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Reimeria ovata (Hust.) Levkov & Ector was found during field research conducted from 2013 to 2015 on the Wołosaty stream and its selected tributaries. Valves measured in the studied material are narrower than valves described in the currently available literature and have more striae per 10 µm. Specimens of R. ovata observed under a light microscope were morphologically very similar to those of R. sinuata, particularly in the case of small individuals. The precise distinction between these two species was only possible under SEM. R. ovata has been found in cold, oligotrophic waters, highly saturated with oxygen, with alkaline or circumneutral pH, but never in large numbers. The aim of this work was to identify the new locations of R. ovata and to determine morphological and ecological characteristics of this species.
This paper presents first polish site of Luticola frequentissima Levkov, Metzeltin & Pavlov, with morphological and ecological characteristics. The species was found in samples collected from flowing waters and soils within the area of the Bieszczady National Park and the Magura National Park. In south-eastern Poland a low number of Luticola frequentissima cells occurred in small shaded streams. It was most frequently observed in aerophitic places (shallow and drying watercourses) and in soils. In the studied samples, apart from those cells with typical dimensions, much smaller and narrower cells with a higher number of striae were found in comparison to those in the currently available literature.
The objective of this work was to examine the water quality using three diatom indices SPI, GDI and TDI. The material for the study was collected during four seasons from autumn 2010 to summer 2011, from four sampling sites located on the Wisłoka River, in the town of Dębica and the surrounding area. The Wisłoka at all selected sites was characterized by alkaline or close to neutral pH (pH 6.5-7.7). Electrolytic conductivity ranged from 364 to 480μS cm-1. The Wisłoka at the selected sites in the urban area and in the surrounding areas was characterized by high diatom species richness. The total of 238 taxa from 53 genera were recorded, of which the most numerous were: Nitzschia (44), Navicula (33) and Gomphonema (12). Achnanthidium minutissimum var. minutissimum, Amphora pediculus, Navicula gregaria, N. lanceolata, and Nitzschia dissipata ssp. dissipata were usually the dominant species. Chemical parameters indicated very good quality of water. However, the diatom indices used to assess the water quality, classified the studied water into a group corresponding to quality class III or IV.
The Terebowiec stream is an 8 km long watercourse which flows through the strictly protected Bieszczady National Park. The studies on bentic diatoms were conducted between 2013–2015 at three sampling sites along the Terebowiec stream and its unnamed tributary. 260 diatom taxa were identified in the streams, of which 13 taxa were considered as frequent. Chemical analysis showed good and high status of the water. In the studied samples, 27 taxa from the Polish Red List of Algae were determined.
Celem pracy było zbadanie różnorodności gatunkowej okrzemek rozwijających się na glebie pod uprawą pszenicy w Pogórskiej Woli koło Tarnowa oraz charakterystyka zbiorowisk okrzemek w oparciu o wybrane właściwości fizykochemiczne gleby. Badania prowadzono w okresie wegetacyjnym (od kwietnia do listopada 2011 r.), próbki powierzchniowej warstwy gleby pobierano w odstępach comiesięcznych. Badania fizykochemiczne wykazały odczyn kwaśny lub lekko kwaśny oraz niskie wartości uwilgotnienia (od około 6% w kwietniu i październiku do 1,93% w czerwcu). Łącznie oznaczono 47 taksonów okrzemek. Największym bogactwem gatunkowym charakteryzowały się rodzaje Luticola, Navicula i Mayamaea. Wyróżniono 8 gatunków dominujących, z których zdecydowaną większość stanowiły gatunki aerofityczne i glebowe. Najliczniejsze populacje tworzyły: Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehrenb.) Grunow, Luticola nivalis (Ehrenb.) D.G. Mann, Pinnularia borealis Ehrenb. var. borealis i Stauroneis borrichii (Petersen) Lund.
Studies were conducted on a farmland located in the Pogórska Wola near Tarnów. The aim of the studies was to examine the species richness of diatoms growing on soil under wheat cropping in the Pogórska Wola and characteristic of diatoms assemblages based on selected physico-chemical parameters of soil. Studies were conducted in vegetation season (from April to November 2011). Samples were collected once a month. Soil reaction in each month was acid or slightly acid. Humidity was low and balanced between 6% in April and October down to 1.93% in June. 47 diatom taxa were recorded in total. The biggest species richness occurred in genus Luticola, Navicula and Mayamea. Eight taxa were considered as dominant from which the most was aerophytic and soli species. The biggest populations were created by: Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehrenb.) Grunow, Luticola nivalis (Ehrenb.) D.G. Mann, Pinnularia borealis Ehrenb. var. borealis and Stauroneis borrichii (Petersen) Lund.
The studies on bentic diatoms were conducted in 2009–2011 at eight samplings sites over the Żołynianka stream and its tributary, the Jagielnia. 427 diatom taxa were recorded in total. Achnanthidium minutissimum var. minutissimum, Aulacoseira ambigua, Fragilaria capucina var. capucina, Gomphonema parvlum, Navicula gregaria, Nitzschia palea and Planothidium lanceolatum were dominant taxa in both watercourses. Chemical analysis of water showed high chemical status of water at most of sampling sites. The results of diatomaceous analysis conducted with OMNIDIA software revealed moderate and poor condition of water. The best water quality was recorded in the Jagielnia stream (good or moderate status). The values of the analyzed indices showed the worst water quality on the Żołynianka at site four, showing bad ecological status. TDI index deviated the most from the other two indices (IPS and GDI), always indicating poorer water quality.
Rzeka Biała Tarnowska jest prawobrzeżnym dopływem Dunajca. Wypływa z Beskidu Niskiego, płynie na granicy Pogórza Rożnowskiego i Ciężkowickiego, następnie uchodzi do Dunajca na terenie Niziny Nadwiślańskiej. Celem niniejszej pracy było zbadanie różnorodności okrzemek na poszczególnych stanowiskach oraz próba oceny zanieczyszczenia rzeki z wykorzystaniem okrzemek jako wskaźników jakości wód. Wody rzeki Biała Tarnowska charakteryzowały się odczynem zasadowym lub zbliżonym do obojętnego. Wartości stężeń azotanów wskazywały na II klasę jakości, jedynie na ostatnim stanowisku (5) mieściły się w normach odpowiadających I klasie. Na stanowiskach wyznaczonych wzdłuż biegu rzeki zidentyfikowano łącznie 205 taksonów okrzemek. Najbogatszymi w gatunki rodzajami były: Nitzschia (29), Navicula (21) oraz Gomphonema (15). Najczęściej występującym dominantem było Achnanthidium pyrenaicum (Hust.) Kobayasi. Bardzo liczne populacje tworzyła także Navicula lanceolata (Agardh) Kütz., w dolnym biegu rzeki, na dwóch ostatnich stanowiskach. Celem określenia statusu ekologicznego rzeki Białej Tarnowskiej wykonano analizę struktury zbiorowisk okrzemek. Wyniki analiz przedstawiono za pomocą wybranych indeksów okrzemkowych. Według indeksu IPS Biała Tarnowska posiada dobry status ekologiczny (II klasa) na większości badanych stanowisk. Wartości wskaźnika TDI przedstawiały się najgorzej w klasyfikacji i wskazywały najczęściej na wody słabej i złej jakości (IV i V klasa) zwłaszcza w środkowym i dolnym biegu.
The Biała Tarnowska River is a right-bank tributary of Dunajec. It flows from the Low Beskid Mountains, flowing on the border of Ciężkowickie and Rożnowskie foothills and then flows into the Dunajec on the territory of Vistula Lowland (Nizina Nadwiślańska). The aim of this work was to investigate the diatoms diversity at the individual sites and attempt to evaluate pollution of the river with the use diatoms as water quality indicators. The waters of Biała Tarnowska River were characterized by alkaline or circumneutral pH. Values of nitrates concentration indicated II water quality class, only at the last site (5) corresponded to the standards for the I class. At the studied sites located along river course 205 diatom taxa were identified. The riches in species were genera: Nitzschia (29), Navicula (21) and Gomphonema (15). The most popular dominant was Achnanthidium pyrenaicum (Hust.) Kobayasi. Very numerous communities were created by Navicula lanceolata (Agardh) Kütz, at the lower current of river, on two last sites. In order to determine the ecological status of Biała Tarnowska River the analysis of the diatom assemblages structure was performed. The results of the analysis were shown by the selected diatomaceous indices. According to IPS index Biała Tarnowska has a good ecological status (II class) at the most of study sites. Values of TDI index were the worst and indicated poor and bad water quality (IV and V class) especially in middle and lower current.
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