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The COVID-19 pandemic has caused vast changes in the functioning of societies and economies, including restrictions on the use of rail transportation. As a result, the number of passengers has declined, and despite the lifting of restrictions, it is still difficult to estimate when and if passenger rail traffic will return to its pre-pandemic state. Therefore, it seems important to consider the following: how the pandemic has affected the transportation behavior patterns of residents and, above all, what should be done to encourage passengers to use rail transportation more often, which is more environmentally friendly and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, it seems important to consider what the “new normal” in rail transportation should look like. This article analyzes the number of passengers traveling by rail in eight European countries. This work considers quarterly data for 2013‒2019, combined passenger forecasts for 2020‒2021, and annual forecasts of rail passenger traffic until 2025 built using data for 2012‒2021.
Content available Smart city: well-being city vs. surveillance city
The purpose of the article is to introduce the discourse around advanced technologies that can make a city a well-being city while also creating a surveillance city, an issue that is becoming important to smart city researchers. Researchers seek to answer the question: where is the line between well-being and surveillance? To answer this question, the article will explore Jeremy Bentham’s and Michel Foucault’s positions on panoptic thought, as well as Bentham’s principle of greatest happiness and Janusz Czapinski’s onion theory of happiness.
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to identify key reasons for intensifying risk management activities in supply chains. To achieve the objective, the following research hypotheses were adopted: H1 - the extent of business activity is not correlated with problems related to demand constraints and timeliness of payments, H2 - disruptions in supply chain continuity during a COVID-19 pandemic are independent of the type of chain. Design/methodology/approach: These paper highlights the importance of risk management in the supply chain management in addressing the pandemic induced disruptions and supply chain risk management activities. Achieving the stated goal requires answering two questions: (1) What problems are companies facing due to the coronavirus pandemic, and (2) What actions are companies taking to ensure supply chain continuity, especially in Poland conditions. 137 enterprises participated in the research, including 118 with foreign capital. The survey was conducted online. The research sample included entities from the manufacturing, trading, and service sectors located throughout Poland. Companies were selected using a snowball method, starting with supply chain managers from friendly entities and asking them to identify other entities that could take part in the study. Findings: The research showed that the continuity of supply chains in Poland was not maintained, and companies were able to keep inventories only at a minimum level. The research also analysed the impact of remote work on the effects of the functioning of enterprises and assessed the effects of support under anti-crisis shields. Originality/value: The research has been carried out in order to identify the factors that have the greatest influence on the efficiency of the supply chains of Polish enterprises. The research showed that the continuity of supply chains in Poland was not maintained, and companies were able to keep inventories only at a minimum level.
To optimize the everyday functioning of a city, urban authorities can implement smart city tools and solutions. Mobility is a typical field associated with the concept of a smart city. It is interesting to take a closer look at the solutions applied through the information accessible on the official websites, while exploring, at the same time, the possibilities offered by new research tools. The main objective of this work is to establish the significance of the information and communication technologies (ICT) in the process of creating smart mobility in a smart city, based on the texts posted on official websites. Using the natural language processing (NLP) methods and tools offered by the CLARIN.EU infrastructure, we verified dominant connotations with the mobility in the cities recognized as smart. The cities sample is the extract from the existing smart city rankings. To fulfil our goal, we searched for an answer to the question: What information about ICT solutions is posted on the websites of the studied cities and in what thematic contexts are they used? We looked for the results of the smart city rankings, referring to the official websites of the selected cities (a random selection from a total of 174 cities). The results show that mobility forms a distinct topic in smart cities communication, covering various kinds of transport solutions and systems, with a strong focus on the project side of this activity. The results are the part of the research “The smart city 4.0 maturity model,” conducted at the Department of Marketing and Logistics UO.
Pandemia zakłóciła tradycyjne łańcuchy dostaw i światowy handel głębiej niż inne kryzysy z niedawnej przeszłości. W złożonym środowisku biznesowym firmy zmuszone są przemyśleć i przeprojektować swoje łańcuchy dostaw pod kątem potrzebnej im odporności i elastyczności. Dlatego celem niniejszego artykułu jest identyfikacja trendów i rozwiązań logistycznych, które powinny zostać uwzględnione, aby firmy mogły umiejętnie poruszać się w nowej rzeczywistości. Na podstawie przeglądu literatury i doświadczeń przedsiębiorstw zostaną wskazane rola i znaczenie odporności (rezyliencji) oraz zarządzania ryzkiem w zapewnianiu sprawności i przejrzystości łańcuchów dostaw.
The pandemic disrupted traditional supply chains and world trade deeper than other crises in the recent past. In a complex business environment, companies need to rethink and redesign their supply chains for the resilience and flexibility they need. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to identify trends and logistic solutions that should be considered in order to skillfully navigate in the new reality. Based on the literature review and the experiences of enterprises, the role and importance of resilience and risk management in ensuring the efficiency and transparency of supply chains will be indicated.
Introduction/background: In this article, we want to focus on two very important aspects of a Smart City, which is the use of artificial intelligence and Blockchain in the functioning of cities. Aim of the paper: The aim of the article is to assess the possibilities of using those technologies implementation of public tasks and in everyday contacts of the public sector with stakeholders. Materials and methods: The article is theoretical and is based on a review of the literature and examples in the implementation of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain technology in a smart city. Results and conclusions: Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain have great potential to support the development of smart city. The dissemination of these technologies is indicated by the Gartner curve for Digital Government Technology. AI (Autonomus Vehicles) and Blockchain are the most impact technologies on government organizations over the next 5 to 10 years AI and Blockchain can provide significant benefits to many areas of the city's functioning: it is a huge database for collecting and analyzing. Blockchain consensus methods allow greater transparency and less susceptibility to manipulation, they increase the tendency of stakeholders to participate and intensify social initiatives.
Content available Logistyka jako czynnik dobrostanu nowej generacji
W artykule przeprowadzono wywód uzasadniający stabilizującą rolę logistyki w osiąganiu dobrostanu w okresie zaskakujących i niespodziewanych zmian. Zaprezentowane argumenty bazują na zmieniających się w czasie związkach logistyki z dobrostanem, jak również na reaktywności logistyki na zmiany w otoczeniu.
The article carries out an argument justifying the stabilizing role of logistics in achieving well-being in a period of surprising and unexpected changes. The arguments presented are based on time-varying relations between logistics and well-being as well as on the reactivity of logistics to changes in the environment.
Purpose: More than half of the world's population lives in urban areas. These areas cover only 2% of the earth's surface. 65% of global GDP is produced here, and more than 75% of global greenhouse gases are emitted from this area. This causes huge management problems and requires a transformation of urban life. The reconstruction of a city's functioning methods requires innovative solutions based on digital technologies and cooperation between all stakeholder groups. This article attempts to indicate the relationship and interaction between new urbanisation and the smart city concept and Industry 4.0 technologies. Design/methodology/approach: The article is theoretical and is based on a review of literature and examples in the implementation of 4.0 technology in a smart city. Findings: Interactions and integration of urbanisation processes and development of new technologies contribute to the change of the new smart city infrastructure. Modern information technologies help improve a city's functioning, not only for the better use of resources and improving transport systems, but also to improve energy efficiency and sustainable urban development. On the other hand, a smart city, accumulating social capital and attracting financial resources, has become the preferred place for the location of business. Therefore, this concept supports the new industrialisation. Originality/value: The survey provided an answer to the question related to the scope of use of Industry 4.0 by a smart city. It was pointed out that these tools are of key importance for urban development. They give city managers tips on strategic directions of development, suggesting that Industry 4.0 instruments should be prioritised.
Content available Blockchain jako platforma logistyki publicznej
Zarządzający sektorem publicznym coraz częściej poszukują nowych możliwości oferowania mieszkańcom większego pakietu świadczeń, przyczyniających się do podniesienia jakości życia. Jedną z ich jest logistyka publiczna, która posiada potencjał integracji i koordynacji działań w zakresie realizacji zadań publicznych. Jednak obawy sektora publicznego względem prywatnego wykonawstwa świadczeń ciągle jeszcze są stosunkowo duże. Wynika to nie tylko z braku zaufania do zewnętrznego wykonawstwa zadań, ale także z braku transparentności relacji między sektorem publicznym i prywatnym, znajdującym uzasadnienie w teorii agencji. Sposobem na poprawę relacji i optymalizację oferty w mieście może stanowić technologia blockchain, która jest technologią rewolucyjną i przełomową, obiecującą zmienić sposób interakcji między interesariuszami miasta. Oferuje ona nowe alternatywy nie tylko kształtowania relacji miasto-społeczeństwo, wzrostu przejrzystości sektora publicznego, ale także ułatwienia przekazywania poufnych danych bez narażenia prywatności i bezpieczeństwa. W artykule podejmę próbę oceny możliwości zastosowania technologii blockchain w realizacji zadań publicznych oraz w codziennych kontaktach sektora publicznego z interesariuszami. Staram się wskazać możliwości technologii blockchain w kształtowaniu relacji między sektorem publicznym a społeczeństwem oraz podmiotami z sektora niepublicznego, zaangażowanymi w realizację świadczeń publicznych.
Managers of the public sector are increasingly looking for new opportunities to offer residents a larger package of benefits that contribute to improving the quality of life. One of them is public logistics, which has the potential to integrate and coordinate activities in the implementation of public tasks. However, public sector concerns regarding private performance of benefits are still relatively high. This is due not only to the lack of confidence in the external performance of tasks, but also to the lack of transparency in the relationship between the public and private sectors. This is justified by agency theory. A way to improve relations and optimize the offer in the city can be blockchain technology, which is a revolutionary and ground-breaking technology that promises to change the way interactions between city stakeholders. It offers new alternatives not only to shape city-society relations, increase public sector transparency, but also to facilitate the transmission of confidential data without compromising privacy and security. In the article I will attempt to assess the possibilities of using blockchain technology in the implementation of public tasks and in everyday contacts of the public sector with stakeholders. I tried to show the possibilities of blockchain technology in shaping the relationship between the public sector and society and entities from the non-public sector involved in the implementation of public services.
Background: The One Belt One Road initiative opens up many development opportunities for Central and Eastern European countries, some related to the possible construction of a logistics center in this area. For Poland, such an investment would also bring many benefits, not only due to infrastructure development, but also through acceleration of economic growth and job creation. In this context, the crucial issue becomes, what should be the role of an international logistics center and where should it be located. Due to the novelty of the subject, there is a shortcoming of scientific papers related to this issue. The scientific goal of the present paper is to fulfill the gap and to address the question of the role of logistics center and to examine the most prospective future sites for an international logistics center in Poland as well as to formulate an opinion about most favorable location. Method: This is a review article, theoretical in character. The method used is the analysis of literature sources. As the issue of the choice and location of an international logistics center in Poland on the New Silk Road is the new one, there are very few scientific papers devoted to this subject, and in Polish language only. That is why the authors had to use besides scientific papers the website's sources. Results: In this paper, a classification of logistics centers, and a discussion of factors that are taken into account in the choice of location for such an investment have been presented as well as the discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of various locations, and of the most likely choice. Conclusion: Stanisławów (located between Warsaw and Łódź) is the most likely location for an international logistics center servicing the NSR in Poland. Other sites, such as Łódź, Gdańsk or Gorzyczki could provide auxiliary, regional distribution centers.
Wstęp: Inicjatywa Jednego Pasa i Drogi otwiera wiele możliwości rozwoju dla krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Niektóre z nich są związane z możliwością budowy centrum logistycznego w tym rejonie. Dla Polski taka inwestycja przyniosłaby wiele korzyści, nie tylko z powodu rozwoju infrastruktury, ale także z tytułu przyśpieszenia wzrostu gospodarczego i tworzenia nowych miejsc pracy. W tym kontekście kluczowa staje się rola i lokalizacja takiego centrum logistycznego. Ze względu na nowość zagadnienia, zauważa się znaczny niedobór artykułów naukowych związanych z tą kwestią. Celem naukowym niniejszego artykułu jest wypełnienie istniejącej luki, określenie roli jaką powinno spełniać polskie centrum logistyczne na Nowym Jedwabnym Szlaku, przedstawienie najbardziej perspektywicznych przyszłych lokalizacji, a także sformułowanie opinii na temat jego najkorzystniejszej lokalizacji. Metody: Jest to artykuł poglądowy o charakterze teoretycznym. Zastosowana metoda polega na analizie źródeł literaturowych. Ponieważ kwestia budowy i lokalizacji w Polsce międzynarodowego centrum logistycznego na Nowym Jedwabnym Szlaku jest nowa, istnieje ograniczona liczba artykułów naukowych i tylko w języku polskim, poświęconych temu zagadnieniu. Z tego względu autorki oprócz prac naukowych wykorzystały także źródła internetowe. Wyniki: W niniejszym artykule zaprezentowano klasyfikację centrów logistycznych oraz omówiono czynniki brane pod uwagę przy wyborze lokalizacji dla takiej inwestycji. Omówiono zalety i wady potencjalnych lokalizacji oraz tę najbardziej prawdopodobną. Wnioski: Stanisławów (zlokalizowany między Warszawą a Łodzią) jest najbardziej prawdopodobną lokalizacją dla międzynarodowego centrum logistycznego obsługującego NSR w Polsce. Inne obiekty, takie jak Łódź, Gdańsk czy Gorzyczki, mogłyby pełnić rolę pomocniczych, regionalnych centrów dystrybucyjnych.
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