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This paper presents utilization of argon plasma for gradual etching of calcium carbonate crystals. The plasma treatment has been chosen as it appears to be the technique that enables removal of following material layers, thus, the access to the inside of crystals is possible. Examples of investigations of the morphology and mechanical properties of surfaces of calcium carbonate crystals are presented. The impact of plasma treatment has been verified in terms of roughness and volume changes investigated using atomic force microscopy technique in a multi-step experiment. Therefore, we were able to observe the crystal degradation process, revealing the spatial inhomogeneity of the calcium carbonate crystals resulting from their core-shell structure.
Artykuł jest próbą usystematyzowania wiedzy oraz zasygnalizowania najważniejszych problemów. Obserwując trendy w kształtowaniu polityki energetycznej w Polsce i w Unii Europejskiej należy podkreślić, iż zmierzają one w tym samym kierunku, dostosowując jedynie poszczególne rozwiązania do specyfiki danego państwa. Przykładowo obecnie Polska nie posiada jeszcze elektrowni atomowej, ale posiada za to pokaźne złoża węgla kamiennego i brunatnego, z drugiej strony kraje śródziemnomorskie z uwagi na odpowiednie nasłonecznie mogą inwestować np. w odnawialne źródła energii takie jak ogniwa fotowoltaiczne, nie będąc tak uzależnionym od spalania paliw węglowodorowych. Na podstawie zamieszczonych w artykule rysunków łatwo można stwierdzić, że obecnie Wspólnota jest w sposób znaczy uzależniona od dostaw surowców z zewnątrz, w tym w największej mierze od niestety dość nieprzewidywalnej Federacji Rosyjskiej. Biorąc między innymi te fakty pod uwagę powstawała i nadal się kształtuje Polityka Energetyczna Unii. Uwzględniając zapisy znajdujące się w tej Polityce należy mieć nadzieje, że w perspektywie 2030 roku Unia zmniejszy swoją zależność od dostaw energii. Analizując te zapisy dość łatwo można dojść do wniosku, że w przypadku wywiązania się z nich jest to możliwe. Z kolei biorąc pod uwagę prognozę miksu energetycznego Unii wykonaną przez Międzynarodową Agencję Energetyczną również widać, że prognozowane jest zmniejszenie zużycia energii. Ponadto z innych prognoz wynika kroczący wzrost udziału odnawialnych źródeł energii w całościowym miksie. Jeżeli, natomiast chodzi o sytuacje Polski na tym tle to obecnie jak wiadomo w sposób znaczący uzależniony jest od węgla jako surowca energetycznego.
An attempt is made to systematize everything we know about energy policy in Poland and in the EU and indicate the most important problems. Observing trends in shaping the above mentioned policy we must emphasize that both, the Polish and the EU ones, head in the same direction adapting only some of the solutions to specific characters of individual countries. For example, Poland has had no nuclear plant so far but is in possession of significant brown and hard coal deposits while Mediterranean countries, exposed to a strong solar radiation, can invest in renevable energy sources like photovoltaics, being not so much dependent on fossile fuels. Attached diagrams show that now the Union depends very much on imported raw materials and mostly on the ones coming from the quite unpredictable now Russian Federation. Taking all this into account we can understand now in what conditions and how the Union Energy Policy is created. Considering provisions of the Energy Act we can only hope that in perspective of the year 2030 the Union will decrease its dependency on the import of energy and when analysing these provisions we can easily come to the conclusion that it is possible. The same says IEA in its prognosis concerning the Union energy mix and other prognoses say about the growing share of renevable energy sources in this mix, either. But, if it comes to Poland, it does not change much the situation as our country is, and for some time will still be, dependent on its coal resources.
To further understand the suitability of Ni-Cr-base alloys for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), a commercial Ni-Cr-Fe-Mo alloy, Hastelloy X was selected and evaluated for oxidation behaviour under high temperature conditions. HastelloyX was chosen due to its high resistance to oxidizing, reducing and neutral atmospheres. For long term stability of metal supported fuel cells, the corrosion resistance of porous alloy plays a vital role and must be studied. Cyclic thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray diffractometry and SEM imaging were used to describe the properties of these porous alloys. The influence of porosity on resulting properties was also elucidated. The high temperature corrosion rate is high and is strongly influenced by the porosity level. Open porosity decreases rapidly upon oxidation at 800 ºC.
W celu sprawdzenia możliwości zastosowania stopu bazującego na Ni-Cr dla potrzeb konstrukcji tlenkowych ogniw paliwowych (SOFCs), komercyjnie dostępny materiał Ni-Cr-Fe-Mo – Hastelloy X został wybrany i oceniony pod kątem zachowania w wysokich temperaturach. Stop Hastelloy X został wybrany ze względu na dużą odporność na działanie atmosfer utleniających, redukujących oraz neutralnych. Odporność korozyjna odgrywa istotną rolę przy długoterminowej stabilności ogniw paliwowych opartych na metalach. Do opisu właściwości porowatego stopu posłużyły: cykliczna analiza termo grawimetryczna, dyfraktometria rentgenowska i obrazowanie skaningowym mikroskopem elektronowym. W pracy zwrócono szczególną uwagę na wpływ porowatości na właściwości stopu. Ze względu na wysoce rozwiniętą powierzchnię właściwą porowatego stopu, w wyniku utleniania w wysokich temperaturach (800°C) następuje znaczne zmniejszenie porowatości otwartej. W celu wykorzystania porowatego stopu Hastelloy X w konstrukcji ogniw SOFC, należy obniżyć temperaturę ich pracy lub opracować nowe warstwy ochronne dla materiałów porowatych.
In this paper the possibilities of using spray pyrolysis method to produce yttrium stabilized zircoma layers have been examined. A stainless steel, type 316L, was used as a substrate. It was important to determine the optimal conditions of the films preparation. The basic parameter in the pyrolysis technology process is a surface temperature, which was systematically examined. The layer was intended to be used as protective film for metallic implants. In order to determine the corrosion resistance and protective properties of produced layers, potentiodynamic measurements in mimicking tissue environment solution were carried out. It provided information about the corrosive effects, which occur on the steel surface and on the protective layer. The experimental results showed that improvement of corrosion resistance properties was obtained by spraying the precursor at 390°C.
W niniejszym artykule przebadane zostały możliwości zastosowania meetody pirolizy aerozolowej do wytwarzania warstw z tlenku cyrkonu stabilizowanego itrem na podłożu ze stali nierdzewnej 316L. W pierwszej kolejności bardzo ważne było określenie optymalnych warunków przygotowania warstw. Podstawowym parametrem w procesie napylania warstw metodą pirolizy aerozolowej jest temperatura powierzchni, której wpływ systematycznie przebadano. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały przydatność warstw z zastosowaniem tlenku cyrkonu stabilizowanego itrem wytworzonych metodą pirolizy aerozolowej. W celu określenia odporności na korozję oraz właściwości ochronnych zostały przeprowadzone pomiary potencjodynamiczne w roztworze imitującym środowisko tkankowe. Wyniki uzyskane z pomiarów laboratoryjnych dostarczyły informacji na temat zjawisk korozyjnych zachodzących na powierzchni stali oraz warstw ochronnych. Badania pokazały, że warstwą wykazującą poprawę właściwości antykorozyjnych jest ta, która powstała poprzez napylenie prekursora polimerowego w temperaturze 390°C.
Water is one of the indoor sources of 222Rn. As radon is soluble in water, it is carried indoor by water supply and there it is released. The presence of radon in groundwaters is caused by direct migration of 222Rn from rocks and soil to waters as well as by radium content in water. Radon inflow indoor is possible in the areas where drinking water shows high radon concentration. Radon concentration changes significantly from low in natural surface water to relatively high from water in drilled wells. It is estimated that out of 10,000 Bq·m–3 of radon contained in water supply we can obtain radon concentration increase by 1 Bq·m–3 indoor. The aim of the study was to measure radon in water supply in the Białystok region and also estimation of doses and investigation how the treatment influenced radon concentration in water. Water was collected from rural and municipal waterworks as well as from home wells. Measurements of radon concentration in particular stages of drawing and treatment of water in Białystok waterworks were also conducted. A liquid scintillation method was used in the study. The arithmetic mean of radon concentrations in the samples was equal to 5800 Bq·m–3, median – 4800 Bq·m–3, and geometric mean – 4600 Bq·m–3. The lowest values of radon concentration were observed in surface waters (from surface intake). Radon concentrations in waters from drilled wells, shallow home wells and surface intake were compared and statistically significant differences were obtained at p < 0.05. The results of radon concentrations in drinking water in the Białystok area revealed radon-poor waters (88%) and low-radon waters (12%).
Six radon laboratories, which perform indoor radon measurements to jointly investigate temporal variations of radon concentration in houses in a couple of regions in Poland, participated in the intercomparison exercise. There are involved three commercially available Hungarian RadoSys systems and four own laboratory methods. All of them are based on the etched-track CR-39 detectors. The intercomparison was conducted in a calibration laboratory of the Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection (CLOR), Warsaw, Poland, accredited by the Polish Center for Accreditation (previously AP 101, at present AP 057). Comparison measurements were performed during three expositions in the CLOR’s radon calibration chamber under controlled normal climatic conditions and steady radon concentration. The results were referred to the value of the radon concentration determined by AlphaGUARD monitor traceable to the primary 222Rn standard in Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunchweig, Germany. The mean performance ratio defined as a ratio of the reference to participant’s result range from 0.88 to 1.31.
Radon and its short-lived disintegration products are the most significant factors of exposure to ionizing radiation from natural sources. Białystok has the population of about 300,000 inhabitants in 100,460 flats in 16,282 houses. They are mostly one-family houses (about 80.7per cent) and two-family houses (8.2 per cent). It can be estimated that about 2/3 of the Białystok inhabitants live in the so-called “blocks of flats”. The study aimed at evaluation of the exposure to radon present in the flats. The integral method of trace detectors was used to measure radon concentration indoors. All values of the radon concentration were the mean annual values as they were obtained on annual exposure or were calculated and corrected to annual exposure based on shorter periods of time. Radon concentration distribution in flats of 3 housing estates in Białystok was analyzed. The effective dose of inhaled radon per a statistical inhabitant of Białystok (about 1.1 mSv) per year was calculated on the basis of mean values of radon concentration. Inhabitants of one-family houses obtained slightly higher annual doses – 1.4 mSv while the inhabitants of block of flats got lower annual doses – 0.8 mSv.
In the paper, results of year-long measurements of radon levels in dwellings on the premises of Silesian Voivodeship are presented. Track etched detectors with polymer CR-39 foils were used in the investigations. As the studied buildings were located in different regions of Silesian Voivodeship, therefore results of measurements were analysed due to possible influence of geological structure or effect of mining operations in places, where given dwellings were situated. Elevated concentrations of radon were measured mostly in dwellings located in areas, where permeable Triassic limestone and dolomite occur, as it has been predicted. On the other hand, the impact of mining activity such as disintegration of rock-body and activation of faults plays an important role, too, because it enables radon migration and its entry into buildings. Beside the analysis of seasonal variations of radon activity concentration, the impact of temperature and pressure on these fluctuations outdoor and indoor buildings has been analysed.
A study of the effect of substituents in the aromatic ring on the aniline carbonylation reaction in the presence of the PdCl2/Fe/I2/Py catalytic system, where oxygen or nitrobenzene were used as oxidants, showed that the electronodonor substituents accelerate the aniline carbonylation reaction, when the reaction is conducted in the presence of oxygen. For nitrobenzene used as an oxidant in this reaction substituent was found to have no ef fect on the carbamate yield. The nitrobenzene reduction is the rate-determining step in the aniline carbonylation process.
Anew operationally simple and highly efficient procedure for the ethynylation of ether derivatives of _-haloalkanols with lithium acetylide-ethylenediamine complex in N,Ndimethylacetamide is described.
Indoor radon concentration undergoes 24-hour and seasonal changes. The paper presents first in Poland results of radon concentration changeability in one building during the whole year. We performed 103 measurements of indoor radon concentrations. The following parameters of radon concentration distribution were obtained: arithmetic mean - 224.1 Bq m 3, geometric mean - 194.5 Bq m 3, median - 207 Bq m 3, and geometric standard deviation - 1.84. The minimum observed value was 22 Bq m 3 and the maximum - 748 Bq m 3. We determined the monthly and annual values of radon concentrations. The values for particular months are in the range of 0.5 to 1.6 of the annual mean. We observed a correlation between the mean radon concentrations in the examined buildings and the differences in the mean values of indoor (R = 0.91, p < 0.05) and outdoor temperatures (R = 0.91, p < 0.05). There was also a connection between the radon concentration inside the buildings and the changes in atmospheric pressure.
In a region of two lithologic units: the Augustów Plane sandr and the Suwałki sands and fluvioglacial gravels, 134 measurements of radon concentrations in dwelling houses were performed. An integral method of solid state nuclear trace detectors (SSNTD) was used in the studies. Statistically significant differences in the radon concentrations in both geological units were obtained. The radon concentration arithmetic mean was 197 Bq m-3, geometric mean - 119 Bq m-3, median - 111 Bq m-3, the maximal value being 1225 Bq m-3 in the region of the Suwałki fluvioglacial sands and gravels. The Augustów Plane sandr revealed arithmetic mean of radon concentration equal to 123 Bq m-3, geometric mean – 80 Bq m-3, and median equal to 67 Bq m-3, maximal value 695 Bq m-3. The annual effective dose of the radon obtained by inhabitants of the Augustów Plane sandr is 1.7 mSv and for inhabitants of the Suwałki fluvioglacial sands and gravels it is 2.5 mSv.
Content available remote Stężenie radonu na wybranych obszarach Suwalszczyzny
Przeprowadzono pomiary stężenia radonu wewnątrz budynków mieszkalnych zbudowanych na dwóch typach podłoża: piaszczysto-żwirowym i gliniastym. Pomiary przeprowadzono całkującymi detektorami śladowymi, użyto folii CR-39. Przeprowadzono również w obrębie obu wydzieleń litologicznych pomiary stężenia radonu w powietrzu glebowym. Średnia arytmetyczna stężenia radonu w powietrzu piwnic na podłożu piaszczysto-żwirowym wynosiła 276 Bq m-3, a na podłożu gliniastym 587 Bq m-3. Średnia arytmetyczna stężenia radonu w powietrzu glebowym podłoża piaszczysto-żwirowego wynosi 39,77 kBq m-3 a podłoża gliniastego 26,66 kBq m-3. Stężenie radonu w wodzie studziennej (8367 Bq m-3) było wyższe na całym badanym terenie w porównaniu ze stężeniem w wodzie wodociągowej (2690 Bq m-3).
Measurements of radon concentrations in indoor air were carried out in dwellings built on two types of soil, i.e. sandy -gravel soils and clay soils. An integrative method of a-track film was used. The radon measurements in soil air were performed for both types of soils. The arithmetic mean of radon concentration in cellar air within gravel-sandy soil was 276 Bq m^-3, whereas within clay soil - 587 Bq m^-3. In turn, these value in soil air in sandy-gravel area reached 39.77 kBq m^-3, whereas in clay soil - 26.66 Bq m^-3 The concentration of radon in the household well water in the whole examined area was higher (8367 Bq m^-3) compared to that " water from supply system (2690 Bq m^-3).
Air samples were collected at an early-warning sampling and monitoring radioactive contamination station ASS-500. The results of the measurements are presented for radioactive aerosols collected on filters each week between 1992 and 1999. The large variations in activity concentration were observed in annual cycles. The maximum values exceeded the mean annual values by a factor of 2.8 to 7.3. Over the period of eight years the mean values of activity in air was found to decrease from 5.3 mi Bq m-3 in 1992 to 2.2 mi Bq m-3 in 1999. A good correlation between the Cs-137 activity and dust content in the air indicates that in the observed period the main source of Cs-137 activity is the dust with soil and vegetation particles. The effect of radiation from inhalation is negligible (626 pSv).
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