, Sasino, Prabuty, Jantar, Pelplin and locally Pasłęk, Kociewie and Puck formations, were analysed by optical microscopy, cathodoluminescence (CL), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive spectrometry and X-ray diffraction analyses (XRD). The Piaśnica, Sasino, Jantar, Pasłęk and Pelplin formations are characterized locally by a dominance of black bituminous claystones with a high content of organic matter, and a generally consistent clay mineral composition. Individual samples only show variations in silt fraction and carbonate content. Very important is the negligible proportion of swelling minerals in the clay fraction; the percentage of smectite in the mixed-layered illite/smectite minerals does not exceed 15%. It is important for the rocks to have adequate [SiO2 >10%; Quartz (Q) + Feldspars (Fs) + Carbonates >40%] brittleness. The content of quartz, feldspars and carbonates (here >40%) suggests that the claystones are susceptible to hydraulic fracturing. The claystones show micropores between detrital grains, between the flakes of clay minerals, within pyrite framboids, and organic matter and secondary micropores within grains.
Rocks from the Mo-1 well from the Barnówko-Mostno-Buszewo (BMB) oil and gas field have been studied aiming at constructive results for application in exploration for oil and gas. The study focuses on carbonate deposits from the Main Dolomite horizon, commonly diagenetically altered, where the pore space has been filled by dolomite and anhydrite. Standard petrological analysis was conducted, wide fluid inclusion analyses performed and geochemical character of bitumen determined. Based on microscopic fluorescence studies, three types of fluid inclusions have been distinguished in the vertical column of the well: one-phase non-fluorescent (methane), two-phase non-fluorescent (brine), and two-phase fluorescent inclusions (oil). These three types, further studied microthermometrically, display characteristics of fluid fillings present in the basin and closed as the inclusions in minerals.
Udzielenie koncesji na poszukiwanie i rozpoznawanie złóż węglowodorów oraz wydobywanie węglowodorów ze złóż lub koncesji na wydobywanie węglowodorów ze złóż w Polsce następuje w wyniku przeprowadzenia postępowania przetargowego albo na wniosek zainteresowanego podmiotu (Ustawa… 2019: art. 49e). Na przełomie 2019 i 2020 r. będzie procedowana czwarta runda przetargów na koncesje węglowodorowe. Jej przedmiotem będzie pięć obszarów, wyznaczonych przez geologów Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego – Państwowego Instytutu Badawczego (PIG-PIB) i Departamentu Geologii i Koncesji Geologicznych (DGK) Ministerstwa Środowiska na podstawie danych zgromadzonych w N arodowym A rchiwum Geologicznym, publikacji naukowych oraz wiedzy i doświadczenia płynących ze współpracy z przemysłem naftowym. S ą to: Pyrzyce, Złoczew, Ż abowo, Bestwina-Czechowice i Królówka. Perspektywy poszukiwawcze na obszarach Pyrzyce, Ż abowo i Z łoczew (centralna i północno-zachodnia Polska) są związane z utworami czerwonego spągowca i dolomitu głównego. Bestwina-Czechowice i Królówka (południowa Polska) są z kolei dedykowane poszukiwaniom konwencjonalnych lub hybrydowych nagromadzeń gazu ziemnego w utworach miocenu zapadliska przedkarpackiego pod nasunięciem karpackim, choć perspektywy poszukiwawcze występują również w ich paleozoiczno-mezozoicznym podłożu. O koncesje węglowodorowe można ubiegać się także na drodze przetargu inwestorskiego (tzw. open door) – na wniosek Przedsiębiorcy, pod warunkiem, że zgłaszany obszar nie jest objęty aktualnie trwającą koncesją lub nie jest przedmiotem przetargu.
According to the Polish Geological and Mining L aw the granting of a concession for the exploration of a hydrocarbon deposit and the production of hydrocarbons from a deposit, or a concession for the production of hydrocarbons from a deposit in Poland is proceeded according to a tender procedure or open door procedure (upon a request of an entity). O n June 28, 2018 the Polish Minister of the E nvironment announced 5 tender areas. These areas (promising for discoveries of conventional and unconventional oil and gas deposits) were selected by the geologists of the Polish Geological Institute-NR I and Department of Geology and Geological Concessions of the Ministry of the E nvironment based on the geological data resources stored in the N ational Geological A rchive. These are: Bestwina-Czechowice, Królówka, Pyrzyce, Z łoczew i Ż abowo. The main exploration target on the areas located in central and north-western Poland (Pyrzyce, Ż abowo and Z łoczew) is related to Permian R otliegend sandstones and carbonates of the Z echstein/Main Dolomite. The Bestwina-Czechowice and Królówka areas (southern Poland) are prospective for conventional and hybrid-type accumulations of gas in the Miocene of the C arpathian Foredeep below the C arpathian O verthrust and in the Paleozoic-Mesozoic basement. The beginning of the 4th bidding round for hydrocarbon concessions is planned in Q4 2019. The entity can also choose the area and apply for a license submitting an application to the Ministry of the Environment. The area indicated by the entity cannot be the subject of a tender or any other concession, and the maximum acreage is 1,200 km2.
A concession for prospection, exploration and production of hydrocarbons from deposits or a concession for production of hydrocarbons from deposits shall be granted by the way of a tender procedure or at the request of the interested entity. On June 28, 2018 the Polish Minister of the Environment announced the boundaries of the five tender areas dedicated for the next, 4th tender round for hydrocarbon concessions in Poland. These are: Bestwina-Czechowice, Królówka, Pyrzyce, Złoczew and Żabowo. The main exploration target of the areas located in southern Poland (Carpathians) - Bestwina-Czechowice and Królówka - is related to conventional accumulations of gas in the Miocene of the Carpathian Foredeep and to conventional and unconventional accumulations of gas and oil in the Paleozoic-Mesozoic basement of the Carpathian units. On the other side, the conventional accumulations of gas in the Permian Rotliegend sandstones and conventional and unconventional accumulations of gas and oil in the Zechstein/Main Dolomite carbonates are expected in the Pyrzyce, Żabowo and Złoczew areas, in central and north-western Poland. The beginning of the tender is planned for Q1 2020. The tender will last 180 days. The entities can also apply for a concession submitting an application to the Licensing Authority . However, the area indicated by the entity cannot be a subject of a tender or any other concession, and the maximum acreage cannot exceed 1200 km2. As a rule, a concession is granted for a period of 30 years and will be divided into 2 phases: (1) prospection and exploration phase (which lasts no longer than 5 years, but in justified cases can be extended), (2) production phase (25 years). Every entity interested in obtaining a concession needs to undergo the qualification procedure. We believe that this publication will contribute to better understanding of the offered tender areas and boosts the activity in the Polish oil and gas sector.
Reservoir and sealing properties of Lower Triassic sandstones from seven boreholes of the central part of the Koszalin-Zamość Synclinorium were investigated in terms of potential levels for underground storage of carbon dioxide. Extensive petrographic studies, image analysis, and investigations of petrophysical properties of rocks and pore space were carried out. The research shows that diagenetic processes both variously affected the intensity of alteration and variously shaped the pore space. Not only primary but also secondary porosity, resulting from diagenetic alteration and dissolution, is observed in the rocks. Microscopic observations revealed that the pore space in studied samples is dominated by macropores. The results obtained indicate a poor suitability of the Lower Triassic deposits for the purpose of carbon dioxide sequestration.
W pracy przedstawiono badania piaskowców triasu dolnego centralnej części synklinorium koszalińsko-zamojskiego pochodzących z siedmiu otworów wiertniczych, pod kątem ich właściwości kolektorsko-uszczelniających w aspekcie potencjalnych poziomów do podziemnego składowania dwutlenku węgla. Przeprowadzono szeroko zakrojone badania petrograficzne, analizę obrazu i badania właściwości petrofizycznych skał oraz przestrzeni porowej. W wyniku przeprowadzonych prac stwierdzono, że procesy diagenetyczne miały różny wpływ na intensywność zmian i w różny sposób kształtowały przestrzeń porową. W skałach zaobserwowano występowanie porowatości pierwotnej, a także wtórnej, powstałej na skutek przeobrażania i rozpuszczania diagenetycznego. Na podstawie obserwacji mikroskopowych uznano, że przestrzeń porowa w badanych próbkach jest zdominowana przez makropory. Wyniki badań wskazują na niewielką przydatność utworów triasu dolnego na potrzeby sekwestracji dwutlenku węgla.
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